Two indicators that Obama may have 2012 in the bag


Not really sold on the social media vote thing, but that's interesting. I suspect Obama has 2012 in the bag when I look at the goofy circus that is the GOP field. Holy crap, Obama has to know how lucky he is.


Maybe not. Maybe he just thinks he is that gifted of a politician and that all Americans adore him as we should?

*10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection.

1. *Jobless rate too high: *

2. *Economy in doldrums: *

3. *ObamaCare looms: *

4. *Out-of-control debt and credit downgrade: *

5. *Depressed base:*

6. *Opposition energized: *

7. *Changes in battleground states: *

8. *Foreign policy mess:*

9. *Media less a adoring: *

10. *Aloof, inept: *

Top 10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection - HUMAN EVENTS
We agree on a lot but I will say that you should have been around back in the late 1930's. The unemployment rate in west TN was about 50%. Grown men were crying because there was no way to put food on the table for their families. Hobos were getting off freight trains and going door to door begging. There was no such thing as unions, pay for overtime, hospitali ation, vacation, personal leave, pensions...any kind of benefit. If a foreman didn't like the way somebody combed their hair he fired them and selected somebody from the ten men waiting for his job. Men were working 12 hours in fields on a farm for $0.75 and their mid day meal.

The first regular paycheck my daddy ever drew was after he got a job as timekeeper on the WPA...about $6.00 a week. People today don't have a clue.

Guy, the 1930's were a long time ago. And FDR's policies probably prolonged the depression.

I think that the growth of unions was probably a good thing, but unions have become their own worst enemies. (And I say this growing up in a union household). A union job today is like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but someone else is making up the slack for it.

Now, yeah, we don't work like we did in the 1930's, but you know what, the technology has advanced. So that back-breaking work is now done by a machine. And the unions insist that six guys have to stand around and collect a paycheck while they watch the one guy operate that machine. Private enterprise can't operate like this, but the government insists we have to.

Which is why we are running up deficits of 1.5 trillion a year.

Seriously, both parties are full of shit.

You are putting forth some pretty naive opinions. If FDR had not initiated the WPA, CCC, RFD, TVA, etc. we probably wouldn't have won the WW2. Because the TN valley had built dams....the first one about 1934, the Manhatten project which separated enough uranium for the first atomic bomb might not have even happened. Hitler might have completed his nuke first.

Right now our infrastructure, power grids, dams and levees, schools, etc. are so run down and crumbling that if we don't put some people to work rebuilding it soon we might have to start over. Just why is it that Republicans are so hell bent against rebuilding the infrastructure Is it possible as simple as not wanting to see the president get credit for doing it. Is it possibly because they know that the economy would begin to revive at a quicker rate if they went along with it

Just what is their problem

You're going to have to tell me why FDR's New Deal was what made us win WW2, Cam...because that's quite a leap of logic. The Manhattan Project wouldn't have happened if we hadn't built dams in Tennessee? What? Yes, they chose to locate a major nuclear faciility in Oak Ridge because it's remote locale still had access to rail and a ready source of power from dams but saying that facility couldn't have been built in many other spots in the US is a stretch.

As for infrastructure repair? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Obama Stimulus contain billions for infrastructure repair? Those were the socalled "shovel ready" jobs that were touted as so crucial to jumpstarting our economy? So what happened with that? I'll tell you, since you seem to have forgotten so quickly. Those jobs were far from shovel ready and the Obama Administration panicked and ordered stimulus money spent on whatever could be done quickly. What was quick was road resurfacing. So we got lots of newly paved roads. The bridges and buildings are still crumbling because as with so much else that this Administration tries to do...their plan was badly conceived and poorly executed.

The Republican "problem" isn't with infrastructure's with giving this group of idiots lots more money to waste like they did the last time.
*10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection.

1. *Jobless rate too high: *

2. *Economy in doldrums: *

3. *ObamaCare looms: *

4. *Out-of-control debt and credit downgrade: *

5. *Depressed base:*

6. *Opposition energized: *

7. *Changes in battleground states: *

8. *Foreign policy mess:*

9. *Media less a adoring: *

10. *Aloof, inept: *

Top 10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection - HUMAN EVENTS

And yet, the Republicans are throwing Mitt Romney at us. Correct me if I am wrong, but are the Republicans trying to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory?


Not really sold on the social media vote thing, but that's interesting. I suspect Obama has 2012 in the bag when I look at the goofy circus that is the GOP field. Holy crap, Obama has to know how lucky he is.


Exactly! Obama is far from perfect. He has lots of issues, but for heavens sake! He is facing a rediculous group of clowns in the GOP field. The only way I see Obama losing is gas prices elipse $5.00 or we see another 9/11.
If we are still talking about contraception in November, Obama will win.
You're going to have to tell me why FDR's New Deal was what made us win WW2, Cam...because that's quite a leap of logic.

I can give you a big one. The TVA. Do you know why they brought electricity to the Appalachians and mid south via the TVA? To power the Alcoa plant that made aluminum for planes and other war machinery. That was a main reason. My relatives who lived and worked in Appalachia got electricity for the first time AND NON-AGRARIAN JOBS. My parents, who live in Tennessee are on TVA power. Guess what? They pay 40% LESS for power than I do paying to a private company. As is usually the case.
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*10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection.

1. *Jobless rate too high: *

2. *Economy in doldrums: *

3. *ObamaCare looms: *

4. *Out-of-control debt and credit downgrade: *

5. *Depressed base:*

6. *Opposition energized: *

7. *Changes in battleground states: *

8. *Foreign policy mess:*

9. *Media less a adoring: *

10. *Aloof, inept: *

Top 10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection - HUMAN EVENTS

And yet, the GOP appears to be turning to a candidate whose core will likely make those points irrelevant.

If Santorum is nominated and loses, I wonder if conservatives will blame his loss on not really being conservative?

Not really sold on the social media vote thing, but that's interesting. I suspect Obama has 2012 in the bag when I look at the goofy circus that is the GOP field. Holy crap, Obama has to know how lucky he is.


That circus is the gift that keeps on giving.

And on a daily basis. :lol:
*10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection.

1. *Jobless rate too high: *

2. *Economy in doldrums: *

3. *ObamaCare looms: *

4. *Out-of-control debt and credit downgrade: *

5. *Depressed base:*

6. *Opposition energized: *

7. *Changes in battleground states: *

8. *Foreign policy mess:*

9. *Media less a adoring: *

10. *Aloof, inept: *

Top 10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection - HUMAN EVENTS

And yet, the GOP appears to be turning to a candidate whose core will likely make those points irrelevant.

If Santorum is nominated and loses, I wonder if conservatives will blame his loss on not really being conservative?

Santorum has a bad's called "Foot in mouth" syndrome.
*10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection.

1. *Jobless rate too high: *

2. *Economy in doldrums: *

3. *ObamaCare looms: *

4. *Out-of-control debt and credit downgrade: *

5. *Depressed base:*

6. *Opposition energized: *

7. *Changes in battleground states: *

8. *Foreign policy mess:*

9. *Media less a adoring: *

10. *Aloof, inept: *

Top 10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection - HUMAN EVENTS

I would agree if the GOP had a worthy opponet, but they don't.
If we are still talking about contraception in November, Obama will win.

No doubt they'll move on to more salient businesses having the right to refuse service on the basis on skin color or that Democrats gave away the Panama Canal.

Sure fire bet. :lol:
*10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection.

1. *Jobless rate too high: *

2. *Economy in doldrums: *

3. *ObamaCare looms: *

4. *Out-of-control debt and credit downgrade: *

5. *Depressed base:*

6. *Opposition energized: *

7. *Changes in battleground states: *

8. *Foreign policy mess:*

9. *Media less a adoring: *

10. *Aloof, inept: *

Top 10 Reasons Obama Won’t Win Reelection - HUMAN EVENTS

And yet, the GOP appears to be turning to a candidate whose core will likely make those points irrelevant.

If Santorum is nominated and loses, I wonder if conservatives will blame his loss on not really being conservative?

I suspect that if Santorum won the nomination and then lost to President Obama it would not be his conservatism that caused his loss, but rather the disdain that many Americans, even Christian Americans, have for those seen as being "too religious". I don't think Americans will ever elect a person that wears his faith on his shirt sleeve so to speak. Nor am I certain it should when I look at people like Pat Robertson.

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Obama will have 2012 in the bag because we rarely throw out incumbants, even when they make a total mess of things. If we do, it's usually because their party has been in for a while.

The last time we threw out a president when his party held the presidency for only 4 years was 1980. The time before that 1892, and even that was kind of questionable because the guy hadn't actually won the popular vote in 1888.

Of course, you might want to be careful what you wish for.

Obama will be a lame duck in his second term the minute he's sworn in. The Republicans will probably take the Senate, they'll probably keep the house. Then 2014 will roll around, and he'll get creamed. (Fully 8 Senate pickups from 2008 now coming up for re-election).

That's why I don't get worked up when these RINO's tell me that I have to get behind Mitt Romney or we'll have four years of locust and plagues...

Don't count your Senate and House chickens before they hatch either. Republicans keep sticking up for the 1% to the detriment of the 99%...and people know it.

Congressional approval rating is at an all time low. 70 something percent of Americans want increased taxes on the wealthiest and the GOP has been voting against it time and again.

Do you have any more polls you want to read too much into?
And yet, the GOP appears to be turning to a candidate whose core will likely make those points irrelevant.

If Santorum is nominated and loses, I wonder if conservatives will blame his loss on not really being conservative?

NO, we'll blame it on what it should be blamed on. He was a weak candidate who ran in a field of weak candidates against an incumbant.

Just like if Romney loses to Obama, you wont accept any of the blame, either.

Not really sold on the social media vote thing, but that's interesting. I suspect Obama has 2012 in the bag when I look at the goofy circus that is the GOP field. Holy crap, Obama has to know how lucky he is.


Exactly! Obama is far from perfect. He has lots of issues, but for heavens sake! He is facing a rediculous group of clowns in the GOP field. The only way I see Obama losing is gas prices elipse $5.00 or we see another 9/11.

Y'know, the thing is, Obama has been knocking off the top guys without spending trillions of dollars and filling American body bags. I'm not so sure the electorate looks to the GOP automatically if we're attacked again.

My father fought in WWII at 17, admired FDR but preferred Truman. Still, the WPA, CCC, and other programs kept us together. Calling the man who saved the US from Marxism/Fascism and perhaps civil war an idiot is sad. He always ranks among the greatest Presidents when historians are polled. Government grows because WE all demand THINGS; without interstate highways, DEFENSE, and FEMA, we could have a smaller government. But with 300 million people it will never be as it was 100 years ago. I live in Florida with a conservative governor, Rick Scott. Before him, two terms of Jeb! No less regulation, in fact, more and more rules, regs, and policies.

Actually, FDR enabled Marxism. It was confined to just the USSR when he took over and had most of Europe and Asia by the time he was done.

And frankly, I'm kind of with Pat Buchanan. The goings on in Europe really weren't any of our business.

Yeah, I guess my dad had a different view, considering the poor man had screaming nightmares thanks to the war for the rest of his life. (He was at Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge). I guess he didn't feel really grateful to the man who put him into the middle of that for some reason.

But to the point, the government should just pay private contractors to do most of those things, and the lowest bidder. But they like having an army of people waiting for the check. Especially the ones who don't do anything for that check.

Work Harder, millions on Welfare depend on you!

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