TV remake of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Actually, Jake Gyllenhaal will tackle the Swayze role, as a former UFC fighter who takes a bouncer gig in the Florida Keys. Conor McGregor is in it, as well, although no one seems to know which character he'll be playing...
Connor will probably play the guy who slaps his date then attacks a bus.
The actual difference, blue-gum, is that the mermaid is a fictional character. We just laugh at the idiocy of colored boys like you who think you'll feel all better about yourself if you make a fictional character a negro.
I don't care at all about a Little Mermaid remake, I'm amused by how much you clowns care.
In this case, though, Butch Cassidy was an actual person, and he was white. How would you feel about a white guy portraying Martin Luther King Jr? That's be pretty fucking stupid, right?
That would never happen because cuck whites these days know better. 😄
This is no less stupid...
It would be more stupid because society today actually cares about offending black and brown audiences. No one cares about offending cuck whites. 😁
You need to reacquaint yourself with the meaning of the word "minority"...
You need to acquaint yourself with the latest census results which saw the white population continuing its demographic decline. 😄
I don't care at all about a Little Mermaid remake, I'm amused by how much you clowns care.

That would never happen because cuck whites these days know better. 😄

It would be more stupid because society today actually cares about offending black and brown audiences. No one cares about offending cuck whites. 😁

You need to acquaint yourself with the latest census results which saw the white population continuing its demographic decline. 😄
and yet white folks can sleep well at night not worrying about my "brothers" doing a drive by
A grandfather at 41?

Negro, that's nothing to be proud of...
What isn't being a father and grandfather to a lovely daughter and adorable grandson something to not be proud of? Don't project your disappointment with your own children on to others. 😄
and yet white folks can sleep well at night not worrying about my "brothers" doing a drive by
I live in a neighborhood in Pembroke Pines Florida where the average home is valued at over half a million dollars. I don't worry about much, let alone drive bys. 😄
I live in a neighborhood in Pembroke Pines Florida where the average home is valued at over half a million dollars. I don't worry about much, let alone drive bys. 😄
that's a lot of money to build section 8 housing. I'm glad you got a voucher. congrats
I don't care at all about a Little Mermaid remake, I'm amused by how much you clowns care.

That would never happen because cuck whites these days know better. 😄

It would be more stupid because society today actually cares about offending black and brown audiences. No one cares about offending cuck whites. 😁

You need to acquaint yourself with the latest census results which saw the white population continuing its demographic decline. 😄

Just another know-nothing negro who thinks he knows anything.

By remaking this movie, negroes are only confirming that they really do wish they were white...

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