two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

This is one of those threads where people reveal their true colours.

Someone mentioned their clothing. Perhaps you'd all feel more at home wearing this?



they are members of a Religion that has Radical Elements that are at war with us, and actively trying to do us harm.

I assume Parks was a Christian?

Hutaree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you seriously equating that with the Threat from Radical Islamic Terrorist we face today? Grow the fuck up.

Your Comparing one Far Right Militia Nuts actions, and one End of Days wacko Group that has not actually attacked anyone is only suspected of planning to attack a police officer. With The Radical Muslim Terrorist who have carried out countless Attacks around the globe and killed Thousands of Innocent Human Beings.

You make a comparison like that, and you guys wonder why us normal folks think you are off your fucking rockers.

Show me the repeated, coordinated, Attacks carried out all around the globe by a christian Group that has openly Declared war on the US. Where are they? Where are the Attacks Carried out by this sinister group called Hutaree that you are Claiming pose the same type of threat as Al Qeada and the Dozens of other Radical Islamic Terrorist Organizations around the world?

I mean that is too rich, McVeigh and Hutaree? LOL are you for fucking real dude.
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No, he doesn't.

I know a muslim or two that doesn't "look" muslim.

The PILOT reserves the right to EJECT anyone causing a disturbance to the safe operation and conduct of his aircraft that he/she is in charge of.
No one was causing a disturbance.
I disagree. The racists on the plane were making quite a disturbance. They should have been invited to take a different flight.
Compliance with government requisition of space.
Action necessary or advisable due to weather, or other conditions beyond American's control.
Refusal to permit a search of person or property for explosives or for deadly, controlled, or dangerous weapons, articles or substances.
Refusal to produce positive identification upon request.
Your physical or mental condition is such that in American's sole opinion, you are rendered or likely to be rendered incapable of comprehending or complying with safety instructions without the assistance of an attendant.
Your conduct is disorderly, abusive or violent, or you

Appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs,
Attempt to interfere with any member of the flight crew,
Have a communicable disease that has been determined by a federal public health authority to be transmissible to other persons in the normal course of flight,
Refuse to obey instructions from any flight crew member,
Have an offensive odor not caused by a disability or illness,
Are clothed in a manner that would cause discomfort or offense to other passengers,
are barefoot, or

Engage in any action, voluntary or involuntary, that might jeopardize the safety of the aircraft or any of its occupants.

Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger ,supposed to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?


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they are members of a Religion that has Radical Elements that are at war with us, and actively trying to do us harm.

I assume Parks was a Christian?

Hutaree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you seriously equating that with the Threat from Radical Islamic Terrorist we face today? Grow the fuck up.


I'd say it's fair to compare the two.
Compliance with government requisition of space.
Action necessary or advisable due to weather, or other conditions beyond American's control.
Refusal to permit a search of person or property for explosives or for deadly, controlled, or dangerous weapons, articles or substances.
Refusal to produce positive identification upon request.
Your physical or mental condition is such that in American's sole opinion, you are rendered or likely to be rendered incapable of comprehending or complying with safety instructions without the assistance of an attendant.
Your conduct is disorderly, abusive or violent, or you

Appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs,
Attempt to interfere with any member of the flight crew,
Have a communicable disease that has been determined by a federal public health authority to be transmissible to other persons in the normal course of flight,
Refuse to obey instructions from any flight crew member,
Have an offensive odor not caused by a disability or illness,
Are clothed in a manner that would cause discomfort or offense to other passengers,
are barefoot, or

Engage in any action, voluntary or involuntary, that might jeopardize the safety of the aircraft or any of its occupants.

Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger , to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?



As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.


Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger , to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?



As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Praying is reason to be thrown off a plane?



Pay no mind to that. It's only people who don't look like us that we should be looking at...
Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger , to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?



As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Praying is reason to be thrown off a plane?

Why do you defend religious con men?
Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger , to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?



As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Praying is reason to be thrown off a plane?

An Orthodox Jewish man was removed from a United Airlines flight for failing to follow instructions of flight attendants as he left his seat to pray during takeoff
Praying passenger removed from flight


From the article:

Equating religion with RACE? It's absurd.

The Entire Comparison is stupid.

Rosa Parks was a member of a group Oppressed for no good reason. She was not a member of a group who has elements among it that are actively at war with America and trying to kill us.
Yes, she was.


So the Black Panthers were a Religion then? One Rosa was a member of?

The thing you Libs seem to fail to grasp is this. Radical Islamic Terrorist are not just terrorist who happen to be Muslim. They are Terrorists because of their Radical Interpretation of Islam. They carry out their Attacks in the Name of that Religion. The Have hijacked and Hide Behind the Religion. Other than McVeigh's attack, Every other Major Terrorist attack Carried out against US targets here and abroad, has been carried out by Muslim Terrorists.

That is just the facts. It is perfectly reasonable for us to suspect that Radical Muslim Terrorist might just Dress up like Imams, and try to use our own Sense of political Correctness against us, to carry out an attack. If you think about it, it makes perfect tactical Sense. The Last time they attacked they tried to blend in and look like us. They know America has become hyper sensitive to intolerance against Muslims. It would make sound tactical Sense to attempt to disguise terrorists by hiding in plain site and instead of downplaying the fact they are Muslim. Highlighting it.

I feel for these Imams, who were hassled. However I would rather see that, then another mass attack carried out against us. If A large Segment of the Catholic Religion was openly at war with us, and carrying out attacks all around the world. I would want special attention paid to anyone getting on a plane who was Openly displaying their Catholicism. For me it is not about hating Muslims. It is simply about fearing the Small, but dangerous Radical elements of Islam who really do want to kill us all, and remaining vigilant against an attack.


As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Praying is reason to be thrown off a plane?

An Orthodox Jewish man was removed from a United Airlines flight for failing to follow instructions of flight attendants as he left his seat to pray during takeoff
Praying passenger removed from flight


In that example it wasn't the praying, it was the leaving his seat and refusing to go back that caused him to get the boot.

Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger , to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?



As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Those of us who believe in the proverb "Emitte lucem et veritatem" should encourage the Immans to sue and enjoin the airlines from taking similar action in the future.The contract is clearly unconscionable.

Praying is reason to be thrown off a plane?

An Orthodox Jewish man was removed from a United Airlines flight for failing to follow instructions of flight attendants as he left his seat to pray during takeoff
Praying passenger removed from flight


In that example it wasn't the praying, it was the leaving his seat and refusing to go back that caused him to get the boot.

He left his seat to pray. He would not follow instruction because he was praying. He did not respond because he was praying.His need to pray was the root problem that got him the boot.

In that example it wasn't the praying, it was the leaving his seat and refusing to go back that caused him to get the boot.

He left his seat to pray. He would not follow instruction because he was praying. He did not respond because he was praying.His need to pray was the root problem that got him the boot.

No, his need to stand up near the lavatories and refuse to go back to his seat was the root of him getting the boot.

If he had remained seated and prayed there would have been no problem.

QED, the praying wasn't the issue.
Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger , to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?



As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Those of us who believe in the proverb "Emitte lucem et veritatem" should encourage the Immans to sue and enjoin the airlines from taking similar action in the future.The contract is clearly unconscionable.


Of course they're going to sue. That's the plan. Fun to watch the useful idiots being played.
Unconscionability (also known as unconscientious dealings) is a term used in contract law to describe a defense against the enforcement of a contract based on the presence of terms that are excessively unfair to one party. Typically, such a contract is held to be unenforceable because the consideration offered is lacking or is so obviously inadequate that to enforce the contract would be unfair to the party seeking to escape the contract.

How the fuck were the Immans, or any passenger , to know at the time of purchasing the tickets that their garb will be considered unacceptable to their fellow passengers.?!?!?!?



As i have said before. The pilots can boot you off the plane for just about anything they want to.

Read your contract.

How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.

Those of us who believe in the proverb "Emitte lucem et veritatem" should encourage the Immans to sue and enjoin the airlines from taking similar action in the future.The contract is clearly unconscionable.


I know.

And the bottom line is, that as it stands now, a pilot can boot anyone for anything that they consider disruptive or dangerous to HIS flight.

The thing you Libs
I'm not a Liberal, you idiot. Do a search for my posts concerning Liberalism.

Radical Islamic Terrorist are not just terrorist who happen to be Muslim.

That's not entirely accurate.
They are Terrorists because of their Radical Interpretation of Islam.

They are drawn to that interpretation and are receptive to it- and are predisposed to joining terrorist groups- for more ultimate reasons.
They carry out their Attacks in the Name of that Religion.

Because it is a convenient facade. In other times and places they'd do what they do in the name of another religion, or in the name of the proletarian revolution, or in the name of nationalism.
The Have hijacked and Hide Behind the Religion. Other than McVeigh's attack, Every other Major Terrorist attack Carried out against US targets here and abroad, has been carried out by Muslim Terrorists.

The IRA are muslims?
That is just the facts

Except for not being true, sure.
. It is perfectly reasonable for us to suspect that Radical Muslim Terrorist might just Dress up like Imams, and try to use our own Sense of political Correctness against us, to carry out an attack

They were checked out twice. There was no evidence to suggest they were anything other than what they were. It is also perfectly reasonable to suspect they'll look like George Bush- they're called White Lilies or Lily Whites.

Remember the recent story about 'Jihad Jane'?
How do you know it was what they were wearing. The list is quite long of things that can get you the boot. Risque clothing can get you the boot too right along with gang clothing. Did they smell? Were they praying? Did they make some comment? Did they not follow some instruction? It could have been anything.
It’s incumbent upon the pilot to make an informed decision per training. If he screws up he and the airline get sued. There was no rational basis to assume these individuals posed any threat to the flight.

Praying is reason to be thrown off a plane?

It was in the 2006/2007 ‘Six Imams’ case. And they were removed from the flight because they were observed by another passenger praying in the terminal. Needless to say it was the wrong decision – and the airline and others were sued accordingly.

The pilot in the OP was also in violation of 48 U.S.C. 40127(a):

An air carrier or foreign air carrier may not subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or ancestry.

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