two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

Every single God damn liberal on this board will deny this, but deep down, they know it's true:

If they had to make 200 flights in one year, and had to choose either-

A) Make all 200 flights on non-Muslim only flights, no Muslims, ever, on any flight.
B) Make all 200 flights on ONLY Muslim flights, with themselves being the only non-Muslim on the plane.

If they had to choose A or B for those 200 flights, every single bastard leftist on here chooses B.

How do you know that?

The assumption of choosing A is that the person has a brain ...... obviously a specious assumption when dealing with a Lesbian Freako like B.O....DUH.....C'ya, who, among other things, is a MuslimArseLicker.
WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.

You complain about laws as enacted by two separate houses of representatives elected by the people as corrupt. But you would gladly put the power of law into the hands of any individual with any permissible basis whatsoever can call it just? You're a fucking idiot.

The pilot's words are not law. As a matter of fact, if that were true than it would destroy the rest of your position, because then the pilot would be required to protect the constitutional rights to freedom of religion of these two men. It's amazing how radical and extremist you are being, all in the name of fighting radicals and extremists.

Your attitude is exactly what these con men are looking for. Two members of the most hateful bigoted religion on the planet and you're falling for their game. Sad.

I see no evidence that these two men belong to the Church of Americana Ignorantamus.
By getting on the plane you are in a sense submitting yourself to a dictatorship of sorts.

Bull fucking shit. I've read the fine print when I buy my tickets, there's no mention of submitting to a dictatorship. The pilot has certain authorities, and he also has limitations. The pilot does not have the right to discriminate against people based on their religion. The fact that some passengers were "uncomfortable" with these two men being Muslim does not give the pilot the right to refuse them. If the people feeling "uncomfortable" were becoming a problem, then it's THEM who should have been kicked off the plane, if they were causing disturbances. I really hope this pilot loses his job and has his license revoked. Actually, I hope worse for him. A week's worth of government sensitivity training.
What about not letting ******* fly? I'm sure Tank can find us some stories about black people getting violent on a plane.

syrenn said:
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learn the rules of flight. right back at ya


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Rules of flight? There are rules somewhere saying brown people can't fly?

So your racism is okay but Tank's is not?

Now you sound like Jillian.

Yep, learn the rules of your contract. Do try and look it up. Nothing at all to do with racism.

Neg me first and you get a neg back. Those are my rules. Whine much?

I need more rep points so I can be a force to be reckoned with when it comes to neg repping. I figure I only need about 3,000,000 more. :D
When you buy your ticket you are entering into a contract with the airline. Each airline is a bit different but it works out to be the same. They can trun the plane around and put you off for just about anything. Bare feet, smell, dress, praying,

When the passenger’s conduct is disorderly, abusive or violent
When the passenger is barefoot
When the passenger appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
When the passenger attempts to interfere with any member of the flight crew in the pursuit of his or her duties, or fails to obey the instruction of any member of the flight crew
When the passenger has a contagious disease that may be transmissible to other passengers during the normal course of the flight
When the passenger has a malodorous condition
When the passenger is unable to sit in a seat with the seatbelt fastened
When the passenger requires an onboard stretcher kit
When the passenger’s behavior may be hazardous to himself/herself, the crew, or other passengers
When the passenger is seriously ill, and fails to provide a physician's written permission to fly
When the passenger is traveling in an incubator
When the passenger’s conduct creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers
When the passenger’s conduct creates a risk of harm or damage to the carrier’s aircraft and/or property, or the property of other passengers

Being Muslim does not fall into any of those categories. Praying does not fall into any of those categories. I bet you wouldn't contend that when a Christian prays, it's sufficient cause to kick them off the plane.
By getting on the plane you are in a sense submitting yourself to a dictatorship of sorts.

Bull fucking shit. I've read the fine print when I buy my tickets, there's no mention of submitting to a dictatorship. The pilot has certain authorities, and he also has limitations. The pilot does not have the right to discriminate against people based on their religion. The fact that some passengers were "uncomfortable" with these two men being Muslim does not give the pilot the right to refuse them. If the people feeling "uncomfortable" were becoming a problem, then it's THEM who should have been kicked off the plane, if they were causing disturbances. I really hope this pilot loses his job and has his license revoked. Actually, I hope worse for him. A week's worth of government sensitivity training.

Actually, if the passengers were "uncomfortable" with them, then the pilot does have the right to have them removed from the plane. The same goes for if someone has BO, or is wearing an offensive shirt and refuses to put something over it, etc.

I suppose it depends on the meaning of "uncomfortable". I sure as heck wouldn't have kicked them off. It could also depend on how many passengers were "uncomfortable". I don't know, just think the pilot was wrong in this case and anyone feeling uncomfortable should have just spent the flight watching them to make sure they didn't do anything wrong. I mean heck, the only thing preventing another 9/11 now is the passengers won't put up with it.

And yes, staring at them would have been rude, but if you are going to dress in Muslim attire and go flying, you have to expect a certain amount of staring. Nothing in our constitution guarantees you the right not to be offended.
Kicking people off a plane because of their religion is more destruction to America. ;)

Kicking them off because folks on that flight were uncomfortable however *IS* like it or not...
I'd be uncomfortable with you on a plane. So perhaps I should have you kicked off. you know, just because conservatives make me nervous

You're a liberal... everything makes you pansies nervous.
Show me the repeated, coordinated, Attacks carried out all around the globe by a christian Group that has openly Declared war on the US. Where are they?

Guess you've never heard of the Ku Klux Klan. Guess you never heard of the Branch Davidians, or the Montana Freemen.

How about the Army of God? They're responsible for many murders and a series of anthrax threat letters to abortion clinics. Operation Rescue is associated with murders and attempted bombings. Not to mention all the "freelance" terrorism against abortion clinics.

Where are the Attacks Carried out by this sinister group called Hutaree that you are Claiming pose the same type of threat as Al Qeada and the Dozens of other Radical Islamic Terrorist Organizations around the world?

I mean that is too rich, McVeigh and Hutaree? LOL are you for fucking real dude.

You do realize that McVeigh carried out what was the worst act of terrorism on US soil up until 9-11, right? And it remains the worst act of domestic terrorism in the US in history. It is amazing that you would trivialize that kind of thing.

You seem to have no problem whatsoever to lump every and any terrorist who is Muslim together, and decry that Islam is an evil religion and poses a threat to us. Yet, when it comes to other terrorist groups you want to sort them out one by one, and take them as individual cases that don't reflect on the whole. This shows your continued and irrational bias against Islam.
How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Then what was it? If you're going to insist that this action was just, explain what they were doing wrong that justified being kicked off the plane.
An Orthodox Jewish man was removed from a United Airlines flight for failing to follow instructions of flight attendants as he left his seat to pray during takeoff
Praying passenger removed from flight


Your dishonesty is amazing. That guy didn't get kicked off for praying. He got kicked off for refusing to sit in his seat during takeoff and ignoring flight attendants trying to communicate with him.
Show me the repeated, coordinated, Attacks carried out all around the globe by a christian Group that has openly Declared war on the US. Where are they?

Guess you've never heard of the Ku Klux Klan. Guess you never heard of the Branch Davidians, or the Montana Freemen.

How about the Army of God? They're responsible for many murders and a series of anthrax threat letters to abortion clinics. Operation Rescue is associated with murders and attempted bombings. Not to mention all the "freelance" terrorism against abortion clinics.

Where are the Attacks Carried out by this sinister group called Hutaree that you are Claiming pose the same type of threat as Al Qeada and the Dozens of other Radical Islamic Terrorist Organizations around the world?

I mean that is too rich, McVeigh and Hutaree? LOL are you for fucking real dude.

You do realize that McVeigh carried out what was the worst act of terrorism on US soil up until 9-11, right? And it remains the worst act of domestic terrorism in the US in history. It is amazing that you would trivialize that kind of thing.

You seem to have no problem whatsoever to lump every and any terrorist who is Muslim together, and decry that Islam is an evil religion and poses a threat to us. Yet, when it comes to other terrorist groups you want to sort them out one by one, and take them as individual cases that don't reflect on the whole. This shows your continued and irrational bias against Islam.

What a pathetically weak argument. You take a couple isolated groups that are very small and agonizingly try to compare that to a world wide muslim terrorist organization comprising of many groups. Pass that joint around next time and perhaps I'll fall for it.
The thing you Libs seem to fail to grasp is this. Radical Islamic Terrorist are not just terrorist who happen to be Muslim. They are Terrorists because of their Radical Interpretation of Islam. .... It is simply about fearing the Small, but dangerous Radical elements of Islam who really do want to kill us all, and remaining vigilant against an attack.


It seems clear that YOU are the one ignoring your own advice. You admit, it's not Islam that is the problem. It's radicals that happen to be Islamic. If those people have been born into a Christian upbringing, they'd have turned out to be Christian terrorists. If they had been from a Jewish upbringing, they would have been Jewish terrorists. They would have become terrorists no matter what their religion, and would have still used whatever other religion, or whatever rationale they could come up with, as an excuse.

Islam is not our enemy. The vast majority of Muslims are not trying to harm us. The only reason a person looks at a given Muslim, and suddenly gets "uncomfortable" is because of their own irrational biases. And giving into those biases is bigotry. It is no different than assuming that Joe Smith is such and such quality, based on the fact that Joe belongs to such and such classification, where 10% of people in that classification have said quality.
Show me the repeated, coordinated, Attacks carried out all around the globe by a christian Group that has openly Declared war on the US. Where are they?

Guess you've never heard of the Ku Klux Klan. Guess you never heard of the Branch Davidians, or the Montana Freemen.

How about the Army of God? They're responsible for many murders and a series of anthrax threat letters to abortion clinics. Operation Rescue is associated with murders and attempted bombings. Not to mention all the "freelance" terrorism against abortion clinics.

Where are the Attacks Carried out by this sinister group called Hutaree that you are Claiming pose the same type of threat as Al Qeada and the Dozens of other Radical Islamic Terrorist Organizations around the world?

I mean that is too rich, McVeigh and Hutaree? LOL are you for fucking real dude.

You do realize that McVeigh carried out what was the worst act of terrorism on US soil up until 9-11, right? And it remains the worst act of domestic terrorism in the US in history. It is amazing that you would trivialize that kind of thing.

You seem to have no problem whatsoever to lump every and any terrorist who is Muslim together, and decry that Islam is an evil religion and poses a threat to us. Yet, when it comes to other terrorist groups you want to sort them out one by one, and take them as individual cases that don't reflect on the whole. This shows your continued and irrational bias against Islam.

and you realize that not only had McVeigh rejected his Catholic upbringing at least 10 years before the bombing, that he NEVER claimed the bombing was done in the name of Christianity don't you?

Some people are such simpletons.
And the bottom line is, that as it stands now, a pilot can boot anyone for anything that they consider disruptive or dangerous to HIS flight.

No. Only inasmuch as his actions are reasonable. Your argument would grant the pilot the authority to kick you off the plane just because you're a woman, and several men are going to want to look at you. Or because three other women are "uncomfortable" because their husbands are staring at you.
[and you realize that not only had McVeigh rejected his Catholic upbringing at least 10 years before the bombing, that he NEVER claimed the bombing was done in the name of Christianity don't you?

Some people are such simpletons.

There we concur:

I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win an argument of right or wrong. I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.

I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco.) From the formation of such units as the FBI's "Hostage Rescue" and other assault teams amongst federal agencies during the '80's; culminating in the Waco incident, federal actions grew increasingly militaristic and violent, to the point where at Waco, our government - like the Chinese - was deploying tanks against its own citizens.

Knowledge of these multiple and ever-more aggressive raids across the country constituted an identifiable pattern of conduct within and by the federal government and amongst its various agencies. For all intents and purposes, federal agents had become "soldiers" (using military training, tactics, techniques, equipment, language, dress, organization, and mindset) and they were escalating their behavior. Therefore, this bombing was also meant as a pre-emptive (or pro-active) strike against these forces and their command and control centers within the federal building. When an aggressor force continually launches attacks from a particular base of operation, it is sound military strategy to take the fight to the enemy.

Additionally, borrowing a page from U.S. foreign policy, I decided to send a message to a government that was becoming increasingly hostile, by bombing a government building and the government employees within that building who represent that government. Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations. Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option. From this perspective, what occurred in Oklahoma City was no different than what Americans rain on the heads of others all the time, and subsequently, my mindset was and is one of the clinical detachment. (the bombing of the Murrah building was not personal , no more than when Air Force, Army, Navy, or Marine personnel bomb or launch cruise missiles against government installations and their personnel.)

I hope that this clarification amply addresses your question.


Timothy J. McVeigh
USP Terre Haute (IN)

The airline will NEVER lose this if it goes to court. All the pilot has to do is say " I felt they were a security risk" and it's over. He is the Captain, and 400 lives are in his hands, or hers in some cases. The pilot MUST have complete command over every aspect of his flight.

Are you kidding me? You're an affront to your screen name. "Security risk" is not a carte blanche for any shit that tickles the pilot's fancy. In court, he will have to demonstrate that there was an actual security risk. Simply saying it will not be enough. He will have to show that such a claim is reasonable.

not to mention as I said in the other thread. What happened to the idea of rights in this country? Airlines are private property, they should have the right to serve who they want to serve PERIOD. If you're not wanted there, you're in fact trespassing.

You think that a private company has the right to discriminate against whom they serve, based on religion? Guess what, they don't. Federal law prohibits that.
The SAFETY OF AMERICAN LIVES is more important than the MuslimArsehole PC Crap.

Wait a second.....where did anything say that these men are not American citizens?

The Fucking Muslims EARNED the fear of rational Americans with their TERRORISM in America and around the World.

:lol::lol::lol: No, they earned the fear of IRRATIONAL idiots like you. There is nothing rational about fearing all Muslims just because of the actions of a small fringe sect. That's logically no different than fearing all Christians just because a small handful have committed murders and blown up buildings in the name of their extremist religious beliefs.

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