Twitter initiates mass purge of prominent alt-right victory


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
“This is corporate Stalinism.”
Twitter Initiates Mass Purge Of Prominent Alt-Right Accounts Following Trump Victory

Oh look the cry babies who can't handle no pampering, and now just as Hitler has done keeping press to only glamorizing him so nobody would know what was really going on within the Government.
Just like today, now that so many are waking up to MSM being nothing more than a method used to indoctrinate socities idiots, who can't seem to piece together how they are being basically programmed into acting, and thinking as they do. Press a button and wow all the lunatics get up and out and start beating the shit out of ppl Yeah those are our zombies.
corporate stalinism? wtf is that?

( Satans mouth piece is just a term used" so don't go off on some religious bs.

In addition, the Corporate Media use an interlocking network of articles, newscasts and other forms of communication, ALL of which refer back to previously-told lies. In this manner, a multi-layered network of lies is built up over time.

While disinformation and government propaganda may be the principle products of Satan’s Mouthpiece, they are not its only products.

Periodic media campaigns regularly promote

  1. Fear
  2. Loathing
  3. Anger
  4. Hatred
  5. Antisocial behaviors
  6. Doubt and worry
  7. Exaltation of Self
  8. Rebellion and Revolt
  9. Destruction of societal/civilization norms of behavior
  10. Antichrist deceptions
Any truthful information disseminated by the Corporate Media is either a 1) mistake; 2) incidental; or, 3) necessary in order to effectively sell a bigger lie.

One further purpose of the Corporate Media is to provide the framework of an
corporate stalinism? wtf is that?

( Satans mouth piece is just a term used" so don't go off on some religious bs.

In addition, the Corporate Media use an interlocking network of articles, newscasts and other forms of communication, ALL of which refer back to previously-told lies. In this manner, a multi-layered network of lies is built up over time.

While disinformation and government propaganda may be the principle products of Satan’s Mouthpiece, they are not its only products.

Periodic media campaigns regularly promote

  1. Fear
  2. Loathing
  3. Anger
  4. Hatred
  5. Antisocial behaviors
  6. Doubt and worry
  7. Exaltation of Self
  8. Rebellion and Revolt
  9. Destruction of societal/civilization norms of behavior
  10. Antichrist deceptions
Any truthful information disseminated by the Corporate Media is either a 1) mistake; 2) incidental; or, 3) necessary in order to effectively sell a bigger lie.

One further purpose of the Corporate Media is to provide the framework of an
so fascism
corporate stalinism? wtf is that?

( Satans mouth piece is just a term used" so don't go off on some religious bs.

In addition, the Corporate Media use an interlocking network of articles, newscasts and other forms of communication, ALL of which refer back to previously-told lies. In this manner, a multi-layered network of lies is built up over time.

While disinformation and government propaganda may be the principle products of Satan’s Mouthpiece, they are not its only products.

Periodic media campaigns regularly promote

  1. Fear
  2. Loathing
  3. Anger
  4. Hatred
  5. Antisocial behaviors
  6. Doubt and worry
  7. Exaltation of Self
  8. Rebellion and Revolt
  9. Destruction of societal/civilization norms of behavior
  10. Antichrist deceptions
Any truthful information disseminated by the Corporate Media is either a 1) mistake; 2) incidental; or, 3) necessary in order to effectively sell a bigger lie.

One further purpose of the Corporate Media is to provide the framework of an
so fascism

Flynn, like other members of the Old Right, was disgusted by the irony that what he saw, almost everyone else chose to ignore. After reviewing this long history, Flynn proceeds to sum up with a list of eight points he considers to be the main marks of the fascist state.

As I present them, I will also offer comments on the modern American central state.

Point 1. The government is totalitarian because it acknowledges no restraint on its powers.
If you become directly ensnared in the state’s web, you will quickly discover that there are indeed no limits to what the state can do. This can happen boarding a flight, driving around in your hometown, or having your business run afoul of some government agency. In the end, you must obey or be caged like an animal or killed. In this way, no matter how much you may believe that you are free, all of us today are but one step away from Guantanamo.

No aspect of life is untouched by government intervention, and often it takes forms we do not readily see. All of healthcare is regulated, but so is every bit of our food, transportation, clothing, household products, and even private relationships. Mussolini himself put his principle this way: “All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” I submit to you that this is the prevailing ideology in the United States today. This nation, conceived in liberty, has been kidnapped by the fascist state.

Point 2. Government is a de facto dictatorship based on the leadership principle.
I wouldn’t say that we truly have a dictatorship of one man in this country, but we do have a form of dictatorship of one sector of government over the entire country. The executive branch has spread so dramatically over the last century that it has become a joke to speak of checks and balances.

The Eight Marks of Fascist Policy
corporate stalinism? wtf is that?

( Satans mouth piece is just a term used" so don't go off on some religious bs.

In addition, the Corporate Media use an interlocking network of articles, newscasts and other forms of communication, ALL of which refer back to previously-told lies. In this manner, a multi-layered network of lies is built up over time.

While disinformation and government propaganda may be the principle products of Satan’s Mouthpiece, they are not its only products.

Periodic media campaigns regularly promote

  1. Fear
  2. Loathing
  3. Anger
  4. Hatred
  5. Antisocial behaviors
  6. Doubt and worry
  7. Exaltation of Self
  8. Rebellion and Revolt
  9. Destruction of societal/civilization norms of behavior
  10. Antichrist deceptions
Any truthful information disseminated by the Corporate Media is either a 1) mistake; 2) incidental; or, 3) necessary in order to effectively sell a bigger lie.

One further purpose of the Corporate Media is to provide the framework of an
so fascism

Flynn, like other members of the Old Right, was disgusted by the irony that what he saw, almost everyone else chose to ignore. After reviewing this long history, Flynn proceeds to sum up with a list of eight points he considers to be the main marks of the fascist state.

As I present them, I will also offer comments on the modern American central state.

Point 1. The government is totalitarian because it acknowledges no restraint on its powers.
If you become directly ensnared in the state’s web, you will quickly discover that there are indeed no limits to what the state can do. This can happen boarding a flight, driving around in your hometown, or having your business run afoul of some government agency. In the end, you must obey or be caged like an animal or killed. In this way, no matter how much you may believe that you are free, all of us today are but one step away from Guantanamo.

No aspect of life is untouched by government intervention, and often it takes forms we do not readily see. All of healthcare is regulated, but so is every bit of our food, transportation, clothing, household products, and even private relationships. Mussolini himself put his principle this way: “All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” I submit to you that this is the prevailing ideology in the United States today. This nation, conceived in liberty, has been kidnapped by the fascist state.

Point 2. Government is a de facto dictatorship based on the leadership principle.
I wouldn’t say that we truly have a dictatorship of one man in this country, but we do have a form of dictatorship of one sector of government over the entire country. The executive branch has spread so dramatically over the last century that it has become a joke to speak of checks and balances.

The Eight Marks of Fascist Policy
well thats a lew rockwell article from the racist mises institute reblogged through nutjob infowars about a book from one of the long dead founders of the AFI a protest group that openly sided with Hitler against FDR in WW2

that's like 8 levels of racist crazy
corporate stalinism? wtf is that?

( Satans mouth piece is just a term used" so don't go off on some religious bs.

In addition, the Corporate Media use an interlocking network of articles, newscasts and other forms of communication, ALL of which refer back to previously-told lies. In this manner, a multi-layered network of lies is built up over time.

While disinformation and government propaganda may be the principle products of Satan’s Mouthpiece, they are not its only products.

Periodic media campaigns regularly promote

  1. Fear
  2. Loathing
  3. Anger
  4. Hatred
  5. Antisocial behaviors
  6. Doubt and worry
  7. Exaltation of Self
  8. Rebellion and Revolt
  9. Destruction of societal/civilization norms of behavior
  10. Antichrist deceptions
Any truthful information disseminated by the Corporate Media is either a 1) mistake; 2) incidental; or, 3) necessary in order to effectively sell a bigger lie.

One further purpose of the Corporate Media is to provide the framework of an
so fascism

Flynn, like other members of the Old Right, was disgusted by the irony that what he saw, almost everyone else chose to ignore. After reviewing this long history, Flynn proceeds to sum up with a list of eight points he considers to be the main marks of the fascist state.

As I present them, I will also offer comments on the modern American central state.

Point 1. The government is totalitarian because it acknowledges no restraint on its powers.
If you become directly ensnared in the state’s web, you will quickly discover that there are indeed no limits to what the state can do. This can happen boarding a flight, driving around in your hometown, or having your business run afoul of some government agency. In the end, you must obey or be caged like an animal or killed. In this way, no matter how much you may believe that you are free, all of us today are but one step away from Guantanamo.

No aspect of life is untouched by government intervention, and often it takes forms we do not readily see. All of healthcare is regulated, but so is every bit of our food, transportation, clothing, household products, and even private relationships. Mussolini himself put his principle this way: “All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” I submit to you that this is the prevailing ideology in the United States today. This nation, conceived in liberty, has been kidnapped by the fascist state.

Point 2. Government is a de facto dictatorship based on the leadership principle.
I wouldn’t say that we truly have a dictatorship of one man in this country, but we do have a form of dictatorship of one sector of government over the entire country. The executive branch has spread so dramatically over the last century that it has become a joke to speak of checks and balances.

The Eight Marks of Fascist Policy
well thats a lew rockwell article from the racist mises institute reblogged through nutjob infowars about a book from one of the long dead founders of the AFI a protest group that openly sided with Hitler against FDR in WW2

that's like 8 levels of racist crazy

That is what I could find the quickest, but it gives some points.
corporate stalinism? wtf is that?

( Satans mouth piece is just a term used" so don't go off on some religious bs.

In addition, the Corporate Media use an interlocking network of articles, newscasts and other forms of communication, ALL of which refer back to previously-told lies. In this manner, a multi-layered network of lies is built up over time.

While disinformation and government propaganda may be the principle products of Satan’s Mouthpiece, they are not its only products.

Periodic media campaigns regularly promote

  1. Fear
  2. Loathing
  3. Anger
  4. Hatred
  5. Antisocial behaviors
  6. Doubt and worry
  7. Exaltation of Self
  8. Rebellion and Revolt
  9. Destruction of societal/civilization norms of behavior
  10. Antichrist deceptions
Any truthful information disseminated by the Corporate Media is either a 1) mistake; 2) incidental; or, 3) necessary in order to effectively sell a bigger lie.

One further purpose of the Corporate Media is to provide the framework of an
so fascism

Flynn, like other members of the Old Right, was disgusted by the irony that what he saw, almost everyone else chose to ignore. After reviewing this long history, Flynn proceeds to sum up with a list of eight points he considers to be the main marks of the fascist state.

As I present them, I will also offer comments on the modern American central state.

Point 1. The government is totalitarian because it acknowledges no restraint on its powers.
If you become directly ensnared in the state’s web, you will quickly discover that there are indeed no limits to what the state can do. This can happen boarding a flight, driving around in your hometown, or having your business run afoul of some government agency. In the end, you must obey or be caged like an animal or killed. In this way, no matter how much you may believe that you are free, all of us today are but one step away from Guantanamo.

No aspect of life is untouched by government intervention, and often it takes forms we do not readily see. All of healthcare is regulated, but so is every bit of our food, transportation, clothing, household products, and even private relationships. Mussolini himself put his principle this way: “All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” I submit to you that this is the prevailing ideology in the United States today. This nation, conceived in liberty, has been kidnapped by the fascist state.

Point 2. Government is a de facto dictatorship based on the leadership principle.
I wouldn’t say that we truly have a dictatorship of one man in this country, but we do have a form of dictatorship of one sector of government over the entire country. The executive branch has spread so dramatically over the last century that it has become a joke to speak of checks and balances.

The Eight Marks of Fascist Policy

Though some other schools of thought may share similar themes, it does not necessarily make them also fascists.

I think that the Neocon movement (in BOTH parties) when combined with the reality that our federal government is approaching totalitarian form and its similar economic-corporate-government cronyism is as close to fascist as we will ever see without handing out swastika arm bands.

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