Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

That’s the million dollar question hence the impeachment inquiry. You didn’t answer my question. Why?
So the allegation is baseless?

What question? I didn’t know about this list. It’s new information for me. I’m grateful. Sharing information isn’t hard, is it?
How so? Who is the victim? Sounds like a civil case based on your criteria.
The defrauded insurance company is the victim. Insurance fraud is prosecuted criminally all the time.
Yet you asked it. So you’re stupid. Why did you play coy when you knew about the mayors widow? Still haven’t answered it.
It’s parody. Im demonstrating that it’s the wrong question to ask.
They do? LOL

They care about Trump’s RE? Doubt it
One of the reasons the US economy is great is because it’s not rife with fraud.
Aha so you admit you’re just a troll.
This isn’t trolling. It’s debating. Parody is part of that.

Drunk driving is illegal even when you don’t hit someone. Lying on a gun permit is illegal even if you don’t shoot someone.

Asking who the victim is, is the wrong question.
It’s parody. Im demonstrating that it’s the wrong question to ask.
Aha. Your dance is comical. So you admit it happened and Biden is corrupt.
One of the reasons the US economy is great is because it’s not rife with fraud.
Actually it is. But we are doing our best to curtail as much as we can.
This isn’t trolling. It’s debating. Parody is part of that.
You’re debating dishonestly believing I am ignorant. You were caught and are back pedaling. Your gaslighting failed. You’re the victim.
Aha. Your dance is comical. So you admit it happened and Biden is corrupt.
I admit what? You admitted the allegation had no basis with the mayor’s widow.
Actually it is. But we are doing our best to curtail as much as we can.
Not compared to other economies. We are far above China for example.
You’re debating dishonestly believing I am ignorant. You were caught and are back pedaling. Your gaslighting failed. You’re the victim.
Not at all. I think you just didn’t look through the thread enough. Not your fault. It’s a long thread. The “who’s the victim” was brought up again and again by Trump’s defenders. Im trying to show it’s irrelevant. Crimes are crimes even when they don’t have a clear identifiable victim.
That is NOT a Finra reg stupid

You were lying
I may be mistaken on the overseeing body. I have not worked in banking for about 7 yrs. Everything else I said is factual. It’s the FDIC not FINRA, which is for M&A where I work now. So I made an error there, my bad, everything else is 100% factual.

I admit what? You admitted the allegation had no basis with the mayor’s widow.
Lie. I said That’s why there is an inquiry. To garner more evidence.
Not compared to other economies. We are far above China for example.
And Russia. And? Bribery is legal in some countries. You still trolled.
Not at all. I think you just didn’t look through the thread enough. Not your fault. It’s a long thread. The “who’s the victim” was brought up again and again by Trump’s defenders. Im trying to show it’s irrelevant. Crimes are crimes even when they don’t have a clear identifiable victim.
Aha. Nice dance. You’re never honest. So pathetic.
I may be mistaken on the overseeing body. I have not worked in banking for about 7 yrs. Everything else I said is factual. It’s the FDIC not FINRA, which is for M&A where I work now. So I made an error there, my bad, everything else is 100% factual.

“I may be mistaken “

Yeah. You’re lying… as always
Lie. I said That’s why there is an inquiry. To garner more evidence.
More evidence suggests there is already some evidence. Are you suggesting there is some evidence that Biden was responsible for keeping this widow off this list? Any evidence at all?
And Russia. And? Bribery is legal in some countries. You still trolled.
Whatever dude.
Aha. Nice dance. You’re never honest. So pathetic
Read the thread. I was pretty clear if you’re capable of understanding parody. See that the “who’s the victim” was raised by Trump’s defenders. Not me. I’m reflecting it back to show that it’s not the right question.
I may be mistaken on the overseeing body. I have not worked in banking for about 7 yrs. Everything else I said is factual. It’s the FDIC not FINRA, which is for M&A where I work now. So I made an error there, my bad, everything else is 100% factual.

No requirement
Azog claims that have to use 3rd party appraisers

You claim the banks send their own.

Clearly you clowns are just saying shit
Yeah the banks send their own. It’s a third part independent appraiser

This really isn’t hard to grasp
Yeah the banks send their own. It’s a third part independent appraiser

This really isn’t hard to grasp
They CAN send their own… and they have an incentive to agree with big time clients.

They CAN just take the word of the client. Deutche Bank was notorious for doing that.

Regardless when a client egregiously misrepresents values that is fraud
More evidence suggests there is already some evidence. Are you suggesting there is some evidence that Biden was responsible for keeping this widow off this list? Any evidence at all?
Yeah. Otherwise you and I would not have known about it. Somehow she escaped the black list. Why? How? More to come.
Whatever dude.
Oh now it’s “whatever dude” how convenient.
Read the thread. I was pretty clear if you’re capable of understanding parody. See that the “who’s the victim” was raised by Trump’s defenders. Not me. I’m reflecting it back to show that it’s not the right question.
Now it’s parody. You’re so dishonest.
They CAN send their own… and they have an incentive to agree with big time clients.

They CAN just take the word of the client. Deutche Bank was notorious for doing that.

Regardless when a client egregiously misrepresents values that is fraud
Hence the laws were changed due to DB among others. Herr Lesh, stop arguing.
Yeah. Otherwise you and I would not have known about it. Somehow she escaped the black list. Why? How? More to come.
You’re kind of talking out both sides of your mouth. She was left off the list. Okay. If you say so. What is the evidence it had anything to do with Biden? If there is none, just say so. If there is, you should be excited to say so.
Oh now it’s “whatever dude” how convenient.
Going round and round doesn’t seem productive anymore.
Now it’s parody. You’re so dishonest.
Spend a few minutes in this thread and you’ll see the “who is the victim” being raised by Trump’s defenders. So yeah, it’s parody. That should be obvious.
You’re kind of talking out both sides of your mouth. She was left off the list. Okay. If you say so. What is the evidence it had anything to do with Biden? If there is none, just say so. If there is, you should be excited to say so.
Money was given. Question is was it pay for play? Looks like yes but honestly I want Biden to run so hopefully they just drop it bur logically he is 100% guilty.
Going round and round doesn’t seem productive anymore.
Just admit you were gaslighting. Why is that so hard for you?
Spend a few minutes in this thread and you’ll see the “who is the victim” being raised by Trump’s defenders. So yeah, it’s parody. That should be obvious.
You played the card against me and it backfired so you’re back pedaling. I won’t pile on. You’ve been embarrassed enough.

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