Twitter locks out Trump

The one on information.

What monopoly on information? There is some law stopping you from starting your own social media platform? When did this las stopping this come into being? There is only one information outlet in the US? There is no NY Post, NY Times, Washington Post, Breibart (snicker), CNN, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Jones, MSN, WorldNetDaily? And literally thousands of others outlets? They are all closed down? Very sad indeed....
They are scared the narrative will be challenged. They cannot win an argument on policies. They can not win an argument on moral grounds. They cannot win an argument so they silence those who disagree. They block factual content. They bury it. They have fact checkers who are told what to say.

It is one sided and evil. Its purpose is manipulation, and as so many of you exhibit, indoctrination and self- hatred.
People like you are destroying your country. I'm wondering if you're American at all....I get the impression if I was to trace your IP address it would end up somewhere like Moscow or Beijing...
You are projecting again. Russia was a hoax.
The one on information.

What monopoly on information? There is some law stopping you from starting your own social media platform? When did this las stopping this come into being? There is only one information outlet in the US? There is no NY Post, NY Times, Washington Post, Breibart (snicker), CNN, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Jones, MSN, WorldNetDaily? And literally thousands of others outlets? They are all closed down? Very sad indeed....
They are scared the narrative will be challenged. They cannot win an argument on policies. They can not win an argument on moral grounds. They cannot win an argument so they silence those who disagree. They block factual content. They bury it. They have fact checkers who are told what to say.

It is one sided and evil.

And by 'factual content', you mean what?

And the 'fact checkers' are told what to whom?
They are told what to say by their MSM publishers, moron.
Not without a warning. People are stupid enough to believe Twitter. Hell, you are one of them
You mean like believing the Fake News Trump was tweeting 24/7? That kind of stupid?
Trump can't lie like the media?

Obviously he is very good at it. Well, I suppose that depends on your definition of very good.

Trump supporters should be mad this didn't happen 4 years ago because if it had he might have won again.
Wait...we have a so called president that has been banned from multiple social media platforms and the Republicans in congress still want him to remain in office? They still want him to have control of nuclear weapons? ARE THESE PEOPLE CRAZY?
No they want free speech.

Thankfully they already have that.
What are you smoking?

If someone were banned from this board would they still have their rights to free speech fully intact? Yes or no will do.
That's this board, not a monopoly like Facebook or youTube or Twitter.

Also the government doesn't get to write the TOS for this board or twitter.

Is Trump going to sue and when he doesn't then what?
Then the government should not exempt them from the law on publishers. They do that. And this proves it. There are multiple anti trust suits against them.

But you know the truth that they can't handle dissension so they silence it. Cowardice and Communist

Are there any free speech cases? That's what the topic is and many, many, many people have been banned from twitter. How many sued their way back on under the 1st amendment?

Funny, you didn't address the point about you libs knowing that you can't handle the Truth.

Oh. Ok. We do know the truth. Better?

EDIT: Oh and handle it or whatever you want to hear.

Sorry. The constant censorship and the constant support from the left for it, shows that you can't handle the Truth.

I don't think twitter appreciates threats over their platform. In the end it's their decision. You guys got parlor though I guess there was some censorship issues because some were pushing the notion of not voting in the Georgia runoff. You know, cuz the steal and shit.

I guess the "truth" that the owners of Parlor were worried about came true.
Newsweek is the media. The media has no credibility to many here, myself included.

That's not my problem.

But it is. You have to live in this country too. Half the population and more every day, are coming to grips with the idea, that the media is their enemy.

Do you want a Civil War?

It's not my problem that the conservatives on this board choose to ignore a link because it's from "the media". Now as a country you guys are continuing to move onto your safe spaces and only trust conservatives sources and will be conversing with only each other on apps like parlor won't be my problem either, I won't have to listen to it since they will be self censoring from the rest of the world.

Except that it is you people that are employing censorship so that you can be safe from voices and questions that you don't have answers to.

That we don't respect or trust sources that have been proved to be liars, is not something wrong with us, and that you pretend it is, is you gaslighting.

So, how do you like political violence as the norm? I mean, you won, so, you happy with how it is turning out? Was it worth the cost?

Oh, and I'll be asking that question in the future as things deteriorate further. At least until the police come to arrest me for hate speech. You know, for daring to say the Truth. That you people hate and fear.
Wait...we have a so called president that has been banned from multiple social media platforms and the Republicans in congress still want him to remain in office? They still want him to have control of nuclear weapons? ARE THESE PEOPLE CRAZY?
No they want free speech.

Thankfully they already have that.
What are you smoking?

If someone were banned from this board would they still have their rights to free speech fully intact? Yes or no will do.
That's this board, not a monopoly like Facebook or youTube or Twitter.

Also the government doesn't get to write the TOS for this board or twitter.

Is Trump going to sue and when he doesn't then what?
Then the government should not exempt them from the law on publishers. They do that. And this proves it. There are multiple anti trust suits against them.

But you know the truth that they can't handle dissension so they silence it. Cowardice and Communist

Are there any free speech cases? That's what the topic is and many, many, many people have been banned from twitter. How many sued their way back on under the 1st amendment?

Funny, you didn't address the point about you libs knowing that you can't handle the Truth.

Oh. Ok. We do know the truth. Better?

EDIT: Oh and handle it or whatever you want to hear.

Sorry. The constant censorship and the constant support from the left for it, shows that you can't handle the Truth.

I don't think twitter appreciates threats over their platform. In the end it's their decision. You guys got parlor though I guess there was some censorship issues because some were pushing the notion of not voting in the Georgia runoff. You know, cuz the steal and shit.

I guess the "truth" that the owners of Parlor were worried about came true.

You don't get to on one hand, claim to be able to handle the truth, and on the other gloat about successful censorship.

Well, you do. But you look like a deluded fool.

Do you want a Civil War?

Like I said, I don't blame twitter for banning people who promote violence. It's really their decision and anyone who joins agrees to their TOS.

We don't care that you have excuses for your censorship.

Do you want a Civil War?

Yes. I want a civil war because twitter has the right to ban people who violate their TOS.

You are making it impossible for those with real grievances to be heard. You are making it impossible for large numbers of people to get their voices heard.

Don't lie to yourself about what you are doing.

If you don't want a Civil War, then stop acting like you do.

I just told you I'm ready to go to war over twitters TOS, why are you not taking this seriously? That is what you keep wanting to talk about after all.
You obviously are ready to go to war over it.


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