Two indicators that Obama may have 2012 in the bag


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
He dominates the social media:

The commander-in-tweet has more than 25 million Facebook likes and upwards of 12.5 million Twitter followers -- significantly more than any of his Republican competitors. According to this infographic shown on Mashable, Romney and Newt tie for second, with Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and late-to-the-game Libertarian Gary Johnson trailing, in that order

Obama is winning the social vote by a landslide - msnNOW

Here is a prediction of the electoral vote. Obama wins 303 to 235:

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast | The Signal - Yahoo! News

Does all this mean for sure that Obama will win the election? No, but it is something for Obama supporters to be happy about for the time being.
He dominates the social media:

The commander-in-tweet has more than 25 million Facebook likes and upwards of 12.5 million Twitter followers -- significantly more than any of his Republican competitors. According to this infographic shown on Mashable, Romney and Newt tie for second, with Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and late-to-the-game Libertarian Gary Johnson trailing, in that order

Obama is winning the social vote by a landslide - msnNOW

Here is a prediction of the electoral vote. Obama wins 303 to 235:

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast | The Signal - Yahoo! News

Does all this mean for sure that Obama will win the election? No, but it is something for Obama supporters to be happy about for the time being.

Republicans=Support For Corporations, Bible Thumpers And The Wealthy
Democrats =Support For Civil Rights And Ordinary Americans
Obama will have 2012 in the bag because we rarely throw out incumbants, even when they make a total mess of things. If we do, it's usually because their party has been in for a while.

The last time we threw out a president when his party held the presidency for only 4 years was 1980. The time before that 1892, and even that was kind of questionable because the guy hadn't actually won the popular vote in 1888.

Of course, you might want to be careful what you wish for.

Obama will be a lame duck in his second term the minute he's sworn in. The Republicans will probably take the Senate, they'll probably keep the house. Then 2014 will roll around, and he'll get creamed. (Fully 8 Senate pickups from 2008 now coming up for re-election).

That's why I don't get worked up when these RINO's tell me that I have to get behind Mitt Romney or we'll have four years of locust and plagues...
If the countys voters knew the republican partys court records they would never win another election
Republicans=Support For Corporations, Bible Thumpers And The Wealthy
Democrats =Support For Civil Rights And Ordinary Americans

Actually, more practically-

Republicans- Support for the wealthy and corporations, appeal to bible thumpers.

Democrats- Support for hte wealthy and corporations, appeal to welfare collectors

Sorry, I consider myself an "ordinary American". Not religious, not wealthy, go to work and do my job every day. Eschew the notion of living on the dole, ever.

Barack Obama hasn't done jack shit for me. Wall Street's done very well on his watch. That's why they are still giving him millions.
Republicans=Support For Corporations, Bible Thumpers And The Wealthy
Democrats =Support For Civil Rights And Ordinary Americans

Actually, more practically-

Republicans- Support for the wealthy and corporations, appeal to bible thumpers.

Democrats- Support for hte wealthy and corporations, appeal to welfare collectors

Sorry, I consider myself an "ordinary American". Not religious, not wealthy, go to work and do my job every day. Eschew the notion of living on the dole, ever.

Barack Obama hasn't done jack shit for me. Wall Street's done very well on his watch. That's why they are still giving him millions.
As the "social media" has not had the opportunity to unite behind ONE candidate, Obama's following is meaningless at this stage.
Barack Obama hasn't done jack shit for me.

Interesting. What have the Republicans done for you?

For myself, it seems like the Repubs have caused more harm than good. IMO.
Republicans=Support For Corporations, Bible Thumpers And The Wealthy
Democrats =Support For Civil Rights And Ordinary Americans

Actually, more practically-

Republicans- Support for the wealthy and corporations, appeal to bible thumpers.

Democrats- Support for hte wealthy and corporations, appeal to welfare collectors

Sorry, I consider myself an "ordinary American". Not religious, not wealthy, go to work and do my job every day. Eschew the notion of living on the dole, ever.

Barack Obama hasn't done jack shit for me. Wall Street's done very well on his watch. That's why they are still giving him millions.

We agree on a lot but I will say that you should have been around back in the late 1930's. The unemployment rate in west TN was about 50%. Grown men were crying because there was no way to put food on the table for their families. Hobos were getting off freight trains and going door to door begging. There was no such thing as unions, pay for overtime, hospitali ation, vacation, personal leave, pensions...any kind of benefit. If a foreman didn't like the way somebody combed their hair he fired them and selected somebody from the ten men waiting for his job. Men were working 12 hours in fields on a farm for $0.75 and their mid day meal.

The first regular paycheck my daddy ever drew was after he got a job as timekeeper on the WPA...about $6.00 a week. People today don't have a clue.
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Barack Obama hasn't done jack shit for me.

Interesting. What have the Republicans done for you?

For myself, it seems like the Repubs have caused more harm than good. IMO.

I think both parties are to blame for a lot of the mess.

For instance, if I had to list ONE THING that is causing most of our problems, it would be free trade.

Sending our manufacturing overseas, making American workers have to compete with people working in unsafe conditions, driving down wages, driving up unemployment, and sucking half a trillion out of our economy every year. Not to mention, turning China from a backward country with too many people into the second largest economy in the world.

Why would anyone think this was a good idea?

Oh, yeah, they all do. Because talking against free trade is political suicide.
We agree on a lot but I will say that you should have been around back in the late 1930's. The unemployment rate in west TN was about 50%. Grown men were crying because there was no way to put food on the table for their families. Hobos were getting off freight trains and going door to door begging. There was no such thing as unions, pay for overtime, hospitali ation, vacation, personal leave, pensions...any kind of benefit. If a foreman didn't like the way somebody combed their hair he fired them and selected somebody from the ten men waiting for his job. Men were working 12 hours in fields on a farm for $0.75 and their mid day meal.

The first regular paycheck my daddy ever drew was after he got a job as timekeeper on the WPA...about $6.00 a week. People today don't have a clue.

Guy, the 1930's were a long time ago. And FDR's policies probably prolonged the depression.

I think that the growth of unions was probably a good thing, but unions have become their own worst enemies. (And I say this growing up in a union household). A union job today is like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but someone else is making up the slack for it.

Now, yeah, we don't work like we did in the 1930's, but you know what, the technology has advanced. So that back-breaking work is now done by a machine. And the unions insist that six guys have to stand around and collect a paycheck while they watch the one guy operate that machine. Private enterprise can't operate like this, but the government insists we have to.

Which is why we are running up deficits of 1.5 trillion a year.

Seriously, both parties are full of shit.
I think both
parties are to blame for a lot of the mess.

For instance, if I had to list ONE THING that is causing most of our problems, it would be free trade.

Sending our manufacturing overseas, making American workers have to compete with people working in unsafe conditions, driving down wages, driving up unemployment, and sucking half a trillion out of our economy every year. Not to mention, turning China from a backward country with too many people into the second largest economy in the world.

Why would anyone think this was a good idea?

Many didn't think it was a good idea. But they were the union members losing their jobs. I live in what used to be one proud productive auto town. No more. There is only one auto related industry left in my nearby city. All those jobs are being done in Mexico or China or elsewhere.

And as it seems to me that most upper corporate executives vote Republican, then I would come to the conclusion that Repubs were more interested in shipping out American jobs than Dems were.

And I could be wrong but I don't think so.
We agree on a lot but I will say that you should have been around back in the late 1930's. The unemployment rate in west TN was about 50%. Grown men were crying because there was no way to put food on the table for their families. Hobos were getting off freight trains and going door to door begging. There was no such thing as unions, pay for overtime, hospitali ation, vacation, personal leave, pensions...any kind of benefit. If a foreman didn't like the way somebody combed their hair he fired them and selected somebody from the ten men waiting for his job. Men were working 12 hours in fields on a farm for $0.75 and their mid day meal.

The first regular paycheck my daddy ever drew was after he got a job as timekeeper on the WPA...about $6.00 a week. People today don't have a clue.

Guy, the 1930's were a long time ago. And FDR's policies probably prolonged the depression.

I think that the growth of unions was probably a good thing, but unions have become their own worst enemies. (And I say this growing up in a union household). A union job today is like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but someone else is making up the slack for it.

Now, yeah, we don't work like we did in the 1930's, but you know what, the technology has advanced. So that back-breaking work is now done by a machine. And the unions insist that six guys have to stand around and collect a paycheck while they watch the one guy operate that machine. Private enterprise can't operate like this, but the government insists we have to.

Which is why we are running up deficits of 1.5 trillion a year.

Seriously, both parties are full of shit.

You are putting forth some pretty naive opinions. If FDR had not initiated the WPA, CCC, RFD, TVA, etc. we probably wouldn't have won the WW2. Because the TN valley had built dams....the first one about 1934, the Manhatten project which separated enough uranium for the first atomic bomb might not have even happened. Hitler might have completed his nuke first.

Right now our infrastructure, power grids, dams and levees, schools, etc. are so run down and crumbling that if we don't put some people to work rebuilding it soon we might have to start over. Just why is it that Republicans are so hell bent against rebuilding the infrastructure Is it possible as simple as not wanting to see the president get credit for doing it. Is it possibly because they know that the economy would begin to revive at a quicker rate if they went along with it

Just what is their problem
He dominates the social media:

The commander-in-tweet has more than 25 million Facebook likes and upwards of 12.5 million Twitter followers -- significantly more than any of his Republican competitors. According to this infographic shown on Mashable, Romney and Newt tie for second, with Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and late-to-the-game Libertarian Gary Johnson trailing, in that order

Obama is winning the social vote by a landslide - msnNOW

Here is a prediction of the electoral vote. Obama wins 303 to 235:

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast | The Signal - Yahoo! News

Does all this mean for sure that Obama will win the election? No, but it is something for Obama supporters to be happy about for the time being.

Republicans=Support For Corporations, Bible Thumpers And The Wealthy
Democrats =Support For Civil Rights And Ordinary Americans

Why are you such a lying lowlife?
A union job today is like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but someone else is making up the slack for it.

I thought it was more like winning the lottery. Living wage, benes, retirement, health care.

You know what? It was those union wages that forced non union companies to pay a living wage IF they wanted to attract productive workers. Now that union memebership has seriously declined, wages are declining as well. Why is that?

Did some union members abuse their jobs? Yes.

Did some management types abuse their jobs. Yes.

You want to get rid of management?
Republicans=Support For Corporations, Bible Thumpers And The Wealthy
Democrats =Support For Civil Rights And Ordinary Americans

Actually, more practically-

Republicans- Support for the wealthy and corporations, appeal to bible thumpers.

Democrats- Support for hte wealthy and corporations, appeal to welfare collectors

Sorry, I consider myself an "ordinary American". Not religious, not wealthy, go to work and do my job every day. Eschew the notion of living on the dole, ever.

Barack Obama hasn't done jack shit for me. Wall Street's done very well on his watch. That's why they are still giving him millions.

We agree on a lot but I will say that you should have been around back in the late 1930's. The unemployment rate in west TN was about 50%. Grown men were crying because there was no way to put food on the table for their families. Hobos were getting off freight trains and going door to door begging. There was no such thing as unions, pay for overtime, hospitali ation, vacation, personal leave, pensions...any kind of benefit. If a foreman didn't like the way somebody combed their hair he fired them and selected somebody from the ten men waiting for his job. Men were working 12 hours in fields on a farm for $0.75 and their mid day meal.

The first regular paycheck my daddy ever drew was after he got a job as timekeeper on the WPA...about $6.00 a week. People today don't have a clue.

I didnt realize Barack Obama was president in the 1930s.
You know that if Roosevelt hadn't pushed a bunch of socialist programs the country would have recovered within 18 months and your daddy could go back to cleaning spittoons in bar rooms, right?

Obama has done nothing for anyone who isn't a union thug. Look at black unemployment. Look at black teenage unemployment. Those at the bottom of the working rung have had that rung pulled out from under them as regulations and rising min wage requirements have zapped their jobs. Now they are doomed to be welfare dependents.
A union job today is like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but someone else is making up the slack for it.

I thought it was more like winning the lottery. Living wage, benes, retirement, health care.

You know what? It was those union wages that forced non union companies to pay a living wage IF they wanted to attract productive workers. Now that union memebership has seriously declined, wages are declining as well. Why is that?

Did some union members abuse their jobs? Yes.

Did some management types abuse their jobs. Yes.

You want to get rid of management?

Actually wages are not declining.
And the rest of your post is idiotic and makes no sense.
Carry on.
So that back-breaking work is now done by a machine. And the unions insist that six guys have to stand around and collect a paycheck while they watch the one guy operate that machine

Have you been in a union manufacturing shop lately? I have. There are no 6 guys standing around shooting the shit while one guy does the work. It is balls to the walls working. The way it should be.

Most of the remaining union workers are some of the hardest workers in America.
Actually, more practically-

Republicans- Support for the wealthy and corporations, appeal to bible thumpers.

Democrats- Support for hte wealthy and corporations, appeal to welfare collectors

Sorry, I consider myself an "ordinary American". Not religious, not wealthy, go to work and do my job every day. Eschew the notion of living on the dole, ever.

Barack Obama hasn't done jack shit for me. Wall Street's done very well on his watch. That's why they are still giving him millions.

We agree on a lot but I will say that you should have been around back in the late 1930's. The unemployment rate in west TN was about 50%. Grown men were crying because there was no way to put food on the table for their families. Hobos were getting off freight trains and going door to door begging. There was no such thing as unions, pay for overtime, hospitali ation, vacation, personal leave, pensions...any kind of benefit. If a foreman didn't like the way somebody combed their hair he fired them and selected somebody from the ten men waiting for his job. Men were working 12 hours in fields on a farm for $0.75 and their mid day meal.

The first regular paycheck my daddy ever drew was after he got a job as timekeeper on the WPA...about $6.00 a week. People today don't have a clue.

I didnt realize Barack Obama was president in the 1930s.
You know that if Roosevelt hadn't pushed a bunch of socialist programs the country would have recovered within 18 months and your daddy could go back to cleaning spittoons in bar rooms, right?

Obama has done nothing for anyone who isn't a union thug. Look at black unemployment. Look at black teenage unemployment. Those at the bottom of the working rung have had that rung pulled out from under them as regulations and rising min wage requirements have zapped their jobs. Now they are doomed to be welfare dependents.

Your naivity is only exceeded by your goddam ignorance.

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