Twitter allows self proclaimed pedophiles to spread their message on it's platform


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Twitter Allows Self-Proclaimed Pedophiles to Spread Their Message on Its Platform | Breitbart
Twitter is allowing dozens of pedophiles to use the social network and promote their pro-pedophile messages, focusing its time instead on banning conservatives and cracking down on “hate speech.”

One account, named Virtuous Pedophiles, described itself as an account for “pedophiles against adult-child sex,” while another user described himself as a “50ish year old anti-contact paedophile.”

What's fair is fair , he support pedos, and will assist the pedo move right into the LGBT movement where they chant kill Trump, or spew nothing but hate towards those who don't agree, or those who just aren't kissing their little gays trans asses will be ushered out the door.

Even LGBT doesn't want that P attached, but to late now fools we warned you if you keep trying to make yourselves the ' ONLY SPECIALTY" out there it would all backfire on your selfish asses. Now you get to fk everybody over including yourselves because when you get child molester attached to your movement base of the very words you used to coin your movement and it gets used against you bahahhhah

it's what we call . EAT YOURSELVES ALIVE........ and you all Trump haters and all are beginning the great job of doing so it's great to watch. It is only sad because most of us pay for your stupidity and idiots don't figure it out until it's to late if ever.

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