two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

So they got on with a different crowd that was FINE with it.


So we should make a habit of kicking people off planes because some are not fine with them flying on the same plane?
I will ask you again, why did you have a problem with the comparison to Rosa Parks?

What other reason, other than some not being fine with it did we have for making black people ride in the back of the bus?

Rosa Parks nor her ilk ever blew themselves up taking the most Americans possible with them. We don't walk through radiation devices or get molested because Rosa Parks refused to sit at the back of the bus. The day that I can once again walk through an airport Freely is the day Muslims can fly without question.

I was only 8 years old when Rosa Parks refused to move from her seat. How can you blame that on me????

If the acts of AQ reflect on all Muslims, what do the Hutaree and Timothy McVeigh tell us about Christians?
I hope and assume the imams will file suit against Atlantic Southeast Airlines and the TSA for grossly violating their constitutional and statutory rights under:

The United States Constitution
a. 4th Amend. prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures
b. 6th Amend. right to an attorney
c. 14th Amend. right to equal protection under the laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d)
42 U.S.C. 1981
a. Deprived of their right to make & enforce contracts (plane ticket).
42 U.S.C § 1983
a. Failure to train Atlantic Southeast Airlines employees and agents.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.


Airplanes don't become mini dictatorships where the rule of law is suspended at the captain's whim.

Who Said the rule of law is suspended. The Pilot can have anyone on the plane Restrained for the Duration of the flight. By getting on the plane you are in a sense submitting yourself to a dictatorship of sorts. Get out of line and you may find yourself cuffed to a chair for the rest of the flight. The Rule of law is being followed when the Captain does it, and just as soon as you land you will get your due Process believe me.

Go say the word bomb, or just get to bombed during a flight and you will see for yourself.

The Pilots are given this power for the same reason Captains at sea have similar powers. Because they are responsible for the lives of the Passengers, It is up to them to make sure nothing puts their safety in jeopardy. For this Reason Sea Captains and Pilots of aircraft assume a position of authority over their passengers. Like I said, if you do not believe the Pilots have absolute Authority over you during a flight, By all means go get on a flight and exercise your rights by doing something the Pilots think is disrupting the flight, and see what happens. I dare ya. Better contact a good attorney first though.

Last edited:
A pilot can toss anyone they want for any reason.They are the ones responsible for the lives of the crew and the passengers.

Personally i am all for anyone looking muslim or of middle eastern descent being barre from flying. Period. Considering everyone keeps yelling "it is not a RIGHT to be able fly" how about that!!!

If its not a right to fly... glad they got kicked off the flight.

fuck them.

What about not letting ******* fly? I'm sure Tank can find us some stories about black people getting violent on a plane.
WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.


Airplanes don't become mini dictatorships where the rule of law is suspended at the captain's whim.

Who Said the rule of law is suspended.

The T is.


Correct. The pilots are the ultimate authority.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.

Airplanes don't become mini dictatorships where the rule of law is suspended at the captain's whim.

Who Said the rule of law is suspended.

The T is.


Correct. The pilots are the ultimate authority.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.

i would like The T to cite the law that supports his assertion.
The Pilot can have anyone on the plane Restrained for the Duration of the flight.

And he’ll suffer the consequences later if his actions are unlawful – he may not act with impunity.
In the immediate aftermath of the death of Bin Laden, and the reaction from many Muslims around the world, I'm not entirely surprised that some people would prefer not to travel on the same flight as Muslims. I don't agree with it, but I'm not surprised by it. I suspect some of us - including some liberals if they were honest about it - would be uncomfortable on a flight with Muslims.

I'd feel no more uncomfortable on a flight with Muslims than with Jews. Their holy texts are no different.

But is some White guy gets on wearing sunglasses and reading The Turner Diaries and whispers to another guy next to him 'I can't believe we got it on the plan', I might be a bit nervous. You see, peop[le who aren't bigots make such judgments on a case-by-case basis.

If someone's gonna hijack a plane, blow it up, or use it as a weapon of mass destruction, the law of averages says it is more likely to be the Muslim than the Jew or the white guy reading The Turner Diaries.

It's not bigotry that makes people uncomfortable, it's that inner voice that warns of potential risk. Like a female who knows certain guys send an inner alarm ringing. Defense mechanism..

Just as it's not bigotry that leads Tank and William Joyce to want to get rid of blacks. After all, if someone shoots or robs someone, it's statistically more likely to be a black man than a white person. It's the inner voice that warns of the potential risk of letting them in your store or allowing them to live around White people, right?
Bigotry is acting on that initial 'gut reaction'.

So you acknowledge that the story in question is an example of bigotry in the U.S. today?
A pilot can toss anyone they want for any reason.They are the ones responsible for the lives of the crew and the passengers.

Personally i am all for anyone looking muslim or of middle eastern descent being barre from flying. Period. Considering everyone keeps yelling "it is not a RIGHT to be able fly" how about that!!!

If its not a right to fly... glad they got kicked off the flight.

fuck them.

What about not letting ******* fly? I'm sure Tank can find us some stories about black people getting violent on a plane.

syrenn said:
Hi, you have received -345 reputation points from syrenn.
Reputation was given for this post.

learn the rules of flight. right back at ya


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Rules of flight? There are rules somewhere saying brown people can't fly?

So your racism is okay but Tank's is not?

Now you sound like Jillian.
The the pilot saw a threat and gave them the boot off his his aircraft. :clap2:

You were there? The article states the pilot threw them off to satiate the bigotry and racist fears of the others on the plane.
I hope and assume the imams will file suit against Atlantic Southeast Airlines and the TSA for grossly violating their constitutional and statutory rights under:

The United States Constitution
a. 4th Amend. prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures
b. 6th Amend. right to an attorney
c. 14th Amend. right to equal protection under the laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d)
42 U.S.C. 1981
a. Deprived of their right to make & enforce contracts (plane ticket).
42 U.S.C § 1983
a. Failure to train Atlantic Southeast Airlines employees and agents.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.

Gee, do you just like being a contrarian.

Pilots must abide by FAA Rules. None of the FAA Rules gives the pilots that authority. None.


When you buy your ticket you are entering into a contract with the airline. Each airline is a bit different but it works out to be the same. They can trun the plane around and put you off for just about anything. Bare feet, smell, dress, praying,

When the passenger’s conduct is disorderly, abusive or violent
When the passenger is barefoot
When the passenger appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
When the passenger attempts to interfere with any member of the flight crew in the pursuit of his or her duties, or fails to obey the instruction of any member of the flight crew
When the passenger has a contagious disease that may be transmissible to other passengers during the normal course of the flight
When the passenger has a malodorous condition
When the passenger is unable to sit in a seat with the seatbelt fastened
When the passenger requires an onboard stretcher kit
When the passenger’s behavior may be hazardous to himself/herself, the crew, or other passengers
When the passenger is seriously ill, and fails to provide a physician's written permission to fly
When the passenger is traveling in an incubator
When the passenger’s conduct creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers
When the passenger’s conduct creates a risk of harm or damage to the carrier’s aircraft and/or property, or the property of other passengers

How to Get Kicked Off a Plane -

Compliance with government requisition of space.
Action necessary or advisable due to weather, or other conditions beyond American's control.
Refusal to permit a search of person or property for explosives or for deadly, controlled, or dangerous weapons, articles or substances.
Refusal to produce positive identification upon request.
Your physical or mental condition is such that in American's sole opinion, you are rendered or likely to be rendered incapable of comprehending or complying with safety instructions without the assistance of an attendant.
Your conduct is disorderly, abusive or violent, or you

Appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs,
Attempt to interfere with any member of the flight crew,
Have a communicable disease that has been determined by a federal public health authority to be transmissible to other persons in the normal course of flight,
Refuse to obey instructions from any flight crew member,
Have an offensive odor not caused by a disability or illness,
Are clothed in a manner that would cause discomfort or offense to other passengers,
are barefoot, or
Engage in any action, voluntary or involuntary, that might jeopardize the safety of the aircraft or any of its occupants.

Its called contract to carry. I suggest all of you look it up.

As i have said before the pilot can boot anyone for any reason they want.
From the article:

Rahman, who is a professor at the University of Memphis, told the affiliate that the incident reminded him of the prejudice Rosa Parks faced during the civil rights movement.

Equating religion with RACE? It's absurd.

The Entire Comparison is stupid.

Rosa Parks was a member of a group Oppressed for no good reason. She was not a member of a group who has elements among it that are actively at war with America and trying to kill us.
Yes, she was.

A pilot can toss anyone they want for any reason.They are the ones responsible for the lives of the crew and the passengers.

Personally i am all for anyone looking muslim or of middle eastern descent being barre from flying. Period. Considering everyone keeps yelling "it is not a RIGHT to be able fly" how about that!!!

If its not a right to fly... glad they got kicked off the flight.

fuck them.

What about not letting ******* fly? I'm sure Tank can find us some stories about black people getting violent on a plane.

syrenn said:
Hi, you have received -345 reputation points from syrenn.
Reputation was given for this post.

learn the rules of flight. right back at ya


Note: This is an automated message.

Rules of flight? There are rules somewhere saying brown people can't fly?

So your racism is okay but Tank's is not?

Now you sound like Jillian.

Yep, learn the rules of your contract. Do try and look it up. Nothing at all to do with racism.

Neg me first and you get a neg back. Those are my rules. Whine much?

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