TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk

Very credible?!?! Are you shitting me? Seabass and Elder?! Those guys are clowns. The whole bunch of them were complete jokes. That piece was almost as bad as the my pillow guys “documentary”

They should stick to selling fish oil.

You’re such a sucker
I am talking about the evidence you avoid discussing not who is talking about it.

BTW @newsmax is also blocking coverage of “2000 Mules.” I was booked on Grant Stinchfield’s Newsmax show and then the network cancelled on me. Criticize the move if you like, but why isn’t this a legitimate news story? How can so-called news networks pretend it doesn’t exist?

Even GOP stations are not playing this movie, what are your thoughts?

Another win for the good guys.

The morons amongst us actually believe this film.
I didn’t see evidence. I saw a ton of spin and assumptions and a weak attempt to create a narrative. I’m happy to talk about anything that you found convincing but pardon my chuckles
The pings are evidence, the videos are evidence. You refuse to acknowledge the obvious. Is it because it would make you a traitor?
The pings are evidence, the videos are evidence. You refuse to acknowledge the obvious. Is it because it would make you a traitor?
The pings are pings, they show people driving around, not evidence of fraud. The videos don’t show anything specific except for people dropping off votes. You don’t have proof of anything. This is why it’s being presented to wingnuts via a fake movie and not to judges in court
The pings are pings, they show people driving around, not evidence of fraud. The videos don’t show anything specific except for people dropping off votes. You don’t have proof of anything. This is why it’s being presented to wingnuts via a fake movie and not to judges in court
Dropping off multiple ballots. Why are you fucking lying? You dishonest scumbag.

BTW @newsmax is also blocking coverage of “2000 Mules.” I was booked on Grant Stinchfield’s Newsmax show and then the network cancelled on me. Criticize the move if you like, but why isn’t this a legitimate news story? How can so-called news networks pretend it doesn’t exist?

Even GOP stations are not playing this movie, what are your thoughts?

Of course 2000 Mules is bullshit. The man behind it, Gregg Phillips, lied in 2016 too, falsely claiming 3 million non-citizens voted; but when pressed for evidence to verify his empty claim, he fell flat on his face with no evidence whatsoever.
Changing voter laws at the last minute is unconstitutional, but that's okay. We will be able to do the same in 2024, since we will have a super majority in both houses next year. The sad part is they won't.

democrats had to extend the deadline for mail in ballots past election day. Filling out that many ballots takes time. Soros volunteers were filling them out as fast as they could...
It only shows intent to make it easier for people to vote during a global pandemic. Duh.

Especially dead people and illegal aliens! :thup:

Nazi democrats may get the 60 million living citizens who voted for them last time to vote for them again. The dead and illegals are going to be a problem though, with the new election integrity laws.

Republicans are DISENFRANCHISING deceased Americans.
Intent to steal elections.

Ballot harvesting makes it so easy to cheat it literally invites it. So do mass mailings of ballots with no verification of who actually voted or if they are even eligible.

Ballot harvesting is how California ended free and fair elections.

California has openly corrupt and rigged elections.

Zimbabwe has more election integrity. Of course you can openly stuff ballot boxes here. The elections are decided long before election day - so you stuffing the ballot box is irrelevant. We are a third world shithole ruled by the corrupt Nazi party. democrats RULE without the consent of the citizens of this once great state.
California has openly corrupt and rigged elections.

Zimbabwe has more election integrity. Of course you can openly stuff ballot boxes here. The elections are decided long before election day - so you stuffing the ballot box is irrelevant. We are a third world shithole ruled by the corrupt Nazi party. democrats RULE without the consent of the citizens of this once great state.
You’re in waaaay too deep. Grow up
So no Republicans hold office in California? Are you an idiot?

You got your mail in ballot for the upcoming primary, where two democrats will vie for the chance to replace Feinstein in November. No Republican will be on the ballot - the Reich now rigs elections to the point that only democrats are even CONSIDERED.

No republicans hold POWER in California. A few lapdogs are put up for show. The state is RULED by the democrat Reich. You seized power with illegal aliens voting, using federal courts to crush the will of the people, then corrupted us with "jungle primaries" to end the ability of people to elect Republicans, established ballot box stuffing (ballot harvesting) as state law.

In the days of Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian, and Pete Wilson, this was a great state. Now? Not so much.

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