Turkish education official tells Israel's Netanyahu 'you will die'

Turkey has never been anything to us but an "Allie of convenience". Never been loyal, never showed trustworthiness.

Erdogan compares Israel's Gaza 'brutality' to Nazi persecution of Jews​

latest revision May 18, 2018 at 04:53 PM

Netanyahu and Erdogan trade insults on Twitter over Gaza violence​

Updated Wed, May 16 20189:33 AM EDT

This article is more than 13 years old

'Iran is our friend,' says Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan​

Israel VS Turkey Detailed Comparison of Military Power 2021​

The truth is, Biddys career may be in jeopardy after this latest intelligence failure. Israelis were already very angry and divided by judicial changes being forced, 100s a day protesting for 40 weeks straight. I heard one elderly Israeli with a cane who lives on the border who sounded like a retired Texan who told the media "the government failed to protect us and now they want me to move? To hell with them, I am staying. They need to do their jobs". Feisty, but not inaccurate.
Everybody running on pure emotion.
Logic goes when emotions fly.
Then when you find you have been lied to like so many times before you will nod and say...'yeap..they got me'
But idiots NEVER...EVER learn...so you will fall for the next one too.
Gulf War...911...Osama Bin Laden...Saddam...ISIS...Covid...Ukraine...over and over and over

So pick your side slaves, your masters compel you to.


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