TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk

No the kind of direct evidence is very simple. You use the geo data to pin point the day and time somebody traveled to all these drop boxes and then you pull video showing what that person was doing. If you don’t find it curious that this “damning” movie as you call it couldn’t connect those dots and show the same person traveling to multiple boxes dropping multiple ballots, then you are a willfully ignorant hack.
So you are debating that there's no corroborating evidence of the mule's at the drop boxes due to lack of video, otherwise in connection to the geo data showing their cell phone pings in which show their phone's at the location's, and further more how does anyone know who the mule's are other than the cell phone data or geo data that has been used to track them to these locations ?
You saw him type that anybody dropping multiple ballots into a Dropbox is committing a felony, didn’t you? So you tell me. Is that true information or not?
Multiple meaning how many ? At some point it could substantiate a criminal act if the drops are found to be outside the justifiable scope.
Great so we went from absolute proof to we need to investigate… wait and see. Y’all are too funny
Cases only require enough circumstantial evidence to get the investigative ball rolling, so direct proof is always nice going into a case, but the case can be directed towards gaining a direct proof by way of the court entertaining bit's and piece's of the evidence until a judge and jury are convinced, and a final judgement rendered.
So you are debating that there's no corroborating evidence of the mule's at the drop boxes due to lack of video, otherwise in connection to the geo data showing their cell phone pings in which show their phone's at the location's, and further more how does anyone know who the mule's are other than the cell phone data or geo data that has been used to track them to these locations ?
Correct, you don’t have any evidence of any crime. You don’t have video showing what they are doing and you don’t have evidence of fake/fraudulent ballots being dropped into drop boxes. So it sounds to me like the only thing this blockbuster of a flick has are assumptions that people were driving around dropping off legit votes for other people without the proper permission or authority to do so. You do understand how very weak that is, right?
Multiple meaning how many ? At some point it could substantiate a criminal act if the drops are found to be outside the justifiable scope.
If if if… yes if many things were found to have happened there could be crimes. But all we have at IFs. No proof, no evidence of anything illegal
Cases only require enough circumstantial evidence to get the investigative ball rolling, so direct proof is always nice going into a case, but the case can be directed towards gaining a direct proof by way of the court entertaining bit's and piece's of the evidence until a judge and jury are convinced, and a final judgement rendered.
Yes I understand that. And I’ve been listening to all these claims for almost two years now that have produced nothing in court. At this point it is obviously being used for fund raising and to drum up momentum to increase voting regulations that will decrease turn out and benefit the GOP. That’s the real point behind all of this.
Correct, you don’t have any evidence of any crime. You don’t have video showing what they are doing and you don’t have evidence of fake/fraudulent ballots being dropped into drop boxes. So it sounds to me like the only thing this blockbuster of a flick has are assumptions that people were driving around dropping off legit votes for other people without the proper permission or authority to do so. You do understand how very weak that is, right?
Sounds like the alledged perfect crime has been committed, otherwise as you sum it up nicely.....You sound like a defence lawyer defending the Democrat party after their hand was almost caught in the cookie jar, and even though the cookies are missing, and they were the only ones in that room, but because it can't be proven completely (i.e in the best scenario found in the OJ Simpson case), then the party player's got away with it just like OJ alledgedly did eh ??
Sounds like the alledged perfect crime has been committed, otherwise as you sum it up nicely.....You sound like a defence lawyer defending the Democrat party after their hand was almost caught in the cookie jar, and even though the cookies are missing, and they were the only ones in that room, but because it can't be proven completely (i.e in the best scenario found in the OJ Simpson case), then the party player's got away with it just like OJ alledgedly did eh ??
Well that’s the issue. Youre claiming that the Dems stole the cookies but there are no cookies missing. You just heard somebody in the kitchen and assumed they stole cookies
Take it to investigation then, what are you scared of ??? Happens all the time in America.
I’m not scared of anything around this issue. I’m amused at how poor the narratives is yet so many puppets like yourself buy into it. Investigate all you want I don’t care. I thought this documentary was the big investigation and discovery. That’s the claim I was fighting Lastamender about… but apparently that’s not case anymore. Now it’s just proof that there should be another investigation. Give me a break!
Because you simply cannot accept that your side lost. Just like the Democrats in 2016. The two party shitshow is so bad that both sides are, literally, willing to sell us out to our enemies rather than let their political opponents run things for a while. That's how you  know there was massive voter fraud

And that's seriously fucked up.
You didn't watch the video.
Well that’s the issue. Youre claiming that the Dems stole the cookies but there are no cookies missing. You just heard somebody in the kitchen and assumed they stole cookies
Without a proper and complete investigation, and it being based upon the evidence that is being promoted concerning the drop boxes, then how can you sit there claiming that there is no there there, and that those cookies are still there when you have no clue yourself other than the evidence being presented ? You actually made a statement that the cookies were still there in the mock scenario, and therefore destroying your credibility in the excersize presented because you have no evidence if they are still there or not..... lol
Oh I think they very easily could do that. I think they tired and didn’t find anything linking up so they release the bits and pieces and are trying to draw a false narrative around it. Crazy thing is that it totally worked on dupes like yourself.
It is not a false narrative. Try again. Your big lie is over.
Without a proper and complete investigation, and it being based upon the evidence that is being promoted concerning the drop boxes, then how can you sit there claiming that there is no there there, and that those cookies are still there when you have no clue yourself other than the evidence being presented ? You actually made a statement that the cookies were still there in the mock scenario, and therefore destroying your credibility in the excersize presented because you have no evidence if they are still there or not..... lol
You’re talking about a witch hunt, I could say anything is shady without a proper and thorough investigation. You need credible evidence of a crime to justify an investigation. Y’all have been whining about a stolen election for almost two years now. We’ve had audits and investigations and court cases all propped up on lies and false claims and they have gone nowhere. It’s over. Trump is a soar loser who has to blame others and y’all are taking that ball and running with it. It’s pathetic
The answer to your bullshit is in the video.
Yeah I’m showing that as false as well… for example. You jumped on these videos from your movie showing people dropping off multiple ballots. Initially you lied and said that anybody dropping multiple ballots was committing a felony. After pages of dodges and excuses you finally admitted that family members and some others are legally permitted to drop multiple ballots. So your point for that specific example was shown to be false. I can continue to pick you apart if you’d like. Make another point and I’ll explain how you’re misleading

Yeah I’m showing that as false as well… for example. You jumped on these videos from your movie showing people dropping off multiple ballots. Initially you lied and said that anybody dropping multiple ballots was committing a felony. After pages of dodges and excuses you finally admitted that family members and some others are legally permitted to drop multiple ballots. So your point for that specific example was shown to be false. I can continue to pick you apart if you’d like. Make another point and I’ll explain how you’re misleading
You are missing the point of the movie. And you refuse to discuss the implications because it happened. That you have admitted by repeating the same silly argument about the laws the people clearly ignored and knew they were breaking the law when they pulled this shit.
You are missing the point of the movie. And you refuse to discuss the implications because it happened. That you have admitted by repeating the same silly argument about the laws the people clearly ignored and knew they were breaking the law when they pulled this shit.
I guess I need to repeat myself. You finally admitted that it is legal to drop multiple ballots under the right circumstances. The videos in your movie showing people dropping multiple ballots are not showing crimes. You were fooled by the movie I to thinking that was illegal. You know know that It isn’t. Perfect example of how you are being manipulated. What’s next

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