TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk

Wasn’t three million the number of votes Hillary beat Trump by?? Interesting. Haha

You Nazis tend to be delusional. Hillary LOST to Trump. But you fascists refused to accept the results of the election and engaged in 4 years of sedition and insurrection.

No, Fruitcake, no one thinks that except you. Which really is just more evidence that you're batshit insane. You think there are Republicans in Iran??


You are trying to turn this into a Christian version of Iran. You are the one who is insane.
I'm in Orange County, you retard.

We haven't been Republican since about 2000. Corrupt Oligarchs out of Silicone Valley control the fascist democrats, who rule with an iron fist. Apple and Google decide who rules the state. The "people" have zero say.

The Republicans are the fascists. I would rather be in California than Texas or Florida.
California has openly corrupt and rigged elections.

Zimbabwe has more election integrity. Of course you can openly stuff ballot boxes here. The elections are decided long before election day - so you stuffing the ballot box is irrelevant. We are a third world shithole ruled by the corrupt Nazi party. democrats RULE without the consent of the citizens of this once great state.

That is so much bullshit. Republicans have no election integrity. They are trying to establish a dictatorship.

You got your mail in ballot for the upcoming primary, where two democrats will vie for the chance to replace Feinstein in November. No Republican will be on the ballot - the Reich now rigs elections to the point that only democrats are even CONSIDERED.

No republicans hold POWER in California. A few lapdogs are put up for show. The state is RULED by the democrat Reich. You seized power with illegal aliens voting, using federal courts to crush the will of the people, then corrupted us with "jungle primaries" to end the ability of people to elect Republicans, established ballot box stuffing (ballot harvesting) as state law.

In the days of Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian, and Pete Wilson, this was a great state. Now? Not so much.

That is because the Republican Party is made up of right wing fascists. Moderates voted heavily against Republicans in the recall election. Pete Wilson was a moderate and was successful until he moved too far to the right. The Trump Republican Party is not the party of Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan would not be a Republican.
Fuck you and your Nazi ass projection. You spew the same old shit daily. Try staying on topic for once.

You Nazis ended democracy in California and created the Autocratic fascist regime that now rules on behalf of the Oligarchs. The Middle Class is destroyed with a massive underclass of homelessness. Hollywood has gone from the glamour capitol to Calcutta.

What was the envy of the world with the most massive middle class in history is now a third wold shithole with 90% of the wealth of the state in fewer than a dozen hands. Cook, Brin, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, et al. outright own the fascist democrat party, which rules with an iron fist and has fought a decades long war to eradicate the middle class. Destroying the good paying Aerospace jobs, destroying the oil sector, destroying the semiconductor industry. What under Wilson provided countless jobs that allowed a thriving middle now sees this;


THIS is what Nazi democrat rule created.
You Nazis tend to be delusional. Hillary LOST to Trump. But you fascists refused to accept the results of the election and engaged in 4 years of sedition and insurrection.
Yes Hillary lost the election to Trump. But she got 3 million more votes.

It’s the Trumpers I see propelling the rigged election lie and storming the capital to try and block the certification of an election. Get a mirror man
The Republicans are the fascists. I would rather be in California than Texas or Florida.

What color is your tent?

Which homeless encampment do you live in?

Is this you, living the California dream?


This is what democrat rule brings.

Moron, geolocating CAN determine if someone's phone was inside the Capitol on January 6th. Likewise, it CAN determine if someone's phone was near a dropbox. What it can't determine is if someone illegally deposited ballots in those dropboxes. Even worse for you, even if someone did drop off ballots on behalf of someone else, that doesn't mean the ballots themselves are fraudulent.
The videos take care of that. You got caught, denying it is all you got.
Yes Hillary lost the election to Trump. But she got 3 million more votes.

It’s the Trumpers I see propelling the rigged election lie and storming the capital to try and block the certification of an election. Get a mirror man
How come no one is addressing the proven theft of the election? What happened with Killary is irrelevant.
That is so much bullshit. Republicans have no election integrity. They are trying to establish a dictatorship.

In California, Republicans aren't even on the ballot. The fucking Nazis run two democrats and call it a "choice."

This was once a great state. Now the Nazi democrats have destroyed democracy leaving us a third world autocracy.
How come no one is addressing the proven theft of the election? What happened with Killary is irrelevant.
The same people who spread the 3 million illegal vote lie in 2016 are using their magic math for the 2020 election to push those lies . Bunch of idiots
The same people who spread the 3 million illegal vote lie in 2016 are using their magic math for the 2020 election to push those lies . Bunch of idiots
I thought the left claimed the 2016 election was rigged.

The 2016 Presidential Election WAS Rigged | League of Women Voters

Being a Democrat means never having to accept an election loss | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’
What is it with you guys and you’re retarded conspiracy theories?
Russia Russia Russia
De Sousa knows that the RWingers will believe anything. Trump said that is why he ran.
Hook line and sinker.
Because they clearly know this is not true. Newsmax finally admitted that another story they pushed was not true by settling another lawsuit. They realize this is bullshit as well.
I am guessing that fraud is not really a big crime in the GOP.
First & foremost, the research was done by Gregg Phillips. Gregg Phillips has zero credibility.
This is how important and scary these people think this one-sided propaganda piece is to the world:


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