Twins Drown as Mom Fights Off Bee....

Ugh I have a phobia of bees, it pisses me off to no end because I'm typically very logical and level-headed but I simply cannot control myself around bees. Of course, because of this irrational fear of bees, I tend to not be outside much... (yes it's that stupid) But so yea, I might question mother's story too...

Still, thank goodness I was never in a situation that could arise, I would hope that I would have the external where-with-all to save my kidos, but idk the fear is so intense; this one time we were in Hawaii and I didn't realize it but all the bees were sleeping on the ground in the morning so I was walking all over them to take a picture of the beach; I about shit myself when I accidently looked down, it took two days before I didn't shake going outside - and, of course, my entire family was hanging back trying to figure out how to get me out of there without me noticing all the bees lol Regardless, it still gives me the willies, was like 8 years ago and NOTHING even happened, no stings or anything, in fact, I've never been stung... it's just so annoyingly stupid ~slinks off in embarrassment~
You should go pet a bee. Wait until they are on the flower and softly pet them. They only sting when they have no other option.
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Definitely needs to be investigated. Kind of odd there were no eye witnesses.
If it was an accident, how awful.
You want to see me find a wolf spider, or one of those giant house spiders.
I will do structural damage to my place just to kill them.:laugh:
Those bees are such a threat, just like "some Puerto Rican guy took my kids."


Bees are the number one insect killer in America.

I know because if a bee stings me I'm dead in less than 10 minutes if I don't use an epi pen and immediately get to a hospital.

I didn't know this until about 13 years ago when I was stung by a bee. I knew that me or one of my siblings were deathly allergic but didn't know if it was me or not. I called my mom and she got very hysterical because it was me.

She told me to get a cigarette and get the tobacco wet and put it on the place I was stung. It drew the stinger and some of the bee poison out. It gave me enough time to get to a hospital where my life was saved.

I didn't take it seriously even though I nearly died. The doctors kept telling me that bees are the number one insect killer in America. If I'm sung again it will be worse. That I can never go anywhere again without a fully charged phone and access to air lift if it's a remote area. I didn't take it seriously and didn't even fill the prescription for the epi pen. Then went off to Maui for a vacation.

It was there that I realized how stupid I was. A big cloud of bees came toward us at beach in Makena. I was a good 40 or so miles from the nearest hospital and if a bee stung me I would die. The epi pen isn't a cure, there's no cure. All an epi pen will do is buy me about a hour of time. Time enough to get to a hospital so I don't die. I didn't have an epi pen and even if I did I wouldn't have gotten to a hospital in time if a bee had stung me at that beach. I ran back to the car and we all left.

I filled that prescription for an epi pen and have never left my home without one since.

We moved from our home we lived in at the time because there were so many bees and bee's nests. I talked to a friend of mine who is an environmental scientist and she said you can't completely get away from bees but they don't like salt air. So we moved closer to the water. There are bees here but they don't stick around. They land on the sand or tide line and then fly away and head east away from the salt air. I haven't been sung since we moved. I was stung twice at our old house and there were several times that I had to leave the house because there was a bee inside.

My aunt, cousin and mother have the same allergy.
Uh huh...Good thing no mothers ever deliberately drowned their children or this might look suspicious.
Maybe it was a Black bee.

Got a ton of carpenter and bumblebees here lately. Must be their time of the year to do bee stuff. But I've advised neighbors swatting at them and such that the males flying around outside don't have stingers and if anything are fighting other males protecting their females in the little holes they gouge out with their pincers. And sitting outside the other day had em hovering inches from my head. But knowing what there were remained unconcerned.

Unless you know for a fact you're allergic to bee stings and may go into shock from a sting, the "fighting off a bee" excuse seems implausible.


First there is no doctor who is willing to give a test for a bee allergy.

The ONLY way to know you're allergic is to be stung. If you're as allergic as members of my family and myself, that first sting can kill.

I was stung as a small child but I don't remember it. All I remembered when I was stung as an adult was that one of us kids was deathly allergic but I didn't remember it was me.

I nearly died in front of my child. To this day she gets very hysterical and protective of me if she sees a bee.

If that woman was allergic to bees like millions of other Americans, she would have died right there next to that water and her children would have still gone into that water and drowned. She would have probably died before they did.
Being allergic to bees would make someone freak out. Maybe this mom was and didn't have anything with her.
You hear about mothers who show amazing feats of strength to save their children,like lifting cars.
This one couldnt take on a bee?
This kinda sounds fishy..but who knows,there are some stupid people out there.

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