Turn on Fox now

Keep pissing em off, and keep losing elections.

That's the reality of all this

The other reality is that stupid libs can't help from doing it.

Considering the is the first national election you have won in 12 years, and have dropped four of the last seven, we know dwells in strange paths, Pop. Snap.

And it was a result of the first black POTUS and his transformation of America like a burrito to a daily constitutional. Some things are meant to be.....

It's what they do

Keep pissing em off, and keep losing elections.

That's the reality of all this

The other reality is that stupid libs can't help from doing it.

Considering the is the first national election you have won in 12 years, and have dropped four of the last seven, we know dwells in strange paths, Pop. Snap.

And it was a result of the first black POTUS and his transformation of America like a burrito to a daily constitutional. Some things are meant to be.....

It's what they do


Jake believes in the tooth fairy and the popular vote.
Keep pissing em off, and keep losing elections.

That's the reality of all this

The other reality is that stupid libs can't help from doing it.

Considering the is the first national election you have won in 12 years, and have dropped four of the last seven, we know dwells in strange paths, Pop. Snap.

And it was a result of the first black POTUS and his transformation of America like a burrito to a daily constitutional. Some things are meant to be.....

It's what they do


Jake believes in the tooth fairy and the popular vote.
I believe in the goodness of the American electorate. It stumbled this time, and it will knock your group on its ass next go around. :lol:
Keep pissing em off, and keep losing elections.

That's the reality of all this

The other reality is that stupid libs can't help from doing it.

Considering the is the first national election you have won in 12 years, and have dropped four of the last seven, we know dwells in strange paths, Pop. Snap.

And it was a result of the first black POTUS and his transformation of America like a burrito to a daily constitutional. Some things are meant to be.....

It's what they do


Jake believes in the tooth fairy and the popular vote.
I believe in the goodness of the American electorate. It stumbled this time, and it will knock your group on its ass next go around. :lol:

Keep pissing em off, and keep losing elections.

That's the reality of all this

The other reality is that stupid libs can't help from doing it.

Considering the is the first national election you have won in 12 years, and have dropped four of the last seven, we know dwells in strange paths, Pop. Snap.

And it was a result of the first black POTUS and his transformation of America like a burrito to a daily constitutional. Some things are meant to be.....

It's what they do


Jake believes in the tooth fairy and the popular vote.
I believe in the goodness of the American electorate. It stumbled this time, and it will knock your group on its ass next go around. :lol:

Just you dummies don't elect a muslim from Indonesia with a socialist agenda who fails miserably serving as the first black POTUS. Look at what he created. The great National Divide and his 'pen and phone' all came together to make Trump that much stronger, But Obama was smart in getting the Pubs on board who were to afraid to impeach his ass which was also another contributing factor to the rise of the Trump. We can thank Obama for just about everything fucked up in the country...... and the list is quite comprehensive.

You mean this? Atheists Target Churchgoers With ‘Christmas Is a Fairy Tale’ Billboards.

An atheist group called American Atheists is using a fake "Dear Santa" letter in a billboard campaign in several Southern states, urging people to skip church this Christmas and stop listening to "fairy tales."

The billboard - which is positioned near several churches - features a little girl's letter to St. Nick that reads "Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is to skip church! I'm too old for fairy tales."

Fox christmas fairly tale legacy - Yahoo Search Results

If my children were small, I would explain to them that those who post such things have their own religion that hates God, but in America they have the right to say stupid things.
We saw some of them today. They are now chained to the back of our pickup trucks. Waiting for sundown so the kids don't see.

Texas and pickups....God Bless them all

You should burn in hell for what you're thinking.
Keep pissing em off, and keep losing elections.

That's the reality of all this

The other reality is that stupid libs can't help from doing it.

Considering the is the first national election you have won in 12 years, and have dropped four of the last seven, we know dwells in strange paths, Pop. Snap.

And it was a result of the first black POTUS and his transformation of America like a burrito to a daily constitutional. Some things are meant to be.....

It's what they do


Jake believes in the tooth fairy and the popular vote.
I believe in the goodness of the American electorate. It stumbled this time, and it will knock your group on its ass next go around. :lol:

Just you dummies don't elect a muslim from Indonesia with a socialist agenda who fails miserably serving as the first black POTUS. Look at what he created. The great National Divide and his 'pen and phone' all came together to make Trump that much stronger, But Obama was smart in getting the Pubs on board who were to afraid to impeach his ass which was also another contributing factor to the rise of the Trump. We can thank Obama for just about everything fucked up in the country...... and the list is quite comprehensive.-Geaux
:uhoh3: Wake up. Your nightmare that was not is almost over.
...You may be committing federal as well as state crimes if you vandalize those signs....
Only until January 20, 2017...
...Just you dummies don't elect a muslim from Indonesia with a socialist agenda who fails miserably serving as the first black POTUS. Look at what he created. The great National Divide and his 'pen and phone' all came together to make Trump that much stronger, But Obama was smart in getting the Pubs on board who were to afraid to impeach his ass which was also another contributing factor to the rise of the Trump. We can thank Obama for just about everything fucked up in the country...... and the list is quite comprehensive. -Geaux

I'm pissed at Obumble for his Shamnesty -like EO's on behalf of so-called 'Dreamers'...

I'm pissed at Obumble for encouraging Gay Marriage, and, therefore, the flouting of a 3,000+ year-old Judeo-Christian sacred tradition and collection of teachings...

I'm pissed at Obumble for shoving ObamaCare down our throats and phukking-up healthcare for the vast majority of Americans who didn't need it in the first place...

I'm pissed at Obumble's foreign policy failures...

But I also applaud the guy for a lot of what he's done, in the face of constant and vigorous - and oftentimes mindless and purposeless - opposition...

Shrub screwed us over pretty badly in the previous eight years...

Prolonging one (otherwise righteous) war - Afghanistan - that should have lasted no more than six months at the outside...

Seducing us into another war - Iraq - that was absolutely useless and pointless and lacking a valid casus belli - that eventually train-wrecked the Middle East...

Both of which cost us a tragic and frightful accounting in blood and treasure and shattered humanity...

Shrub also handed Obumble a wrecked economy, teetering on the brink of a Great Depression - threatening to make the 1929 one look like a Mini-Market-Correction...

And, although I'm glad that Jimmah Abdul Carter II is nearing the end of his time in office, in truth, given that range of factors in play, he didn't do too badly, after all...

It's just his time to go...

Unfortunately, given the next batter coming-up at-bat, we may yet see "Miss me yet?" billboards, with Obumble's picture on it; as difficult as that may be to envision.
...Just you dummies don't elect a muslim from Indonesia with a socialist agenda who fails miserably serving as the first black POTUS. Look at what he created. The great National Divide and his 'pen and phone' all came together to make Trump that much stronger, But Obama was smart in getting the Pubs on board who were to afraid to impeach his ass which was also another contributing factor to the rise of the Trump. We can thank Obama for just about everything fucked up in the country...... and the list is quite comprehensive. -Geaux

I'm pissed at Obumble for his Shamnesty -like EO's on behalf of so-called 'Dreamers'...

I'm pissed at Obumble for encouraging Gay Marriage, and, therefore, the flouting of a 3,000+ year-old Judeo-Christian sacred tradition and collection of teachings...

I'm pissed at Obumble for shoving ObamaCare down our throats and phukking-up healthcare for the vast majority of Americans who didn't need it in the first place...

I'm pissed at Obumble's foreign policy failures...

But I also applaud the guy for a lot of what he's done, in the face of constant and vigorous - and oftentimes mindless and purposeless - opposition...

Shrub screwed us over pretty badly in the previous eight years...

Prolonging one (otherwise righteous) war - Afghanistan - that should have lasted no more than six months at the outside...

Seducing us into another war - Iraq - that was absolutely useless and pointless and lacking a valid casus belli - that eventually train-wrecked the Middle East...

Both of which cost us a tragic and frightful accounting in blood and treasure and shattered humanity...

Shrub also handed Obumble a wrecked economy, teetering on the brink of a Great Depression - threatening to make the 1929 one look like a Mini-Market-Correction...

And, although I'm glad that Jimmah Abdul Carter II is nearing the end of his time in office, in truth, given that range of factors in play, he didn't do too badly, after all...

It's just his time to go...

Unfortunately, given the next batter coming-up at-bat, we may yet see "Miss me yet?" billboards, with Obumble's picture on it; as difficult as that may be to envision.

Interesting you mention Iraq and Afghanistan as due to Obama's failure there (Iraq), we now are returning slowly to clean up the mess created by leaving in the first place. No SOFA required for Obama in 2016 like he said it was in 2008. And we continue to send troops to Afghanistan.... Very Bush like

...Just you dummies don't elect a muslim from Indonesia with a socialist agenda who fails miserably serving as the first black POTUS. Look at what he created. The great National Divide and his 'pen and phone' all came together to make Trump that much stronger, But Obama was smart in getting the Pubs on board who were to afraid to impeach his ass which was also another contributing factor to the rise of the Trump. We can thank Obama for just about everything fucked up in the country...... and the list is quite comprehensive. -Geaux

I'm pissed at Obumble for his Shamnesty -like EO's on behalf of so-called 'Dreamers'...

I'm pissed at Obumble for encouraging Gay Marriage, and, therefore, the flouting of a 3,000+ year-old Judeo-Christian sacred tradition and collection of teachings...

I'm pissed at Obumble for shoving ObamaCare down our throats and phukking-up healthcare for the vast majority of Americans who didn't need it in the first place...

I'm pissed at Obumble's foreign policy failures...

But I also applaud the guy for a lot of what he's done, in the face of constant and vigorous - and oftentimes mindless and purposeless - opposition...

Shrub screwed us over pretty badly in the previous eight years...

Prolonging one (otherwise righteous) war - Afghanistan - that should have lasted no more than six months at the outside...

Seducing us into another war - Iraq - that was absolutely useless and pointless and lacking a valid casus belli - that eventually train-wrecked the Middle East...

Both of which cost us a tragic and frightful accounting in blood and treasure and shattered humanity...

Shrub also handed Obumble a wrecked economy, teetering on the brink of a Great Depression - threatening to make the 1929 one look like a Mini-Market-Correction...

And, although I'm glad that Jimmah Abdul Carter II is nearing the end of his time in office, in truth, given that range of factors in play, he didn't do too badly, after all...

It's just his time to go...

Unfortunately, given the next batter coming-up at-bat, we may yet see "Miss me yet?" billboards, with Obumble's picture on it; as difficult as that may be to envision.

Interesting you mention Iraq and Afghanistan as due to Obama's failure there (Iraq), we now are returning slowly to clean up the mess created by leaving in the first place. No SOFA required for Obama in 2016 like he said it was in 2008. And we continue to send troops to Afghanistan.... Very Bush like -Geaux
"No SOFA required" now because we got a new one like Obama said we should have in 2008.

Tell the truth, or you will be made to look like the alt right fool you are, every single time.
...Just you dummies don't elect a muslim from Indonesia with a socialist agenda who fails miserably serving as the first black POTUS. Look at what he created. The great National Divide and his 'pen and phone' all came together to make Trump that much stronger, But Obama was smart in getting the Pubs on board who were to afraid to impeach his ass which was also another contributing factor to the rise of the Trump. We can thank Obama for just about everything fucked up in the country...... and the list is quite comprehensive. -Geaux

I'm pissed at Obumble for his Shamnesty -like EO's on behalf of so-called 'Dreamers'...

I'm pissed at Obumble for encouraging Gay Marriage, and, therefore, the flouting of a 3,000+ year-old Judeo-Christian sacred tradition and collection of teachings...

I'm pissed at Obumble for shoving ObamaCare down our throats and phukking-up healthcare for the vast majority of Americans who didn't need it in the first place...

I'm pissed at Obumble's foreign policy failures...

But I also applaud the guy for a lot of what he's done, in the face of constant and vigorous - and oftentimes mindless and purposeless - opposition...

Shrub screwed us over pretty badly in the previous eight years...

Prolonging one (otherwise righteous) war - Afghanistan - that should have lasted no more than six months at the outside...

Seducing us into another war - Iraq - that was absolutely useless and pointless and lacking a valid casus belli - that eventually train-wrecked the Middle East...

Both of which cost us a tragic and frightful accounting in blood and treasure and shattered humanity...

Shrub also handed Obumble a wrecked economy, teetering on the brink of a Great Depression - threatening to make the 1929 one look like a Mini-Market-Correction...

And, although I'm glad that Jimmah Abdul Carter II is nearing the end of his time in office, in truth, given that range of factors in play, he didn't do too badly, after all...

It's just his time to go...

Unfortunately, given the next batter coming-up at-bat, we may yet see "Miss me yet?" billboards, with Obumble's picture on it; as difficult as that may be to envision.

Interesting you mention Iraq and Afghanistan as due to Obama's failure there (Iraq), we now are returning slowly to clean up the mess created by leaving in the first place. No SOFA required for Obama in 2016 like he said it was in 2008. And we continue to send troops to Afghanistan.... Very Bush like -Geaux
"No SOFA required" now because we got a new one like Obama said we should have in 2008.

Tell the truth, or you will be made to look like the alt right fool you are, every single time.

I would be interested in reading about the latest SOFA. Link?

Here is a refresher for you Jakey


That’s a nonsense answer — as amply demonstrated by the fact that we’ve sent back over 5,000 troops to Iraq without getting a formal agreement for protection from local prosecution. Obama found it necessary to return to the battlefield that he’d abandoned, and suddenly that lack of formal agreement was no longer an obstacle, opting instead for a diplomatic memo that Obama had found insufficient in 2011. That redeployment completely negates the Kaine-Clinton argument.

SOFA so bad: Two Pinocchios for Clinton/Kaine spin on Iraq retreat - Hot Air
And here are some pressing question the media should be asking


Questions the Press should be Asking:

  • Why did Obama and Clinton—as well as Clinton and Senator Kaine today—blame the Bush administration for their decision to abandon Iraq in 2011 when they boasted about that decision in the 2012 campaign?

  • Why did Secretary Clinton oppose the Iraq Surge? According to Secretary of Defense Gates’ memoirs, she told President Obama she opposed the surge due to consideration of electoral politics. Does she regret that position? How would this experience inform her decision-making process regarding Iraq and Syria today?

  • Donald Trump has claimed that the occupation of Iraq was botched, but he has also claimed that the United States should have just seized the oil. What exactly does this mean? How could we have just seized the oil without further inflaming the insurgency U.S. forces found so difficult to contain?

  • What missteps did the Obama administration make in negotiating with the Iraqi government for a stay-behind force after the initial Status of Forces agreement ran its course at the end of 2011? Why did Vice President Biden boast that he could “bet his Vice-Presidency” they would succeed in these negotiations?

  • If it was acceptable for U.S. forces to return to Iraq in 2014 and stay there until now, protected by an immunity clause guaranteed only by an exchange of diplomatic notes, why was it unacceptable in 2011 to leave U.S. forces in Iraq protected by the exact same measure?
JHI on the Issues 2016: Invasion of Iraq and Status of Forces Agreement
...Interesting you mention Iraq and Afghanistan as due to Obama's failure there (Iraq), we now are returning slowly to clean up the mess created by leaving in the first place. No SOFA required for Obama in 2016 like he said it was in 2008. And we continue to send troops to Afghanistan.... Very Bush like -Geaux
Oh, there's no getting around the idea that Obumble (a) prolonged Bush-imposed agony in Afghanistan and (b) screwed-up the withdrawal from Bush's war in Iraq.

Trouble is...

1. We should have been in-and-out of Afghanistan in six months or less, during Bush's first term; it should have been a memory by the time Obumble took office.

2. Obumble would never have screwed-up the Iraq withdrawal had Bush not bullshitted us into starting a pointless war in the first place.

Nobody's giving Obumble props for his handling of either Afghanistan or Iraq.

But none of that would have even been possible had Shrub not misled The Nation in the way he did, in connection with both of those wars.

Shrub handed Obumble a pile of shit (Iraq, Afghanistan).

Obumble botched the clean-up job, but he didn't put the shit there in the first place.
Here is a refresher for you Jakey


That’s a nonsense answer — as amply demonstrated by the fact that we’ve sent back over 5,000 troops to Iraq without getting a formal agreement for protection from local prosecution. Obama found it necessary to return to the battlefield that he’d abandoned, and suddenly that lack of formal agreement was no longer an obstacle, opting instead for a diplomatic memo that Obama had found insufficient in 2011. That redeployment completely negates the Kaine-Clinton argument.

SOFA so bad: Two Pinocchios for Clinton/Kaine spin on Iraq retreat - Hot Air
The single thing you got right is that Bush fucked in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The diplomatic memo that Obama got is sufficient for Iraq. There has been no local prosecutions of American troops.

The rest of your narrative is whiny, wrong, and wrongly evidenced. Get that fixed, and we can talk.

Or you are going to look the fool every single time.

America no longer will accept 'fake news' or 'fake history' or 'fake analysis' from the alt and far right.
Here is a refresher for you Jakey


That’s a nonsense answer — as amply demonstrated by the fact that we’ve sent back over 5,000 troops to Iraq without getting a formal agreement for protection from local prosecution. Obama found it necessary to return to the battlefield that he’d abandoned, and suddenly that lack of formal agreement was no longer an obstacle, opting instead for a diplomatic memo that Obama had found insufficient in 2011. That redeployment completely negates the Kaine-Clinton argument.

SOFA so bad: Two Pinocchios for Clinton/Kaine spin on Iraq retreat - Hot Air
The single thing you got right is that Bush fucked in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The diplomatic memo that Obama got is sufficient for Iraq. There has been no local prosecutions of American troops.

The rest of your narrative is whiny, wrong, and wrongly evidenced. Get that fixed, and we can talk.

Or you are going to look the fool every single time.

America no longer will accept 'fake news' or 'fake history' or 'fake analysis' from the alt and far right.



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