TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk

BTW @newsmax is also blocking coverage of “2000 Mules.” I was booked on Grant Stinchfield’s Newsmax show and then the network cancelled on me. Criticize the move if you like, but why isn’t this a legitimate news story? How can so-called news networks pretend it doesn’t exist?

Even GOP stations are not playing this movie, what are your thoughts?

Total cucks, afraid of being dropped by carriers.

Can you refute anything about the film?
You're only suppose to drop off 1 ballot. But they dropped multiple ballots off multiple times in the same box. You good with that?
So what happens if they drop off more than one?

Show me the train of thought that leads to Trump being declared the winner
You're only suppose to drop off 1 ballot. But they dropped multiple ballots off multiple times in the same box. You good with that?
Did you read the passage of the law that I posted? The proper way to counter it would be to post a law negating the one that I posted or simply apologizing for making false statements

In California, "ballot harvesting" is "legal."

IN Georgia it is not and as you full well know, the man in the video was arrested and plead guilty.
Oh good, he was caught and the truth came out. So what happened? Did he drop off his families ballots for them or did he get counterfeit ballots and drop them in an attempt to steal the election from Trump?
So what happens if they drop off more than one?

Show me the train of thought that leads to Trump being declared the winner
Because there is proof that this was happening all over, but that's okay. Karma is coming early, roe vs wade, liberal school board members are getting voted out, and this November it's gonna be a blood bath for your party! Normalcy is going to be returning. South Carolina just passed you have to compete in sports as the gender you were born with! Life is good!
"Proven" is a loaded term. Gravity hasn't been "proven," yet still has a significant impact. The EVIDENCE of election tampering, and particularly legal fraud - such as Pennsylvania violating their own constitution with the "no excuse" mail in fraud scheme is overwhelming.

You got the outcome you wanted, and that's all you care about.

Evidence? Here Is The Evidence
You don’t need absolute proof in science or in court. You simply need to meet reasonable standards of proof. Your agenda has not done this, hence, no action has been taken
Whatever happened to the people being able to make up their own minds? Show the film on television. If it is so full of errors you can trust people to figure it out for themselves. Censorship amounts to admitting guilt and it will not be seen any other way.
It has to be profitable and not get them sued.

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