two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

The PILOT reserves the right to EJECT anyone causing a disturbance to the safe operation and conduct of his aircraft that he/she is in charge of.
No one was causing a disturbance.

Apparently the other passengers didn't LIKE the idea...and complained. The Company is PRIVATE and can DO what they PLEASE.

Or are you one of these idiots that will bring Gubmint to bear down on a private entity?

Doesn't matter. They didn't FLY on that, and your point are MOOT.
lol...the irony!
The pilot does not have the authority to exclude anyone just "for looking Muslim". Period.
No, he doesn't.

I know a muslim or two that doesn't "look" muslim.

The PILOT reserves the right to EJECT anyone causing a disturbance to the safe operation and conduct of his aircraft that he/she is in charge of.


The FAA Rules allow a pilot to deplane unruly passengers and file a complaint with local authorities.

I hope and assume the imams will file suit against Atlantic Southeast Airlines and the TSA for grossly violating their constitutional and statutory rights under:

The United States Constitution
a. 4th Amend. prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures
b. 6th Amend. right to an attorney
c. 14th Amend. right to equal protection under the laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d)
42 U.S.C. 1981
a. Deprived of their right to make & enforce contracts (plane ticket).
42 U.S.C § 1983
a. Failure to train Atlantic Southeast Airlines employees and agents.
I hope and assume the imams will file suit against Atlantic Southeast Airlines and the TSA for grossly violating their constitutional and statutory rights under:

The United States Constitution
a. 4th Amend. prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures
b. 6th Amend. right to an attorney
c. 14th Amend. right to equal protection under the laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d)
42 U.S.C. 1981
a. Deprived of their right to make & enforce contracts (plane ticket).
42 U.S.C § 1983
a. Failure to train Atlantic Southeast Airlines employees and agents.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.
I hope and assume the imams will file suit against Atlantic Southeast Airlines and the TSA for grossly violating their constitutional and statutory rights under:

The United States Constitution
a. 4th Amend. prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures
b. 6th Amend. right to an attorney
c. 14th Amend. right to equal protection under the laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d)
42 U.S.C. 1981
a. Deprived of their right to make & enforce contracts (plane ticket).
42 U.S.C § 1983
a. Failure to train Atlantic Southeast Airlines employees and agents.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.

Is that why he's going to lose his job? The Imans were cleared by security after they were removed and the pilot still refused to take them. End of career.
I hope and assume the imams will file suit against Atlantic Southeast Airlines and the TSA for grossly violating their constitutional and statutory rights under:

The United States Constitution
a. 4th Amend. prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures
b. 6th Amend. right to an attorney
c. 14th Amend. right to equal protection under the laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d)
42 U.S.C. 1981
a. Deprived of their right to make & enforce contracts (plane ticket).
42 U.S.C § 1983
a. Failure to train Atlantic Southeast Airlines employees and agents.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.

Gee, do you just like being a contrarian.

Pilots must abide by FAA Rules. None of the FAA Rules gives the pilots that authority. None.

I don't see how its different.

You are not born a Muslim, or anything other religion. That is the gospel according to the liberals when it is convenient for them to have that viewpoint. Does it not work that way at times when it is inconvenient?

I have never seen a liberal say that sort of thing. Can you provide a link?
But this right wing nut, Franklin Graham, said it.

[ame=]YouTube - Ed Show: Cenk Vs 'Muslim Seed' BS From Evangelical Christian[/ame]
WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.

You truly are an ignorant ass – the violations I cited are some of the same listed in a 2007 complaint filed by six imams who were also thrown off a plane. As already noted, no pilot has any ‘authority’ over the Constitution or Federal statutes.
they were trying to attend a conference on prejudice against muslims

Muslim group: two imams pulled from plane bound for North Carolina -

"TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them," Hooper said, referring to the Transportation Security Administration.

I am glad bigotry gets rewarded so well in our country :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Your attitude is exactly what these con men are looking for. Two members of the most hateful bigoted religion on the planet and you're falling for their game. Sad.
You are not born a Muslim, or anything other religion. That is the gospel according to the liberals when it is convenient for them to have that viewpoint. Does it not work that way at times when it is inconvenient?

I have never seen a liberal say that sort of thing. Can you provide a link?
But this right wing nut, Franklin Graham, said it.

[ame=]YouTube - Ed Show: Cenk Vs 'Muslim Seed' BS From Evangelical Christian[/ame]

This shows the ignorance of the left. Graham is right.
they were trying to attend a conference on prejudice against muslims

Muslim group: two imams pulled from plane bound for North Carolina -

"TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them," Hooper said, referring to the Transportation Security Administration.

I am glad bigotry gets rewarded so well in our country :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Your attitude is exactly what these con men are looking for. Two members of the most hateful bigoted religion on the planet and you're falling for their game. Sad.

They're Evangelical Christians? I thought they were Muslims.

Every one does not get psychically searched. I think you know what i mean. I am not talking about these two imans. I am glad they got search by the way. On a general basis not EVERYONE is searched. If you are going to everyone. That means the little old lady...the nun...the kid....AND the ones who look like terrorists. That does not mean i am still for anyone touching me. Ill take the scanner and the idiot tsa can keep their grubby filthy hands to themselves.

As far as i know, pilots can put anyone off a plane they want.

By physical search I mean searching for physical presence of weapons. Everyone is searched. The little old lady who goes through the scanner without incident does not get pat-down.

Again, not everyone goes through the scanner. Not all airports have them either. So not everyone is searched.

fly much? I do.

Everyone gets searched one way or another. Radiation exposure or sexual assault are not reasonable choices to me.
Why should I have to do either one??
Last edited:
I have no idea why these guys were kicked off the plane, but I am pretty sure it was not because of the way they were dressed.

I hope and assume the imams will file suit against Atlantic Southeast Airlines and the TSA for grossly violating their constitutional and statutory rights under:

The United States Constitution
a. 4th Amend. prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures
b. 6th Amend. right to an attorney
c. 14th Amend. right to equal protection under the laws
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d)
42 U.S.C. 1981
a. Deprived of their right to make & enforce contracts (plane ticket).
42 U.S.C § 1983
a. Failure to train Atlantic Southeast Airlines employees and agents.

WRONG. The PILOT assumes COMMAND of that AIRCRAFT...His/Her word is LAW.


Airplanes don't become mini dictatorships where the rule of law is suspended at the captain's whim.
What’s telling and sad is the intensity with which some cling to clearly unlawful acts in a failed attempt to make Islam the enemy – when we’ve had two presidents of both major parties say that isn’t the case.
There is NO Fatwah from Jews or the Jewish State against them you anti-semetic MORON.


please share what source other than your own ignorance and bigotry leads you to believe that the average muslim has declared a Jihad on fellow humans

Sorry. You remain IGNORANT...and a PATSY to the Jhihadists...Wake yer ass up stupid shit. WHAT was 9/11? What has Hamas and al-Queida vowed?

Are you really this fucking ignorant?

Sorry, I didn't catch your answer

Please share what source other than your own ignorance and bigotry leads you to believe that the average muslim has declared a Jihad on fellow humans

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