TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk


You got your mail in ballot for the upcoming primary, where two democrats will vie for the chance to replace Feinstein in November. No Republican will be on the ballot - the Reich now rigs elections to the point that only democrats are even CONSIDERED.

No republicans hold POWER in California. A few lapdogs are put up for show. The state is RULED by the democrat Reich. You seized power with illegal aliens voting, using federal courts to crush the will of the people, then corrupted us with "jungle primaries" to end the ability of people to elect Republicans, established ballot box stuffing (ballot harvesting) as state law.

In the days of Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian, and Pete Wilson, this was a great state. Now? Not so much.
Go to Fresno, orange country san diego, most of rural suburbia. You’re a fool if you don’t think republicans are running cities in CA
You don’t need absolute proof in science or in court. You simply need to meet reasonable standards of proof. Your agenda has not done this, hence, no action has been taken
When put under real scrutiny, the Big Lie fades.

Remember when Rudy admitted in court that the suit wasn't even about fraud? We're constantly getting THIS IS THE BIG ONE threads here. The courts, the states, the Supreme Court, multiple Attorneys General, election officials, the DHS, the Justice Department. And now even OAN has had to fess up.

Of course, the rubes just brush reality aside.
Everyone but the most devout sheep know the movie is total horse crap.

When something is too much BS for even NewsMax that is a very bad sign.
Are libs like you so terrified by the movie that you dont even want it discussed in the national media?

What harm can it do for people to know it exists?
Go to Fresno, orange country san diego, most of rural suburbia. You’re a fool if you don’t think republicans are running cities in CA

I'm in Orange County, you retard.

We haven't been Republican since about 2000. Corrupt Oligarchs out of Silicone Valley control the fascist democrats, who rule with an iron fist. Apple and Google decide who rules the state. The "people" have zero say.
When put under real scrutiny, the Big Lie fades.

Remember when Rudy admitted in court that the suit wasn't even about fraud? We're constantly getting THIS IS THE BIG ONE threads here. The courts, the states, the Supreme Court, multiple Attorneys General, election officials, the DHS, the Justice Department. And now even OAN has had to fess up.

Of course, the rubes just brush reality aside.

So the way to refute falsehoods is censorship? :doubt:

Looks to me like you Nazis fear open and honest discussion.
Are libs like you so terrified by the movie that you dont even want it discussed in the national media?

What harm can it do for people to know it exists?

Why not bitch at rightwing media like NewsMax?
Why not bitch at rightwing media like NewsMax?
It hurts NewsMax’s reputation

But we dont know what threats there are against the network by biden’s censorship bureau or democrat party lawyers

I’m remembering the terrorist attack of the US embassy in libya that obama and hillary blamed on an anti Mohammed video

Obama had the man who made the movie arrested and put in jail

And for all I know the poor guy is still locked up
It hurts NewsMax’s reputation

He explains how the NYT swears by cell phone pings giving exact precise locations. Our military uses the technology to kill people. The evidence is solid and conclusive. If it is not why not show it on network TV?

And like you had time to watch it, you lying asshole, try again.

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