Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

These morons believe that President Trump firing an incompetent Comey is somehow illegal.

And that, my moronic right wing friend is what Trump will be charged with as OBSTRUCTION the carrying out of JUSTICE.......Sweeeeeet.....LOL
What does that make you and yours

if a dumbass is constantly outsmarting you
Your understanding of reality is skewed. Trump isn't outsmarting anyone. On a daily basis he shows the US and the world what at chump he is. All his stupid foolish lies are evident to everyone, here and world wide. His behavior and tweeting show the entire world what an ass he is. It will be a miracle if he makes it through his first term. He will never be elected for a second. His approval ratings will be in the toilet with everyone but his fanatic base. The Republicans will find someone to run against him and who will run against the Dem in the general election November 2020.

You are delusional, your Butt Hurt blinds you from the truth...

President Donald J. Trump "I just love typing and saying that" has exposed the fact that we had one party masquerading as two.

The Republicans as we have known them are done...

The rinos will be purged thanks to Trump...

Trump will destroy any and all comers from the left..

Lets get it on.....
You better hope some Supreme Court justices keel over in the next year because if Democrats take the Senate next year, Trump will be getting no more picks on that bench.
. How are the Demon-crats gonna take the Senate next year ?? By way of the dirty tactics seen this year ??
They need 3 and they may be picking up one of those three in a couple of weeks.
. Otherwise if the plan worked eh ?
These morons believe that President Trump firing an incompetent Comey is somehow illegal.

And that, my moronic right wing friend is what Trump will be charged with as OBSTRUCTION the carrying out of JUSTICE.......Sweeeeeet.....LOL
. No cullusion, no obstruction... The only way to get obstruction is if the original charge was found to be true, and if it can't be proven that Trump fired Comey based upon the original charge, then y'all got nothing. No cullusion, no obstruction it's as simple as that. Our law officers are not permitted to create bullcrap out of thin air, and then try to entrap someone with it.
. No cullusion, no obstruction... The only way to get obstruction is if the original charge was found to be true, and if it can't be proven that Trump fired Comey based upon the original charge, then y'all got nothing. No cullusion, no obstruction it's as simple as that. Our law officers are not permitted to create bullcrap out of thin air, and then try to entrap someone with it.

Light a few candles to help YOUR cause, and, of course,you can then ride into the sunset.....LOL
Otherwise if the plan worked eh ?

I'm looking for my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher the above sentence this idiot just wrote....LOL
. Faun said this "They need 3 and they may be picking up one of those three in a couple of weeks", and I said otherwise if the plan worked eh ? The plan being (the setting up of a politician or candidate) by way of using unscrupulous measures in order to block the seat from him or from whom you might hate as based upon your political views ?? You know, uh that plan maybe ?
Otherwise if the plan worked eh ?

I'm looking for my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher the above sentence this idiot just wrote....LOL
. Faun said this "They need 3 and they may be picking up one of those three in a couple of weeks", and I said otherwise if the plan worked eh ? The plan being (the setting up of a politician or candidate) by way of using unscrupulous measures in order to block the seat from him or from whom you might hate as based upon your political views ?? You know, uh that plan maybe ?

Without poorly educated fools the left wouldn't


Trump in Nevada: 'I Love the Poorly Educated' - YouTube

I love him...

Because he spanks liberal ass but good.....
The only ass the Orange Ass spanks is his own with every stupid thing he says and does every single day. Like today mentioning Pocahontas ( Liz Warren) at a ceremony honoring Native Americans. He can’t help it acting like an asshole..

Wrongo Pocahontas lover...

Trump is spanking liberal lying ass.

Pocahontas is a proven liar just like all liberals

and President Donald J. Trump

just rubbed your noses in it....

I love that Man...........
Otherwise if the plan worked eh ?

I'm looking for my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher the above sentence this idiot just wrote....LOL
. Faun said this "They need 3 and they may be picking up one of those three in a couple of weeks", and I said otherwise if the plan worked eh ? The plan being (the setting up of a politician or candidate) by way of using unscrupulous measures in order to block the seat from him or from whom you might hate as based upon your political views ?? You know, uh that plan maybe ?
Your sentence was not structured properly, which is what nat4900 was pointing out.

Your struggles with English aside, yes, I believe that is the plan. And I hope it works. Gain at least 3 Senate seats and Democrats can shut down trump’s ability to replace a Supreme Court Justice, should a seat open up after December, 2018.
Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

Trump didn’t ask Comey to drop an investigation on Trump. Trump asked Comey to drop an investigation on Flynn — and Flynn was indeed under investigation.

That's entirely within his authority. Do you think Comey tells Trump what to do, or is it the other way around?
The president DOES NOT tell the head of the FBI what to do. His agency is independent and is only accountable to the American people. And Trump works for us. Learn some history punk.

Wrong. You're a fucking moron. The FBI is a division of the justice Dept, and the President runs the Justice Dept. I'm mystified as to when this Fourth Branch of government came into existence. When a snowflake says a government agency is "independent,' they mean Obama appointed hacks get to run it.
You can avoid that video I just posted with Trumps lips snacking in sync with the words coming out of his mouth. He admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is, Obstruction of Justice. That NBC interview won't ever get erased. Richard Nixon was never stupid enough to accept a televised interview and admit guilt.

This investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Robert Mueller has been in charge since late May 2017 and he has already delivered 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea, with more to come.

A good movie for you to watch about right now is "All of the President's Men."
Well, the above is further proof of your "scholarly legal conclusion" practiced by a 5 year old attorney....
. The charge was cullusion... No cullusion no charge.. Everything else is running on butt hurt emotion by mobs of liberals still hopeful for revenge after their cullusion to get Hillary elected failed. We all seen the fallout the next day, and all these months afterwards. LOL.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


the left wing idiots use the word and don't even know what it means or what they are claiming. Liberalism is a mental disease. the liberal posters on USMB prove that every day.

i gave you the legal definition fishface. if you bothered to go to the credible unbiased link... there is an excellent example of exactly what the meaning is & how it would apply to trumpco.

poorly educated fools such as yourself cannot be trusted to find out facts. why? do they hurt THAT much? :itsok:

want to talk about facts? Ok

Bill Clinton was/is a serial rapist and abuser of women
Hillary tried to destroy his victims
The Clintons traded influence for donations to the Clinton foundation (Clinton bank account)
Hillary Clinton violated federal laws regarding the protection and transmission of classified data
the DNC conspired to deny Bernie the votes that he legitimately received
Hillary was given debate questions ahead of time by the media and the DNC
The Russians have so much on the Clintons they could have blackmailed her into doing exactly what they wanted if she won
wikileaks, not Russia, disclosed the corruption within the DNC and the Clinton campaign

There is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion
There is zero evidence that Russians changed a single vote in our election

The only conspiracy here is the one between the media and the dems to try to destroy Trump with lies and falsehoods.

Just another example of Trump being a fool. Hey dumbass....when Comey told you that you were not under investigation...he lied to you, stupid. Damn dude, why is Trump so damn dumb?

Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

Trump didn’t ask Comey to drop an investigation on Trump. Trump asked Comey to drop an investigation on Flynn — and Flynn was indeed under investigation.

flynn might have flipped like a flapjack already. he knows he's got time in prison & his son too. way early on flynn was refused immunity.... but that was b4 he started to drop intel on the inner circlejerk of trumpco.

now his lawyers & trump's aren't speaking to each other. that's a problem. for cheetolini.. bigley.

Dream on, dingleberry. Trump fired Flynn. Ever wonder why?
. The charge was cullusion... No cullusion no charge.. Everything else is running on butt hurt emotion by mobs of liberals still hopeful for revenge after their cullusion to get Hillary elected failed. We all seen the fallout the next day, and all these months afterwards. LOL.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


the left wing idiots use the word and don't even know what it means or what they are claiming. Liberalism is a mental disease. the liberal posters on USMB prove that every day.

i gave you the legal definition fishface. if you bothered to go to the credible unbiased link... there is an excellent example of exactly what the meaning is & how it would apply to trumpco.

poorly educated fools such as yourself cannot be trusted to find out facts. why? do they hurt THAT much? :itsok:

want to talk about facts? Ok

Bill Clinton was/is a serial rapist and abuser of women
Hillary tried to destroy his victims
The Clintons traded influence for donations to the Clinton foundation (Clinton bank account)
Hillary Clinton violated federal laws regarding the protection and transmission of classified data
the DNC conspired to deny Bernie the votes that he legitimately received
Hillary was given debate questions ahead of time by the media and the DNC
The Russians have so much on the Clintons they could have blackmailed her into doing exactly what they wanted if she won
wikileaks, not Russia, disclosed the corruption within the DNC and the Clinton campaign

There is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion
There is zero evidence that Russians changed a single vote in our election

The only conspiracy here is the one between the media and the dems to try to destroy Trump with lies and falsehoods.


It’s not a fact since you can’t actually prove Clinton raped anyone (except your mind, which isn’t a crime).
If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

Trump didn’t ask Comey to drop an investigation on Trump. Trump asked Comey to drop an investigation on Flynn — and Flynn was indeed under investigation.

That's entirely within his authority. Do you think Comey tells Trump what to do, or is it the other way around?

actually trump cannot tell the di-rector of the FBI to 'DO' anything. how far do you think trump would get to TELL mueller to DO anything 'eh? that is why there is a separation of powers little dippity do duh.

pick up a fucking copy of the CONSTITUTION & learn something for a change.


Maybe you should practice what you preach. Only one person is charged by the Constitution to ensure the laws are faithfully executed, that is the president. All federal law enforcement powers flow through him. And yes, he can tell anyone in the executive branch what to do, they serve at his pleasure. You don't like that, see Article 5.


he can't make the FBI director to lie on his behalf.

actually Comey lied on behalf of Hillary, Lynch, and Obama. What do you think he was promised in exchange for those lies? Continued life? a swiss bank account? a pardon?

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