Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

I think it's clear they don't care if the indictments are illegal or not.
Democrats aren't concerned with the law anyway....only how it can be used against the right.
This is why I feel that liberals are the worst threat to America we have today.
all true...this is how communists work, elections only matter when they appear to go the lefts way, when they do not it is time to bring in the judges to "fix" things
I wonder if Hillary really thinks refusing to accept an election result it truly a threat to Democracy?
Your orange god is circling the drain and you`re still stalking Hillary. :)
YOur pretense that you are motivated by alleged corruption is funny.

Such a thin lie will not fool anyone, not even yourself.

YOu over throw him and you will have proven beyond a doubt that the white working poor and middle class are forever shut out of this government.

The results of that will be on you.
If Crooked Donnie is innocent, you have nothing to worry about

If he is corrupt or complicit, he will get his day in court
Great country isn't it?

An impeachment is a political process in Congress, not a court of law.

BUT you knew that, you were just lying, still.

YOu over throw him and you will have proven beyond a doubt that the white working poor and middle class are forever shut out of this government.

The results of that will be on you.
I can't wait for Crooked Donnie to testify under oath

Why are you still wanting the future you have realized with be shit?
We are a nation of laws

As long as Crooked Donnie tells the truth.....he has nothing to fear

Your lies are dismissed. I asked you a question.

Why are you still wanting the future you have realized with be shit?
Mueller's got his tax records, plenty of juice there, and Ryan's turned, he doesn't want to follow Manafort. And he's got a trove of incriminating shit, you can bet!
I'll just crack a beer, settle back and watch the trainwreck.

If the tax records were treasure troves why wasn't trump indicted when he was audited? How can Ryan turn when he hasn't committed a crime?
I think it's clear they don't care if the indictments are illegal or not.
Democrats aren't concerned with the law anyway....only how it can be used against the right.
This is why I feel that liberals are the worst threat to America we have today.
all true...this is how communists work, elections only matter when they appear to go the lefts way, when they do not it is time to bring in the judges to "fix" things
I wonder if Hillary really thinks refusing to accept an election result it truly a threat to Democracy?
Your orange god is circling the drain and you`re still stalking Hillary. :)

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!
I saw the interview last night with Ms Banks.
Talk about having credibility ! ! !
If she feels this way you can sure Bob Mueller also feels this way.
Tic tock.... it’s only a matter of time before this crooked president gets what he deserves.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

“Indict” is simply a synonym for “accuse”.
100% wrong. You can accuse someone all day long with no ramifications but being indicted means you will now be put on trial.

Funny you really don’t want to know if this president is a crook do you.
Mueller's got his tax records, plenty of juice there, and Ryan's turned, he doesn't want to follow Manafort. And he's got a trove of incriminating shit, you can bet!
I'll just crack a beer, settle back and watch the trainwreck.

If the tax records were treasure troves why wasn't trump indicted when he was audited? How can Ryan turn when he hasn't committed a crime?
Who knows if he’s even being audited?
He lies 5.5 per day. Every day. I wouldn’t put it past him to lie about being audited. Besides this is also a bogus excuse because you can release your taxes to the public even if you are being audited.
He’s not releasing them because they would clearly show his ties to Russia.

Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......
And all 3 of his associates who have been indicted having close connections to Russia.

and not one of them has linked Trump to Russia......however, hilary, obama, eric holder, james comey, robert mueller, rod rosenstein and lynch........all have ties to the Uranium One deal which essentially puts them in bed with the russians..without the "7 degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon" that you find with Trump.....

And you obviously do not realize that there is an actual FBI mole who worked under cover for 5 years with the Russians on Uranium One...and links it directly to obama and clinton....

But keep ignoring the real Russian story.....and keep dreaming of President Hilary...
LMAO The so-called 'uranium one deal' is fake news; it's been debunked over and over. Get over it.

Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......
And all 3 of his associates who have been indicted having close connections to Russia.

and not one of them has linked Trump to Russia......however, hilary, obama, eric holder, james comey, robert mueller, rod rosenstein and lynch........all have ties to the Uranium One deal which essentially puts them in bed with the russians..without the "7 degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon" that you find with Trump.....

And you obviously do not realize that there is an actual FBI mole who worked under cover for 5 years with the Russians on Uranium One...and links it directly to obama and clinton....

But keep ignoring the real Russian story.....and keep dreaming of President Hilary...
LMAO The so-called 'uranium one deal' is fake news; it's been debunked over and over. Get over it. It hasn't been debunked, the FBI undercover operative is going to testify with notes, videos and audio recordings....and he puts it right on obama and hilary and the clinton crime foundation....

1. Making America great again.
2. Taking two scoops of ice cream.

Any minute now.... any minute...

1. Obstruction
2. Money laundering
3. Accessory to a crime


Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......
And all 3 of his associates who have been indicted having close connections to Russia.

and not one of them has linked Trump to Russia......however, hilary, obama, eric holder, james comey, robert mueller, rod rosenstein and lynch........all have ties to the Uranium One deal which essentially puts them in bed with the russians..without the "7 degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon" that you find with Trump.....

And you obviously do not realize that there is an actual FBI mole who worked under cover for 5 years with the Russians on Uranium One...and links it directly to obama and clinton....

But keep ignoring the real Russian story.....and keep dreaming of President Hilary...
LMAO The so-called 'uranium one deal' is fake news; it's been debunked over and over. Get over it.
Shep Smith had a segment on his show carefully explaining the FACTS on the Uranium One deal.
He was besieged with calls by Fox viewers because listening to facts were a shock to their systems.

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