Two Boys Suspended For Playing Cops And Robbers At Recess

From the link:

When Bildstein and Grafton questioned their son, he said, "I was just playing. I don't understand …"

Bildstein said she and Grafton have a meeting arranged with Sprankle and other school administrators to discuss a situation she says has escalated beyond what she thinks is healthy for her child. This is her son's second suspension in his first-grade year, the other suspension for something she said is equally difficult to understand.
Second suspension. Sounds like a little troublemaker with an enabling parent, imo. But since the schools is forbidden to comment because of privacy laws we will never know.
This thread is rather ironic what with the current craze of arming teachers and/or principals.

Schools don't seem to be allowed to discipline students at all and you people want them to have guns???
I don't see the irony. Seems to me that a society which allowed school personnel to carry arms might be more tolerant of innocent, traditional childhood games.
Nonsense like this is precisely why I send my son to a private school. The public school system is riddled with incompetent boobs who possess no common sense whatsoever.

Two Boys Suspended For Playing Cops And Robbers At Recess | Baltimore News | WBAL Radio 1090 AM

We played cops and robbers, cowboys and indians and didn't grow up to be mass murderers.

Had a situation up here where a child we nicknamed "little johnny the kid" pointed his chicken nugget at another kid and went "bang bang" and was suspended.
I don't see the irony. Seems to me that a society which allowed school personnel to carry arms might be more tolerant of innocent, traditional childhood games.

Except that this is the kid's second suspension, according to the article. It is doubtful the story we are hearing is the truth, that they were merely playing cops and robbers.

It is ridiculous how schools aren't allowed to discipline. I have a friend that got smacked by one of her students in class last month and the student only received a 10 day suspension. He should have been expelled. He's now back in her class and there is nothing she can do about it aside from quit.
Nonsense like this is precisely why I send my son to a private school. The public school system is riddled with incompetent boobs who possess no common sense whatsoever.

Two Boys Suspended For Playing Cops And Robbers At Recess | Baltimore News | WBAL Radio 1090 AM

We played cops and robbers, cowboys and indians and didn't grow up to be mass murderers.

Had a situation up here where a child we nicknamed "little johnny the kid" pointed his chicken nugget at another kid and went "bang bang" and was suspended.

That's just it. This is the fourth incident I've read of like this since Sandy Hook. There are too many morons running the public schools and then we wonder why we're graduating kids ill prepared for the real world.
Nonsense like this is precisely why I send my son to a private school. The public school system is riddled with incompetent boobs who possess no common sense whatsoever.

Two Boys Suspended For Playing Cops And Robbers At Recess | Baltimore News | WBAL Radio 1090 AM

A private school is no guarantee that the education or environment will be better for every student. Moreover, it does not assure that those who are in administrative roles are better or more effective at their positions.

Parental involvement is key in making sure the child gets what they need from the public or private system.
I agree with your opinion that "Parental involvement is key in making sure the child gets what they need from the public or private system"

However, I'd like to address your point that "A private school is no guarantee that the education or environment will be better for every student"

If I study for a test, there is no guarantee that I will do better than if I were to not have studied for it. Nevertheless, basic logic and evidence dictates that for the vast majority of tests that I take in my life, if I study beforehand I will do better than if I were not to have studied.

Private schools for the most part, produce vastly better standardized test scores, are safer, provide a more controlled learning environment, and are generally better at preparing kids for college. The statistics really don't lie here. While it's true that maybe a private school isn't best for everyone, let's be reasonable here - all things equal, private schooling is a better option if you can afford it.
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I agree with your opinion that "Parental involvement is key in making sure the child gets what they need from the public or private system"

However, I'd like to address your point that "A private school is no guarantee that the education or environment will be better for every student"

If I study for a test, there is no guarantee that I will do better than if I were to not have studied for it. Nevertheless, basic logic and evidence dictates that for the vast majority of tests that I take in my life, if I study beforehand I will do better than if I were not to have studied.

Private schools for the most part, produce vastly better standardized test scores, are safer, provide a more controlled learning environment, and are generally better at preparing kids for college. The statistics really don't lie here. While it's true that maybe a private school isn't best for everyone, let's be reasonable here - all things equal, private schooling is a better option if you can afford it.
Link to your statistics, por favor.
I agree with your opinion that "Parental involvement is key in making sure the child gets what they need from the public or private system"

However, I'd like to address your point that "A private school is no guarantee that the education or environment will be better for every student"

If I study for a test, there is no guarantee that I will do better than if I were to not have studied for it. Nevertheless, basic logic and evidence dictates that for the vast majority of tests that I take in my life, if I study beforehand I will do better than if I were not to have studied.

Private schools for the most part, produce vastly better standardized test scores, are safer, provide a more controlled learning environment, and are generally better at preparing kids for college. The statistics really don't lie here. While it's true that maybe a private school isn't best for everyone, let's be reasonable here - all things equal, private schooling is a better option if you can afford it.

I would like to see these statistics. Further, because a school is private does not mean it is of a quality better than public. Indeed, "National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education published in January 2006 found that students in regular public schools do as well or significantly better than comparable students in private and charter schools."

NEA - Public Schools: As Good or Better Than Charter, Private Schools
Nonsense like this is precisely why I send my son to a private school. The public school system is riddled with incompetent boobs who possess no common sense whatsoever.

Two Boys Suspended For Playing Cops And Robbers At Recess | Baltimore News | WBAL Radio 1090 AM

You sent your kid to private school so he could play cops and robbers at recess?

Bullshit. You sent him there because there are less blacks.
I imagine many would could they afford it. Hell, people were willing to move to different neighborhoods to do just that. Do you remember "white flight"?

I suppose I am lucky living in Prague where "diversity" is not much of an issue.
Does your Visa require you to mention that a certain number of times per day?

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