Two GOP Front-Runners: Two Different Bases Bases of Support


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
i found this an interesting take on the Trump/Carson horserace....

Mr. Carson is drawing support from more-conservative Republicans concerned with “values” issues, while Mr. Trump is building a base on moderate Republicans and tea party supporters.....

Values voters are those who rate themselves as strongly opposed to gay marriage and abortion. They amount to about 45% of the GOP primary electorate. Their support for Mr. Carson is in keeping with the religious tone of his campaign, such as a tax plan built loosely on the Biblical principle of tithing.

Tea-party supporters account for about a quarter of the GOP primary electorate. They put fiscal issues at the top of their list of concerns, though some may also be values voters. Unlike Mr. Carson, Mr. Trump rarely talks about religious themes.

Mr. Trump’s support among self-described “moderate/liberal” primary voters could mean problems for him once Republicans begin voting, given the conservative bent of the GOP voters who actually tend to cast ballots.

Outsiders Trump and Carson Draw Different GOP Crowds
i found this an interesting take on the Trump/Carson horserace....
You need to get out more often if this so called interesting take is news to you

just sayin'

well evidently the Wall Street Journal found it interesting enough to print it....jus sayin'.....
the fact that they have different bases within the ever shrinking gop is not news.
this article is only two days old....sorry if it seems 'ancient' news to you....ya better go back to your fast news lane...
in my opinion 'values voters' are missing the point in this election....abortion and gay marriage are secondary this time around.....we are quickly not going to have a country anymore if we elect someone who does not quickly take care of the immigration problems as well as the economic and foreign relations problems.....i don't see Mr. Carson handling those very well compared to Trump...
Those "values voters" will shift over to Cruz, and he'll come third in the primaries after winning the 2012 Santorum states behind Trump and Rubio. Cruz will get their support in the end because there's one thing they dislike more than abortions and gays, and that's black people.
...and Dante wonders why he is getting fewer and fewer responses to his posts...

Hint: [IGNORE]
Those "values voters" will shift over to Cruz, and he'll come third in the primaries after winning the 2012 Santorum states behind Trump and Rubio. Cruz will get their support in the end because there's one thing they dislike more than abortions and gays, and that's black people.

No, it's morons like you.
Those "values voters" will shift over to Cruz, and he'll come third in the primaries after winning the 2012 Santorum states behind Trump and Rubio. Cruz will get their support in the end because there's one thing they dislike more than abortions and gays, and that's black people.

No, it's morons like you.
Lol just wait. Carson will fade away.
Those "values voters" will shift over to Cruz, and he'll come third in the primaries after winning the 2012 Santorum states behind Trump and Rubio. Cruz will get their support in the end because there's one thing they dislike more than abortions and gays, and that's black people.
so why are they polling for Carson....?
Those "values voters" will shift over to Cruz, and he'll come third in the primaries after winning the 2012 Santorum states behind Trump and Rubio. Cruz will get their support in the end because there's one thing they dislike more than abortions and gays, and that's black people.
so why are they polling for Carson....?
Probably because they are caught up in the moment. Their senses will return to them just wait.
Any tea party member supporting trump doesn't have a right to that title. They are going to nominate a progressive rino.
Any tea party member supporting trump doesn't have a right to that title. They are going to nominate a progressive rino.
even if he stops the financial bleeding.....along with creating new jobs and streamlining government...?
i found this an interesting take on the Trump/Carson horserace....
You need to get out more often if this so called interesting take is news to you

just sayin'

well evidently the Wall Street Journal found it interesting enough to print it....jus sayin'.....
the fact that they have different bases within the ever shrinking gop is not news.
this article is only two days old....sorry if it seems 'ancient' news to you....ya better go back to your fast news lane...
Huckabee and Carson have been courting the religious kook vote -- that is not new news
in my opinion 'values voters' are missing the point in this election....abortion and gay marriage are secondary this time around.....we are quickly not going to have a country anymore if we elect someone who does not quickly take care of the immigration problems as well as the economic and foreign relations problems.....i don't see Mr. Carson handling those very well compared to Trump...

I actually agree with you, although I like Carson way more than Trump. I have faith that Carson will surround himself by and listen to people that will tackle immigration and foreign policy as effective as Trump if not more so.

I have heard Trump talk about things like universal HC, wild spending and all sorts of a shit. He claims he can manage shit the democrooks want, with the frugality republicrats claim. I'm not sold on him.

Carson does need to focus more on those issues, I agree that libtards aborting their genetic garbage or swallowing each other's biohazardous fluid is not as important as the border and economy.


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