Turning Their Backs on Biden

America hates Biden ..... wherever he goes in the USA ..... when he gets out of his basement...he is a hated!!!!! and with reason.

Fuck him! Fuck his criminal Administration.

View attachment 536383

Again, the sentiment is something I agree with.

But, this seems like a replication of the TrumpHate that existed (and still exists) which repulsed us.

When does it cool down ?
Trump wasn’t so loved and followed as his base likes to think.

It is inescapable that Trump is loved and followed by a vast number of people. Despite everything the leftist media and House Dems could throw at him for four years, he GAINED millions more in popularity! No other politician has pulled such huge, fervent crowds as at his public appearances. In the worst of times, last winter after the Capitol, Trump was still pulling down about 96% favorable ratings within the GOP, and most people in the GOP still consider him the titular head of the party. But that excludes democrats, RINOs and Never-Trumpers who existed since the day he announced running.

ITMT, the world's most popular president Joe Biddum, is loved and followed by NO ONE. No one loves Joe (including our allies now) except maybe Jill and I get the feeling even she is getting sick of the guy.

All Joe was, was a faceless body, an empty suit that people with Trump Allergy Sickness had to vote for to assuage their TDS sickness.
Again, the sentiment is something I agree with.

But, this seems like a replication of the TrumpHate that existed (and still exists) which repulsed us.

When does it cool down ?

It cools down when those who stole the Election from Trump give it back to its rightful owners, the Americans.

Then it cools down. :mad:
At least he wont remember the humiliation the next day.

Trump had the support of the People but not the Swamp or the Democrat Press.

Biden has the support of the Democrat Press, and the Swamp, but not the People

View attachment 535986
/——/ Dementia Joe thanks Dr Pepper.
/——/ Dementia Joe thanks Dr Pepper.
Imagine if this were President Trump. The Democrat media would be calling for him to be 25th-ed. But because it's an old Democrat, crickets

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