
Yes I got the purest available from a major supplier. Kinda pricey but I think it will be well worth it.

The CDS leaves hardly any taste at all in the water. Reading through the testimonies of what people have overcame with CDS and MMS is amazing. Our government needs a good slap down for all the lies they have perpetrated that goes against the peoples well being for 'the money'. I do believe before this whole covid thing is over and done with they will have wiped out most of the medical establishment and the trust of it all or we will all be done away with or slaves to the technocrats. I've had trust issues with doctors since I was very young and learned what liars some of them are. People who take the time to learn the natural will be way ahead health wise and much happier for it IMHO.

Just tried nebulizing baking soda for the first time for the chemical damages I have to the lungs and esophagus last night. It is another great thing to know about and worth trying if one has lung issues, asthma or such. I just took a lil breath of it every few hours before bed. Slept much better and no midnight asthma attacks.

BTW, Bolivia politicians used MMS and CDS for their covid and they passed legislation for their people could use it.
Pure is worth it, no worries. Should use ionized water, I distill my water I'll use that.

People are waking to the bull, our govt, big pharma. 2000 years ago it was "take this herb", middle ages it was "take this potion", modern med it's "take this pill, we need to operate, take this poison chemo...". And what are people going back to? Yup.

Never tried that, seems to have a bit of asthma sometimes, most times OK.

Yeah those testimonies on Jim Humble awesome! He has lots of info there for sure, protocols, methods etc. I have even taken MMS baths.
I like the sort of peppery earthy flavor of turmeric, but it turns my rice yellow.
That's what's in like bread and butter pickles too. I also like it. Cumin too. Little cheese on a flour tortilla, some cumin (have to try tumeric too) and zap it,,, good snack.
two yrs ago I could barely walk and stand under my own weight due to arthritis in my lower back and after taking turmeric and fish oil can get around great and only have a little lost strength in my back,,

relief factor is what I have been taking,,
My father and mother moved in with us in 2009, dad was not in great health and was on eight prescription medications, my wife went with dad to a VA doctor and they weened him off all but two prescriptions, one was a salt pill and the other for his eyes. He also started taking turmeric and fish oil along with other supplements his health improved and he was up and active until the day he passed away. That day he got up made his breakfast and then a few hours later he went to sleep, he lived to be 94.
My father and mother moved in with us in 2009, dad was not in great health and was on eight prescription medications, my wife went with dad to a VA doctor and they weened him off all but two prescriptions, one was a salt pill and the other for his eyes. He also started taking turmeric and fish oil along with other supplements his health improved and he was up and active until the day he passed away. That day he got up made his breakfast and then a few hours later he went to sleep, he lived to be 94.
My condolences to you and your family for the loss of your dad. I am glad the turmeric helped him.
My condolences to you and your family for the loss of your dad. I am glad the turmeric helped him.
Thank you, he was a great man, a WWII vet, passed away on September 5th last year. Passing away in his sleep was the way he wanted to go. He hated hospitals and he feared dying in one.

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