Two black women assault Korean woman

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libs would have us believe these two are actually members of the KKK in drag AND blackface

Its shocking how white people mistreat asians

Libs or Progressives and do you know the difference?

Bigotry knows no color and let me be clear Blacks, Asians and Hispanics \ Latinos can be as bigoted as White society but the difference is Progressives will excuse the bigotry and hate and blame White society...
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag.

I use the term all the time to refer to someone who engages in this behavior whether they are white, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Gay, Straight, and, yes, even Black. When I think of the origin of “thug”, I think of Irish or Italian gang members from my grandparents’ era. Thug is not racist nor is it solely used towards Blacks.
Sadly crap like this happen every day, whether it involves blacks, Asian, multiple or single races involved. Just saw it on Yahoo. It would be a local story if not for events of last week. Who is it I am supposed to be outraged for or against? I think it is modern day thugs in general that are the problem, and they are of every color.

Yet you go along with the claim it's whitey is the racist... Which is it..? Either blacks are attacking Hispanics, whites and Asians for racially motivated reasons or not?
Who said it is any of the above? Not me. Why should I make some racist statement to make you happy? Are you that pathetic, you need help to really feel your hate and keep you warm at night? Get a Fkn blanket. What if it is just garden variety hoodlums? Am I looking at you wrong? Did you get the crap beat out of you by people of some other race or multiple times by multiple races, so you you hate everybody that doesn't look like you? Did it happen as a kid and instead of blaming the one that did it you held on to the racial part for 40 years? You need to get hold of yourself. Maybe practice some self evaluation and find out whether you little unexamined feelings are actually doing you any benefit or just making you look and sound like an ass.
They must be white supremacists.

Oh no....they were black so they must be Antifa.
If they hadn't assaulted a Korean woman they would have found some brown, white, of another black to assault
They must be white supremacists.

East Asian Orientals aren't Asian anymore ....theyre White ..please try and keep up with progressive racial categorizations.....bigot!

It's really the new White lady's fault
They asked for help in a beauty store and she replied ain't no beauty supply store in the world that can help you two ugly hairy gorilla monkeys

Thats when the Fucking violent obsolete farm equipment lost it
These two are disgusting and they need to be prosecuted, I don't care what their skin color is. This is wrong to physically attack with no provocation. We should all be appalled by this behavior, no matter anyone's skin color.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag.

I use the term all the time to refer to someone who engages in this behavior whether they are white, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Gay, Straight, and, yes, even Black. When I think of the origin of “thug”, I think of Irish or Italian gang members from my grandparents’ era. Thug is not racist nor is it solely used towards Blacks.

You claim to do that, but it's funny we never see any white criminals described as that.
Should be prosecuted as a hate crime. If not, I am going to burn down my neighborhood.
Ever since the late sixties we have seen a huge upsurge in black crime and violence....yet the msm has done their best to cover it up.

The liberal narrative remains that blacks are victims....they will not budge from that despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Black thugs attacking random white people, Jews, and Asians has been going on for a long time and again covered up by the media.

The sudden popularzation of Asian victimhood and particuarly the effort being made to label it a white supremacist problem is just another example of how the msm and the federal government conspire against the American People.

The real truth is that blacks are the perps in the great majority of cases of street crimes....aka the infamous knockout game, the muggings, etc.etc. and it goes on much more than most realize because most of it is never reported.....only when there is a video does such cases get reported and even then not nearly all of them.

Many sincere "liberals" really, really, really believe it is unfair to criticize that ethnicity for the huge amount of violent crime that they commit, feeling that they are very angry people because of slavery and more than a hundred years of de jure or de facto segregation.

Therefore, the "liberal" media do their best to hide the crime of certain folks, lest it cast a negative light on them.

As a result, many ordinary people make a guess as to the perps' ethnicity. Here in the Los Angeles area, the anti-Asian perps have usually been members of two particular ethnicities along with a few Caucasians.

Right now, here in L.A., brazen robbers have been stopping people in high-end shopping districts during daytime hours and robbing them of their watches. People naturally jump to a conclusion as to the perps' ethnicity, and it often turns out to be true.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

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