Turkey will lost Bosporus, Dardanelles, Constantinople ( Istanbul ) and curds areas.

Turkish fighters violate Greek airspace literally hundreds of times each and every year, and yet not one has been shot down.

And maybe Greece isn't a threat to Turkish interests. Russia is.
Seriously? Turkey is threatened when it violates Greek airspace? That's an even more unique read than what you had on Putin's approval rate in Russia which bottomed out at 61% twice since 1999 and averages at about 75%.
Turkey will lost Bosporus, Dardanelles, Constantinople ( Istanbul ) and curds areas.

It will be Putin's revenge.The Church Hagia Sophia will be christian again.Putin's thinking is long-term, if Turkey believe , NATO will help it, that's wrong.Not now, but in few years you will see it.

Erdogan and his son are Turkey's morticians.Most of modern Turkey are former Greek, Armenian, Curds or other folks areas who were murdered by Mongols ( Turks ) in Name of Islam.

Sorry, we have a one-dingbat rule on these threads and Esmeralda has already posted.
Turkey should definitely give the Kurds back their territory. We should not be involved with a country like Turkey.

Why should they give it back? Should the US definitely give back Native Americans their territory?
That is a ridiculous comparison. The Kurds are a large majority in the areas they live in and this is not the case in any state with Amerindians. Also the US has extended to Amerindians autonomy on their reservations, PLUS citizenship and the right to travel and do whatever they want as citizens in the USA.

You libtards have lost all grasp of reality in your desire to find some reason to Hate America First.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.

No reason? Turkey has already started the war through shouting down of Russian jet.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Turkey is part of NATO. If it comes to it, NATO will protect Turkey from any invasion.

Would Russia be willing to see what NATO is made of, or isn't made of?
At this time NATO would go to war to defend Turkey from a direct and overt Russian invasion.

That is not what Putin does, however. He uses proxies and stages Russian troops as local population rebels.

Putin does not want war with NATO because of how the US and the UK always hide their most important military innovations. They cannot tell what we have or what it can do and make their detailed Russian plans as they are so given to.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.

No reason? Turkey has already started the war through shouting down of Russian jet.
A jet that crossed into TURKISH air space after many other such incidents. Russia also has shot down unauthorized over flights, to include civilian air craft.
Turkey should definitely give the Kurds back their territory. We should not be involved with a country like Turkey.

Turkey is a bandit failed 'state' which created ISIS and want to resurrect Osman Imperia. Neither EU nor Russia can tolerate it.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Turkey is part of NATO. If it comes to it, NATO will protect Turkey from any invasion.

Which is why Turkey should be booted from NATO. America isn't willing to go to war for a bunch of corrupt Muslims. But squatters like you don't care. Democrats have become the party of warmongers.
Yeah. Right. Turkey is not "a bunch of corrupt Muslims." I've lived in Turkey. Spent 2 years working and living there among the Turks. You don't have a clue what the real Turkey is like.

The current govenment is not the favorite of the middle and upper class, of the educated people. Erdoğan will not be there forever. The good people of Turkey have been trying to get rid of him since he's been in office and will do so eventually.

Turkey is in general a good and democratic country, based on Atatürk's Reforms and legacy. Once they get rid of Erdoğan, they will go back to what Atatürk envisioned. Atatürk is damn near worshiped in Turkey, is considered the George Washington of Turkey, the founding father, essentially.

You don't understand Turkey at all. They are not at all fundamentalist Muslims and should definitely be protected by NATO and continue to be a member.
Erdogan is the future of Turkey along with Sharia Law and Islamazation.

Your 'good' people in Turkey are demographically evaporating and the Islamists will completely control Turkey in the future.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Turkey is part of NATO. If it comes to it, NATO will protect Turkey from any invasion.

LOL. No one of western NATO countries dare to a war with Russia due to Turkey's crazy imbecile ambitions.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Turkey is part of NATO. If it comes to it, NATO will protect Turkey from any invasion.

Which is why Turkey should be booted from NATO. America isn't willing to go to war for a bunch of corrupt Muslims. But squatters like you don't care. Democrats have become the party of warmongers.
The GOP doesn't seem to be very peaceful either...
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Russia has little need to go directly to war with Turkey. There are plenty of opportunities for a war by proxy.

Armenians, Kurds, Syrians and even Greeks would go at it if given a a chance.

Russia's main goal could be destabilizing Turkey's east by spreading the Syrian war and backing Armenian and Kurds. Turkey has a very large army but also a lot of hostile borders it potentially might have to defend.

True, but can Russia afford that right now? And a proxy war doesn't get Putin Putin-points, only direct wars do that, so he's unlikely to bother too much down that road.
Putin is not concerned with 'Putin-points'. He is extremely popular and extremely pissed, as his his nation. You're applying US politics to Russian and they have little in common.

No, I'm not applying US politics to this at all.

Putin has had three major military interventions in his time, each have been calculated and taking on those who knows he can defeat easily.

Each time his popularity rose because of this. He isn't always so popular.


The Russo-Georgian War was the 7th to the 12th August 2008. Putin's approval rating s were at a high of 88 at this point.

You can see he went from 61 to 83 from the Ukrainian conflict. He's popular right now. He doesn't need to boost his popularity. The Ukraine annoyed him many times during his time in office, he didn't invade until he saw the circumstances that allowed him to do it knowing he would be able to get away with it. He wouldn't have attacked the Ukraine at any other point. The post Crimean annexation period with Russia supporting the rebels in the east of the country was neither here nor there. Putin has been happy for it to drag on. He could have ended it one way or another, but he has no reason to. He's getting away with something that already existed, and he's defying the west.

With Turkey, he doesn't know what he'd get. It's NATO, it's also Turkey. How will Muslims react to all of this, how will NATO react? Too many possibilities for defeat. Even if he spends some money to try and undermine Turkey, what will he achieve exactly? Russia has no borders with Turkey, nothing to annex, no potential victories on the horizon.

Being angry he might be, however is he angry enough to make a stupid mistake? I don't think so. He was playing games with Turkey, he got bitten on the ass, he'll learn from that, and he'll make sure he's on top somehow, but that doesn't mean military intervention.
NATO has been giving various kinds of support to the Georgians and Armenians, and a destabilized Turkey that is fighting a Kurdish civil war will no longer be able to risk continued interference with Russia, whereupon Russia can do pretty much whatever it wants with Georgia and Armenia again.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Turkey is part of NATO. If it comes to it, NATO will protect Turkey from any invasion.

LOL. No one of western NATO countries dare to a war with Russia due to Turkey's crazy imbecile ambitions.
You are an idiot. NATO nations will either go to war to protect an attacked member or the NATO treaty loses all value and meaning.
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Turkey is part of NATO. If it comes to it, NATO will protect Turkey from any invasion.

Which is why Turkey should be booted from NATO. America isn't willing to go to war for a bunch of corrupt Muslims. But squatters like you don't care. Democrats have become the party of warmongers.
The GOP doesn't seem to be very peaceful either...
Only the neocon wing of the party. Most GOP I know want to stop sticking our noses into everyone else's bidness, and that's a fact.

Russian cartoon:

One nuke ask the other one:

- What will you do on Silvester?
- Probably I'll fly to Turkey.
Putin got schooled. I wouldn't at all be surprised that his next step in confronting Erdogan is warning, "If you don't apologize then I'll tell your mommy."
Er.... you think Russia would dare take on a country like Turkey? I don't think so. Firstly, Russia has no immediate strategic reason to go to war with Turkey.
Russia has little need to go directly to war with Turkey. There are plenty of opportunities for a war by proxy.

Armenians, Kurds, Syrians and even Greeks would go at it if given a a chance.

Russia's main goal could be destabilizing Turkey's east by spreading the Syrian war and backing Armenian and Kurds. Turkey has a very large army but also a lot of hostile borders it potentially might have to defend.

True, but can Russia afford that right now? And a proxy war doesn't get Putin Putin-points, only direct wars do that, so he's unlikely to bother too much down that road.
Putin is not concerned with 'Putin-points'. He is extremely popular and extremely pissed, as his his nation. You're applying US politics to Russian and they have little in common.

No, I'm not applying US politics to this at all.

Putin has had three major military interventions in his time, each have been calculated and taking on those who knows he can defeat easily.

Each time his popularity rose because of this. He isn't always so popular.


The Russo-Georgian War was the 7th to the 12th August 2008. Putin's approval rating s were at a high of 88 at this point.

You can see he went from 61 to 83 from the Ukrainian conflict. He's popular right now. He doesn't need to boost his popularity. The Ukraine annoyed him many times during his time in office, he didn't invade until he saw the circumstances that allowed him to do it knowing he would be able to get away with it. He wouldn't have attacked the Ukraine at any other point. The post Crimean annexation period with Russia supporting the rebels in the east of the country was neither here nor there. Putin has been happy for it to drag on. He could have ended it one way or another, but he has no reason to. He's getting away with something that already existed, and he's defying the west.

With Turkey, he doesn't know what he'd get. It's NATO, it's also Turkey. How will Muslims react to all of this, how will NATO react? Too many possibilities for defeat. Even if he spends some money to try and undermine Turkey, what will he achieve exactly? Russia has no borders with Turkey, nothing to annex, no potential victories on the horizon.

Being angry he might be, however is he angry enough to make a stupid mistake? I don't think so. He was playing games with Turkey, he got bitten on the ass, he'll learn from that, and he'll make sure he's on top somehow, but that doesn't mean military intervention.
NATO has been giving various kinds of support to the Georgians and Armenians, and a destabilized Turkey that is fighting a Kurdish civil war will no longer be able to risk continued interference with Russia, whereupon Russia can do pretty much whatever it wants with Georgia and Armenia again.
Russia will not stand for Turkish interference in Armenia or Georgia. Armenia kicked Azerbaijan's ass in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seized a chunk of Azeri territory under Turkey's nose. Russia has established a sphere of influence which in it will not tolerate foreign intervention.
The revenge of Putin is unstoppable, Turkey shall be booted out from NATO, otherwise world will face nuclear WWIII:

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