Turkish Movie Slanders America

canavar said:
First, i didn't start this thread.
Second, when midnight express, 24, westwing is entertainment why is "Valley of the wolves iraq" not entertainment? i don't get the logic behind of the classification what counts for you as entertainment and what not.

You may want to reread my post canavar.

As to what counts as entertainment for ME, neither "Valley of the wolves Iraq", or any of the commiewood examples you gave. :smoke:

My bad on who started thread.
trobinett said:
You may want to reread my post canavar.

As to what counts as entertainment for ME, neither "Valley of the wolves Iraq", or any of the commiewood examples you gave. :smoke:

My bad on who started thread.

yes. I re-read your post. I misunderstood, so sorry for this as you see films generally as entertainment and you do not make here seperations.
CSM said:
Good POV, Nato. I sincerely hope that most Turks view movies like a lot of Americans do...purely entertainment. Michael Moore pretty much ruined the word 'documentary' as it applies to film making and like you, I have not seen anything out of Hollywood that could be considered the truth in recent years.

Wait ....

You mean Rambo and Delta Force aren't documentaries! :wtf:
GunnyL said:
Wait ....

You mean Rambo and Delta Force aren't documentaries! :wtf:

I coulda swore "Red Dawn" was a documentary.





GunnyL said:
Wait ....

You mean Rambo and Delta Force aren't documentaries! :wtf:

Hey, Delta Force was a hell of a movie with great theme music. As far as I'm concerned, that might as well be a damn historical drama for the 80's. Its still about the only movie to accurately label what we're fighting against.
exactly right. This is a movie. It's fiction, but it does contain hints of how another culture sees us--exactly the way American entertainment containes hints of how we see other cultures, e.g. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. There aren't any Temples of Doom in India except in the American imagination. This movie gives us insight into the Turkish imagination.

NATO AIR said:
1- movies are crap these days. who really gives two shits about movies any more? I mean, you look at movies these days, you know what you're expecting. movies have NEVER been very good with the truth... they're always taking liberties. I can count on one hand the # of movies even loosely based on actual events in the last forty years that have been faithful to detail.

2- Anti-American feelings in Turkey have solid basis in actual grievance. The Turks do not want to see their country broken up by the Kurds (I say this as a full supporter of the Kurds and their right/need to nationhood) and the subsequent violence that could unfold before, during and after such a climatic event. They rightfully imagine Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups that hold a historic grudge against the Turks for breaking up the Caliphate in the 1920's as taking advantage of this chaos and setting up in the country and mounting jihadist attacks against Turks.
Regardless of how Turks felt about Saddam Hussein, they did not want the Iraq War because they felt the Kurds would break apart from the Shia and the Sunni and declare their own state. As America can often only see events in its backyard through singular prism (i.e Latin America through the security prism of drugs and radical leftists like Castro and Chavez) so the Turks can only see events and changes in their backyard through Kurdish nationalism and chaos that invites Islamic fundamentalists.

3- Turkish popular culture is being inflirated by the 5th Columnist jihadists who are doing their best to poison relations between Turkey and the West and Israel. This movie (and much of the political leadership in charge of Turkey at this point) was concieved by these 5th Columnists.

The best thing for us to is ignore this and focus on the long view in Turkish-US relations, i.e., getting them back on track to the point where movies like this will no longer be made with the kind of vile lies packed in them as this one.

the most in-depth poll ever to probe the Turkish public opinion about 'anti-Americanism

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