Two days later and still no videos of flight 777 falling from sky. WOW


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
How long do you think flight 777 was falling from sky after it was hit by Putin's forces? I would say 5-7 minutes at least. and during that time not one Russian terrorist was sober enough to find a phone or a camera to record what they proudly thought was a hit of an enemy plane? or they all knew it was a passenger plane that was hit on purpose which just happened to be flying off course?
How long do you think flight 777 was falling from sky after it was hit by Putin's forces? I would say 5-7 minutes at least. and during that time not one Russian terrorist was sober enough to find a phone or a camera to record what they proudly thought was a hit of an enemy plane? or they all knew it was a passenger plane that was hit on purpose which just happened to be flying off course?

Putin's gang isn't talking, they admitted the attacks on Ukraine military craft & cargo planes, there were too many deaths, from 17 countries to brag about this one.
How long do you think flight 777 was falling from sky after it was hit by Putin's forces? I would say 5-7 minutes at least. and during that time not one Russian terrorist was sober enough to find a phone or a camera to record what they proudly thought was a hit of an enemy plane? or they all knew it was a passenger plane that was hit on purpose which just happened to be flying off course?

Putin's gang isn't talking, they admitted the attacks on Ukraine military craft & cargo planes, there were too many deaths, from 17 countries to brag about this one.
Yea but people love to video tape this stuff these days, everyone has recorder of some kind. I suspect perhaps they turned the disappeared Malaysian flight from few months ago into this one, removed the black box in advance, or something like that, I don't have all the answers, but clearly neither does our media or politicians.
Our media and our politicians know nothing...our military knows everything. They are silent...waiting to "paint the bird blue".
Our media and our politicians know nothing...our military knows everything. They are silent...waiting to "paint the bird blue".
Wish they knew where the OTHER Malaysian flight was that disappeared a few months ago. Was it packed with Russian terrorists heading to Iraq?
Our media and our politicians know nothing...our military knows everything. They are silent...waiting to "paint the bird blue".
Wish they knew where the OTHER Malaysian flight was that disappeared a few months ago. Was it packed with Russian terrorists heading to Iraq?

Not many eyes looking in that direction...lots of eyes in Eastern Europe and environs.
Our media and our politicians know nothing...our military knows everything. They are silent...waiting to "paint the bird blue".
Wish they knew where the OTHER Malaysian flight was that disappeared a few months ago. Was it packed with Russian terrorists heading to Iraq?

Not many eyes looking in that direction...lots of eyes in Eastern Europe and environs.
And the Mexican border...
Lots of video of the wreckage, strewn over 9 miles. And reports of the scattered bits of human beings; the area is controlled by the separatists, they brag about prior planes destroyed..........but not this passenger craft. Some here already laughing and joking, good little Communist robots.
How long do you think flight 777 was falling from sky after it was hit by Putin's forces? I would say 5-7 minutes at least. and during that time not one Russian terrorist was sober enough to find a phone or a camera to record what they proudly thought was a hit of an enemy plane? or they all knew it was a passenger plane that was hit on purpose which just happened to be flying off course?

I wouldn't expect any of those dregs to be sober.
Lots of video of the wreckage, strewn over 9 miles. And reports of the scattered bits of human beings; the area is controlled by the separatists, they brag about prior planes destroyed..........but not this passenger craft. Some here already laughing and joking, good little Communist robots.
how about civilians in that area? no civilians left now? I thought rebels were the minority oppressing civilians who miss Kiev junta? or all recording equipment has been confiscated from people?
Two days later and still no videos of flight 777 falling from sky. WOW

Dear Dumbass: It was Malaysia flight MH17. The plane was a Boeing 777.
Text me when you have proof: As far as I'm concerned Kiev junta stole a plane a few months ago, rigged it up with dead bodies, removed black box, and sent it of it's course north to the conflict area. AND removed all cameras from the people so they could not film it going down, because it was probably hit by a surface to surface missile from a US war plane - which confirms deltex theory here that "US military knows everything, but is not speaking."
Are you listening to judge Jeanine on fox? General mcinerney gave you the answer...
I just looked up your source, and listened to it for entertainment, but frankly I prefer Alex Jones to these kooks

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Two days later and still no videos of flight 777 falling from sky. WOW

Dear Dumbass: It was Malaysia flight MH17. The plane was a Boeing 777.
Text me when you have proof: As far as I'm concerned Kiev junta stole a plane a few months ago, rigged it up with dead bodies, removed black box, and sent it of it's course north to the conflict area. AND removed all cameras from the people so they could not film it going down, because it was probably hit by a surface to surface missile from a US war plane - which confirms deltex theory here that "US military knows everything, but is not speaking."

Damn right, and we never landed on the moon.
Dear Dumbass: It was Malaysia flight MH17. The plane was a Boeing 777.
Text me when you have proof: As far as I'm concerned Kiev junta stole a plane a few months ago, rigged it up with dead bodies, removed black box, and sent it of it's course north to the conflict area. AND removed all cameras from the people so they could not film it going down, because it was probably hit by a surface to surface missile from a US war plane - which confirms deltex theory here that "US military knows everything, but is not speaking."

Damn right, and we never landed on the moon.
You landed on the moon, the mars, Jesus walked on water, WTC collapsed from the shaking of other buildings, you and Russians freed the world from Nazis, you liberated Iraq and created stability in the Middle East, your people are very intelligent who elect very intelligent leaders. God bless Obama, next point.

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