Two Christians Beheaded in New Jersey By Muslim Man: Media, Silent!

What do you think is the agenda? Do you think the agenda is coming from on high, above? Do you think that they are infiltrated by Muslims? Do you think that just because Obama is not a Muslim the news media has some sort of misconception that he really is? Are they simply scared of Muslims? Or are stories of Muslim atrocities getting to be "dog bites man" stories?

It's not that specific, not specific to Muslims. It's more big-picture than that. As mentioned above, there are essentially classes that the media will virtually always protect as much as it can. Whether it's ignoring a story, burying a story, burying the lead, ignoring facts within the story, pushing facts within a story, there's a thousand ways to do it.

Ironically, Fox News hurts the conservative agenda as much as it helps it. Since it's the only major conservative news outlet, it will cover stories the rest of the major media will not. But when it does, the rest of the media can just write it off as conservative bullshit. Of course, Fox's cartoonish hyperbole doesn't help its case, making the rest of the media's job that much easier.

If the religions in this story were reversed, you're right, things would be different.


Just couldn't help yourself with the shot at Fox. Fox is attacked because they do not adhere to the "agenda" that is all.

Still you give no opinion as to reason for the agenda.

Not sure what you're asking for. The vast majority of the media leans left and approaches its reporting from that perspective. In the particular case of religion -- which, as with most other things, has become politicized -- the media will behave as one might imagine.

Does that answer the question?

Authorities in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, bringing the horror of the persecution of Christians in Islamic nations to the United States.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.

That isn't the first one. There have been quite a few in New Jersey and the last one I heard about was of a Muslim who beheaded an entire family over a dispute they had on the internet.

I've got friends in law enforcement who say hands and feet are washing up on shores of lakes up north. They are thinking with sharia being practiced in Canada the body parts may be showing up from there. Over here they have started burying the body parts.

I agree this is disturbing but imagine how the bus full of Canadian passengers felt when they witnessed muslim men beheading a victim right there on the bus! That story never even made it to the newspapers although I believe I heard a small report on the news that mentioned about it on the internet. Islam in the West is a recipe for disaster. I have never believed that Islam belonged in Europe or America. It should be outlawed. In my opinion. - Jeremiah
It's not that specific, not specific to Muslims. It's more big-picture than that. As mentioned above, there are essentially classes that the media will virtually always protect as much as it can. Whether it's ignoring a story, burying a story, burying the lead, ignoring facts within the story, pushing facts within a story, there's a thousand ways to do it.

Ironically, Fox News hurts the conservative agenda as much as it helps it. Since it's the only major conservative news outlet, it will cover stories the rest of the major media will not. But when it does, the rest of the media can just write it off as conservative bullshit. Of course, Fox's cartoonish hyperbole doesn't help its case, making the rest of the media's job that much easier.

If the religions in this story were reversed, you're right, things would be different.


Just couldn't help yourself with the shot at Fox. Fox is attacked because they do not adhere to the "agenda" that is all.

Still you give no opinion as to reason for the agenda.

Not sure what you're asking for. The vast majority of the media leans left and approaches its reporting from that perspective. In the particular case of religion -- which, as with most other things, has become politicized -- the media will behave as one might imagine.

Does that answer the question?


Then why wasn't Fox news all over this?
Kind of suspecting people were going to turn this into another "Muslims out to kill us all" thread...

Then you find out it was a simple robbery, and the heads were removed to prevent identication of the bodies...

Gruesome beheading of Coptic Christian men in USA - The Commentator

A former roomate of Ibrahim described him as "awesome, with kids" and stated that he was a Muslim but not particularly religious.

Now here comes the justification. If two Christian had killed the muslim would you be saying it was a hate crime?

I didn't say anything either way. I simply posted someone else's perspective on the incident,

a perspective that appears to be more based on evidence than the OP.
Authorities in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, bringing the horror of the persecution of Christians in Islamic nations to the United States.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.

Media silent? Then how do you know about it? How did you get that link? What a 'toon!:cuckoo:

The media aren't silent. What happening instead is that the public reaction to the event hasn't been what you think it should be. Well, boo hoo for you.
Yes. I am still waiting for someone to provide any evidence that this crime was religious in nature. Since the claim that there is a cover up based on some media agenda hinges on this point, you'd think that some would be eager to demonstrate it.
I'll be brief
Not to long ago a Florida minister had national if not global attention for threatening to burn a fucking book
Their is an anti Christian agenda at work here
I am ashamed of some Americans.

Right. I read about him Terry somebody. He was on national news over burning a Koran. I don't know if he ever did it or not. What does that have to do with this story? The anti Christian agenda is not at work in some obscure place, RB. The Muslims have been slaughtering Christians all over the world. One of them announced recently he wouldn't come to Palestine until all the Jews had been killed by the Muslims!

This is the reality of Islam. What do you think the Israelis have been putting up with? Same thing? One particularly horrific jihad by Palestinian Muslims on a family in Israel was the Fogel family ( at their home like this story ) baby was beheaded in her diapers, family slaughtered - one daughter wasn't at home at time - came home to find family slaughtered and blood everywhere. Welcome to Islam. If you won't surrender your property? They will come in and murder you for it. Now you've realised it is in your own backyard. Hows that working out for you people this morning? - Jeremiah

Now here comes the justification. If two Christian had killed the muslim would you be saying it was a hate crime?

I didn't say anything either way. I simply posted someone else's perspective on the incident,

a perspective that appears to be more based on evidence than the OP.

No here's what you said
How about some uncharacteristically balanced perspective from a conservative commentator?

What makes it a balanced perspective? Is it because it somehow leans to what you agree with?
I'll be brief
Not to long ago a Florida minister had national if not global attention for threatening to burn a fucking book
Their is an anti Christian agenda at work here
I am ashamed of some Americans.

Right. I read about him Terry somebody. He was on national news over burning a Koran. I don't know if he ever did it or not. What does that have to do with this story? The anti Christian agenda is not at work in some obscure place, RB. The Muslims have been slaughtering Christians all over the world. One of them announced recently he wouldn't come to Palestine until all the Jews had been killed by the Muslims!

This is the reality of Islam. What do you think the Israelis have been putting up with? Same thing? One particularly horrific jihad by Palestinian Muslims on a family in Israel was the Fogel family ( at their home like this story ) baby was beheaded in her diapers, family slaughtered - one daughter wasn't at home at time - came home to find family slaughtered and blood everywhere. Welcome to Islam. If you won't surrender your property? They will come in and murder you for it. Now you've realised it is in your own backyard. Hows that working out for you people this morning? - Jeremiah

What does that have to do with this story?
To show how bigoted the media is towards Christians.

The story is true, and it's fair to wonder how the media would have reacted had the religions been reversed.


I can tell you right now. There would be American flags burning in every street across the middle east with Muslims screaming for justice. There would nonstop television coverage on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, every station - the flag at white house would be flying half mast, Obama would call NASA to find out why they didn't discover peace out there in space for the Muslims - heads would roll ( literally ) He would make a speech to the world ( apologising - he does that so well you know ) followed up by a speech to the UN where once again he would remind the world as he stated it the first time ---------------> There is no place in America for someone who insults Islam. Why? According to Obama's religion ( he converted to christianity he tells us ) if you insult Islam you must be put to death. As most 300 million of us are armed to the teeth in this nation that isn't going to be a cake walk. Unless Americans get stupid and surrender their firearms, register them, whatever so they can be taken away later. Time for America to wake up now. - J.

The story is true, and it's fair to wonder how the media would have reacted had the religions been reversed.


Case in point, the District Attorney that was killed, the news media couldn't be happier then to blame skin heads and calling them right wing. All without one bit of evidence.

I knew the Muslims killed that guy the minute I read the story. I have a friend down in Mexico who told me if he was over here and he caught one trying to kill him he'd never call law enforcement. He said that is the stupidest thing anyone can do is report it. He said the media and the law enforcement are covering for Muslims in this country and they brag about it to his people down there where he lives. He said if it were him he'd take care of it & get rid of them himself and then forget it ever happened. After seeing how quickly the media jumped to any conclusion in order to shut down the story it looks like he's right. They are getting special treatment and can't be dealt with the ordinary way.

Now here comes the justification. If two Christian had killed the muslim would you be saying it was a hate crime?

If two Christians killed a muslim it would be self defense. That isn't a hate crime.
Special kind of crazy here today, Jeremiah. You are nice and comfortable where you are, I hope.
If it were two gay guys killed all the liberals on this forum backing the media would be outraged. Probaly as bad asthey are with the zimmerman case. The bias is showing well, and proving liberals as hypocrites.

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