Twins Drown as Mom Fights Off Bee....

Uh huh...Good thing no mothers ever deliberately drowned their children or this might look suspicious.
Uh huh...Good thing no mothers ever deliberately drowned their children or this might look suspicious.
Maybe it was a Black bee.

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What a terrible story. I really hope this was just a tragic/freak accident and not a deliberate act.
Uh huh...Good thing no mothers ever deliberately drowned their children or this might look suspicious.
Maybe it was a Black bee.

Got a ton of carpenter and bumblebees here lately. Must be their time of the year to do bee stuff. But I've advised neighbors swatting at them and such that the males flying around outside don't have stingers and if anything are fighting other males protecting their females in the little holes they gouge out with their pincers. And sitting outside the other day had em hovering inches from my head. But knowing what there were remained unconcerned.

Unless you know for a fact you're allergic to bee stings and may go into shock from a sting, the "fighting off a bee" excuse seems implausible.
What a terrible story. I really hope this was just a tragic/freak accident and not a deliberate act.
More likely stupidity. What mother would be so preoccupied fighting off a bee or wasp or whatever to let go of a stroller and allow it to roll of into a canal? A mother with a low IQ. People do stupid things.
What a terrible story. I really hope this was just a tragic/freak accident and not a deliberate act.
More likely stupidity. What mother would be so preoccupied fighting off a bee or wasp or whatever to let go of a stroller and allow it to roll of into a canal? A mother with a low IQ. People do stupid things.

Who knows? She could be highly allergic to bees? It is just a very awful story.
Tragic story, if all true. Very very sad.

This will however will need to be fully investigated. The single most likely person to kill children is the mother.
I've been driving on the highway at about 65 mph and had a wasp get down my back and start stinging the crap out of me. I had kids in the car.

Guess what? I didn't kill us all. I pulled over, parked and got out and got rid of the thing.

People are fucking idiots. I've done a crazy spider dance when a spider fell down on me from the ceiling (at work) and almost disrobed in front of God and everybody...but I have the wherewithal not to allow people around me to die while I'm engaging in hysterical behavior. I'm not THAT hysterical.
Takes more than a few seconds for a stroller to roll into a swift moving body of water you already know you're walking along side of. Takes less than a second to wave away a bee. She'd have had to push the stroller awfully hard in the direction of the river she knew was there while simultaneously waving away a bee. One might think that a mother not intending to drown her kids would put their safety above her own warding off a pesky insect.

Nothing's impossible, but this doesn't pass the smell test.
I flipped a car over swatting at a bee. Damned thing landed on my arm and it took 15 minutes for someone to get me out from under it, all the while, my eppi pen was just out of reach in the glove compartment.
I'm BAD allergic.
I flipped a car over swatting at a bee. Damned thing landed on my arm and it took 15 minutes for someone to get me out from under it, all the while, my eppi pen was just out of reach in the glove compartment.
I'm BAD allergic.
Yes well a car wreck will kill you too.

Mind over matter.
Takes more than a few seconds for a stroller to roll into a swift moving body of water you already know you're walking along side of. Takes less than a second to wave away a bee. She'd have had to push the stroller awfully hard in the direction of the river she knew was there while simultaneously waving away a bee. One might think that a mother not intending to drown her kids would put their safety above her own warding off a pesky insect.

Nothing's impossible, but this doesn't pass the smell test.

Oh I've seen many people complete freak out because a bee is near. My best friend can't function normally if a bee is anywhere nearby.
Takes more than a few seconds for a stroller to roll into a swift moving body of water you already know you're walking along side of. Takes less than a second to wave away a bee. She'd have had to push the stroller awfully hard in the direction of the river she knew was there while simultaneously waving away a bee. One might think that a mother not intending to drown her kids would put their safety above her own warding off a pesky insect.

Nothing's impossible, but this doesn't pass the smell test.

Oh I've seen many people complete freak out because a bee is near. My best friend can't function normally if a bee is anywhere nearby.

Your friend pushing a stroller with their two wee ones at the time?

I've freaked too over various things but if I'm responsible for other people I suck it up and endure it until the heebe jeebes are safer to execute. We're supposed to believe a mother's protective instincts for her own children somehow got short-circuited over a bee threatening her.

I don't buy it. Mothers have lifted cars off their kids in extremus. Letting your's die over a bee doesn't make any sense.
Takes more than a few seconds for a stroller to roll into a swift moving body of water you already know you're walking along side of. Takes less than a second to wave away a bee. She'd have had to push the stroller awfully hard in the direction of the river she knew was there while simultaneously waving away a bee. One might think that a mother not intending to drown her kids would put their safety above her own warding off a pesky insect.

Nothing's impossible, but this doesn't pass the smell test.

Oh I've seen many people complete freak out because a bee is near. My best friend can't function normally if a bee is anywhere nearby.

Your friend pushing a stroller with their two wee ones at the time?

I've freaked too over various things but if I'm responsible for other people I suck it up and endure it until the heebe jeebes are safer to execute. We're supposed to believe a mother's protective instincts for her own children somehow got short-circuited over a bee threatening her.

I don't buy it. Mothers have lifted cars off their kids in extremus. Letting your's die over a bee doesn't make any sense.
Hoping this really was an accident. She doesnt really look crazy but you never know.

"A disturbingly common M.O. for mothers who kill their kids is to drive them into a body of water until they drown. The case was slightly different in 2010, when Shaquan Duley of South Carolina suffocated her two sons, 18 months and two years old, with her bare hands in a motel room before strapping them into car seats and rolling them into a river."
20 Moms Who Killed Their Kids Thought Catalog

Too familar this whole thing.
Ugh I have a phobia of bees, it pisses me off to no end because I'm typically very logical and level-headed but I simply cannot control myself around bees. Of course, because of this irrational fear of bees, I tend to not be outside much... (yes it's that stupid) But so yea, I might question mother's story too...

Still, thank goodness I was never in a situation that could arise, I would hope that I would have the external where-with-all to save my kidos, but idk the fear is so intense; this one time we were in Hawaii and I didn't realize it but all the bees were sleeping on the ground in the morning so I was walking all over them to take a picture of the beach; I about shit myself when I accidently looked down, it took two days before I didn't shake going outside - and, of course, my entire family was hanging back trying to figure out how to get me out of there without me noticing all the bees lol Regardless, it still gives me the willies, was like 8 years ago and NOTHING even happened, no stings or anything, in fact, I've never been stung... it's just so annoyingly stupid ~slinks off in embarrassment~

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