Turning Their Backs on Biden

Stunning contrast, ain't it
Yeah, shocking might be the better word for it. Has there ever been a single incident in history where someone SO LOVED and followed as Trump lost to someone who barely moves the needle like Biden?

Has there ever been in the history of this country an election where one candidate, successful, in office and even more popular than before attracting 99% of the crowds LOST and a guy who barely campaigned or attracted even 1% of the people won???

I wonder how people like JackOfNoTrades who maintains that "Trump lost, Biden won, deal with it" explains that? Does he even bother to try? He can't explain it so he would probably try to just glaze over it by saying that Biden supporters just stayed home and didn't need rallies.

But then, how would he explain that most of Biden's voters voted for Obama and Obama had HUGE rallies attracting massive crowds!


But we should just accept it and "move on."

Like THEY would. :laughing0301:
The polls are usually weighted.
But we cannot ignore the fact that even though Trump got nothing but negative press....even at Fox....he still was more popular then that POS in the Delaware who is occupying the White House.
and that is based on facts? hopes? dreams?
I wonder how people like @JackOfNoTrades who maintains that "Trump lost, Biden won, deal with it" explains that? Does he even bother to try?
They've already "explained" this
They believe Republicans have lots of time on their hands to attend rallies and such, while Democrat voters are busy working 2 jobs and didnt have time to go to a Biden rally :auiqs.jpg:
He had the support of people.

He didn't have the support of cretins like you.

You are NOT a "people".

You are subhuman woke asshole.

Get the difference ?
Sure dude….whatever you say….

At least he wont remember the humiliation the next day.

Trump had the support of the People but not the Swamp or the Democrat Press.

Biden has the support of the Democrat Press, and the Swamp, but not the People

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Biden isnt liked in Louisiana in a state he lost by double digit percentage points? Thanks for breaking the news!
Translation: the polls only lie when it comes to bad numbers for Trump :lmao:

By the way…I get that you are brainwashed, but I would have thought even you would have noticed Biden has been getting a lot of negative press lately…. :rolleyes:

Brainwashed? No negative press for his entire election campaign plus his first 8 months in office? That’s not possible for any politician. Finally after a world wide massive fuck up that even the leftists media can’t hide he gets a few bad headlines.
Wake up brainwashed leftist!
Brainwashed? No negative press for his entire election campaign plus his first 8 months in office? That’s not possible for any politician. Finally after a world wide massive fuck up that even the leftists media can’t hide he gets a few bad headlines.
Wake up brainwashed leftist!
What safe space echo chamber have you been hiding in? He was getting negative press for his handling of the border. Compare that to the rightwing media that excused, praised and lied for Trump.
Yeah, shocking might be the better word for it. Has there ever been a single incident in history where someone SO LOVED and followed as Trump lost to someone who barely moves the needle like Biden?

Has there ever been in the history of this country an election where one candidate, successful, in office and even more popular than before attracting 99% of the crowds LOST and a guy who barely campaigned or attracted even 1% of the people won???

I wonder how people like JackOfNoTrades who maintains that "Trump lost, Biden won, deal with it" explains that? Does he even bother to try? He can't explain it so he would probably try to just glaze over it by saying that Biden supporters just stayed home and didn't need rallies.

But then, how would he explain that most of Biden's voters voted for Obama and Obama had HUGE rallies attracting massive crowds!


But we should just accept it and "move on."

Like THEY would. :laughing0301:

I’ve been studying leftists for over 40 years. Believe me when I tell you, the vast majority of them know exactly what you posted is true. The sad part is they also have the ability to completely block it and any other inconvenient truth completely out of their brains. Now the leftists the snap into an immediate rage when told something negative about their ideology, their brains have a problem suppressing the truth and common sense 100% of the time. The conflict forces them into rage.
What safe space echo chamber have you been hiding in? He was getting negative press for his handling of the border. Compare that to the rightwing media that excused, praised and lied for Trump.
Sure he was. CNN covered the attrocities at the border on a daily basis. They never blamed it on anybody but *Joe.!They still are. It’s true! It really is!
Yeah, shocking might be the better word for it. Has there ever been a single incident in history where someone SO LOVED and followed as Trump lost to someone who barely moves the needle like Biden?

Has there ever been in the history of this country an election where one candidate, successful, in office and even more popular than before attracting 99% of the crowds LOST and a guy who barely campaigned or attracted even 1% of the people won???

I wonder how people like JackOfNoTrades who maintains that "Trump lost, Biden won, deal with it" explains that? Does he even bother to try? He can't explain it so he would probably try to just glaze over it by saying that Biden supporters just stayed home and didn't need rallies.

But then, how would he explain that most of Biden's voters voted for Obama and Obama had HUGE rallies attracting massive crowds!


But we should just accept it and "move on."

Like THEY would. :laughing0301:
Trump wasn’t so loved and followed as his base likes to think.
I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one…
It was clear that the Democrats were working with the media to undermine Trump.
They couldn't believe he won in the first place.....and they chose to dispute a fair election by trying to set him up.
The FBI created a fake Russian Collusion scandal to try to cause hatred of him and take away his legitimacy.
He couldn't trust anyone who worked in the WH.
The NSA was spying on him.
Everything he said in private ended up on the news....with alot of embellishment to make everything he said or did seem nefarious.
So of course you believed every lie they told you about him because YOU WANTED DESPERATELY TO BELIEVE IT.
America hates Biden ..... wherever he goes in the USA ..... when he gets out of his basement...he is a hated!!!!! and with reason.

Fuck him! Fuck his criminal Administration.

I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one…

Here's the test: look up a list of Trump's accomplishments on the web. First of all, you won't find any lists of positive things Trump did on any of the MSM websites. But pick out ten big things Trump did that were good (like fixing the VA or kicking ISIS out of Iraq) off the list then start going to any people you know or meet who are strictly hard left / anti-Trump, and ask them if they knew Trump even did any of those things!

You'll get one of three answers:
  1. They never heard about these things before.
  2. When you tell them, they will say they don't believe it or it is fake news.
  3. When you tell them, they will counter with something negative they heard or were told about Trump, a Whataboutthisism, which may be true, false or grossly exaggerated, as if there is no amount of good things which can make up for his being . . . Trump.
Then remind them these things actually CAN be looked up in the official public record (that's not MSNBC).

Then ask yourself how anyone could like a candidate if all they were ever told were bad things.

Try that with a conservative about Biden, and they will know all the good stuff AND the bad stuff.

Then tell me the media doesn't lie, spin, or jackoff its readers pushing whomever it is their big bosses tell them to promote!
Trump wasn’t so loved and followed as his base likes to think.
He was loved by everyone except the officials, the government, the media, and the far left counterculture. That is plainly obvious in the 30,000 crowds which would stand and wait hours to see him wherever he went, with many thousands more who couldn't get inside.

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That's why the deep state fears and tries to vilify him, finally rigging his election to lose. While they are trying to wrest tighter control of the population, Trump was trying to liberate them.

The people heard and responded, because they are sick of what Government House tries to sell them year in and year out.

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