Two Israeli scientists who emigrated to U.S. win Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who cares? The Nobel Prize lost all credibility when it was award to Obama.
Who cares? The Nobel Prize lost all credibility when it was award to Obama.
Well the peace prize yes, I have to agree. Especially when they awarded it to that lowlife scumbag terrorist Arafat. That was definitely the lowest point of the peace prize.
I have no friends committing suicide attacks.

And no one is carrying them out today in Palestine.

In Palestine, the problem is Zionist IDF terrorists massacring Palestinian children, 1519 slaughtered since 9/2000.

But those scientists bailed out of the sinking Zionist ship decades ago, missing the suicide bombings and Israel's targeted assassinations and all those Zionist child killings.

Those scientists had enough of Zionism and all the crimes against humanity inherent in Zionism.
Yet retained their citizenship......:lol:

But they swore an oath of allegience to the US.

What about their oath?
What about your oath? The fact that you worship sworn enemies of the US means you renounced your US citizenship a long time ago. It's pretty obvious that you hate America...and you've expressed it many times here. They should strip you from your citizenship and ship you to Hamasland.
The scientists achievements say nothing about their morality or lack thereof.

How have they advanced humanity?

They are not human rights activists.
So now that all above avenues have been tried and have failed...first their being Israeli, then it's legality, then the oath, now as a last resort you're discrediting the Nobel prize, it's morality, and whether it advances humanity. Ha ha ha.

Sherri. Upon hearing 3 more Jews got the Nobel prize:

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The scientists achievements say nothing about their morality or lack thereof.

How have they advanced humanity?

They are not human rights activists.

In science. They advanced humanity within the field of science...

This is better then the muslims wanting to slaughter jews. Wouldn't you think?

Science has nothing to do with humanity.

Science gave us nuclear strikes in Nagasaki and Hiroshima!

No comparison between numbers of murdered Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and slain Jews in Palestine, the evil is us!
and most human rights activists only advance their own peoples....These scientist advance all of humanity.

They produce weapons to murder the innocent with.

They have nothing to do with Humanity.

Really? YOu think the savages that live in their shit next to Israel are better?

This invention isn't a weapon dip-shit!
I'm glad and proud of them for leaving Israel.

We in the USA welcome all Israelis who are willing to leave the racist state and contribute to a real democracy.

They are contributing to all human kind, not merely the US.
Who cares? The Nobel Prize lost all credibility when it was award to Obama.
Well the peace prize yes, I have to agree. Especially when they awarded it to that lowlife scumbag terrorist Arafat. That was definitely the lowest point of the peace prize.

I don't hit a low point when it went to former terrorist Irgun commander Menachem Begin ;)
I'm glad and proud of them for leaving Israel.

We in the USA welcome all Israelis who are willing to leave the racist state and contribute to a real democracy.
Are you dense or what? They never "left" Israel, they just also became citizens of the US. That's why they still have Israeli passports. :clap:

Next? Ha ha ha.
Who cares? The Nobel Prize lost all credibility when it was award to Obama.
Well the peace prize yes, I have to agree. Especially when they awarded it to that lowlife scumbag terrorist Arafat. That was definitely the lowest point of the peace prize.

I don't hit a low point when it went to former terrorist Irgun commander Menachem Begin ;)
Sorry. But that's just Islamist propaganda.

Won't get any lower than Arafat, a terrorist who encouraged his so called people to kill themselves and live miserably, just so he could steal 2 billion and then secretly die of AIDS in Paris. Yeah let's give that guy a peace prize. Ha ha ha.
The scientists achievements say nothing about their morality or lack thereof.

How have they advanced humanity?

They are not human rights activists.

In science. They advanced humanity within the field of science...

This is better then the muslims wanting to slaughter jews. Wouldn't you think?

Science has nothing to do with humanity.

Science gave us nuclear strikes in Nagasaki and Hiroshima!

No comparison between numbers of murdered Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and slain Jews in Palestine, the evil is us!
Leave it up to this IslamoNazi terrorist worshipping NUTJOB to TOTALLY MUTILATE the meaning of a Nobel prize. Is nothing sacred, I ask? I guess not, they are so consumed by their HATE, that anything goes, no lie is being enough to tell. Just a bunch of sick, psychotic freaks, I have to say.

The Establishment of the Nobel Prize
In this excerpt of the will, Alfred Nobel dictates that his entire remaining estate should be used to endow "prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind."

"The whole of my remaining realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way: the capital, invested in safe securities by my executors, shall constitute a fund, the interest on which shall be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind. The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics; one part to the person who shall have made the most important chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction; and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses. The prizes for physics and chemistry shall be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; that for physiology or medical works by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm; that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm, and that for champions of peace by a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Storting. It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be Scandinavian or not."
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I'm glad and proud of them for leaving Israel.

We in the USA welcome all Israelis who are willing to leave the racist state and contribute to a real democracy.
I guess Miss Hoffstra missed her therapy session. Meanwhile, Israelis who live here go back and forth to Israel for visits. Does she really think that these Nobel prize winners are going to turn their backs on Israel because Miss Hoffstra wants them to. Perhaps Miss Hoffstra should pay a visit to as travel agency which specialized in trips to Israel. She can ask them how many native born Israelis living in her own New York area go back for a visit.

You know, this Nobel award brings up a real concern in Israel - it's "Brain Drain" and we, in the US are the benificiaries. The reasons aren't political, as far as I can tell from the article, but economical. Nobel Prizes for Israeli ex-pat scientists highlight rampant brain drain in Jewish state - The Washington Post
JERUSALEM — As a small country that takes special pride in the achievements of its best and brightest, Israelis were delighted that two of their own won this year’s Nobel Prize for chemistry. But the celebration was tempered by a single fact: The duo left Israel long ago for greater opportunities in the U.S.

The Nobel victories this week have touched a raw nerve about an exodus of scientists, academics and business leaders over the years, and fueled an anguished debate about whether the country can do more to retain its best talent.

Israeli academics have long warned that the nation is losing its intellectual edge and that serious attrition could undermine a creative culture that has helped pioneer everything from Internet telephone calls to instant messaging to pills with microscopic cameras.

Wednesday’s Nobel announcement in Stockholm, Sweden, came just days after a respected research institute released a report claiming the country suffers from the highest rate of brain drain in the West.

Among the findings by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel: For every 100 faculty members at Israeli universities living in Israel in 2008, 29 others have left to work at American universities — where they were paid far more and had access to resources and facilities that produced better science. It also noted that the country’s top universities have fewer faculty positions today than they did four decades ago...'s see. He bombed civilian markets and buses and that's now labeled "participation in the war of independence" - shoot Roudy, you sound as good as the Palestinian propagandists :lol:

To boil it down to the bare bones...

you can't dispute he was a terrorist
you can't dispute he was an Irgun commander (under who's leadership we saw the highest rise in civilian targeting by Irgun)
You can't dispute he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

All you can do is mouth a bunch of propaganda as to how it's somehow "different" :lol:
Sorry but I think it's you that is mouthing off propaganda. A few more posts and you'll be a black belt like Sherri or Sunni, your compatriots. LOL

Still can't dispute the facts? That's ok. :)
Not going to let you divert er "evolve" this thread into a thread about whether Begin was or wasn't a terrorist like Arafat was. That's another thing your fast becoming a black belt in. Keep up the good work.

Funny you stayed silent until you could say something negative about Israel, and that's when you jumped right in to divert er evolve it.
I'm glad and proud of them for leaving Israel.

We in the USA welcome all Israelis who are willing to leave the racist state and contribute to a real democracy.
I guess Miss Hoffstra missed her therapy session. Meanwhile, Israelis who live here go back and forth to Israel for visits. Does she really think that these Nobel prize winners are going to turn their backs on Israel because Miss Hoffstra wants them to. Perhaps Miss Hoffstra should pay a visit to as travel agency which specialized in trips to Israel. She can ask them how many native born Israelis living in her own New York area go back for a visit.

You know, this Nobel award brings up a real concern in Israel - it's "Brain Drain" and we, in the US are the benificiaries. The reasons aren't political, as far as I can tell from the article, but economical. Nobel Prizes for Israeli ex-pat scientists highlight rampant brain drain in Jewish state - The Washington Post
JERUSALEM — As a small country that takes special pride in the achievements of its best and brightest, Israelis were delighted that two of their own won this year’s Nobel Prize for chemistry. But the celebration was tempered by a single fact: The duo left Israel long ago for greater opportunities in the U.S.

The Nobel victories this week have touched a raw nerve about an exodus of scientists, academics and business leaders over the years, and fueled an anguished debate about whether the country can do more to retain its best talent.

Israeli academics have long warned that the nation is losing its intellectual edge and that serious attrition could undermine a creative culture that has helped pioneer everything from Internet telephone calls to instant messaging to pills with microscopic cameras.

Wednesday’s Nobel announcement in Stockholm, Sweden, came just days after a respected research institute released a report claiming the country suffers from the highest rate of brain drain in the West.

Among the findings by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel: For every 100 faculty members at Israeli universities living in Israel in 2008, 29 others have left to work at American universities — where they were paid far more and had access to resources and facilities that produced better science. It also noted that the country’s top universities have fewer faculty positions today than they did four decades ago...

Iran has a similar problem. I point this out because I am constantly seeing parallels between Iran and Israel.
Sorry but I think it's you that is mouthing off propaganda. A few more posts and you'll be a black belt like Sherri or Sunni, your compatriots. LOL

Still can't dispute the facts? That's ok. :)
Not going to let you divert er "evolve" this thread into a thread about whether Begin was or wasn't a terrorist like Arafat was. That's another thing your fast becoming a black beltD in. Keep up the good work.

Funny you stayed silent until you could say something negative about Israel, and that's when you jumped right in to divert er evolve it.

Devolve? Divert?

I was just responding to *your* post ...

Well the peace prize yes, I have to agree. Especially when they awarded it to that lowlife scumbag terrorist Arafat. That was definitely the lowest point of the peace prize.

and now you're suddenly concerned about devolution?:eek: :lol:
I guess Miss Hoffstra missed her therapy session. Meanwhile, Israelis who live here go back and forth to Israel for visits. Does she really think that these Nobel prize winners are going to turn their backs on Israel because Miss Hoffstra wants them to. Perhaps Miss Hoffstra should pay a visit to as travel agency which specialized in trips to Israel. She can ask them how many native born Israelis living in her own New York area go back for a visit.

You know, this Nobel award brings up a real concern in Israel - it's "Brain Drain" and we, in the US are the benificiaries. The reasons aren't political, as far as I can tell from the article, but economical. Nobel Prizes for Israeli ex-pat scientists highlight rampant brain drain in Jewish state - The Washington Post
JERUSALEM — As a small country that takes special pride in the achievements of its best and brightest, Israelis were delighted that two of their own won this year’s Nobel Prize for chemistry. But the celebration was tempered by a single fact: The duo left Israel long ago for greater opportunities in the U.S.

The Nobel victories this week have touched a raw nerve about an exodus of scientists, academics and business leaders over the years, and fueled an anguished debate about whether the country can do more to retain its best talent.

Israeli academics have long warned that the nation is losing its intellectual edge and that serious attrition could undermine a creative culture that has helped pioneer everything from Internet telephone calls to instant messaging to pills with microscopic cameras.

Wednesday’s Nobel announcement in Stockholm, Sweden, came just days after a respected research institute released a report claiming the country suffers from the highest rate of brain drain in the West.

Among the findings by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel: For every 100 faculty members at Israeli universities living in Israel in 2008, 29 others have left to work at American universities — where they were paid far more and had access to resources and facilities that produced better science. It also noted that the country’s top universities have fewer faculty positions today than they did four decades ago...

Iran has a similar problem. I point this out because I am constantly seeing parallels between Iran and Israel.
What do you know, nothing as usual. There are NO parallels between Iran and Israel. Iran is ruled by theocratic lunatics who are oppressing, killing and torturing their own people, while terrorizing the region and the world.

Israel is democracy with one of the highest standards of living in the world, who's citizens are making contributions to humanity in every imaginable field. :clap:
You know, this Nobel award brings up a real concern in Israel - it's "Brain Drain" and we, in the US are the benificiaries. The reasons aren't political, as far as I can tell from the article, but economical. Nobel Prizes for Israeli ex-pat scientists highlight rampant brain drain in Jewish state - The Washington Post
JERUSALEM — As a small country that takes special pride in the achievements of its best and brightest, Israelis were delighted that two of their own won this year’s Nobel Prize for chemistry. But the celebration was tempered by a single fact: The duo left Israel long ago for greater opportunities in the U.S.

The Nobel victories this week have touched a raw nerve about an exodus of scientists, academics and business leaders over the years, and fueled an anguished debate about whether the country can do more to retain its best talent.

Israeli academics have long warned that the nation is losing its intellectual edge and that serious attrition could undermine a creative culture that has helped pioneer everything from Internet telephone calls to instant messaging to pills with microscopic cameras.

Wednesday’s Nobel announcement in Stockholm, Sweden, came just days after a respected research institute released a report claiming the country suffers from the highest rate of brain drain in the West.

Among the findings by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel: For every 100 faculty members at Israeli universities living in Israel in 2008, 29 others have left to work at American universities — where they were paid far more and had access to resources and facilities that produced better science. It also noted that the country’s top universities have fewer faculty positions today than they did four decades ago...

Iran has a similar problem. I point this out because I am constantly seeing parallels between Iran and Israel.

I'm not familiar with Iran's brain drain but I don't think the reason's are the same.

With Israel, according to the articles I read - it's very much an economic issue and a "state of the art" issue in terms of facilities. I would think that in Iran, there might be more factors such as academic freedom.
You know, this Nobel award brings up a real concern in Israel - it's "Brain Drain" and we, in the US are the benificiaries. The reasons aren't political, as far as I can tell from the article, but economical. Nobel Prizes for Israeli ex-pat scientists highlight rampant brain drain in Jewish state - The Washington Post

Iran has a similar problem. I point this out because I am constantly seeing parallels between Iran and Israel.

I'm not familiar with Iran's brain drain but I don't think the reason's are the same.

With Israel, according to the articles I read - it's very much an economic issue and a "state of the art" issue in terms of facilities. I would think that in Iran, there might be more factors such as academic freedom.

The brain drain from Iran ----is not news-------The jews started leaving in the 60s and
the muslims in the 70s For the jews it was something like Germany 1934---they
were SENDING their kids-----for the muslims in the 70s it was economic----then
came 1979------it is oppression for everyone (i got it from the migrants---but
you can claim I am lying------as per your elegant style)

something that might distress you------Lots (by no means all) of Israelis who come
to the USA------never give up the ambition----"I AM GOING BACK" <<< not the only
migrants from whom I have heard the incessant "back home" dream-----I heard
it from INDIANS lots too. ----of the hindu variety I cannot say I know any hindus
who WENT BACK------but I do know lots of cases of Israeli migrants who "went back"--
or whose children "went back" No question that the general flow is west

I have never heard a "I AM GOING BACK" ---from a former Iranian----except one---
a young kid (that means mid 20s now that I am "middle aged") who told me
father owned a village) I noticed the large crucifix on his neck and said
"will you be wearing that'?? He answered. "I want to keep BOTH our
land AND MY HEAD" "I am still OFFICIALLY a muslim over there"

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