two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

I have 3 brothers who have all been Captains with a major airline, they would have all had these jerks taken off the plane.

Your prejudice jumps out, right off the bat. On what basis do you call these two men "jerks"? There is nothing that indicates that they were doing anything but sitting peaceably in their seats.

They would have thrown drunks off the plane too for the same reason, they are a hazard to the safe transport and well being of the other passengers on the aircraft.

On what basis do you call these two men a hazard? There is nothing hazardous about being near a Muslim.
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Who the fuck do the fucking muslims think they are that we should appease them hen they are "guests" in our country and have the gall to dictate our customs to us ???

Fucking RIDICULOUS !!!

On what basis do you conclude these men are Arabs, or that they are not American citizens? There's no indication of such a thing here.
The thing you Libs seem to fail to grasp is this. Radical Islamic Terrorist are not just terrorist who happen to be Muslim. They are Terrorists because of their Radical Interpretation of Islam. .... It is simply about fearing the Small, but dangerous Radical elements of Islam who really do want to kill us all, and remaining vigilant against an attack.


It seems clear that YOU are the one ignoring your own advice. You admit, it's not Islam that is the problem. It's radicals that happen to be Islamic. If those people have been born into a Christian upbringing, they'd have turned out to be Christian terrorists. If they had been from a Jewish upbringing, they would have been Jewish terrorists. They would have become terrorists no matter what their religion, and would have still used whatever other religion, or whatever rationale they could come up with, as an excuse.

Islam is not our enemy. The vast majority of Muslims are not trying to harm us. The only reason a person looks at a given Muslim, and suddenly gets "uncomfortable" is because of their own irrational biases. And giving into those biases is bigotry. It is no different than assuming that Joe Smith is such and such quality, based on the fact that Joe belongs to such and such classification, where 10% of people in that classification have said quality.

Gekcrap, You've got to be one of the most idiotically ignorant MuslimArselLickers on the planet.


The Qu'ran is the concoction of the Historically Documented THIEF, MASS MURDERER, RAPIST and PEDOPHILIC RAPIST PROFIT MOHAMMED.

The CLEAR and UNMISTAKABLE FIRST DICTUM of this PSEUDO "RELIGION" IS: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."


Don't you ignorant MuslimArseLicking arseholes geddit ??????

What the Fuck does it take for you LIEberrhoid morons to understand the OBVIOUS ????

The Iranian Fucking Muslims are Sunnis and we all know the Agenda of these Motherfucking Muslim Theologians.

The Wahhabis are Shiites and they are the Most Fanatical Muslim Arseholes on Earth that have the Saudi Arabian Royalty blackmailed into following their fanatical instructions.

Fact: over 90% of the Mosques in America (and probably the World) ARE WAHHABI MOSQUES SUBSIDIZED BY SAUDI ARABIA'S ROYALTY !!!!

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Your religion is a choice your race is not. Use that brain God gave you.

The question here is not race v religion. The question is the logical validity of presuming a person of Category A possesses characteristic B, just because a small group of other people in Category A have demonstrated characteristic B.

A small amount of black people commit violent crimes. That does not make it logical to prejudice all black people as dangerous criminals.

A small amount of Christians commit violent acts of terrorism. That does not make it logical to prejudice all Christians as being dangerous terrorists.

A small amount of white Americans commit violent acts of terrorism. That does not make it logical to prejudice all white Americans as being dangerous terrorists.

A small amount of Muslims commit violent acts of terrorism. That does not make it logical to prejudice all Muslims as being dangerous terrorists.
You're a liberal... everything makes you pansies nervous.

That's quite ironic. They obviously have no issue with law abiding peaceful fellow American citizens who follow their own religious path. But you conservatives seem to really get uncomfortable around something so harmless.
What a pathetically weak argument. You take a couple isolated groups that are very small and agonizingly try to compare that to a world wide muslim terrorist organization comprising of many groups. Pass that joint around next time and perhaps I'll fall for it.

What a pathetically weak argument. You try to take a couple of isolated groups and try to call them a world wide terrorist organization. Your own comments contradict themselves. All you have done is repeat the same fallacy I was pointing out. You take any and all examples of extremist Muslims as a single group that reflects on the whole of Islam. But when it comes to Christian terrorism, you insist that the phenomena must be viewed as individual cases that have no reflection on the whole of Christianity. Same thing with "patriotic" terrorism.
and you realize that not only had McVeigh rejected his Catholic upbringing at least 10 years before the bombing, that he NEVER claimed the bombing was done in the name of Christianity don't you?

Some people are such simpletons.

When did I ever say that McVeigh was acting on religious grounds? Stop being such a simpleton.
YOU have alot to Learn OF INDIVIDUAL liberty


Don't like it? GET the HELL outta MY Country.
How long has your family lived here?

I'm a Heinz 57, IOW, a mutt, a true American. I have ancestors from just about everywhere on this planet with the possible exception of south America....and then I probably have some relatives there.

Why are you evading? Some of our families have been here since before the Europeans even knew about this continent.
What a pathetically weak argument. You take a couple isolated groups that are very small and agonizingly try to compare that to a world wide muslim terrorist organization comprising of many groups. Pass that joint around next time and perhaps I'll fall for it.

What a pathetically weak argument. You try to take a couple of isolated groups and try to call them a world wide terrorist organization. Your own comments contradict themselves. All you have done is repeat the same fallacy I was pointing out. You take any and all examples of extremist Muslims as a single group that reflects on the whole of Islam. But when it comes to Christian terrorism, you insist that the phenomena must be viewed as individual cases that have no reflection on the whole of Christianity. Same thing with "patriotic" terrorism.

It's a matter of percentages. When upwards of 40% of Middle Eastern Muslims support terrorism, a religeon has a problem. Hell 16%, I believe that was the number given, of Muslim youth IN AMERICA believe that that suicide bombings against civilian targets are okay in certain circumstances.

You won't find those numbers in Christianity, no matter how hard you look.

AND when on occasion you do see an idiot do something in the name of Christianity , Christians stand up en masse to condemn him. Muslims stand up en masse and cheer.

They aren't comparable.
I have no idea why these guys were kicked off the plane, but I am pretty sure it was not because of the way they were dressed.


So because he is dressed a certain way he cant fly in america?

What the fuck are you talking about. Do you know how dumb you sound? If people complained about priests outfits and ask him to leave, that is ok with you?

Now its clothes...whats next, color? As a white guy, I guess you feel safe? No wonder you are good with kicking someone off because you dont like how they are dressed.

Fuck you.
What a pathetically weak argument. You take a couple isolated groups that are very small and agonizingly try to compare that to a world wide muslim terrorist organization comprising of many groups. Pass that joint around next time and perhaps I'll fall for it.

What a pathetically weak argument. You try to take a couple of isolated groups and try to call them a world wide terrorist organization. Your own comments contradict themselves. All you have done is repeat the same fallacy I was pointing out. You take any and all examples of extremist Muslims as a single group that reflects on the whole of Islam. But when it comes to Christian terrorism, you insist that the phenomena must be viewed as individual cases that have no reflection on the whole of Christianity. Same thing with "patriotic" terrorism.

It's a matter of percentages. When upwards of 40% of Middle Eastern Muslims support terrorism, a religeon has a problem. Hell 16%, I believe that was the number given, of Muslim youth IN AMERICA believe that that suicide bombings against civilian targets are okay in certain circumstances.

You won't find those numbers in Christianity, no matter how hard you look.

AND when on occasion you do see an idiot do something in the name of Christianity , Christians stand up en masse to condemn him. Muslims stand up en masse and cheer.

They aren't comparable.

Link? Or are you full of shit?
Never heard of desegregation, then?

Desegregation concerns GOVERNMENT facilities and I support that 100%. I do NOT support the government telling me who I may or may not provide services to as a private business.

You're a big COTUS guy, you tell me how you justify it.
Firstly, I believe COTUS, or any Law, is only legitimate so long as it is good (just and fair) and the People consent (on the whole; individual disagreement is somewhat more complicated and the social contract really is an involved discussion unto itself). For example, I do not believe the Constitutional ban on abolition or the fugitive slave laws were legitimate or that the government was legitimate or to be obeyed when it tried to enforce them.

Secondly, I believe that rights have limits. To be succinct, rights end when it comes to violating another's rights.

When it comes to desegregation, I believe the infringement/limitation of the rights of association and non-association of private business owners was a necessary evil as allowing the system of entrenched ans systematic exclusion, segregation, and discrimination to continue constituted the greater travesty. As a part of the effort to end segregation and the exploitation and abuse of an entire race of persons, it was something that had to be done. In the real world, there are oft no perfect answer. Sometimes, unfortunately, we the choice we'd like isn't an option and it is all we can do to choose the lesser evil to fight or prevent the greater travesty.

That means you do not support any law, because no law ever written is fair. If you don't believe me, give me an example of a law you think is fair and I will prove it isn't. That is why COTUS doesn't mention being fair.
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It's a matter of percentages. When upwards of 40% of Middle Eastern Muslims support terrorism, a religeon has a problem.

Perhaps we should be looking at the greater socio-political factors that lead people to be drawn to violent rhetoric and groups regardless of the particular facade.
Your religion is a choice your race is not. Use that brain God gave you.

True belief is not a conscious choice.

If someone can 'choose' their religion, they do not truly believe it in their heart.

You are incorrect. Free will allows us to CHOOSE whether we believe or not.
Do you exist? Do you think penises are attractive? Do you think salami tastes good?

Can you 'choose' to believe in Allah to to not believe you exist or to find other men attractive or to find that dog shit tastes like pomegranate?

As for free will... that's debatable

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