Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

And those banks have people who make money by taking the word of their clients
Banks don’t loan money on a property based on what the borrower says it is worth, Moron.
Banks don’t loan money on a property based on what the borrower says it is worth, Moron.
They often take the word of clients as far as collateral valuations…. And Trump lied about those egregiously
And why was she kept off the black list. He was partners with Hunter and Joe got 50% to keep her off the naughty list is the charge. Kept up, Herr Lesh.
No idea if that happened or why if it did but again… that money went to Devon Archer not Hunter and certainly not Joe
Actually, they do. This is where the DemoKKKrats set the bar. Now you need to sit there and take it.
You guys are lowering the bar big time. In the past you had to have proof. Evidence. We always had evidence. And we don't go after you for getting blowjobs when we ourselves are getting them too. Especially when a couple of us (Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert) were getting them from young boys.

Trump said Pelosi should impeach Bush for lying us into Iraq. I agree with him but you would call that a witch hunt. So karma is a bitch huh? Lock her up? LOL
And why was she kept off the black list. He was partners with Hunter and Joe got 50% to keep her off the naughty list is the charge. Kept up, Herr Lesh.

The only people who think Biden should be impeached are Trump supporters.

Overall, 44% say that based on what they know, Congress should begin impeachment proceedings that could lead to Biden being removed from office.

So next year this tactic isn't going to help you. Because everyone else sees this investigation for what it is. And only 44% want Trump back. 56% want Biden or DeSantis or Christie or Vivik or Nikki or Scott.
They often take the word of clients as far as collateral valuations…. And Trump lied about those egregiously
Nonsense. Mortgage loans are always subject to a property appraisal. Banks and lenders independently appraise the value of the asset they're providing a loan against.
Nonsense. Mortgage loans are always subject to a property appraisal. Banks and lenders independently appraise the value of the asset they're providing a loan against.
They are not obligated by law or regs to do so
They often take the word of clients as far as collateral valuations…. And Trump lied about those egregiously
Then never do. Especially on a multi million dollar deal, Simp.
Nonsense. Mortgage loans are always subject to a property appraisal. Banks and lenders independently appraise the value of the asset they're providing a loan against.
Lesh has obviously never been involved in a real estate transaction beyond paying mommy rent for the basement.
Not sure how any reasonable, non-partisan person could disagree that a inquiry is necessary given the available information.

Ten Reasons Why the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is Justified
the problem with Turley's remarks are they are third-hand remarks .... meaning 1 person told another person ... that person told the second person ... that second person told the third person ... Turley was asked in the hearing where this accusation about Joe Biden first-hand knowledge ... he said no ... they ask second-hand knowledge, he said no .. third-hand knowledge he said yes ... then the house member ask in a court of law would a third hand account be accepted in a trial ...Turleys said no they wouldn't be used as evidenmce ... what he is speaking about is 3 hand accounts that he feels they should be look at but would never use them in court ... thats what he's trying to say here none f it is first hand knowledge ...
Basically your argument is they all do it. Because trump got caught.

You don’t get to investigate Biden because you bet he did it too.
no, we are saying 3 hand knowledge isn't evidence... its hearsay and can't be accepted into a court of law ... you are basing your uniform knowledge of what is said by the right ... its all third-party knowledge ...
no, we are saying 3 hand knowledge isn't evidence... its hearsay and can't be accepted into a court of law ... you are basing your uniform knowledge of what is said by the right ... its all third-party knowledge ...
Especially when the people with 3rd hand knowledge say it was just a son calling a father to see how his day is going. Was he showing off putting the VP on speaker phone? Sure. Was he "influence peddling"? No.

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