Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Push the investigation forward and make sure that it is conducted legally?

Comey isn't a friend of the right.
Neither is Mueller.
Both of them worked for Democrats including Obama.
That was a totally bogus assertion created by the MSM.

They were both appointed by Republicans.

either Trump obstructed justice or he didn't.

If he did, he should be impeached.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

YES, my friend.......while right wing, Trump cult members keep on harping that collusion with Russia is not a crime, Mueller has been concentrating on a building a case for OBSTRUCTION of Justice.

The MOST damaging evidence is, of course, what Trump told his Russian friends WHY he had to get rid of Comey and the sophomoric (and changing) excuses the Trump team conjured up to sustain the firing.
. There had to have been cullusion for the obstruction to exist, otherwise Mueller was trying to accuse Trump of cullusion without evidence, and when that didn't work out, then him and Comey tried to set him up on an obstruction charge based upon a no cullusion fishing expedition in order to create something where nothing exist ?? Sad situation.
You impeach Trump, and you will have established that peaceful change is no longer possible.

Actually, the THREAT of a revolution is exactly what leads to revolutions in banana republics...We are better than that with the exception of a minority of right wing morons.
A sitting president cannot be charged with a crime by any civilian authority's.

Well, that's debatable. But more than likely, Mueller will present what he has to Congress, and they'll have to make a decision on whether to impeach or not.

But if you're a Republican in a swing district and Trump is at a 25% approval rating, do you really ignore obvious evidence of criminality to support this guy?

Trump's biggest problem is most of his party would rather have Pence as president.
Because you're talking about collusion you can't ignore past administration actions in your pathological desire to get rid of Trump.

By the way there is no scenario that will give Hillary the WH

A. Who the fuck is stating about having Hillary in the WH?????

B. Is your brain so screwed up that you cannot comprehend that we're talking about OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE.....and NOT "collusion"???
How is it that those two prosecutors have that information?

It’s bull shit as usual.
A sitting president cannot be charged with a crime by any civilian authority's.

Well, that's debatable. But more than likely, Mueller will present what he has to Congress, and they'll have to make a decision on whether to impeach or not.

But if you're a Republican in a swing district and Trump is at a 25% approval rating, do you really ignore obvious evidence of criminality to support this guy?

Trump's biggest problem is most of his party would rather have Pence as president.
Congress only trys the case moron.
The Senate passes judgement.

And which of any have ever been found guilty and removed idiot?
Because you're talking about collusion you can't ignore past administration actions in your pathological desire to get rid of Trump.

By the way there is no scenario that will give Hillary the WH

A. Who the fuck is stating about having Hillary in the WH?????

B. Is your brain so screwed up that you cannot comprehend that we're talking about OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE.....and NOT "collusion"???
This is what this whole bullshit thing is about. Trump beat Clinton in a fair election, released DNC emails had fuck all to do with the results.
Trump's biggest problem is most of his party would rather have Pence as president.

PRECISELY.........Congressional republicans would rather have Pence, rather than the inept, mercurial orange clown around.

When Mueller present the evidence, Congress has a clear choice to make.
You impeach Trump, and you will have established that peaceful change is no longer possible.

Actually, the THREAT of a revolution is exactly what leads to revolutions in banana republics...We are better than that with the exception of a minority of right wing morons.

If you impeach, you will have chose to be a banana republic.

Trump won, everything. THe way the system works, he should be able to enact the change his supporters want.

YOu over throw him and you will have proven beyond a doubt that the white working poor and middle class are forever shut out of this government.

The results of that will be on you.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!
Don't want to reveal your hand too soon, even if you think you can win

Don't want to go after Trump until it is a slam dunk
And which of any have ever been found guilty and removed idiot?

"True"........a decent president.....for the good of the country........ would resign....In Trump's case, the wanna-be despot may not, forcing a constitutional showdown.
This is what this whole bullshit thing is about. Trump beat Clinton in a fair election, released DNC emails had fuck all to do with the results.

Can't morons like you EVER address Trump's problems without your crutch of blaming Hillary???
This whole thing is not really about impeaching Trump (not going to happen), but just to create enough faux scandal to try to hurt the Republican chances in the upcoming elections.

Electing Roy Moore would go a long way to putting a stop to this Demonrat nonsense.
YOu over throw him and you will have proven beyond a doubt that the white working poor and middle class are forever shut out of this government.

Idiot.......THREE million more Americans voted against this clown......they TOO are 'working poor and middle class" Americans.
This is what this whole bullshit thing is about. Trump beat Clinton in a fair election, released DNC emails had fuck all to do with the results.

Can't morons like you EVER address Trump's problems without your crutch of blaming Hillary???
I'm not a Trump fan but this whole sorry ass episode is happening because middle America had the audacity to reject the chosen one.
YOu over throw him and you will have proven beyond a doubt that the white working poor and middle class are forever shut out of this government.

Idiot.......THREE million more Americans voted against this clown......they TOO are 'working poor and middle class" Americans.

And they will get their way. THey will get their interests represented, as they see them, by the dems.

But my point about the other working poor and middle class remains. THey will have been told in no uncertain terms that this country and this government will forever hence being working against them.

And they will have no legal or peaceful avenue to resist that.

YOu will have removed that option.
No cullusion, then no obstruction of justice unless Trump is being set up. You can't go outside the boundaries of the original charge, and for the obstruction to exist then there had to be a cullusion charge that was attempted to be hidden. After no evidence for cullusion it became an open ended fishing expedition in hopes to find anything to give to the mob who demands Trump's head on a platter for defeating the liberal queen. So is Mueller working for Demon-crat operatives in trying to bring them what they want, even if he (Mueller) had to create what they want out of thin air ?
YOu over throw him and you will have proven beyond a doubt that the white working poor and middle class are forever shut out of this government.

Idiot.......THREE million more Americans voted against this clown......they TOO are 'working poor and middle class" Americans.

And they will get their way. THey will get their interests represented, as they see them, by the dems.

But my point about the other working poor and middle class remains. THey will have been told in no uncertain terms that this country and this government will forever hence being working against them.

And they will have no legal or peaceful avenue to resist that.

YOu will have removed that option.
. You trying to get them to smile ? It's working. They could give a crap less about what you say, only that you make them smile when saying it.
YOu over throw him and you will have proven beyond a doubt that the white working poor and middle class are forever shut out of this government.

Idiot.......THREE million more Americans voted against this clown......they TOO are 'working poor and middle class" Americans.

And they will get their way. THey will get their interests represented, as they see them, by the dems.

But my point about the other working poor and middle class remains. THey will have been told in no uncertain terms that this country and this government will forever hence being working against them.

And they will have no legal or peaceful avenue to resist that.

YOu will have removed that option.
. You trying to get them to smile ? It's working. They could give a crap less about what you say, only that you make them smile when saying it.

When they look around and say, "what the fuck happened"?

They won't be smiling then, and my voice will be in their stupid head, reminding them that it is all their fault, the filthy cocksuckers.

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