Two Christians Beheaded in New Jersey By Muslim Man: Media, Silent!


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Authorities in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, bringing the horror of the persecution of Christians in Islamic nations to the United States.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.

The story is true, and it's fair to wonder how the media would have reacted had the religions been reversed.

Well of course the media isn't going to make a big deal of it.

Muslems are a protected group in America. They are followers of the "Religion of Peace" and even though millions of them of killing anyone who doesn't believe the same as they do, unlike gun owners, they can't be condemned as a group.
It can only be assumed that the man will languish in the system for quite some time. Remember KSM? Remember buying him a special prison then not using it? Remember who represented the district that contained the prison? Where is he now?

How about the Fort Hood murderer, WTF an open and closed case and it is taking this long? What are they waiting for some psychologist to come up with a defense based on Muslim persecution?

It does appear that Muslims in America are receiving some sort of special treatment. Unlike those in the ME that can be taken out at the whim of the CIA, no trial no nothing.

The story is true, and it's fair to wonder how the media would have reacted had the religions been reversed.


Case in point, the District Attorney that was killed, the news media couldn't be happier then to blame skin heads and calling them right wing. All without one bit of evidence.

The story is true, and it's fair to wonder how the media would have reacted had the religions been reversed.


Case in point, the District Attorney that was killed, the news media couldn't be happier then to blame skin heads and calling them right wing. All without one bit of evidence.

Agreed. The only way this story gets much national attention is if it goes to trial and something fairly spectacular happens, and that's not even a sure thing. The media has its unwritten rules, and they stick with them pretty well. There are many ways to slant a story to match an agenda, and the most effective way is to ignore it.

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The story is true, and it's fair to wonder how the media would have reacted had the religions been reversed.


Case in point, the District Attorney that was killed, the news media couldn't be happier then to blame skin heads and calling them right wing. All without one bit of evidence.

Agreed. The only way this story gets much national attention is if it goes to trial and something fairly spectacular happens, and that's not even a sure thing. The media has its unwritten rules, and they stick with them pretty well. There are many ways to slant a story to match an agenda, and the most effective way is to ignore it.


What do you think is the agenda? Do you think the agenda is coming from on high, above? Do you think that they are infiltrated by Muslims? Do you think that just because Obama is not a Muslim the news media has some sort of misconception that he really is? Are they simply scared of Muslims? Or are stories of Muslim atrocities getting to be "dog bites man" stories?

Actually I don't really care. The guy is going to prison but some sort of "fairness" in the media would be welcomed.

And it is not just this story. Consider what the media did to Nixon and Watergate. Yet the Obama administration has killed at least 3 Americans and one boy of 16 without trial, due process, or, as far as I know, review of the justification for the killings. I claim to be nothing more or less then a partisan hack but this just doesn't seem right to me. It is one thing to disagree with a war but congress can always stop a war. But to cold bloodedly send in predator missile to kill anyone within a blast zone, in an ally country, seems to me to be stuff for the Hague. Or at least scrutiny by a free press. Imagine if the leader of Iran sent in a predator missile to Israel and killed what they assumed to be an enemy of the state. What do you think would be the reaction?
This story was reported. The idea that the media protects Muslims is ridiculous. Grizzly murder. Reported as such.
It can only be assumed that the man will languish in the system for quite some time. Remember KSM? Remember buying him a special prison then not using it? Remember who represented the district that contained the prison? Where is he now?

How about the Fort Hood murderer, WTF an open and closed case and it is taking this long? What are they waiting for some psychologist to come up with a defense based on Muslim persecution?

It does appear that Muslims in America are receiving some sort of special treatment. Unlike those in the ME that can be taken out at the whim of the CIA, no trial no nothing.

It appears this administration is taking extra steps to leave the international committy with the certainty that Obama is still reaching out to Muslims. These international relations are more important, which is why this president refrains from using "terrorism" whenever an American or diplomat is killed by extremists. Unfortunately we need a presidential leader, one who is not afraid to simply call things as they are rather than putting the appeasement of the world above these tragedies laid at your own doorstep, and your own country.
It can only be assumed that the man will languish in the system for quite some time. Remember KSM? Remember buying him a special prison then not using it? Remember who represented the district that contained the prison? Where is he now?

How about the Fort Hood murderer, WTF an open and closed case and it is taking this long? What are they waiting for some psychologist to come up with a defense based on Muslim persecution?

It does appear that Muslims in America are receiving some sort of special treatment. Unlike those in the ME that can be taken out at the whim of the CIA, no trial no nothing.

It appears this administration is taking extra steps to leave the international committy with the certainty that Obama is still reaching out to Muslims. These international relations are more important, which is why this president refrains from using "terrorism" whenever an American or diplomat is killed by extremists. Unfortunately we need a presidential leader, one who is not afraid to simply call things as they are rather than putting the appeasement of the world above these tragedies laid at your own doorstep, and your own country.

We need a Reagan, we got an Obama.
Authorities in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, bringing the horror of the persecution of Christians in Islamic nations to the United States.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.

If New Jersy wasn't so gun restrictive they may be alive today.
Case in point, the District Attorney that was killed, the news media couldn't be happier then to blame skin heads and calling them right wing. All without one bit of evidence.

Agreed. The only way this story gets much national attention is if it goes to trial and something fairly spectacular happens, and that's not even a sure thing. The media has its unwritten rules, and they stick with them pretty well. There are many ways to slant a story to match an agenda, and the most effective way is to ignore it.


What do you think is the agenda? Do you think the agenda is coming from on high, above? Do you think that they are infiltrated by Muslims? Do you think that just because Obama is not a Muslim the news media has some sort of misconception that he really is? Are they simply scared of Muslims? Or are stories of Muslim atrocities getting to be "dog bites man" stories?

It's not that specific, not specific to Muslims. It's more big-picture than that. As mentioned above, there are essentially classes that the media will virtually always protect as much as it can. Whether it's ignoring a story, burying a story, burying the lead, ignoring facts within the story, pushing facts within a story, there's a thousand ways to do it.

Ironically, Fox News hurts the conservative agenda as much as it helps it. Since it's the only major conservative news outlet, it will cover stories the rest of the major media will not. But when it does, the rest of the media can just write it off as conservative bullshit. Of course, Fox's cartoonish hyperbole doesn't help its case, making the rest of the media's job that much easier.

If the religions in this story were reversed, you're right, things would be different.

Here is a local ABC report, so we at least know it happened, no major news outlets found.

[ame=]Muslim in New Jersey, USA, targeted, murdered two Coptic Egyptian Christians. Beheaded them - YouTube[/ame]
Agreed. The only way this story gets much national attention is if it goes to trial and something fairly spectacular happens, and that's not even a sure thing. The media has its unwritten rules, and they stick with them pretty well. There are many ways to slant a story to match an agenda, and the most effective way is to ignore it.


What do you think is the agenda? Do you think the agenda is coming from on high, above? Do you think that they are infiltrated by Muslims? Do you think that just because Obama is not a Muslim the news media has some sort of misconception that he really is? Are they simply scared of Muslims? Or are stories of Muslim atrocities getting to be "dog bites man" stories?

It's not that specific, not specific to Muslims. It's more big-picture than that. As mentioned above, there are essentially classes that the media will virtually always protect as much as it can. Whether it's ignoring a story, burying a story, burying the lead, ignoring facts within the story, pushing facts within a story, there's a thousand ways to do it.

Ironically, Fox News hurts the conservative agenda as much as it helps it. Since it's the only major conservative news outlet, it will cover stories the rest of the major media will not. But when it does, the rest of the media can just write it off as conservative bullshit. Of course, Fox's cartoonish hyperbole doesn't help its case, making the rest of the media's job that much easier.

If the religions in this story were reversed, you're right, things would be different.


Please. That is a completely unsubstantiated claim. There is no cover up and no protection by the media.
Agreed. The only way this story gets much national attention is if it goes to trial and something fairly spectacular happens, and that's not even a sure thing. The media has its unwritten rules, and they stick with them pretty well. There are many ways to slant a story to match an agenda, and the most effective way is to ignore it.


What do you think is the agenda? Do you think the agenda is coming from on high, above? Do you think that they are infiltrated by Muslims? Do you think that just because Obama is not a Muslim the news media has some sort of misconception that he really is? Are they simply scared of Muslims? Or are stories of Muslim atrocities getting to be "dog bites man" stories?

It's not that specific, not specific to Muslims. It's more big-picture than that. As mentioned above, there are essentially classes that the media will virtually always protect as much as it can. Whether it's ignoring a story, burying a story, burying the lead, ignoring facts within the story, pushing facts within a story, there's a thousand ways to do it.

Ironically, Fox News hurts the conservative agenda as much as it helps it. Since it's the only major conservative news outlet, it will cover stories the rest of the major media will not. But when it does, the rest of the media can just write it off as conservative bullshit. Of course, Fox's cartoonish hyperbole doesn't help its case, making the rest of the media's job that much easier.

If the religions in this story were reversed, you're right, things would be different.


Just couldn't help yourself with the shot at Fox. Fox is attacked because they do not adhere to the "agenda" that is all.

Still you give no opinion as to reason for the agenda.
I'll be brief
Not to long ago a Florida minister had national if not global attention for threatening to burn a fucking book
Their is an anti Christian agenda at work here
I am ashamed of some Americans.
What do you think is the agenda? Do you think the agenda is coming from on high, above? Do you think that they are infiltrated by Muslims? Do you think that just because Obama is not a Muslim the news media has some sort of misconception that he really is? Are they simply scared of Muslims? Or are stories of Muslim atrocities getting to be "dog bites man" stories?

It's not that specific, not specific to Muslims. It's more big-picture than that. As mentioned above, there are essentially classes that the media will virtually always protect as much as it can. Whether it's ignoring a story, burying a story, burying the lead, ignoring facts within the story, pushing facts within a story, there's a thousand ways to do it.

Ironically, Fox News hurts the conservative agenda as much as it helps it. Since it's the only major conservative news outlet, it will cover stories the rest of the major media will not. But when it does, the rest of the media can just write it off as conservative bullshit. Of course, Fox's cartoonish hyperbole doesn't help its case, making the rest of the media's job that much easier.

If the religions in this story were reversed, you're right, things would be different.


Please. That is a completely unsubstantiated claim. There is no cover up and no protection by the media.

There are none so blind as a blind partisan hack.

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