two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

Like the Captain of a ship, the Pilots on International Flights at least. Do indeed have absolute Authority to Kick anyone off the plane that they deem a risk to a safe flight. The could be anyone from a very terrified Passengers who is likely to scare other passengers, to someone who has had to much to drink, To someone the Pilots think might be a threat to the plane.

Not going to even bother to look for a link, if you require Proof, go find it. You have Google I assume

The pilot does not have the authority to exclude anyone just "for looking Muslim". Period.

he does have the authority to boot anyone who he thinks will disrupt or endanger his flight.

What exactly did the muslims do wrong?
If "Arab dress" means this guy had something wrapped around his head, I wouldn't be flying the friendly skies with him either. Not until he takes the darn thing off , shakes it out, folds it and puts it in the baggage compartment. Then he's welcome to sit next to me. As long as he was scanned, of course.

These two people went through security twice, and were cleared. Your comments clearly indicate that it's not security that you're concerned about, anyway. You are merely trying to disguise religious persecution on the basis of "security." Otherwise, there would be no reason to expect someone to remove articles of clothing after they've been inspected.

Political Correctness out, security is "IN." If they are bothered by prejudice, then they can return to where they feel most comfortable, which would make the most sense. Did that occur to them?

Return to where? The one guy is from Tennessee. Nothing on the other guy.

I would not feel comdortable in western clothes and blonde hair in their country chatting to men and women I don't know because their customs and ideas are different from mine. They are prejudiced against me. So why would I put my self in jeopardy for innocent conversation? Only common sense. I would expect them to figure life out that same way.

There is nothing here that suggests these two men are anything other than Americans. What is "their country"? You are assuming that they are foreigners, out of nothing but prejudice.

These Imams are talking about prejudices when their countrymen attacked our country and citizens without provocation. We are asked to forget that. Hardlly. Would they?

On what basis do you claim that these men are from Saudi Arabia? There are many people born in the US who grow up in the Muslim faith. Your bigotry and prejudice are inescapable.
Correct. The pilots are the ultimate authority.

The pilots have the ultimate authority? :lol: Link?

Do we need a link for a "captain of a ship"?

If "Arab dress" means this guy had something wrapped around his head, I wouldn't be flying the friendly skies with him either. Not until he takes the darn thing off , shakes it out, folds it and puts it in the baggage compartment. Then he's welcome to sit next to me. As long as he was scanned, of course.

Political Correctness out, security is "IN." If they are bothered by prejudice, then they can return to where they feel most comfortable, which would make the most sense. Did that occur to them?

I would not feel comdortable in western clothes and blonde hair in their country chatting to men and women I don't know because their customs and ideas are different from mine. They are prejudiced against me. So why would I put my self in jeopardy for innocent conversation? Only common sense. I would expect them to figure life out that same way.

These Imams are talking about prejudices when their countrymen attacked our country and citizens without provocation. We are asked to forget that. Hardlly. Would they?

So if a man sits next to you on a plane...keeping in mind he has been screened just like you were....and he is wearing something YOU dont like, he has to leave the plane?

Really? I would love to be in the next row and watch this thing go down. Oh Stewardess, please remove this man because I dont like his head gear.

Fun times.
Oh and you fucking do you know where these guys are from? I know bosnian msuslims...should they not fly with you either? What the hell does bosnia have to do with 9/11? Ignorant idiots like yourself are whats wrong with this country and you sound just like the racists from back in the day.
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WE aren't Muslims, and have FREEDOM that isn't to their liking and they cannot CONTROL IT...

That is where you are fucking wrong. A great many of us ARE Muslims. But you're so vile a creature that you would rather get your rocks off by being filled with hate than to respect your fellow American citizens. If you hate Americans so damn much, then get the fuck out of my country.

Really? NO I don't get my "rocks off" as you so quaintly put it for what you CITE...But I DO take exception by a RELIGION inserting themselves into MY Liberty, and that of my neighbors...and cry FOUL when they are called upon it.

YOU have alot to Learn OF INDIVIDUAL liberty...AND THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING IT WITHOUT Treading upon others...

Don't like it? GET the HELL outta MY Country. I will NEVER capitulate to you...or anyone like YOU for your beliefs over MINE. Respect is one thing...Demanding something that you have NO RIGHT to demand is quite another.

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WE aren't Muslims, and have FREEDOM that isn't to their liking and they cannot CONTROL IT...

That is where you are fucking wrong. A great many of us ARE Muslims. But you're so vile a creature that you would rather get your rocks off by being filled with hate than to respect your fellow American citizens. If you hate Americans so damn much, then get the fuck out of my country.

Really? NO I don't get my "rocks off" as you so quaintly put it for what you CITE...But I DO take exception by a RELIGION inserting themselves into MY Liberty, and that of my neighbors...and cry FOUL when they are called upon it.

YOU have alot to Learn OF INDIVIDUAL liberty...AND THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING IT WITHOUT Treading upon others...

Hasn't the US been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949?

Didn't the US invade Iraq in 1990 and has remained there ever since.

Wake the fuck up.

If "Arab dress" means this guy had something wrapped around his head, I wouldn't be flying the friendly skies with him either. Not until he takes the darn thing off , shakes it out, folds it and puts it in the baggage compartment. Then he's welcome to sit next to me. As long as he was scanned, of course.

These two people went through security twice, and were cleared. Your comments clearly indicate that it's not security that you're concerned about, anyway. You are merely trying to disguise religious persecution on the basis of "security." Otherwise, there would be no reason to expect someone to remove articles of clothing after they've been inspected.

Political Correctness out, security is "IN." If they are bothered by prejudice, then they can return to where they feel most comfortable, which would make the most sense. Did that occur to them?

Return to where? The one guy is from Tennessee. Nothing on the other guy.

I would not feel comdortable in western clothes and blonde hair in their country chatting to men and women I don't know because their customs and ideas are different from mine. They are prejudiced against me. So why would I put my self in jeopardy for innocent conversation? Only common sense. I would expect them to figure life out that same way.

There is nothing here that suggests these two men are anything other than Americans. What is "their country"? You are assuming that they are foreigners, out of nothing but prejudice.

These Imams are talking about prejudices when their countrymen attacked our country and citizens without provocation. We are asked to forget that. Hardlly. Would they?

On what basis do you claim that these men are from Saudi Arabia? There are many people born in the US who grow up in the Muslim faith. Your bigotry and prejudice are inescapable.

gekaap, I had to read your post three times to defend myself and couldn't. You are right.I never thought I could be accused of religious persecution, but here it is in black and white and you are right.

Everything you said is true. They were cleared, but in my heart, I would have felt better if the turban had been removed because of my personal bias. I could tell you that is how much 9/11 scared me which is true. I could tell. you I know A Muslim family that I like very much which is true, but that doesn't matter. What you said is true.

I have found I am a bigot. And I am ashamed. Thank you and my apologies to the moderate Muslims are just not enough.


But I DO take exception by a RELIGION inserting themselves into MY Liberty, and that of my neighbors...and cry FOUL when they are called upon it.

I really don't care to hear your complains about the Christian right, at the moment.

YOU have alot to Learn OF INDIVIDUAL liberty...AND THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING IT WITHOUT Treading upon others...


Don't like it? GET the HELL outta MY Country. I will NEVER capitulate to you...or anyone like YOU for your beliefs over MINE. Respect is one thing...Demanding something that you have NO RIGHT to demand is quite another.

And what gives you, or anyone else, the right to demand that a person be forced off a plane simply because they are Muslim? Or because of the clothes they wear?


But I DO take exception by a RELIGION inserting themselves into MY Liberty, and that of my neighbors...and cry FOUL when they are called upon it.

I really don't care to hear your complains about the Christian right, at the moment.

YOU have alot to Learn OF INDIVIDUAL liberty...AND THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING IT WITHOUT Treading upon others...


Don't like it? GET the HELL outta MY Country. I will NEVER capitulate to you...or anyone like YOU for your beliefs over MINE. Respect is one thing...Demanding something that you have NO RIGHT to demand is quite another.

And what gives you, or anyone else, the right to demand that a person be forced off a plane simply because they are Muslim? Or because of the clothes they wear?

The Captain of that AIRCRAFT.

Roll it up and smoke it asswipe.
Hasn't the US been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949?

Didn't the US invade Iraq in 1990 and has remained there ever since.

Wake the fuck up.


Shut the fuck up. This has nothing to do with Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. You are being a fucking moron by bringing that shit up here. This is about two people being discriminated against for their religion.
The Captain of that AIRCRAFT.

You need to prove that the captain has a right to discriminate against people based on religion. Evidence now, or shut it!

*I* don't need to prove SQUAT...the Onus has always been upon you...and I wouldn't be surprised if YOU weren't a TERRORIST sympatico...

*I* don't need to prove SQUAT...the Onus has always been upon you.

:cuckoo: You're the one making the claim.

and I wouldn't be surprised if YOU weren't a TERRORIST sympatico...

It's amazing, sad, and pathetic that to you, supporting religious freedom equates to being a terrorist.
Hasn't the US been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949?

Didn't the US invade Iraq in 1990 and has remained there ever since.

Wake the fuck up.


This has nothing to do with Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. You are being a fucking moron by bringing that shit up here. This is about two people being discriminated against for their religion.

Excuse me fucktard, but 09/11 occurred because the US was financing the Palestinian genocide.

The pilots have the ultimate authority? :lol: Link?

Like the Captain of a ship, the Pilots on International Flights at least. Do indeed have absolute Authority to Kick anyone off the plane that they deem a risk to a safe flight. The could be anyone from a very terrified Passengers who is likely to scare other passengers, to someone who has had to much to drink, To someone the Pilots think might be a threat to the plane.

Not going to even bother to look for a link, if you require Proof, go find it. You have Google I assume

The pilot does not have the authority to exclude anyone just "for looking Muslim". Period.
No, he doesn't.

I know a muslim or two that doesn't "look" muslim.
Like the Captain of a ship, the Pilots on International Flights at least. Do indeed have absolute Authority to Kick anyone off the plane that they deem a risk to a safe flight. The could be anyone from a very terrified Passengers who is likely to scare other passengers, to someone who has had to much to drink, To someone the Pilots think might be a threat to the plane.

Not going to even bother to look for a link, if you require Proof, go find it. You have Google I assume

The pilot does not have the authority to exclude anyone just "for looking Muslim". Period.
No, he doesn't.

I know a muslim or two that doesn't "look" muslim.

The PILOT reserves the right to EJECT anyone causing a disturbance to the safe operation and conduct of his aircraft that he/she is in charge of.
No, he doesn't.

I know a muslim or two that doesn't "look" muslim.

The PILOT reserves the right to EJECT anyone causing a disturbance to the safe operation and conduct of his aircraft that he/she is in charge of.
No one was causing a disturbance.

Apparently the other passengers didn't LIKE the idea...and complained. The Company is PRIVATE and can DO what they PLEASE.

Or are you one of these idiots that will bring Gubmint to bear down on a private entity?

Doesn't matter. They didn't FLY on that, and your point are MOOT.
they were trying to attend a conference on prejudice against muslims

Muslim group: two imams pulled from plane bound for North Carolina -

"TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them," Hooper said, referring to the Transportation Security Administration.

I am glad bigotry gets rewarded so well in our country :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You go fly with the muslim savages muzzie lover.Iam proud to hate islam.

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