Twitter Attacks Lawyer Representing American Patriot, Kyle Rittenhouse

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.

Off the top of my head, assault with a deadly weapon.

You mean while facing another guy with a deadly weapon who had just killed two people? Sounds like defense.
Have your ears checked.
Since when is a murderer a "patriot"?
He is when he is a Rightwinger.

Self-defense is not murder, as you will soon learn.

When the police did not show up to defend the community against the Molotov bombers, this 17 year old did. A hero, he probably saved lives, and children from the pedophile.

You wanted vigilante justice now you got it, real justice as well. Be happy with it.
Ah yes...the fictional Molotov. He is no hero, he is just another killer.

The Molotov that was thrown at him is now fictional?

What in the fuck?

You can always guarantee these 3rd worldists who are incapable of living productive life in modern society to back the pedophiles and criminals and root against the Americans and American heroes.
Most people don’t confuse Molotov cocktails with plastic bags and statutory rape with pedophilia.
Most people realize that a dde who molested five boys, none older than age 11, is, in fect, a pedophile.

Pre-sentence report...
Agree. All that has come out and been substantiated over time. The guy was a piece of crap, no wonder his sister said she did not want a go fund me done for him. But even pieces of crap have rights under the law. None of this was known at the time of the incident. It isn’t up to mobs to execute people and it isn’t up to vigilantes to pass sentence on someone outside the law.

The arguments in this case keep evolving.

First, insufficient evidence as to what happened.
Then, claims of Molotov cocktail and self defense.
Then criminal record comes out.
Then killing justified because Rosenbaum is a piece of crap.

The ONLY justification for a civilian killing another is self defense or defense of another. Not to pass judgement of a person and decide he or she is worthy of death.

That is not lawlesshe’s.

And frankly, makes me wonder if we are going to enter into an era of an eye for an eye of extrajudicial killings.

Rittenhouse killed two, he and his lawyer is getting death threats.
Reinoehl Killed one, his estranged sister and her family are getting death threats.

Two increasingly radicalized ideologies clashing in our cities. No one in leadership toning down the rhetoric.

He wasn't executed. He was killed while trying to murder a 17 year old. His actions placed him in front of that muzzle.

Here you are, finally acknowledging that the guy was a fucking pervert, after defending him for days even after it was WELL documented he was a fucking violent felon, and now, here you are attacking a 17 year old for defending himself and accusing that 17 year old of executing a poor defenceless protester.

It was NOT well documented to begin with. Linking to a state sex offender registry that doesn’t show hI’m in it is not well documented.

I don’t know about you, but I really try to make sure of the facts before accusing dead people of serious crimes because the first thing you guys do is immediately try shred the character of the victims. Dead people can not defend themselves. First thing you guys do, every time as if that justifies the killing.

And you still are trying to claim all three were violent felons, when one was only convicted of a misdeamenor (as far as I can find) along the same lines as Kyle, and the other was trying to stop an active shooter (from the perspective he saw at the situation from).

I did not say he executed them. I said killed.

So get this through your skull, the 17 year old has NO prior record, and the THREE people he shot, were ALL convicted felons.

Prior record changes nothing. It has no bearing in and of itself on whether or not you have the right to kill someone. A record does not give the right to kill. ONLY self defense does.

And Kyle CAN make a reasonable for self defense. Likewise a reasonable argument can be made that Huber was trying to take down an active shooter(an action you guys would call heroic if he was on of yours). But Huber is dead. Can’t speak for himself.

On the felon bit. You claim all three are “convicted felons” but all I can find on Grosskreutz is having a gun while intoxicated. You have something else?

And you insist on attacking the ONE person in this drama who isn't a CONVICTED FELON.

Are you seriously making an argument that it is ok for a “non-felon” can go and shoot someone, and get away with it solely because the victim was a felon?

Kyle will likely walk on the most serious charges. Self defense is reasonable with Rosenbaum and Huber. But less so with the guy he wounded, who had his hands in the air and was not pointing the gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. And he won’t walk on the charge of illegal possession of a fire arm.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

I do not support lawlessness or vigilanteism.

I can't buy the self-defense argument in these circumstances, particularly since Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to take down an active shooter. Poor Mr. Huber tried to do it unarmed. But right-wingers yell "self defense!" every damned time someone other than a right-winger gets shot. This is really getting boring. It totally lacks credibility.

The argument that Rittenhouse was a hero for shooting Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum had a record is totally absurd, since Rittenhouse could not have known of it at the time. To the best of my knowledge, the two did not know each other. One cannot seriously attribute a motive to a shooter who had no knowledge of his victim. The people contending this are complete assholes. There is nothing to suggest that he knew any of the three people he shot.

The Kenosha cops could have prevented this whole thing if they had just done their jobs and cleared the streets. The cops in the armed vehicles had the last clear chance. Talk about cops refusing to protect their city.

I can buy the self defense argument when you try to look at from Rittenhouse’s perspective.

Shooting #1...don’t know for sure, let the courts decide that one.

Shooting #2...Huber was trying to disarm him. He had no way of knowing Huber’s intentions.

Shooting #3...the guy had a gun, but had his hands in the air, gun pointing up, backing away. The claim is Kyle thought he made a threatening move and shot him.

It is all about perspective, and those who proclaim Kyle a hero Or a villain, are only willing to see ONE perspective. And keep in mind this is a 17 yr old NOT a seasoned adult.

Here is another perspective.

Huber and Grosskreutz (thoroughly demonized and deemed worthy of killing by thr right) .... what was THEIR perspective?


Someone yelling “hey, that guy shot someone” and seeing a guy jogging down the street with a gun.

Huber and Grosskreutz trying time take down an active shooter.

If Huber and Grosskreutz were rightwing militants and Kyle a protester...who would would the rabid right label a hero? The villain? They would all over that video of Kyle punching the girl.

It is pretty fucked up frankly. The only real villains are the people who allowed an illegally armed 17 yr old to be in that situation In the first place.

And all the while you ignore the simple fact that the 17 year old was RUNNING AWAY!.

How can you be so blind?

Yes. An active shooter running away. Don‘t brave people try to STOP active shooters from escaping?

Or does that depend on the ideologies involved?

An active shooter attacks random people. The 17 year old only shot people ATTACKING HIM.

Your rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty are quite shocking.
I think you have your own rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty here.

As far as anyone could know while this was happening, he was an active shooter. No one knew why he shot anyone, only that he did. From the perception of the people there (many of whom were fleeing and screaming) there was an active shooter. I doubt the dead man who tried to take him down had time to first run around to where the shooting occurred, interview the witness, and review all the videos first.

No one with a brain could come to the conclusion he was an active shooter because HE WASN'T SHOOTING! He only fired the rifle when he was forced to.

For fucks sake there are loads of video that show this to be true.

Isn’t hindsight just fantastic? Maybe you could lend some to the people pursuing the killer and remind them that they should reviewed all those videos before trying to apprehend a killer.
Ya two criminals that were actively in the process of committing MORE crimes were just concerned citizens. Go peddle your stupidity to someone that is retarded enough to buy it.

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.
my god youre a dense person,,,they were rioting trying to burn a town to the ground,,
if thats not enough they were attacking a person with intent to murder,,,
their words not mine,,

You keep saying that.

There were a lot of people there, protesters, rioters, citizens, people protecting property, police doing nothing to enforce the curfew...

Since you are so sure that all three who were killed were part of the riot club, let’s see some actual evidence for your claim.
the video proof has been posted many times,,dont you think its time you watched it,,,

I have watched so many videos, mostly of people being killed, Property destroyed, that I am done with it. Not something I like to watch AT ALL. So, if there is a video out there showing Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz engaging in a riot (looting, vandalizing, destroying property, setting fires) tell me what video and what time interval they appear in, and I will watch it.
Since when is a murderer a "patriot"?
He is when he is a Rightwinger.

Self-defense is not murder, as you will soon learn.

When the police did not show up to defend the community against the Molotov bombers, this 17 year old did. A hero, he probably saved lives, and children from the pedophile.

You wanted vigilante justice now you got it, real justice as well. Be happy with it.
Ah yes...the fictional Molotov. He is no hero, he is just another killer.

The Molotov that was thrown at him is now fictional?

What in the fuck?

You can always guarantee these 3rd worldists who are incapable of living productive life in modern society to back the pedophiles and criminals and root against the Americans and American heroes.
Most people don’t confuse Molotov cocktails with plastic bags and statutory rape with pedophilia.
Most people realize that a dde who molested five boys, none older than age 11, is, in fect, a pedophile.

Pre-sentence report...
Agree. All that has come out and been substantiated over time. The guy was a piece of crap, no wonder his sister said she did not want a go fund me done for him. But even pieces of crap have rights under the law. None of this was known at the time of the incident. It isn’t up to mobs to execute people and it isn’t up to vigilantes to pass sentence on someone outside the law.

The arguments in this case keep evolving.

First, insufficient evidence as to what happened.
Then, claims of Molotov cocktail and self defense.
Then criminal record comes out.
Then killing justified because Rosenbaum is a piece of crap.

The ONLY justification for a civilian killing another is self defense or defense of another. Not to pass judgement of a person and decide he or she is worthy of death.

That is not lawlesshe’s.

And frankly, makes me wonder if we are going to enter into an era of an eye for an eye of extrajudicial killings.

Rittenhouse killed two, he and his lawyer is getting death threats.
Reinoehl Killed one, his estranged sister and her family are getting death threats.

Two increasingly radicalized ideologies clashing in our cities. No one in leadership toning down the rhetoric.

He wasn't executed. He was killed while trying to murder a 17 year old. His actions placed him in front of that muzzle.

Here you are, finally acknowledging that the guy was a fucking pervert, after defending him for days even after it was WELL documented he was a fucking violent felon, and now, here you are attacking a 17 year old for defending himself and accusing that 17 year old of executing a poor defenceless protester.

It was NOT well documented to begin with. Linking to a state sex offender registry that doesn’t show hI’m in it is not well documented.

I don’t know about you, but I really try to make sure of the facts before accusing dead people of serious crimes because the first thing you guys do is immediately try shred the character of the victims. Dead people can not defend themselves. First thing you guys do, every time as if that justifies the killing.

And you still are trying to claim all three were violent felons, when one was only convicted of a misdeamenor (as far as I can find) along the same lines as Kyle, and the other was trying to stop an active shooter (from the perspective he saw at the situation from).

I did not say he executed them. I said killed.

So get this through your skull, the 17 year old has NO prior record, and the THREE people he shot, were ALL convicted felons.

Prior record changes nothing. It has no bearing in and of itself on whether or not you have the right to kill someone. A record does not give the right to kill. ONLY self defense does.

And Kyle CAN make a reasonable for self defense. Likewise a reasonable argument can be made that Huber was trying to take down an active shooter(an action you guys would call heroic if he was on of yours). But Huber is dead. Can’t speak for himself.

On the felon bit. You claim all three are “convicted felons” but all I can find on Grosskreutz is having a gun while intoxicated. You have something else?

And you insist on attacking the ONE person in this drama who isn't a CONVICTED FELON.

Are you seriously making an argument that it is ok for a “non-felon” can go and shoot someone, and get away with it solely because the victim was a felon?

Kyle will likely walk on the most serious charges. Self defense is reasonable with Rosenbaum and Huber. But less so with the guy he wounded, who had his hands in the air and was not pointing the gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. And he won’t walk on the charge of illegal possession of a fire arm.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

I do not support lawlessness or vigilanteism.

I can't buy the self-defense argument in these circumstances, particularly since Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to take down an active shooter. Poor Mr. Huber tried to do it unarmed. But right-wingers yell "self defense!" every damned time someone other than a right-winger gets shot. This is really getting boring. It totally lacks credibility.

The argument that Rittenhouse was a hero for shooting Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum had a record is totally absurd, since Rittenhouse could not have known of it at the time. To the best of my knowledge, the two did not know each other. One cannot seriously attribute a motive to a shooter who had no knowledge of his victim. The people contending this are complete assholes. There is nothing to suggest that he knew any of the three people he shot.

The Kenosha cops could have prevented this whole thing if they had just done their jobs and cleared the streets. The cops in the armed vehicles had the last clear chance. Talk about cops refusing to protect their city.

I can buy the self defense argument when you try to look at from Rittenhouse’s perspective.

Shooting #1...don’t know for sure, let the courts decide that one.

Shooting #2...Huber was trying to disarm him. He had no way of knowing Huber’s intentions.

Shooting #3...the guy had a gun, but had his hands in the air, gun pointing up, backing away. The claim is Kyle thought he made a threatening move and shot him.

It is all about perspective, and those who proclaim Kyle a hero Or a villain, are only willing to see ONE perspective. And keep in mind this is a 17 yr old NOT a seasoned adult.

Here is another perspective.

Huber and Grosskreutz (thoroughly demonized and deemed worthy of killing by thr right) .... what was THEIR perspective?


Someone yelling “hey, that guy shot someone” and seeing a guy jogging down the street with a gun.

Huber and Grosskreutz trying time take down an active shooter.

If Huber and Grosskreutz were rightwing militants and Kyle a protester...who would would the rabid right label a hero? The villain? They would all over that video of Kyle punching the girl.

It is pretty fucked up frankly. The only real villains are the people who allowed an illegally armed 17 yr old to be in that situation In the first place.

And all the while you ignore the simple fact that the 17 year old was RUNNING AWAY!.

How can you be so blind?

Yes. An active shooter running away. Don‘t brave people try to STOP active shooters from escaping?

Or does that depend on the ideologies involved?

An active shooter attacks random people. The 17 year old only shot people ATTACKING HIM.

Your rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty are quite shocking.
I think you have your own rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty here.

As far as anyone could know while this was happening, he was an active shooter. No one knew why he shot anyone, only that he did. From the perception of the people there (many of whom were fleeing and screaming) there was an active shooter. I doubt the dead man who tried to take him down had time to first run around to where the shooting occurred, interview the witness, and review all the videos first.

No one with a brain could come to the conclusion he was an active shooter because HE WASN'T SHOOTING! He only fired the rifle when he was forced to.

For fucks sake there are loads of video that show this to be true.

Isn’t hindsight just fantastic? Maybe you could lend some to the people pursuing the killer and remind them that they should reviewed all those videos before trying to apprehend a killer.
Ya two criminals that were actively in the process of committing MORE crimes were just concerned citizens. Go peddle your stupidity to someone that is retarded enough to buy it.

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.
my god youre a dense person,,,they were rioting trying to burn a town to the ground,,
if thats not enough they were attacking a person with intent to murder,,,
their words not mine,,

You keep saying that.

There were a lot of people there, protesters, rioters, citizens, people protecting property, police doing nothing to enforce the curfew...

Since you are so sure that all three who were killed were part of the riot club, let’s see some actual evidence for your claim.
the video proof has been posted many times,,dont you think its time you watched it,,,

I have watched so many videos, mostly of people being killed, Property destroyed, that I am done with it. Not something I like to watch AT ALL. So, if there is a video out there showing Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz engaging in a riot (looting, vandalizing, destroying property, setting fires) tell me what video and what time interval they appear in, and I will watch it.
Fuck you, you won't watch the 3 videos showing self defense on Kyle's part but want video of his attackers. You are a liberal LOON.
The one carrying a gun....all I can find on him was a MISDEMEANOR charge of carrying a gun while intoxicated.

Got anything to support your claim?

If not, the only one illegally carrying was Kyle.

In the meantime, I will wait for evidence that they were actively engaged in what you claim.

You do not want evidence. You want a show trial and a witch-burning.

I don’t.

From the beginning I have been clear on this. Kyle went into a situation he should never have been in and he was there illegally. Adults around him ALLOWED it and abetted it.

Had that not happened, no one would have been killed, and he would not be sitting in jail, a high school drop out, a good citizen, not an extremist, wanting to join the police, wondering what is going to happen with the rest of his life.
The one carrying a gun....all I can find on him was a MISDEMEANOR charge of carrying a gun while intoxicated.

Got anything to support your claim?

If not, the only one illegally carrying was Kyle.

In the meantime, I will wait for evidence that they were actively engaged in what you claim.

You do not want evidence. You want a show trial and a witch-burning.

I don’t.

From the beginning I have been clear on this. Kyle went into a situation he should never have been in and he was there illegally. Adults around him ALLOWED it and abetted it.

Had that not happened, no one would have been killed, and he would not be sitting in jail, a high school drop out, a good citizen, not an extremist, wanting to join the police, wondering what is going to happen with the rest of his life.
It WAS NOT ILLEGAL, YOU have been shown the law, quit your damn LYING.
In Kenosha, what specifically did the mayor do to hinder the police?

Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?

Lots of problems her that led to this.
there are a lot of questions there to unpack

I cant tell you what private instructions the mayor gave to the chief of police in kenosha

but across America democrat mayors have police forces that are ineffective at protecting the public from “peaceful protestors” on a violent Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

“Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?”

obviously the hands of the police are tied

“Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?”

thats simple

when the democrat party authorities lose control of the cities they are responsible for anything is possible
I have watched so many videos, mostly of people being killed, Property destroyed, that I am done with it. Not something I like to watch AT ALL. So, if there is a video out there showing Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz engaging in a riot (looting, vandalizing, destroying property, setting fires) tell me what video and what time interval they appear in, and I will watch it.

No, you won't. No matter what proof you are shown, you will just drag the goal post a little further.
Since when is a murderer a "patriot"?
He is when he is a Rightwinger.

Self-defense is not murder, as you will soon learn.

When the police did not show up to defend the community against the Molotov bombers, this 17 year old did. A hero, he probably saved lives, and children from the pedophile.

You wanted vigilante justice now you got it, real justice as well. Be happy with it.
Ah yes...the fictional Molotov. He is no hero, he is just another killer.

The Molotov that was thrown at him is now fictional?

What in the fuck?

You can always guarantee these 3rd worldists who are incapable of living productive life in modern society to back the pedophiles and criminals and root against the Americans and American heroes.
Most people don’t confuse Molotov cocktails with plastic bags and statutory rape with pedophilia.
Most people realize that a dde who molested five boys, none older than age 11, is, in fect, a pedophile.

Pre-sentence report...
Agree. All that has come out and been substantiated over time. The guy was a piece of crap, no wonder his sister said she did not want a go fund me done for him. But even pieces of crap have rights under the law. None of this was known at the time of the incident. It isn’t up to mobs to execute people and it isn’t up to vigilantes to pass sentence on someone outside the law.

The arguments in this case keep evolving.

First, insufficient evidence as to what happened.
Then, claims of Molotov cocktail and self defense.
Then criminal record comes out.
Then killing justified because Rosenbaum is a piece of crap.

The ONLY justification for a civilian killing another is self defense or defense of another. Not to pass judgement of a person and decide he or she is worthy of death.

That is not lawlesshe’s.

And frankly, makes me wonder if we are going to enter into an era of an eye for an eye of extrajudicial killings.

Rittenhouse killed two, he and his lawyer is getting death threats.
Reinoehl Killed one, his estranged sister and her family are getting death threats.

Two increasingly radicalized ideologies clashing in our cities. No one in leadership toning down the rhetoric.

He wasn't executed. He was killed while trying to murder a 17 year old. His actions placed him in front of that muzzle.

Here you are, finally acknowledging that the guy was a fucking pervert, after defending him for days even after it was WELL documented he was a fucking violent felon, and now, here you are attacking a 17 year old for defending himself and accusing that 17 year old of executing a poor defenceless protester.

It was NOT well documented to begin with. Linking to a state sex offender registry that doesn’t show hI’m in it is not well documented.

I don’t know about you, but I really try to make sure of the facts before accusing dead people of serious crimes because the first thing you guys do is immediately try shred the character of the victims. Dead people can not defend themselves. First thing you guys do, every time as if that justifies the killing.

And you still are trying to claim all three were violent felons, when one was only convicted of a misdeamenor (as far as I can find) along the same lines as Kyle, and the other was trying to stop an active shooter (from the perspective he saw at the situation from).

I did not say he executed them. I said killed.

So get this through your skull, the 17 year old has NO prior record, and the THREE people he shot, were ALL convicted felons.

Prior record changes nothing. It has no bearing in and of itself on whether or not you have the right to kill someone. A record does not give the right to kill. ONLY self defense does.

And Kyle CAN make a reasonable for self defense. Likewise a reasonable argument can be made that Huber was trying to take down an active shooter(an action you guys would call heroic if he was on of yours). But Huber is dead. Can’t speak for himself.

On the felon bit. You claim all three are “convicted felons” but all I can find on Grosskreutz is having a gun while intoxicated. You have something else?

And you insist on attacking the ONE person in this drama who isn't a CONVICTED FELON.

Are you seriously making an argument that it is ok for a “non-felon” can go and shoot someone, and get away with it solely because the victim was a felon?

Kyle will likely walk on the most serious charges. Self defense is reasonable with Rosenbaum and Huber. But less so with the guy he wounded, who had his hands in the air and was not pointing the gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. And he won’t walk on the charge of illegal possession of a fire arm.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

I do not support lawlessness or vigilanteism.

I can't buy the self-defense argument in these circumstances, particularly since Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to take down an active shooter. Poor Mr. Huber tried to do it unarmed. But right-wingers yell "self defense!" every damned time someone other than a right-winger gets shot. This is really getting boring. It totally lacks credibility.

The argument that Rittenhouse was a hero for shooting Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum had a record is totally absurd, since Rittenhouse could not have known of it at the time. To the best of my knowledge, the two did not know each other. One cannot seriously attribute a motive to a shooter who had no knowledge of his victim. The people contending this are complete assholes. There is nothing to suggest that he knew any of the three people he shot.

The Kenosha cops could have prevented this whole thing if they had just done their jobs and cleared the streets. The cops in the armed vehicles had the last clear chance. Talk about cops refusing to protect their city.

I can buy the self defense argument when you try to look at from Rittenhouse’s perspective.

Shooting #1...don’t know for sure, let the courts decide that one.

Shooting #2...Huber was trying to disarm him. He had no way of knowing Huber’s intentions.

Shooting #3...the guy had a gun, but had his hands in the air, gun pointing up, backing away. The claim is Kyle thought he made a threatening move and shot him.

It is all about perspective, and those who proclaim Kyle a hero Or a villain, are only willing to see ONE perspective. And keep in mind this is a 17 yr old NOT a seasoned adult.

Here is another perspective.

Huber and Grosskreutz (thoroughly demonized and deemed worthy of killing by thr right) .... what was THEIR perspective?


Someone yelling “hey, that guy shot someone” and seeing a guy jogging down the street with a gun.

Huber and Grosskreutz trying time take down an active shooter.

If Huber and Grosskreutz were rightwing militants and Kyle a protester...who would would the rabid right label a hero? The villain? They would all over that video of Kyle punching the girl.

It is pretty fucked up frankly. The only real villains are the people who allowed an illegally armed 17 yr old to be in that situation In the first place.

And all the while you ignore the simple fact that the 17 year old was RUNNING AWAY!.

How can you be so blind?

Yes. An active shooter running away. Don‘t brave people try to STOP active shooters from escaping?

Or does that depend on the ideologies involved?

An active shooter attacks random people. The 17 year old only shot people ATTACKING HIM.

Your rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty are quite shocking.
I think you have your own rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty here.

As far as anyone could know while this was happening, he was an active shooter. No one knew why he shot anyone, only that he did. From the perception of the people there (many of whom were fleeing and screaming) there was an active shooter. I doubt the dead man who tried to take him down had time to first run around to where the shooting occurred, interview the witness, and review all the videos first.

No one with a brain could come to the conclusion he was an active shooter because HE WASN'T SHOOTING! He only fired the rifle when he was forced to.

For fucks sake there are loads of video that show this to be true.

Isn’t hindsight just fantastic? Maybe you could lend some to the people pursuing the killer and remind them that they should reviewed all those videos before trying to apprehend a killer.
Ya two criminals that were actively in the process of committing MORE crimes were just concerned citizens. Go peddle your stupidity to someone that is retarded enough to buy it.

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.
my god youre a dense person,,,they were rioting trying to burn a town to the ground,,
if thats not enough they were attacking a person with intent to murder,,,
their words not mine,,

You keep saying that.

There were a lot of people there, protesters, rioters, citizens, people protecting property, police doing nothing to enforce the curfew...

Since you are so sure that all three who were killed were part of the riot club, let’s see some actual evidence for your claim.
the video proof has been posted many times,,dont you think its time you watched it,,,

I have watched so many videos, mostly of people being killed, Property destroyed, that I am done with it. Not something I like to watch AT ALL. So, if there is a video out there showing Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz engaging in a riot (looting, vandalizing, destroying property, setting fires) tell me what video and what time interval they appear in, and I will watch it.
Fuck you, you won't watch the 3 videos showing self defense on Kyle's part but want video of his attackers. You are a liberal LOON.

You guys keep claiming they were actively rioting. That is what we were talking about.

Attempting to take down a perceived active shooter (who had just killed someone) is not a crime. In fact you guys applaud it normally.

Don‘t think Rosenbaum committed an actual crime either in that interaction. Self defense is plausible in all three cases. All that is needed Is a reasonable belief.

Since you justify killing those men because they were rioting...I’m asking for evidence if that claim.
Since when is a murderer a "patriot"?
He is when he is a Rightwinger.

Self-defense is not murder, as you will soon learn.

When the police did not show up to defend the community against the Molotov bombers, this 17 year old did. A hero, he probably saved lives, and children from the pedophile.

You wanted vigilante justice now you got it, real justice as well. Be happy with it.
Ah yes...the fictional Molotov. He is no hero, he is just another killer.

The Molotov that was thrown at him is now fictional?

What in the fuck?

You can always guarantee these 3rd worldists who are incapable of living productive life in modern society to back the pedophiles and criminals and root against the Americans and American heroes.
Most people don’t confuse Molotov cocktails with plastic bags and statutory rape with pedophilia.
Most people realize that a dde who molested five boys, none older than age 11, is, in fect, a pedophile.

Pre-sentence report...
Agree. All that has come out and been substantiated over time. The guy was a piece of crap, no wonder his sister said she did not want a go fund me done for him. But even pieces of crap have rights under the law. None of this was known at the time of the incident. It isn’t up to mobs to execute people and it isn’t up to vigilantes to pass sentence on someone outside the law.

The arguments in this case keep evolving.

First, insufficient evidence as to what happened.
Then, claims of Molotov cocktail and self defense.
Then criminal record comes out.
Then killing justified because Rosenbaum is a piece of crap.

The ONLY justification for a civilian killing another is self defense or defense of another. Not to pass judgement of a person and decide he or she is worthy of death.

That is not lawlesshe’s.

And frankly, makes me wonder if we are going to enter into an era of an eye for an eye of extrajudicial killings.

Rittenhouse killed two, he and his lawyer is getting death threats.
Reinoehl Killed one, his estranged sister and her family are getting death threats.

Two increasingly radicalized ideologies clashing in our cities. No one in leadership toning down the rhetoric.

He wasn't executed. He was killed while trying to murder a 17 year old. His actions placed him in front of that muzzle.

Here you are, finally acknowledging that the guy was a fucking pervert, after defending him for days even after it was WELL documented he was a fucking violent felon, and now, here you are attacking a 17 year old for defending himself and accusing that 17 year old of executing a poor defenceless protester.

It was NOT well documented to begin with. Linking to a state sex offender registry that doesn’t show hI’m in it is not well documented.

I don’t know about you, but I really try to make sure of the facts before accusing dead people of serious crimes because the first thing you guys do is immediately try shred the character of the victims. Dead people can not defend themselves. First thing you guys do, every time as if that justifies the killing.

And you still are trying to claim all three were violent felons, when one was only convicted of a misdeamenor (as far as I can find) along the same lines as Kyle, and the other was trying to stop an active shooter (from the perspective he saw at the situation from).

I did not say he executed them. I said killed.

So get this through your skull, the 17 year old has NO prior record, and the THREE people he shot, were ALL convicted felons.

Prior record changes nothing. It has no bearing in and of itself on whether or not you have the right to kill someone. A record does not give the right to kill. ONLY self defense does.

And Kyle CAN make a reasonable for self defense. Likewise a reasonable argument can be made that Huber was trying to take down an active shooter(an action you guys would call heroic if he was on of yours). But Huber is dead. Can’t speak for himself.

On the felon bit. You claim all three are “convicted felons” but all I can find on Grosskreutz is having a gun while intoxicated. You have something else?

And you insist on attacking the ONE person in this drama who isn't a CONVICTED FELON.

Are you seriously making an argument that it is ok for a “non-felon” can go and shoot someone, and get away with it solely because the victim was a felon?

Kyle will likely walk on the most serious charges. Self defense is reasonable with Rosenbaum and Huber. But less so with the guy he wounded, who had his hands in the air and was not pointing the gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. And he won’t walk on the charge of illegal possession of a fire arm.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

I do not support lawlessness or vigilanteism.

I can't buy the self-defense argument in these circumstances, particularly since Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to take down an active shooter. Poor Mr. Huber tried to do it unarmed. But right-wingers yell "self defense!" every damned time someone other than a right-winger gets shot. This is really getting boring. It totally lacks credibility.

The argument that Rittenhouse was a hero for shooting Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum had a record is totally absurd, since Rittenhouse could not have known of it at the time. To the best of my knowledge, the two did not know each other. One cannot seriously attribute a motive to a shooter who had no knowledge of his victim. The people contending this are complete assholes. There is nothing to suggest that he knew any of the three people he shot.

The Kenosha cops could have prevented this whole thing if they had just done their jobs and cleared the streets. The cops in the armed vehicles had the last clear chance. Talk about cops refusing to protect their city.

I can buy the self defense argument when you try to look at from Rittenhouse’s perspective.

Shooting #1...don’t know for sure, let the courts decide that one.

Shooting #2...Huber was trying to disarm him. He had no way of knowing Huber’s intentions.

Shooting #3...the guy had a gun, but had his hands in the air, gun pointing up, backing away. The claim is Kyle thought he made a threatening move and shot him.

It is all about perspective, and those who proclaim Kyle a hero Or a villain, are only willing to see ONE perspective. And keep in mind this is a 17 yr old NOT a seasoned adult.

Here is another perspective.

Huber and Grosskreutz (thoroughly demonized and deemed worthy of killing by thr right) .... what was THEIR perspective?


Someone yelling “hey, that guy shot someone” and seeing a guy jogging down the street with a gun.

Huber and Grosskreutz trying time take down an active shooter.

If Huber and Grosskreutz were rightwing militants and Kyle a protester...who would would the rabid right label a hero? The villain? They would all over that video of Kyle punching the girl.

It is pretty fucked up frankly. The only real villains are the people who allowed an illegally armed 17 yr old to be in that situation In the first place.

And all the while you ignore the simple fact that the 17 year old was RUNNING AWAY!.

How can you be so blind?

Yes. An active shooter running away. Don‘t brave people try to STOP active shooters from escaping?

Or does that depend on the ideologies involved?

An active shooter attacks random people. The 17 year old only shot people ATTACKING HIM.

Your rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty are quite shocking.
I think you have your own rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty here.

As far as anyone could know while this was happening, he was an active shooter. No one knew why he shot anyone, only that he did. From the perception of the people there (many of whom were fleeing and screaming) there was an active shooter. I doubt the dead man who tried to take him down had time to first run around to where the shooting occurred, interview the witness, and review all the videos first.

No one with a brain could come to the conclusion he was an active shooter because HE WASN'T SHOOTING! He only fired the rifle when he was forced to.

For fucks sake there are loads of video that show this to be true.

Isn’t hindsight just fantastic? Maybe you could lend some to the people pursuing the killer and remind them that they should reviewed all those videos before trying to apprehend a killer.
Ya two criminals that were actively in the process of committing MORE crimes were just concerned citizens. Go peddle your stupidity to someone that is retarded enough to buy it.

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.
my god youre a dense person,,,they were rioting trying to burn a town to the ground,,
if thats not enough they were attacking a person with intent to murder,,,
their words not mine,,

You keep saying that.

There were a lot of people there, protesters, rioters, citizens, people protecting property, police doing nothing to enforce the curfew...

Since you are so sure that all three who were killed were part of the riot club, let’s see some actual evidence for your claim.
the video proof has been posted many times,,dont you think its time you watched it,,,

I have watched so many videos, mostly of people being killed, Property destroyed, that I am done with it. Not something I like to watch AT ALL. So, if there is a video out there showing Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz engaging in a riot (looting, vandalizing, destroying property, setting fires) tell me what video and what time interval they appear in, and I will watch it.
Fuck you, you won't watch the 3 videos showing self defense on Kyle's part but want video of his attackers. You are a liberal LOON.

You guys keep claiming they were actively rioting. That is what we were talking about.

Attempting to take down a perceived active shooter (who had just killed someone) is not a crime. In fact you guys applaud it normally.

Don‘t think Rosenbaum committed an actual crime either in that interaction. Self defense is plausible in all three cases. All that is needed Is a reasonable belief.

Since you justify killing those men because they were rioting...I’m asking for evidence if that claim.
You won't look at the three attacks but want proof the three attackers were rioting..... Ya go away LOON. Ohh and again stop lying about the law Kyle broke NO law being there with a firearm as you have been shown.
Since when is a murderer a "patriot"?
He is when he is a Rightwinger.

Self-defense is not murder, as you will soon learn.

When the police did not show up to defend the community against the Molotov bombers, this 17 year old did. A hero, he probably saved lives, and children from the pedophile.

You wanted vigilante justice now you got it, real justice as well. Be happy with it.
Ah yes...the fictional Molotov. He is no hero, he is just another killer.

The Molotov that was thrown at him is now fictional?

What in the fuck?

You can always guarantee these 3rd worldists who are incapable of living productive life in modern society to back the pedophiles and criminals and root against the Americans and American heroes.
Most people don’t confuse Molotov cocktails with plastic bags and statutory rape with pedophilia.
Most people realize that a dde who molested five boys, none older than age 11, is, in fect, a pedophile.

Pre-sentence report...
Agree. All that has come out and been substantiated over time. The guy was a piece of crap, no wonder his sister said she did not want a go fund me done for him. But even pieces of crap have rights under the law. None of this was known at the time of the incident. It isn’t up to mobs to execute people and it isn’t up to vigilantes to pass sentence on someone outside the law.

The arguments in this case keep evolving.

First, insufficient evidence as to what happened.
Then, claims of Molotov cocktail and self defense.
Then criminal record comes out.
Then killing justified because Rosenbaum is a piece of crap.

The ONLY justification for a civilian killing another is self defense or defense of another. Not to pass judgement of a person and decide he or she is worthy of death.

That is not lawlesshe’s.

And frankly, makes me wonder if we are going to enter into an era of an eye for an eye of extrajudicial killings.

Rittenhouse killed two, he and his lawyer is getting death threats.
Reinoehl Killed one, his estranged sister and her family are getting death threats.

Two increasingly radicalized ideologies clashing in our cities. No one in leadership toning down the rhetoric.

He wasn't executed. He was killed while trying to murder a 17 year old. His actions placed him in front of that muzzle.

Here you are, finally acknowledging that the guy was a fucking pervert, after defending him for days even after it was WELL documented he was a fucking violent felon, and now, here you are attacking a 17 year old for defending himself and accusing that 17 year old of executing a poor defenceless protester.

It was NOT well documented to begin with. Linking to a state sex offender registry that doesn’t show hI’m in it is not well documented.

I don’t know about you, but I really try to make sure of the facts before accusing dead people of serious crimes because the first thing you guys do is immediately try shred the character of the victims. Dead people can not defend themselves. First thing you guys do, every time as if that justifies the killing.

And you still are trying to claim all three were violent felons, when one was only convicted of a misdeamenor (as far as I can find) along the same lines as Kyle, and the other was trying to stop an active shooter (from the perspective he saw at the situation from).

I did not say he executed them. I said killed.

So get this through your skull, the 17 year old has NO prior record, and the THREE people he shot, were ALL convicted felons.

Prior record changes nothing. It has no bearing in and of itself on whether or not you have the right to kill someone. A record does not give the right to kill. ONLY self defense does.

And Kyle CAN make a reasonable for self defense. Likewise a reasonable argument can be made that Huber was trying to take down an active shooter(an action you guys would call heroic if he was on of yours). But Huber is dead. Can’t speak for himself.

On the felon bit. You claim all three are “convicted felons” but all I can find on Grosskreutz is having a gun while intoxicated. You have something else?

And you insist on attacking the ONE person in this drama who isn't a CONVICTED FELON.

Are you seriously making an argument that it is ok for a “non-felon” can go and shoot someone, and get away with it solely because the victim was a felon?

Kyle will likely walk on the most serious charges. Self defense is reasonable with Rosenbaum and Huber. But less so with the guy he wounded, who had his hands in the air and was not pointing the gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. And he won’t walk on the charge of illegal possession of a fire arm.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

I do not support lawlessness or vigilanteism.

I can't buy the self-defense argument in these circumstances, particularly since Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to take down an active shooter. Poor Mr. Huber tried to do it unarmed. But right-wingers yell "self defense!" every damned time someone other than a right-winger gets shot. This is really getting boring. It totally lacks credibility.

The argument that Rittenhouse was a hero for shooting Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum had a record is totally absurd, since Rittenhouse could not have known of it at the time. To the best of my knowledge, the two did not know each other. One cannot seriously attribute a motive to a shooter who had no knowledge of his victim. The people contending this are complete assholes. There is nothing to suggest that he knew any of the three people he shot.

The Kenosha cops could have prevented this whole thing if they had just done their jobs and cleared the streets. The cops in the armed vehicles had the last clear chance. Talk about cops refusing to protect their city.

I can buy the self defense argument when you try to look at from Rittenhouse’s perspective.

Shooting #1...don’t know for sure, let the courts decide that one.

Shooting #2...Huber was trying to disarm him. He had no way of knowing Huber’s intentions.

Shooting #3...the guy had a gun, but had his hands in the air, gun pointing up, backing away. The claim is Kyle thought he made a threatening move and shot him.

It is all about perspective, and those who proclaim Kyle a hero Or a villain, are only willing to see ONE perspective. And keep in mind this is a 17 yr old NOT a seasoned adult.

Here is another perspective.

Huber and Grosskreutz (thoroughly demonized and deemed worthy of killing by thr right) .... what was THEIR perspective?


Someone yelling “hey, that guy shot someone” and seeing a guy jogging down the street with a gun.

Huber and Grosskreutz trying time take down an active shooter.

If Huber and Grosskreutz were rightwing militants and Kyle a protester...who would would the rabid right label a hero? The villain? They would all over that video of Kyle punching the girl.

It is pretty fucked up frankly. The only real villains are the people who allowed an illegally armed 17 yr old to be in that situation In the first place.

And all the while you ignore the simple fact that the 17 year old was RUNNING AWAY!.

How can you be so blind?

Yes. An active shooter running away. Don‘t brave people try to STOP active shooters from escaping?

Or does that depend on the ideologies involved?

An active shooter attacks random people. The 17 year old only shot people ATTACKING HIM.

Your rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty are quite shocking.
I think you have your own rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty here.

As far as anyone could know while this was happening, he was an active shooter. No one knew why he shot anyone, only that he did. From the perception of the people there (many of whom were fleeing and screaming) there was an active shooter. I doubt the dead man who tried to take him down had time to first run around to where the shooting occurred, interview the witness, and review all the videos first.

No one with a brain could come to the conclusion he was an active shooter because HE WASN'T SHOOTING! He only fired the rifle when he was forced to.

For fucks sake there are loads of video that show this to be true.

Isn’t hindsight just fantastic? Maybe you could lend some to the people pursuing the killer and remind them that they should reviewed all those videos before trying to apprehend a killer.
Ya two criminals that were actively in the process of committing MORE crimes were just concerned citizens. Go peddle your stupidity to someone that is retarded enough to buy it.

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.
my god youre a dense person,,,they were rioting trying to burn a town to the ground,,
if thats not enough they were attacking a person with intent to murder,,,
their words not mine,,

You keep saying that.

There were a lot of people there, protesters, rioters, citizens, people protecting property, police doing nothing to enforce the curfew...

Since you are so sure that all three who were killed were part of the riot club, let’s see some actual evidence for your claim.
the video proof has been posted many times,,dont you think its time you watched it,,,

I have watched so many videos, mostly of people being killed, Property destroyed, that I am done with it. Not something I like to watch AT ALL. So, if there is a video out there showing Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz engaging in a riot (looting, vandalizing, destroying property, setting fires) tell me what video and what time interval they appear in, and I will watch it.
Fuck you, you won't watch the 3 videos showing self defense on Kyle's part but want video of his attackers. You are a liberal LOON.

You guys keep claiming they were actively rioting. That is what we were talking about.

Attempting to take down a perceived active shooter (who had just killed someone) is not a crime. In fact you guys applaud it normally.

Don‘t think Rosenbaum committed an actual crime either in that interaction. Self defense is plausible in all three cases. All that is needed Is a reasonable belief.

Since you justify killing those men because they were rioting...I’m asking for evidence if that claim.
your twisting of the facts is noted and mocked,,,,

it was every good americans responsibility to be out there with guns,,it just took a 17 yr old to step up and show us how,,,
In Kenosha, what specifically did the mayor do to hinder the police?

Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?

Lots of problems her that led to this.
there are a lot of questions there to unpack

I cant tell you what private instructions the mayor gave to the chief of police in kenosha

but across America democrat mayors have police forces that are ineffective at protecting the public from “peaceful protestors” on a violent Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

“Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?”

obviously the hands of the police are tied

“Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?”

thats simple

when the democrat party authorities lose control of the cities they are responsible for anything is possible

You are answering the questions with non answers, come on! If the Kenosha mayor gave instructions, there should be evidence. If there is not, it is pure speculation.

Same with curfew. I think that as well as allowing an illegally armed 17 yr old in are reasonable questions to ask and all you have is a partisan political response? Come on, there was a huge failure here from the mayor (the buck stops here) to the police (collaborating with unaccountable privately armed citizens, allowing a minor with a gun into a tense volatile situation), the parent who drove him there and the person who gave him that gun (a felony). At the very least tbe mayor, sheriff and police chief should resign.
You won't look at the three attacks but want proof the three attackers were rioting..... Ya go away LOON. Ohh and again stop lying about the law Kyle broke NO law being there with a firearm as you have been shown.

I have looked at the videos of the attacks. I am asking you to substantiate the claim those three were rioting. Can you?
In Kenosha, what specifically did the mayor do to hinder the police?

Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?

Lots of problems her that led to this.
there are a lot of questions there to unpack

I cant tell you what private instructions the mayor gave to the chief of police in kenosha

but across America democrat mayors have police forces that are ineffective at protecting the public from “peaceful protestors” on a violent Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

“Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?”

obviously the hands of the police are tied

“Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?”

thats simple

when the democrat party authorities lose control of the cities they are responsible for anything is possible

You are answering the questions with non answers, come on! If the Kenosha mayor gave instructions, there should be evidence. If there is not, it is pure speculation.

Same with curfew. I think that as well as allowing an illegally armed 17 yr old in are reasonable questions to ask and all you have is a partisan political response? Come on, there was a huge failure here from the mayor (the buck stops here) to the police (collaborating with unaccountable privately armed citizens, allowing a minor with a gun into a tense volatile situation), the parent who drove him there and the person who gave him that gun (a felony). At the very least tbe mayor, sheriff and police chief should resign.
HE was NOT breaking ANY LAW YOU LYING TWO FACE RETARD. Quit with the lying.
Since when is a murderer a "patriot"?
He is when he is a Rightwinger.

Self-defense is not murder, as you will soon learn.

When the police did not show up to defend the community against the Molotov bombers, this 17 year old did. A hero, he probably saved lives, and children from the pedophile.

You wanted vigilante justice now you got it, real justice as well. Be happy with it.
Ah yes...the fictional Molotov. He is no hero, he is just another killer.

The Molotov that was thrown at him is now fictional?

What in the fuck?

You can always guarantee these 3rd worldists who are incapable of living productive life in modern society to back the pedophiles and criminals and root against the Americans and American heroes.
Most people don’t confuse Molotov cocktails with plastic bags and statutory rape with pedophilia.
Most people realize that a dde who molested five boys, none older than age 11, is, in fect, a pedophile.

Pre-sentence report...
Agree. All that has come out and been substantiated over time. The guy was a piece of crap, no wonder his sister said she did not want a go fund me done for him. But even pieces of crap have rights under the law. None of this was known at the time of the incident. It isn’t up to mobs to execute people and it isn’t up to vigilantes to pass sentence on someone outside the law.

The arguments in this case keep evolving.

First, insufficient evidence as to what happened.
Then, claims of Molotov cocktail and self defense.
Then criminal record comes out.
Then killing justified because Rosenbaum is a piece of crap.

The ONLY justification for a civilian killing another is self defense or defense of another. Not to pass judgement of a person and decide he or she is worthy of death.

That is not lawlesshe’s.

And frankly, makes me wonder if we are going to enter into an era of an eye for an eye of extrajudicial killings.

Rittenhouse killed two, he and his lawyer is getting death threats.
Reinoehl Killed one, his estranged sister and her family are getting death threats.

Two increasingly radicalized ideologies clashing in our cities. No one in leadership toning down the rhetoric.

He wasn't executed. He was killed while trying to murder a 17 year old. His actions placed him in front of that muzzle.

Here you are, finally acknowledging that the guy was a fucking pervert, after defending him for days even after it was WELL documented he was a fucking violent felon, and now, here you are attacking a 17 year old for defending himself and accusing that 17 year old of executing a poor defenceless protester.

It was NOT well documented to begin with. Linking to a state sex offender registry that doesn’t show hI’m in it is not well documented.

I don’t know about you, but I really try to make sure of the facts before accusing dead people of serious crimes because the first thing you guys do is immediately try shred the character of the victims. Dead people can not defend themselves. First thing you guys do, every time as if that justifies the killing.

And you still are trying to claim all three were violent felons, when one was only convicted of a misdeamenor (as far as I can find) along the same lines as Kyle, and the other was trying to stop an active shooter (from the perspective he saw at the situation from).

I did not say he executed them. I said killed.

So get this through your skull, the 17 year old has NO prior record, and the THREE people he shot, were ALL convicted felons.

Prior record changes nothing. It has no bearing in and of itself on whether or not you have the right to kill someone. A record does not give the right to kill. ONLY self defense does.

And Kyle CAN make a reasonable for self defense. Likewise a reasonable argument can be made that Huber was trying to take down an active shooter(an action you guys would call heroic if he was on of yours). But Huber is dead. Can’t speak for himself.

On the felon bit. You claim all three are “convicted felons” but all I can find on Grosskreutz is having a gun while intoxicated. You have something else?

And you insist on attacking the ONE person in this drama who isn't a CONVICTED FELON.

Are you seriously making an argument that it is ok for a “non-felon” can go and shoot someone, and get away with it solely because the victim was a felon?

Kyle will likely walk on the most serious charges. Self defense is reasonable with Rosenbaum and Huber. But less so with the guy he wounded, who had his hands in the air and was not pointing the gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. And he won’t walk on the charge of illegal possession of a fire arm.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

I do not support lawlessness or vigilanteism.

I can't buy the self-defense argument in these circumstances, particularly since Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to take down an active shooter. Poor Mr. Huber tried to do it unarmed. But right-wingers yell "self defense!" every damned time someone other than a right-winger gets shot. This is really getting boring. It totally lacks credibility.

The argument that Rittenhouse was a hero for shooting Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum had a record is totally absurd, since Rittenhouse could not have known of it at the time. To the best of my knowledge, the two did not know each other. One cannot seriously attribute a motive to a shooter who had no knowledge of his victim. The people contending this are complete assholes. There is nothing to suggest that he knew any of the three people he shot.

The Kenosha cops could have prevented this whole thing if they had just done their jobs and cleared the streets. The cops in the armed vehicles had the last clear chance. Talk about cops refusing to protect their city.

I can buy the self defense argument when you try to look at from Rittenhouse’s perspective.

Shooting #1...don’t know for sure, let the courts decide that one.

Shooting #2...Huber was trying to disarm him. He had no way of knowing Huber’s intentions.

Shooting #3...the guy had a gun, but had his hands in the air, gun pointing up, backing away. The claim is Kyle thought he made a threatening move and shot him.

It is all about perspective, and those who proclaim Kyle a hero Or a villain, are only willing to see ONE perspective. And keep in mind this is a 17 yr old NOT a seasoned adult.

Here is another perspective.

Huber and Grosskreutz (thoroughly demonized and deemed worthy of killing by thr right) .... what was THEIR perspective?


Someone yelling “hey, that guy shot someone” and seeing a guy jogging down the street with a gun.

Huber and Grosskreutz trying time take down an active shooter.

If Huber and Grosskreutz were rightwing militants and Kyle a protester...who would would the rabid right label a hero? The villain? They would all over that video of Kyle punching the girl.

It is pretty fucked up frankly. The only real villains are the people who allowed an illegally armed 17 yr old to be in that situation In the first place.

And all the while you ignore the simple fact that the 17 year old was RUNNING AWAY!.

How can you be so blind?

Yes. An active shooter running away. Don‘t brave people try to STOP active shooters from escaping?

Or does that depend on the ideologies involved?

An active shooter attacks random people. The 17 year old only shot people ATTACKING HIM.

Your rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty are quite shocking.
I think you have your own rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty here.

As far as anyone could know while this was happening, he was an active shooter. No one knew why he shot anyone, only that he did. From the perception of the people there (many of whom were fleeing and screaming) there was an active shooter. I doubt the dead man who tried to take him down had time to first run around to where the shooting occurred, interview the witness, and review all the videos first.

No one with a brain could come to the conclusion he was an active shooter because HE WASN'T SHOOTING! He only fired the rifle when he was forced to.

For fucks sake there are loads of video that show this to be true.

Isn’t hindsight just fantastic? Maybe you could lend some to the people pursuing the killer and remind them that they should reviewed all those videos before trying to apprehend a killer.
Ya two criminals that were actively in the process of committing MORE crimes were just concerned citizens. Go peddle your stupidity to someone that is retarded enough to buy it.

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.
my god youre a dense person,,,they were rioting trying to burn a town to the ground,,
if thats not enough they were attacking a person with intent to murder,,,
their words not mine,,

You keep saying that.

There were a lot of people there, protesters, rioters, citizens, people protecting property, police doing nothing to enforce the curfew...

Since you are so sure that all three who were killed were part of the riot club, let’s see some actual evidence for your claim.
the video proof has been posted many times,,dont you think its time you watched it,,,

I have watched so many videos, mostly of people being killed, Property destroyed, that I am done with it. Not something I like to watch AT ALL. So, if there is a video out there showing Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz engaging in a riot (looting, vandalizing, destroying property, setting fires) tell me what video and what time interval they appear in, and I will watch it.
Fuck you, you won't watch the 3 videos showing self defense on Kyle's part but want video of his attackers. You are a liberal LOON.

You guys keep claiming they were actively rioting. That is what we were talking about.

Attempting to take down a perceived active shooter (who had just killed someone) is not a crime. In fact you guys applaud it normally.

Don‘t think Rosenbaum committed an actual crime either in that interaction. Self defense is plausible in all three cases. All that is needed Is a reasonable belief.

Since you justify killing those men because they were rioting...I’m asking for evidence if that claim.
You won't look at the three attacks but want proof the three attackers were rioting..... Ya go away LOON. Ohh and again stop lying about the law Kyle broke NO law being there with a firearm as you have been shown.

I looked at the videos of the attacks. I am asking you to substantiate the claim those three were rioting. Can you?
When will you stop lying about the law?
Since when is a murderer a "patriot"?
He is when he is a Rightwinger.

Self-defense is not murder, as you will soon learn.

When the police did not show up to defend the community against the Molotov bombers, this 17 year old did. A hero, he probably saved lives, and children from the pedophile.

You wanted vigilante justice now you got it, real justice as well. Be happy with it.
Ah yes...the fictional Molotov. He is no hero, he is just another killer.

The Molotov that was thrown at him is now fictional?

What in the fuck?

You can always guarantee these 3rd worldists who are incapable of living productive life in modern society to back the pedophiles and criminals and root against the Americans and American heroes.
Most people don’t confuse Molotov cocktails with plastic bags and statutory rape with pedophilia.
Most people realize that a dde who molested five boys, none older than age 11, is, in fect, a pedophile.

Pre-sentence report...
Agree. All that has come out and been substantiated over time. The guy was a piece of crap, no wonder his sister said she did not want a go fund me done for him. But even pieces of crap have rights under the law. None of this was known at the time of the incident. It isn’t up to mobs to execute people and it isn’t up to vigilantes to pass sentence on someone outside the law.

The arguments in this case keep evolving.

First, insufficient evidence as to what happened.
Then, claims of Molotov cocktail and self defense.
Then criminal record comes out.
Then killing justified because Rosenbaum is a piece of crap.

The ONLY justification for a civilian killing another is self defense or defense of another. Not to pass judgement of a person and decide he or she is worthy of death.

That is not lawlesshe’s.

And frankly, makes me wonder if we are going to enter into an era of an eye for an eye of extrajudicial killings.

Rittenhouse killed two, he and his lawyer is getting death threats.
Reinoehl Killed one, his estranged sister and her family are getting death threats.

Two increasingly radicalized ideologies clashing in our cities. No one in leadership toning down the rhetoric.

He wasn't executed. He was killed while trying to murder a 17 year old. His actions placed him in front of that muzzle.

Here you are, finally acknowledging that the guy was a fucking pervert, after defending him for days even after it was WELL documented he was a fucking violent felon, and now, here you are attacking a 17 year old for defending himself and accusing that 17 year old of executing a poor defenceless protester.

It was NOT well documented to begin with. Linking to a state sex offender registry that doesn’t show hI’m in it is not well documented.

I don’t know about you, but I really try to make sure of the facts before accusing dead people of serious crimes because the first thing you guys do is immediately try shred the character of the victims. Dead people can not defend themselves. First thing you guys do, every time as if that justifies the killing.

And you still are trying to claim all three were violent felons, when one was only convicted of a misdeamenor (as far as I can find) along the same lines as Kyle, and the other was trying to stop an active shooter (from the perspective he saw at the situation from).

I did not say he executed them. I said killed.

So get this through your skull, the 17 year old has NO prior record, and the THREE people he shot, were ALL convicted felons.

Prior record changes nothing. It has no bearing in and of itself on whether or not you have the right to kill someone. A record does not give the right to kill. ONLY self defense does.

And Kyle CAN make a reasonable for self defense. Likewise a reasonable argument can be made that Huber was trying to take down an active shooter(an action you guys would call heroic if he was on of yours). But Huber is dead. Can’t speak for himself.

On the felon bit. You claim all three are “convicted felons” but all I can find on Grosskreutz is having a gun while intoxicated. You have something else?

And you insist on attacking the ONE person in this drama who isn't a CONVICTED FELON.

Are you seriously making an argument that it is ok for a “non-felon” can go and shoot someone, and get away with it solely because the victim was a felon?

Kyle will likely walk on the most serious charges. Self defense is reasonable with Rosenbaum and Huber. But less so with the guy he wounded, who had his hands in the air and was not pointing the gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. And he won’t walk on the charge of illegal possession of a fire arm.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

I do not support lawlessness or vigilanteism.

I can't buy the self-defense argument in these circumstances, particularly since Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to take down an active shooter. Poor Mr. Huber tried to do it unarmed. But right-wingers yell "self defense!" every damned time someone other than a right-winger gets shot. This is really getting boring. It totally lacks credibility.

The argument that Rittenhouse was a hero for shooting Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum had a record is totally absurd, since Rittenhouse could not have known of it at the time. To the best of my knowledge, the two did not know each other. One cannot seriously attribute a motive to a shooter who had no knowledge of his victim. The people contending this are complete assholes. There is nothing to suggest that he knew any of the three people he shot.

The Kenosha cops could have prevented this whole thing if they had just done their jobs and cleared the streets. The cops in the armed vehicles had the last clear chance. Talk about cops refusing to protect their city.

I can buy the self defense argument when you try to look at from Rittenhouse’s perspective.

Shooting #1...don’t know for sure, let the courts decide that one.

Shooting #2...Huber was trying to disarm him. He had no way of knowing Huber’s intentions.

Shooting #3...the guy had a gun, but had his hands in the air, gun pointing up, backing away. The claim is Kyle thought he made a threatening move and shot him.

It is all about perspective, and those who proclaim Kyle a hero Or a villain, are only willing to see ONE perspective. And keep in mind this is a 17 yr old NOT a seasoned adult.

Here is another perspective.

Huber and Grosskreutz (thoroughly demonized and deemed worthy of killing by thr right) .... what was THEIR perspective?


Someone yelling “hey, that guy shot someone” and seeing a guy jogging down the street with a gun.

Huber and Grosskreutz trying time take down an active shooter.

If Huber and Grosskreutz were rightwing militants and Kyle a protester...who would would the rabid right label a hero? The villain? They would all over that video of Kyle punching the girl.

It is pretty fucked up frankly. The only real villains are the people who allowed an illegally armed 17 yr old to be in that situation In the first place.

And all the while you ignore the simple fact that the 17 year old was RUNNING AWAY!.

How can you be so blind?

Yes. An active shooter running away. Don‘t brave people try to STOP active shooters from escaping?

Or does that depend on the ideologies involved?

An active shooter attacks random people. The 17 year old only shot people ATTACKING HIM.

Your rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty are quite shocking.
I think you have your own rampant bias and intellectual dishonesty here.

As far as anyone could know while this was happening, he was an active shooter. No one knew why he shot anyone, only that he did. From the perception of the people there (many of whom were fleeing and screaming) there was an active shooter. I doubt the dead man who tried to take him down had time to first run around to where the shooting occurred, interview the witness, and review all the videos first.

No one with a brain could come to the conclusion he was an active shooter because HE WASN'T SHOOTING! He only fired the rifle when he was forced to.

For fucks sake there are loads of video that show this to be true.

Isn’t hindsight just fantastic? Maybe you could lend some to the people pursuing the killer and remind them that they should reviewed all those videos before trying to apprehend a killer.
Ya two criminals that were actively in the process of committing MORE crimes were just concerned citizens. Go peddle your stupidity to someone that is retarded enough to buy it.

You keep saying that. Show us the crimes those three were actively committing. A video showing them would be helpful.

And please don’t pretend the plastic bag was a Molotov cocktail.
It’s in the forum already! You don’t want to watch cause it blows apart your position
In Kenosha, what specifically did the mayor do to hinder the police?

Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?

Lots of problems her that led to this
All on the mayor.
In Kenosha, what specifically did the mayor do to hinder the police?

Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?

Lots of problems her that led to this.
there are a lot of questions there to unpack

I cant tell you what private instructions the mayor gave to the chief of police in kenosha

but across America democrat mayors have police forces that are ineffective at protecting the public from “peaceful protestors” on a violent Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

“Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?”

obviously the hands of the police are tied

“Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?”

thats simple

when the democrat party authorities lose control of the cities they are responsible for anything is possible

You are answering the questions with non answers, come on! If the Kenosha mayor gave instructions, there should be evidence. If there is not, it is pure speculation.

Same with curfew. I think that as well as allowing an illegally armed 17 yr old in are reasonable questions to ask and all you have is a partisan political response? Come on, there was a huge failure here from the mayor (the buck stops here) to the police (collaborating with unaccountable privately armed citizens, allowing a minor with a gun into a tense volatile situation), the parent who drove him there and the person who gave him that gun (a felony). At the very least tbe mayor, sheriff and police chief should resign.
HE was NOT breaking ANY LAW YOU LYING TWO FACE RETARD. Quit with the lying.

That is an outright lie.

While some of the claims are arguable by both sides, one is not.

It is against the law for a 17 yr old to be armed in Wisconsin.

Had that not happened none of the rest would have.
In Kenosha, what specifically did the mayor do to hinder the police?

Why were people out there after curfew and the police seemingly doing nothing to disperse them?

Why did the police allow a 17 yr in with a gun?

Lots of problems her that led to this
All on the mayor.

Disagree. He is only part of it.

Police Chief.

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