Two black women assault Korean woman

On the same day George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in Florida, two Black teenagers
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag.

I use the term all the time to refer to someone who engages in this behavior whether they are white, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Gay, Straight, and, yes, even Black. When I think of the origin of “thug”, I think of Irish or Italian gang members from my grandparents’ era. Thug is not racist nor is it solely used towards Blacks.

You claim to do that, but it's funny we never see any white criminals described as that.

Like I said, if the behavior or the crime fit the bill, I call them thug regardless.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

All unarmed, cuffed, etc., but as long as they are black you all happy to see them murdered. Amazing how Long didn't end up dead.
On the same day George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in Florida, two Black teenagers
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag.

I use the term all the time to refer to someone who engages in this behavior whether they are white, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Gay, Straight, and, yes, even Black. When I think of the origin of “thug”, I think of Irish or Italian gang members from my grandparents’ era. Thug is not racist nor is it solely used towards Blacks.

You claim to do that, but it's funny we never see any white criminals described as that.

Like I said, if the behavior or the crime fit the bill, I call them thug regardless.

You claim that is what you say, but I can't recall any white thug you called a "thug".
White people don't protect white criminals. There is no white George Floyd or Eric Garner. There are no marches for white criminals.
Ever since the late sixties we have seen a huge upsurge in black crime and violence....yet the msm has done their best to cover it up.

The liberal narrative remains that blacks are victims....they will not budge from that despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Black thugs attacking random white people, Jews, and Asians has been going on for a long time and again covered up by the media.

The sudden popularzation of Asian victimhood and particuarly the effort being made to label it a white supremacist problem is just another example of how the msm and the federal government conspire against the American People.

The real truth is that blacks are the perps in the great majority of cases of street crimes....aka the infamous knockout game, the muggings, etc.etc. and it goes on much more than most realize because most of it is never reported.....only when there is a video does such cases get reported and even then not nearly all of them.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

All unarmed, cuffed, etc., but as long as they are black you all happy to see them murdered. Amazing how Long didn't end up dead.
you fkd up big time
1. NO not all cuffed
Brown, Sterling, Scott. etc NOT cuffed
2. cuffed does not mean not a threat:-
etc many links like this
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

All unarmed, cuffed, etc., but as long as they are black you all happy to see them murdered. Amazing how Long didn't end up dead.
..seriously- I have to give thumbs up to you SuperBrutha....seems like you don't use the vile insults/etc like the others least not as much
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

All unarmed, cuffed, etc., but as long as they are black you all happy to see them murdered. Amazing how Long didn't end up dead.
..seriously- I have to give thumbs up to you SuperBrutha....seems like you don't use the vile insults/etc like the others least not as much

If the HOOD fits wear it.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

All unarmed, cuffed, etc., but as long as they are black you all happy to see them murdered. Amazing how Long didn't end up dead.
you fkd up big time
1. NO not all cuffed
Brown, Sterling, Scott. etc NOT cuffed
2. cuffed does not mean not a threat:-
etc many links like this

Yea because Oscar Grant was a huge threat, wasn't he. How about Amadou Diallo, man do you know how easy it is to kill a cop with a Drivers license.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

All unarmed, cuffed, etc., but as long as they are black you all happy to see them murdered. Amazing how Long didn't end up dead.
you fkd up big time
1. NO not all cuffed
Brown, Sterling, Scott. etc NOT cuffed
2. cuffed does not mean not a threat:-
etc many links like this

Yea because Oscar Grant was a huge threat, wasn't he. How about Amadou Diallo, man do you know how easy it is to kill a cop with a Drivers license.
woooohooooooo--WOW! that's ONE out of DOZENS--and the cop went to jail
--AND--AND--it doesn't prove cuffed people are NOT dangerous/resisting/etc
...INNOCENT whites get killed also
....all explained here:
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.
..sorry, but you are full of crap--you people LOVE criminals--we do not
EGarner --THIRTY arrests
etc etc

All unarmed, cuffed, etc., but as long as they are black you all happy to see them murdered. Amazing how Long didn't end up dead.
..seriously- I have to give thumbs up to you SuperBrutha....seems like you don't use the vile insults/etc like the others least not as much

If the HOOD fits wear it.
I give you a compliment and THIS is your reply!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!
White people don't protect white criminals. There is no white George Floyd or Eric Garner. There are no marches for white criminals.
Oh boy, do I have news for you about Nazi's and people who love them some Confederates.
I don't care at all about Nazis who are so over used the word has lost all meaning.
It's fine you don't care, but they're very much a thing. And I mean literal Nazi's, Swastikas, Hitler love and all.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.

For example?
White people don't protect white criminals. There is no white George Floyd or Eric Garner. There are no marches for white criminals.
Oh boy, do I have news for you about Nazi's and people who love them some Confederates.
I don't care at all about Nazis who are so over used the word has lost all meaning.
It's fine you don't care, but they're very much a thing. And I mean literal Nazi's, Swastikas, Hitler love and all.
So? This means what? That democrats aren't communists? Sorry. Fail. Communist democrats give Nazis a good name.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag.
No one thinks that what Long did was the right thing to do. No one would say that accusing him of a crime was racist. Long himself would not claim that the hookers were racist and therefore deserved their fate.

This is why your calling me a racist has no real meaning. It's a word without substance.
They must be white supremacists.

This type of attack happens daily in blue cities across the country. Having grown up in Los Angeles and lived in the SF Bay Area, I can attest to the fact that blacks and Asians are often at war. Sometimes it's gang-related, sometimes not. If you review the statistics of assaults against Asians, they are most often perpetrated by black attackers.
Black thugs have been beating and killing Asians for months. It started with kids beating the elderly to death. Now it's open season. The reason is white supremacy gets the blame and blacks never have to accept responsibility.

So they are black thugs, funny I didn't hear you describe Long as a white thug. Can you explain that you racist hag. see---here's a HUGE difference----whites don't defend and HONOR criminals like blacks do

You honor white criminals that harm anyone who isn't white.

For example?
Anyone who successfully fights off a black thug. George Zimmerman who isn't even white and Darren Wilson come to mind.

In the movie the Ten Commandments Charlton Heston says "Do you know it is death to strike an Egyptian?" Communist democrats want an update. Do you know it is death to strike a black?"

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