Turkmenistan President presents Putin a puppy for his recent birthday

I remember Putin's birthday "celebration" in Syria in 2015 when Russia launched its "Kalibrs" for the first time and made Pentagon literally frozen: nobody expected such efficient and accurate weapons in Russia.

On October 7, the Russian Gepard-class frigate Dagestan and three small Buyan-class corvettes sailing in the Caspian Sea unleashed a volley of twenty-six Kalibr cruise missiles from their Vertical Launch Systems. The nine-meter long missiles soared nine hundred miles over Iranian and Iraqi territory before slamming into targets into eleven targets in Syria, hitting a mix of ISIS fighters and Free Syrian Army rebels.

Kalibr: Russia Has Its Very Own 'Tomahawk' Missile
Bluebloods Are Yellow

We'd be twice as strong with an ally like Russia. But no, the sissyboy Preppies who dodged their own duty against the Communists want to restart the Cold War. The only way we can stop that movement is make sure that their sheltered sons get drafted at age 18.

The cooperation and good relationship between USA and Russia would mean prosperity for the whole world: no new wars, stopping existing wars and conflicts, lots of benefits to Russia, USA and other countries. But the goals of Soros and his Deep State buddies who have been controlling USA, EU and ME for the last years (if not decades!) are diametrically opposite. That's why they are doing their best sticking Trump's wheels and weakening Russia (with sanctions, etc.) and painting her in black through their owned Media.

Putin (a few days ago): Believe it or not, you can ask our partners if you wish, but our advantage is that we never play double games with anyone. We are always honest in relationships with our partners. We voice our opinions openly.

If we do not agree with something, we will say it directly that our opinion is this and this. We take your views into account, we respect them but we will do this and this. That gives us a great advantage because we are predictable, unlike many other countries. I think this, and not our military potential, is exactly what motivates our partners to develop relations with Russia.
Russian Energy Week Forum plenary session
Soros latched on to a transnationalist plot that was already there. After the end of the Cold War, HW Bush, a born liar, said that we were not going to gloat about winning and keep hitting Russia when it's down. But that's exactly what his clique did. Yeltsin was too trusting and let his country get raped from within and without.

Yeltsin basically allowed Americans to control Russia. You would think official Washington became friends with Russia? On the contrary it took an advantage of that and started weakening Russia and surrounding it with NATO countries and bases.

Putin: When the Soviet Union ceased to exist we welcomed our Western partners with open arms. Just remember what it took us to disclose our wiretapping systems in the US Embassy in Moscow. Nothing like that was done in return.

We, for instance, put an end to the flights of our strategic aviation along the US border, while the United States never did so. We conducted no flights for ten years, but the United States never stopped, they kept flying.

In the early 2000s we had US observers at our nuclear weapons production facilities. They were literary there, at the plant; that was the level of trust. And then USA unilaterally withdrew from the ABM Treaty and launched an intensive construction of anti-ballistic missile defence system as part of their strategic nuclear forces transferred to the periphery, and started constructing missile deployment areas in Romania and, subsequently, in Poland.
Interview to Bloomberg

Vladimir Putin: By the way, Boris Yeltsin was also in favour and agreeable until he took a very tough stance on Yugoslavia. Then everybody started bringing up his drinking and other compromising behaviour. That is when it all started.

You see, as I just said: they do not like our growing independence, that’s the problem.
Vladimir Putin answered questions from Russian journalists
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

well Olgino,. why its so popular in this case? Does Trump know that Putin is a pedophile? How Putin can visit USA/EU after this video?
Probably ate it for dinner last night. While it was still alive
You have him confused with obama. He would kill the animal in one of his santeria sacrifices.

Putin is a lifelong animal lover. When he invited Bush to visit the Kremlin he issued a special invitation to Barney and Miss Beasley.
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

thats right , its in olgino

he Internet Research Agency (IRA), known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services that were used for promoting the Kremlin's interests in domestic policy, Ukraine, and the Middle East, as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election to support the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The extent to which the Russian government tried to influence public opinion using social media became widely known after a June 2014 BuzzFeed article greatly expanded on government documents published by hackers earlier that year.[2] The IRA gained worldwide media attention by June 2015, when one of its offices was reported as having data from fake accounts used for biased Internet trolling. Subsequently, there were news reports of individuals receiving monetary compensation for performing these tasks.[1]"
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

thats right , its in olgino

he Internet Research Agency (IRA), known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services that were used for promoting the Kremlin's interests in domestic policy, Ukraine, and the Middle East, as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election to support the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The extent to which the Russian government tried to influence public opinion using social media became widely known after a June 2014 BuzzFeed article greatly expanded on government documents published by hackers earlier that year.[2] The IRA gained worldwide media attention by June 2015, when one of its offices was reported as having data from fake accounts used for biased Internet trolling. Subsequently, there were news reports of individuals receiving monetary compensation for performing these tasks.[1]"

The actual question is what facility you are from.
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

thats right , its in olgino

he Internet Research Agency (IRA), known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services that were used for promoting the Kremlin's interests in domestic policy, Ukraine, and the Middle East, as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election to support the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The extent to which the Russian government tried to influence public opinion using social media became widely known after a June 2014 BuzzFeed article greatly expanded on government documents published by hackers earlier that year.[2] The IRA gained worldwide media attention by June 2015, when one of its offices was reported as having data from fake accounts used for biased Internet trolling. Subsequently, there were news reports of individuals receiving monetary compensation for performing these tasks.[1]"

The actual question is what facility you are from.

this my answer , and my name Lyudmila Savchuk, why not

Inside Russia's internet 'troll factory' - CNN Video - CNN.com
upload_2017-10-15_1-5-59.jpeg▶ 2:28
26 okt. 2016
CNN's Matthew Chance tracked down a woman who says she worked as a Russian sponsored internet troll ...

Arson attack on troll factory: Writers of paid comments in support of ...
27 okt. 2016
Earlier, the operation was based in the Olgino neighborhood of St. Petersburg, which earned the Internet ...

Video: My life as a pro-Putin propagandist in Russia's secret 'troll ...
www.telegraph.co.uk › News › World News › Europe › Russia
24 juni 2015
As Russia's "troll factory" is taken to court by Lyudmila Savchuk, the ... to is her own extroardinary one ...
he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

thats right , its in olgino

he Internet Research Agency (IRA), known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services that were used for promoting the Kremlin's interests in domestic policy, Ukraine, and the Middle East, as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election to support the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The extent to which the Russian government tried to influence public opinion using social media became widely known after a June 2014 BuzzFeed article greatly expanded on government documents published by hackers earlier that year.[2] The IRA gained worldwide media attention by June 2015, when one of its offices was reported as having data from fake accounts used for biased Internet trolling. Subsequently, there were news reports of individuals receiving monetary compensation for performing these tasks.[1]"

The actual question is what facility you are from.

this my answer , and my name Lyudmila Savchuk, why not

Inside Russia's internet 'troll factory' - CNN Video - CNN.com
View attachment 154375▶ 2:28
26 okt. 2016
CNN's Matthew Chance tracked down a woman who says she worked as a Russian sponsored internet troll ...

Arson attack on troll factory: Writers of paid comments in support of ...
View attachment 154376
27 okt. 2016
Earlier, the operation was based in the Olgino neighborhood of St. Petersburg, which earned the Internet ...

Video: My life as a pro-Putin propagandist in Russia's secret 'troll ...
View attachment 154377
www.telegraph.co.uk › News › World News › Europe › Russia
24 juni 2015
As Russia's "troll factory" is taken to court by Lyudmila Savchuk, the ... to is her own extroardinary one ...

The correct answer:

Rampant Disinformation

NATO has announced that it is launching an "information war" against Russia. The UK publicly announced a battalion of keyboard warriors to spread disinformation.

It's well-documented that the West has long used false propaganda to sway public opinion. Western military and intelligence services manipulate social media to counter criticism of Western policies.

Such manipulation includes flooding social media with comments supporting the government and large corporations, using armies of sock puppets, i.e. fake social media identities. See this, this, this, this and this.

In 2013, the American Congress repealed the formal ban against the deployment of propaganda against U.S. citizens living on American soil. So there's even less to constrain propaganda than before.

Information warfare for propaganda purposes also includes:
  • The Pentagon, Federal Reserve and other government entities using software to track discussion of political issues ... to try to nip dissent in the bud before it goes viral
Automated Propaganda

Some of the propaganda is spread by software programs.

We pointed out 6 years ago that people were writing scripts to censor hard-hitting information from social media.

One of America's top cyber-propagandists - former high-level military information officer Joel Harding - wrote in December:I was in a discussion today about information being used in social media as a possible weapon. The people I was talking with have a tool which scrapes social media sites, gauges their sentiment and gives the user the opportunity to automatically generate a persuasive response. Their tool is called a "Social Networking Influence Engine".


The implications seem to be profound for the information environment.


The people who own this tool are in the civilian world and don't even remotely touch the defense sector, so getting approval from the US Department of State might not even occur to them.How Can This Be Real?

Gizmodo reported in 2010:Software developer Nigel Leck got tired rehashing the same 140-character arguments against climate change deniers, so he programmed a bot that does the work for him. With citations!

Leck's bot, @AI_AGW, doesn't just respond to arguments directed at Leck himself, it goes out and picks fights. Every five minutes it trawls Twitter for terms and phrases that commonly crop up in Tweets that refute human-caused climate change. It then searches its database of hundreds to find a counter-argument best suited for that tweet—usually a quick statement and a link to a scientific source.

As can be the case with these sorts of things, many of the deniers don't know they've been targeted by a robot and engage AI_AGW in debate. The bot will continue to fire back canned responses that best fit the interlocutor's line of debate—Leck says this goes on for days, in some cases—and the bot's been outfitted with a number of responses on the topic of religion, where the arguments unsurprisingly often end up.Technology has come a long way in the past 5 years. So if a lone programmer could do this 5 years ago, imagine what he could do now.

And the big players have a lot more resources at their disposal than a lone climate activist/software developer does. For example, a government expert told the Washington Post that the government "quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type" (and see this). So if the lone programmer is doing it, it's not unreasonable to assume that the big boys are widely doing it.

How Does It Work?

How does this work?

We have no inside knowledge, but we can imagine some possibilities:
  • Any article that includes the words "Russia" or "Ukraine" automatically triggers comments accusing Russia of seeking to form a new empire, Putin of being the new Hitler, and the Russians invading and being responsible for all of the violence Ukraine
  • Any article including the words "NSA", "spying" or "mass surveillance" automatically triggers comments saying that the government is just trying keep us safe, and anyone who questions their actions is a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who lives in his mom's basement
  • Any article mentioning the phrases "Federal Reserve" or "quantitative easing" automatically launches comments saying that the Fed is doing the best it can under difficult circumstances, and that the economy would be much worse without QE
So that moron who keeps spewing garbage - and doesn't seem like he's even listening to your responses - may actually be a bot.

How Effective Are Automated Comments?

Unfortunately, this is more effective than you might assume ...

Specifically, scientists have shown that name-calling and swearing breaks down people's ability to think rationally ... and intentionally sowing discord and posting junk comments to push down insightful comments are common propaganda techniques.

Indeed, an automated program need not even be that sophisticated ... it can copy a couple of words from the main post or a comment, and then spew back one or more radioactive labels such as "terrorist", "commie", "Russia-lover", "wimp", "fascist", "loser", "traitor", "conspiratard", etc.

Given that Harding and his compadres consider anyone who questions any U.S. policies as an enemy of the state - as does the Obama administration (and see this) - many honest, patriotic writers and commenters may be targeted for automated propaganda comments.

Government propaganda, automated bots, and Internet trolls - The battle to control public opinion and manipulate social media -- Sott.net

The only question is whether you are human or a propaganda bot.
Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359
Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

thats right , its in olgino

he Internet Research Agency (IRA), known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services that were used for promoting the Kremlin's interests in domestic policy, Ukraine, and the Middle East, as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election to support the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The extent to which the Russian government tried to influence public opinion using social media became widely known after a June 2014 BuzzFeed article greatly expanded on government documents published by hackers earlier that year.[2] The IRA gained worldwide media attention by June 2015, when one of its offices was reported as having data from fake accounts used for biased Internet trolling. Subsequently, there were news reports of individuals receiving monetary compensation for performing these tasks.[1]"
The actual question is what facility you are from.
this my answer , and my name Lyudmila Savchuk, why not

Inside Russia's internet 'troll factory' - CNN Video - CNN.com
View attachment 154375▶ 2:28
26 okt. 2016
CNN's Matthew Chance tracked down a woman who says she worked as a Russian sponsored internet troll ...

Arson attack on troll factory: Writers of paid comments in support of ...
View attachment 154376
27 okt. 2016
Earlier, the operation was based in the Olgino neighborhood of St. Petersburg, which earned the Internet ...

Video: My life as a pro-Putin propagandist in Russia's secret 'troll ...
View attachment 154377
www.telegraph.co.uk › News › World News › Europe › Russia
24 juni 2015
As Russia's "troll factory" is taken to court by Lyudmila Savchuk, the ... to is her own extroardinary one ...
The correct answer:

Rampant Disinformation

NATO has announced that it is launching an "information war" against Russia. The UK publicly announced a battalion of keyboard warriors to spread disinformation.

It's well-documented that the West has long used false propaganda to sway public opinion. Western military and intelligence services manipulate social media to counter criticism of Western policies.

Such manipulation includes flooding social media with comments supporting the government and large corporations, using armies of sock puppets, i.e. fake social media identities. See this, this, this, this and this.

In 2013, the American Congress repealed the formal ban against the deployment of propaganda against U.S. citizens living on American soil. So there's even less to constrain propaganda than before.

Information warfare for propaganda purposes also includes:
  • The Pentagon, Federal Reserve and other government entities using software to track discussion of political issues ... to try to nip dissent in the bud before it goes viral
Automated Propaganda

Some of the propaganda is spread by software programs.

We pointed out 6 years ago that people were writing scripts to censor hard-hitting information from social media.

One of America's top cyber-propagandists - former high-level military information officer Joel Harding - wrote in December:I was in a discussion today about information being used in social media as a possible weapon. The people I was talking with have a tool which scrapes social media sites, gauges their sentiment and gives the user the opportunity to automatically generate a persuasive response. Their tool is called a "Social Networking Influence Engine".


The implications seem to be profound for the information environment.


The people who own this tool are in the civilian world and don't even remotely touch the defense sector, so getting approval from the US Department of State might not even occur to them.How Can This Be Real?

Gizmodo reported in 2010:Software developer Nigel Leck got tired rehashing the same 140-character arguments against climate change deniers, so he programmed a bot that does the work for him. With citations!

Leck's bot, @AI_AGW, doesn't just respond to arguments directed at Leck himself, it goes out and picks fights. Every five minutes it trawls Twitter for terms and phrases that commonly crop up in Tweets that refute human-caused climate change. It then searches its database of hundreds to find a counter-argument best suited for that tweet—usually a quick statement and a link to a scientific source.

As can be the case with these sorts of things, many of the deniers don't know they've been targeted by a robot and engage AI_AGW in debate. The bot will continue to fire back canned responses that best fit the interlocutor's line of debate—Leck says this goes on for days, in some cases—and the bot's been outfitted with a number of responses on the topic of religion, where the arguments unsurprisingly often end up.Technology has come a long way in the past 5 years. So if a lone programmer could do this 5 years ago, imagine what he could do now.

And the big players have a lot more resources at their disposal than a lone climate activist/software developer does. For example, a government expert told the Washington Post that the government "quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type" (and see this). So if the lone programmer is doing it, it's not unreasonable to assume that the big boys are widely doing it.

How Does It Work?

How does this work?

We have no inside knowledge, but we can imagine some possibilities:
  • Any article that includes the words "Russia" or "Ukraine" automatically triggers comments accusing Russia of seeking to form a new empire, Putin of being the new Hitler, and the Russians invading and being responsible for all of the violence Ukraine
  • Any article including the words "NSA", "spying" or "mass surveillance" automatically triggers comments saying that the government is just trying keep us safe, and anyone who questions their actions is a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who lives in his mom's basement
  • Any article mentioning the phrases "Federal Reserve" or "quantitative easing" automatically launches comments saying that the Fed is doing the best it can under difficult circumstances, and that the economy would be much worse without QE
So that moron who keeps spewing garbage - and doesn't seem like he's even listening to your responses - may actually be a bot.

How Effective Are Automated Comments?

Unfortunately, this is more effective than you might assume ...

Specifically, scientists have shown that name-calling and swearing breaks down people's ability to think rationally ... and intentionally sowing discord and posting junk comments to push down insightful comments are common propaganda techniques.

Indeed, an automated program need not even be that sophisticated ... it can copy a couple of words from the main post or a comment, and then spew back one or more radioactive labels such as "terrorist", "commie", "Russia-lover", "wimp", "fascist", "loser", "traitor", "conspiratard", etc.

Given that Harding and his compadres consider anyone who questions any U.S. policies as an enemy of the state - as does the Obama administration (and see this) - many honest, patriotic writers and commenters may be targeted for automated propaganda comments.

Government propaganda, automated bots, and Internet trolls - The battle to control public opinion and manipulate social media -- Sott.net

The only question is whether you are human or a propaganda bot.
olgino whats sott.net? in swedish , dirty, or sweet, an olgino loser manual ?
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

There must be a nest somewhere.

Litwin's nest is obviously in "democratic" Ukraine, whose officials can even burn their opponents alive (like they have done in Odessa, May 2, 2014) and stay unpunished. What a shame for the whole world Ukraine is.
Last edited:
olgino whats sott.net? in swedish , dirty, or sweet, an olgino loser manual ?
"Indeed, an automated program need not even be that sophisticated ... it can copy a couple of words from the main post or a comment, and then spew back one or more radioactive labels such as "terrorist", "commie", "Russia-lover", "wimp", "fascist", "loser", "traitor", "conspiratard", etc."
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

There must be a nest somewhere.

Litwin's nest is obviously in "democratic" Ukraine, whose official can even burn their opponents alive (Odessa, May 2, 2014) and stay unpunished. What a shame for the whole world.

They are praising UPA today in Kiev. Heard, Poroshenko didn´t mention their atrocities. But his goons threaten him with a putsch because he is a "traitor who doesn´t fight the separatists". Maybe the problem includes its solution. At least there is hope.
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

There must be a nest somewhere.

Litwin's nest is obviously in "democratic" Ukraine, whose officials can even burn their opponents alive (like they have done in Odessa, May 2, 2014) and stay unpunished. What a shame for the whole world Ukraine is.

right, this is pictures from my working place , do you like it?


Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

There must be a nest somewhere.

Litwin's nest is obviously in "democratic" Ukraine, whose official can even burn their opponents alive (Odessa, May 2, 2014) and stay unpunished. What a shame for the whole world.

They are praising UPA today in Kiev. Heard, Poroshenko didn´t mention their atrocities. But his goons threaten him with a putsch because he is a "traitor who doesn´t fight the separatists". Maybe the problem includes its solution. At least there is hope.

take a shower, until it too late, this all what left of you guys


Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

There must be a nest somewhere.

Litwin's nest is obviously in "democratic" Ukraine, whose official can even burn their opponents alive (Odessa, May 2, 2014) and stay unpunished. What a shame for the whole world.

They are praising UPA today in Kiev. Heard, Poroshenko didn´t mention their atrocities. But his goons threaten him with a putsch because he is a "traitor who doesn´t fight the separatists". Maybe the problem includes its solution. At least there is hope.

Exactly. Ukrainian Nazis have had a torchlight parade tonight in Kiev.

Compare to Third Reich Nazi torchlight parade for Hitler:

Found any difference? None.
Last edited:
Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent birthday (Oct, 7),, gifting him a Central Asian Shepherd puppy named 'Verny' ('Loyal').

"We have a common friend – the one and only Central Asian Shepherd dog, and today I brought this little Central Asian Shepherd puppy with me," Berdimuhamedow added.

In the accompanying video, Berdimuhamedow is shown retrieving the puppy from his kennel and presented to Putin, who proceeds to pet him.

WATCH Delightful Moment When Turkmenistan's President Gives Putin Adorable Puppy

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

There must be a nest somewhere.

Litwin's nest is obviously in "democratic" Ukraine, whose official can even burn their opponents alive (Odessa, May 2, 2014) and stay unpunished. What a shame for the whole world.

They are praising UPA today in Kiev. Heard, Poroshenko didn´t mention their atrocities. But his goons threaten him with a putsch because he is a "traitor who doesn´t fight the separatists". Maybe the problem includes its solution. At least there is hope.

dream on...

he is getting worst , first he played with children new he play the dogs .... typical "rjusski mir"

Basically everybody pretty much is sick and tired of your Ukrainian fake news, Litwin-enko. You must have already noticed it.

View attachment 154359

Those trolls are of unexpected filthy nature. Once in a German forum we had a similar piece of shit that did nothing all day but posting anti-Russian threads and trolling the others. He even posted world maps with an ocean instead of Russia, ect. There must be a nest somewhere.

There must be a nest somewhere.

Litwin's nest is obviously in "democratic" Ukraine, whose official can even burn their opponents alive (Odessa, May 2, 2014) and stay unpunished. What a shame for the whole world.

They are praising UPA today in Kiev. Heard, Poroshenko didn´t mention their atrocities. But his goons threaten him with a putsch because he is a "traitor who doesn´t fight the separatists". Maybe the problem includes its solution. At least there is hope.

dream on...


Ukrainian officials must be in a pretty shitty position and feel pretty desperate since they hire such a low IQ troll like Litwin-enko. All your non-stop posts are just garbage. You should post on forums for retarded people, you may be even appreciated there.

I remember Putin's birthday "celebration" in Syria in 2015 when Russia launched its "Kalibrs" for the first time and made Pentagon literally frozen: nobody expected such efficient and accurate weapons in Russia.

On October 7, the Russian Gepard-class frigate Dagestan and three small Buyan-class corvettes sailing in the Caspian Sea unleashed a volley of twenty-six Kalibr cruise missiles from their Vertical Launch Systems. The nine-meter long missiles soared nine hundred miles over Iranian and Iraqi territory before slamming into targets into eleven targets in Syria, hitting a mix of ISIS fighters and Free Syrian Army rebels.

Kalibr: Russia Has Its Very Own 'Tomahawk' Missile
Bluebloods Are Yellow

We'd be twice as strong with an ally like Russia. But no, the sissyboy Preppies who dodged their own duty against the Communists want to restart the Cold War. The only way we can stop that movement is make sure that their sheltered sons get drafted at age 18.

The cooperation and good relationship between USA and Russia would mean prosperity for the whole world: no new wars, stopping existing wars and conflicts, lots of benefits to Russia, USA and other countries. But the goals of Soros and his Deep State buddies who have been controlling USA, EU and ME for the last years (if not decades!) are diametrically opposite. That's why they are doing their best sticking Trump's wheels and weakening Russia (with sanctions, etc.) and painting her in black through their owned Media.

Putin (a few days ago): Believe it or not, you can ask our partners if you wish, but our advantage is that we never play double games with anyone. We are always honest in relationships with our partners. We voice our opinions openly.

If we do not agree with something, we will say it directly that our opinion is this and this. We take your views into account, we respect them but we will do this and this. That gives us a great advantage because we are predictable, unlike many other countries. I think this, and not our military potential, is exactly what motivates our partners to develop relations with Russia.
Russian Energy Week Forum plenary session
Soros latched on to a transnationalist plot that was already there. After the end of the Cold War, HW Bush, a born liar, said that we were not going to gloat about winning and keep hitting Russia when it's down. But that's exactly what his clique did. Yeltsin was too trusting and let his country get raped from within and without.

Sage, I found a good article confirming your words by Sam Gerrans, an English writer, translator, support counselor and activist.

Under Yeltsin, Russia became a vassal state of the type the US specializes in. Vitally, it created – or rather recreated – the Russian Central Bank, and pegged the ruble to the dollar. This meant that it had surrendered currency sovereignty.

As Nathan Rothschild famously said: “Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.”

With Russia on its knees in abject abasement before the power of the international banking elite the US Administration was – at last – happy with Russia.

Russia under Putin – ever so slowly – became something like a proper country again.

And almost on a parity with the rate at which Russia climbed off her knees and onto her feet, the US position towards it soured.

Soft Cold War combined with a Hard Cold War as the US destabilized countries traditionally under Russia’s umbrella.

Like any psychopath, the US claims good intentions. Generically, it claims to wish to spread Democracy. Democracy is a concept sufficiently elastic to adapt to all and any requirements, but given what the US does rather than what it says, Democracy may reasonably be inferred to meaSince wars require funding and according to my analysis the money spigot terminus is controlled at the Bank of International Settlements, I regard wars as a mechanism for achieving unstated (and often superficially contradictory) social-engineering outcomes which, by means of the Hegelian dialectic, serve the interests of bodies which transcend any particular government.n complete abjection before the international banking elite.there can be no doubt who is the aggressor; the US has consistently attacked and undermined Russia and destroyed her allies over many decades. These are simply facts.

American aggression against Russia is nothing new
Probably ate it for dinner last night. While it was still alive
Not a good joke. Putin loves animals. No matter what Western Media keeps telling you about him, Putin is the only real leader in the world so far. Trump could have been a great leader too, but Deep State has hobbled him as much as possible.

View attachment 153757

^ Russian President Vladimir Putin with a puppy born to his dog Labrador Connie The puppy was presented to a 6 year girl

And 1 year ago that puppy was already a grown up dog:


What makes Putin a real leader? Assassinating political opponents?

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