two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

The airline will NEVER lose this if it goes to court. All the pilot has to do is say " I felt they were a security risk" and it's over. He is the Captain, and 400 lives are in his hands, or hers in some cases. The pilot MUST have complete command over every aspect of his flight.

not to mention as I said in the other thread. What happened to the idea of rights in this country? Airlines are private property, they should have the right to serve who they want to serve PERIOD. If you're not wanted there, you're in fact trespassing.
they were trying to attend a conference on prejudice against muslims

Muslim group: two imams pulled from plane bound for North Carolina -

"TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them," Hooper said, referring to the Transportation Security Administration.

I am glad bigotry gets rewarded so well in our country :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fuck you , you MuslimArseLicker.

The SAFETY OF AMERICAN LIVES is more important than the MuslimArsehole PC Crap.

The Fucking Muslims EARNED the fear of rational Americans with their TERRORISM in America and around the World.
. What happened to the idea of rights in this country? Airlines are private property, they should have the right to serve who they want to serve PERIOD. If you're not wanted there, you're in fact trespassing.

Never heard of desegregation, then?

Desegregation concerns GOVERNMENT facilities and I support that 100%. I do NOT support the government telling me who I may or may not provide services to as a private business.

You're a big COTUS guy, you tell me how you justify it.
. What happened to the idea of rights in this country? Airlines are private property, they should have the right to serve who they want to serve PERIOD. If you're not wanted there, you're in fact trespassing.

Never heard of desegregation, then?

Desegregation concerns GOVERNMENT facilities and I support that 100%. I do NOT support the government telling me who I may or may not provide services to as a private business.

You're a big COTUS guy, you tell me how you justify it.
Firstly, I believe COTUS, or any Law, is only legitimate so long as it is good (just and fair) and the People consent (on the whole; individual disagreement is somewhat more complicated and the social contract really is an involved discussion unto itself). For example, I do not believe the Constitutional ban on abolition or the fugitive slave laws were legitimate or that the government was legitimate or to be obeyed when it tried to enforce them.

Secondly, I believe that rights have limits. To be succinct, rights end when it comes to violating another's rights.

When it comes to desegregation, I believe the infringement/limitation of the rights of association and non-association of private business owners was a necessary evil as allowing the system of entrenched ans systematic exclusion, segregation, and discrimination to continue constituted the greater travesty. As a part of the effort to end segregation and the exploitation and abuse of an entire race of persons, it was something that had to be done. In the real world, there are oft no perfect answer. Sometimes, unfortunately, we the choice we'd like isn't an option and it is all we can do to choose the lesser evil to fight or prevent the greater travesty.
I agree, fuck 'em. I'm sick of catering to fucking Arabs. If they know their dress and behavior will draw negative attention, then dont dress/act that way. Hell, I say ban Arabs from planes altogether.
they were trying to attend a conference on prejudice against muslims

Muslim group: two imams pulled from plane bound for North Carolina -

"TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them," Hooper said, referring to the Transportation Security Administration.

I am glad bigotry gets rewarded so well in our country :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I have 3 brothers who have all been Captains with a major airline, they would have all had these jerks taken off the plane. Their duty is to the people they are flying and the company they fly for to stay safe and keep the majority of their passengers comfortable. They would have thrown drunks off the plane too for the same reason, they are a hazard to the safe transport and well being of the other passengers on the aircraft.
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Every single God damn liberal on this board will deny this, but deep down, they know it's true:

If they had to make 200 flights in one year, and had to choose either-

A) Make all 200 flights on non-Muslim only flights, no Muslims, ever, on any flight.
B) Make all 200 flights on ONLY Muslim flights, with themselves being the only non-Muslim on the plane.

If they had to choose A or B for those 200 flights, every single bastard leftist on here chooses B.
I agree, fuck 'em. I'm sick of catering to fucking Arabs. If they know their dress and behavior will draw negative attention, then dont dress/act that way. Hell, I say ban Arabs from planes altogether.

Damn right.

Who the fuck do the fucking muslims think they are that we should appease them hen they are "guests" in our country and have the gall to dictate our customs to us ???

Fucking RIDICULOUS !!!

The only reason we have this unnecessary dilemma is that the LIEberhhoid arseholes are amongst us.
The PILOT reserves the right to EJECT anyone causing a disturbance to the safe operation and conduct of his aircraft that he/she is in charge of.
No one was causing a disturbance.
I disagree. The racists on the plane were making quite a disturbance. They should have been invited to take a different flight.

Followers of mohammedism come in all shapes and sizes and various ethnicities. Since when has being against followers of a religion or cult been considered racist? :cuckoo:
As the word suggests, racism pertains to race NOT religion.
A pilot can toss anyone they want for any reason.They are the ones responsible for the lives of the crew and the passengers.

Personally i am all for anyone looking muslim or of middle eastern descent being barre from flying. Period. Considering everyone keeps yelling "it is not a RIGHT to be able fly" how about that!!!

If its not a right to fly... glad they got kicked off the flight.

fuck them.

What about not letting ******* fly? I'm sure Tank can find us some stories about black people getting violent on a plane.

syrenn said:
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learn the rules of flight. right back at ya


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Rules of flight? There are rules somewhere saying brown people can't fly?

So your racism is okay but Tank's is not?

Now you sound like Jillian.

i'm not the one asking for profiling of muslims, you lying anti-semite. and for the record, there was no reason to take these people off the flight because TSA did their job.

Fuck those Imams, they should all be deported.

I like that idea....let's kick out any weird looking religious people.

Finally, the Obamarrhoidal lesbian Freako gets the message that those who hate America should be kicked out of America instead of being coddled by Obamarrhoidal arseholes that place American lives in danger.........obscuring our enemy the Muslim Terrorists as practitioners of "Man Caused Disasters" as instructed by Obami Salaami's stooge Janet Incompetano of Home Security.

Unfortunately, our Constitution protects these Muslim Arseholes, but hopefully there'll be a way when some amendment can correct this travesty.
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It's pretty funny. Liberals have finally found a religion they like. The only problem is that it's based in barbarism and hate. Hmmm. Wait a minute. I guess that does make sense to them after all. Never mind.
Every single God damn liberal on this board will deny this, but deep down, they know it's true:

If they had to make 200 flights in one year, and had to choose either-

A) Make all 200 flights on non-Muslim only flights, no Muslims, ever, on any flight.
B) Make all 200 flights on ONLY Muslim flights, with themselves being the only non-Muslim on the plane.

If they had to choose A or B for those 200 flights, every single bastard leftist on here chooses B.

How do you know that?
Desegregation concerns GOVERNMENT facilities and I support that 100%. I do NOT support the government telling me who I may or may not provide services to as a private business.
You may not support it but it is the law. Jbeukema is correct:
Civil Rights Act of 1964

The most prominent civil rights legislation since reconstruction is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Decisions of the Supreme Court at the time limited Congressional enforcement of the 14th Amendment to state, rather than individual, action. (Since 1964 the Supreme Court has expanded the reach of the 14th Amendment in some situations to individuals discriminating on their own). Therefore, in order to reach the actions of individuals, Congress, using its power to regulate interstate commerce, enacted the Civil Rights Act of 1964 under Title 42, Chapter 21 of the United States Code. Discrimination based on "race, color, religion, or national origin" in public establishments that have a connection to interstate commerce or are supported by the state is prohibited. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000a. Public establishments include places of public accommodation (e.g., hotels, motels, and trailer parks), restaurants, gas stations, bars, taverns, and places of entertainment in general. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent legislation also declared a strong legislative policy against discrimination in public schools and colleges which aided in desegregation. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in federally funded programs. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination where the employer is engaged in interstate commerce. Congress has passed numerous other laws dealing with employment discrimination. See Employment Discrimination.

Civil rights | LII / Legal Information Institute
In Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. (1964), the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionally of the Act:
Facts of the Case:

Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbade racial discrimination by places of public accommodation if their operations affected commerce. The Heart of Atlanta Motel in Atlanta, Georgia, refused to accept Black Americans and was charged with violating Title II.

Did Congress, in passing Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, exceed its Commerce Clause powers by depriving motels, such as the Heart of Atlanta, of the right to choose their own customers?

The Court held that the Commerce Clause allowed Congress to regulate local incidents of commerce, and that the Civil Right Act of 1964 passed constitutional muster. The Court noted that the applicability of Title II was "carefully limited to enterprises having a direct and substantial relation to the interstate flow of goods and people. . ." The Court thus concluded that places of public accommodation had no "right" to select guests as they saw fit, free from governmental regulation.

Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

This, then, is the legal basis for the lawsuits against airlines and their staff, they are clearly in violation of the law and Constitution.

As an aside, I’ve noticed a lot of huffing ‘n’ puffing from the right with no documentation of facts. Spouting your opinion may be fun and a way to let off steam but is otherwise unconvincing. You could at least cite some dissenting opinions from Mr. Justice Scalia; believe me, you’ll have plenty to choose from.
they were trying to attend a conference on prejudice against muslims

Muslim group: two imams pulled from plane bound for North Carolina -

"TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them," Hooper said, referring to the Transportation Security Administration.

I am glad bigotry gets rewarded so well in our country :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fuck you , you MuslimArseLicker.

The SAFETY OF AMERICAN LIVES is more important than the MuslimArsehole PC Crap.

The Fucking Muslims EARNED the fear of rational Americans with their TERRORISM in America and around the World.

Did Americans learn the reason the Muslims RETALIATED, er, excuse me, "terrorized" the US on September 11, 2001?


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