Two Men Arrested In Assault On Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick

The two men sprayed bear spray at officer Sicknick.

Authorities are still trying to find the person or people who are responsible for his death.

Excellent news.
Start sharpening the needle.

Have they released the cause of death yet?

A cop got killed.

Usually that means the killer is eventually killed too.

A cop got killed.

What killed him?

It would have to be the effects of the riot; unless you think that an otherwise healthy cop just dropped dead the day after for no reason.

It would have to be the effects of the riot;

Been two months, and they haven't released the cause of death.

I realize some toxicology tests take this long, but I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe they just can't agree if anything during the riot caused it.

Images at the link show Sicknick getting sprayed with whatever that spray was, followed by being incapacitated for 20 minutes and blinded. The focus seems to be on "what was the spray".

It invites the recollection that the guy arrested with homemade Molotov cocktails also had some kind of home-brew napalm-like substance designed to inflict severe torture. Maybe related, maybe not.
What "images?"

Why, the images at the CNN link there, FingerBoi. As I said in the post, which apparently your teacher was too busy to read to you.

You could even call them "newly discovered" images if you think you can squeeze some juice out of it, Fingerfuck. You know, like you did in Wisconsin.
I didn't see any such images, moron.

Might want to see an optometrist then Finger, since your powers of observation are so notoriously astute that you were able to look at a picture of a rainy December morning and conclude it was the Democratic convention that had happened six months prior and a thousand miles away, in an actual building.

Maybe you just see what you want to see, call it what you want to call it, and whatever you can't handle gets a :lalala:
Post them asshole. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

Post what, Fingerfuck?

Do you mean the images I mentioned in the CNN link? "Images at the link"?

That's no longer the OP since a merge (that OP is now post 81) but the link to which I referred is here. You can see police body cam images at 1:06 and Sicknick doubled over in agony twenty seconds later.

On the other hand if you mean post the images you posted of rainy trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December, that would be right here. That too was merged, there being another poster even stupider than you are who had already plopped it.
Any chance you could break the string with a select quote?

Done. Retroactively. Thanks for the headzup.
You are a horrible liar and too cowardly to admit your lame attempt at bullcrap.
I never lie.

Just hate fake news.

If you have a link to an official cause of death, please post it.

Apparently you do, since back at the start of this thread you CLAIMED to have "heard" the "media lied" and shoveled "propaganda", whereupon I asked you for a link to that as a fucking STARTING POINT, and all you've done since then is go "humma humma" and try to pawn off your hallucination on three other posters who aren't even here.

Wassamatta? Were you LYING? Are you a "Missourian" who can't "show me"?

We sit, and we wait.

You really get mad when the truth comes out.

The media reported that Officer Sicknick was killed as a direct result of the riots.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGO you just did it again. Same assertion, same lack of link.

SHOW ME where "the media" --- any media --- said that. Trot it out here and let us examine what it actually says.

And quit pussyfooting. Ain't got all night.

I should go into dentistry, having chalked up all this experience in pulling teeth.

Now that that's F I N A L L Y here does it not enter your synapses that YOUR OWN LINK right in its title uses the words "MAY HAVE"?

Is that what you "heard" that you referenced a hundred posts ago? A speculation about "may have"?

Are you telling us that you INFERRED something that was not there because reading comprehension?

And then with that level of illiteracy you want to call them "fake news" on your own failing? Is that where we are?

My work here is done. DIS missed.
You like this one better?

The title is "He dreamed of being a police officer...then was killed by a pro-Trump mob" from the Newspaper of Record... The New York Times...

^^ Takes a lickin', jest keeps on diggin'.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.

Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<

WHO THE FUCK is making as assertion there? Open book test.

Here's the same passage with the answer emphasized. See if you can find it.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.​
Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<​

Whereas YOUR original claim:

I heard that the media was [sic] lying and were reporting unsubstantiated propaganda about a fire extinguisher when he actually tragically died from an undiagnosed health condition.

Is your link "lying" here when it says "Law enforcement officials said..."? Did law enforcement officials NOT say....? And you have proof that they did not say that?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "investigators believe..."? Do investigators NOT believe....? And you have proof that they do not believe....?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "The Capitol Police said..."? Did the Capitol Police NOT say that? And you have proof that they did not say that?

SUBJECTS: Law enforcement officials/investigators/Capitol police

VERBS: said/believe/said

Your EVIDENCE that they did NOT say/did NOT believe/did NOT say .... is WHERE?

WHERE is the "lying" in there?

So to sum up:
You're alleging "fake news" entirely on the basis that YOU are unable to figure out what the subject of a sentence is. A sentence that is written that way consciously and intentionally so that it DOES NOT make an assertion itself but rather attributes that assertion to its sources. Which is basic, Day One Journalism 101.

And you can't figure that out, so you want to blame "them" for YOUR failure.

SMGDFH Reading comprehension is a lost art

It's a short sentence.

Sure is. They all are.

"Law enforcement said..."
"Investigators believe..."
"Capitol Police said..."

Can't be simpler.

STILL waiting for your evidence that law enforcement DID NOT say... , investigators DO NOT believe.... , and/or Capitol Police DID NOT say....


THIS IS YOUR OWN LINK DOODLES. You want to plead that your own link is "too long, didn't read"?
WTF are you even talking about.

Have you talked yourself in so many circles you've forgotten the point?

You are not arguing MY point.

That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

You get so wrapped up in trying to split a frog hair five ways that you ended up making my argument.

I appreciate it.

All that is left is for you to say the words...

"That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th."

Or you can dance some is enjoyable in a way watching the pretzels you twist to avoid speaking truth.

Not sure who "Manny circles" is but I'm sure he's a heckuva ballplayer. I guess he takes circuitous routes in the outfield :dunno:

Are you lost, Madman? YOU made a claim, going back to YESTERDAY, about "media lying". I then asked YOU for a link to this "media lying". After going Humma Humma Humma for hours you finally posted a link of gigantic photos that had nothing to do with the ass-ertion.

Then overnight you plopped another link, which I cut and pasted and SHOWED YOUR WANGLY ASS what the subjects and verbs are, and demanded that you show us how those subjects and verbs are, as you claim, "lying".

You are a horrible liar and too cowardly to admit your lame attempt at bullcrap.
I never lie.

Just hate fake news.

If you have a link to an official cause of death, please post it.

Apparently you do, since back at the start of this thread you CLAIMED to have "heard" the "media lied" and shoveled "propaganda", whereupon I asked you for a link to that as a fucking STARTING POINT, and all you've done since then is go "humma humma" and try to pawn off your hallucination on three other posters who aren't even here.

Wassamatta? Were you LYING? Are you a "Missourian" who can't "show me"?

We sit, and we wait.

You really get mad when the truth comes out.

The media reported that Officer Sicknick was killed as a direct result of the riots.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGO you just did it again. Same assertion, same lack of link.

SHOW ME where "the media" --- any media --- said that. Trot it out here and let us examine what it actually says.

And quit pussyfooting. Ain't got all night.

I should go into dentistry, having chalked up all this experience in pulling teeth.

Now that that's F I N A L L Y here does it not enter your synapses that YOUR OWN LINK right in its title uses the words "MAY HAVE"?

Is that what you "heard" that you referenced a hundred posts ago? A speculation about "may have"?

Are you telling us that you INFERRED something that was not there because reading comprehension?

And then with that level of illiteracy you want to call them "fake news" on your own failing? Is that where we are?

My work here is done. DIS missed.
You like this one better?

The title is "He dreamed of being a police officer...then was killed by a pro-Trump mob" from the Newspaper of Record... The New York Times...

^^ Takes a lickin', jest keeps on diggin'.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.

Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<

WHO THE FUCK is making as assertion there? Open book test.

Here's the same passage with the answer emphasized. See if you can find it.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.​
Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<​

Whereas YOUR original claim:

I heard that the media was [sic] lying and were reporting unsubstantiated propaganda about a fire extinguisher when he actually tragically died from an undiagnosed health condition.

Is your link "lying" here when it says "Law enforcement officials said..."? Did law enforcement officials NOT say....? And you have proof that they did not say that?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "investigators believe..."? Do investigators NOT believe....? And you have proof that they do not believe....?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "The Capitol Police said..."? Did the Capitol Police NOT say that? And you have proof that they did not say that?

SUBJECTS: Law enforcement officials/investigators/Capitol police

VERBS: said/believe/said

Your EVIDENCE that they did NOT say/did NOT believe/did NOT say .... is WHERE?

WHERE is the "lying" in there?

So to sum up:
You're alleging "fake news" entirely on the basis that YOU are unable to figure out what the subject of a sentence is. A sentence that is written that way consciously and intentionally so that it DOES NOT make an assertion itself but rather attributes that assertion to its sources. Which is basic, Day One Journalism 101.

And you can't figure that out, so you want to blame "them" for YOUR failure.

SMGDFH Reading comprehension is a lost art

It's a short sentence.

Sure is. They all are.

"Law enforcement said..."
"Investigators believe..."
"Capitol Police said..."

Can't be simpler.

STILL waiting for your evidence that law enforcement DID NOT say... , investigators DO NOT believe.... , and/or Capitol Police DID NOT say....


THIS IS YOUR OWN LINK DOODLES. You want to plead that your own link is "too long, didn't read"?
WTF are you even talking about.

Have you tdebatewourself in so many circles you've forgotten the point?

You are not arguing MY point.

That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

You get so wrapped up in trying to split a frog hair five ways that you ended up making my argument.

I appreciate it.

All that is left is for you to say the words...

"That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th."

Or you can dance some is enjoyable in a way watching the pretzels you twist to avoid speaking truth.

Not sure who "Manny circles" is but I'm sure he's a heckuva ballplayer.

Are you lost, Madman? YOU made a claim, going back to YESTERDAY, about "media lying". I then asked YOU for a link to this "media lying". After going Humma Humma Humma for hours you finally posted a link of gigantic photos that had nothing to do with the ass-ertion.

Then overnight you plopped another link, which I cut and pasted and SHOWED YOUR WANGLY ASS what the subjects and verbs are, and demanded that you show us how those subjects and verbs are, as you claim, "lying".

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

The media lied about it.

The democrats lied about it.

Lesh lied about it.

C_Clayton_Jones lied about it.

AFrench2 lied about it.

AND SIX PAGES LATER...instead of agreeing with what you know is truth, you joust strawman after strawman.

Admit the truth...

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.
You are a horrible liar and too cowardly to admit your lame attempt at bullcrap.
I never lie.

Just hate fake news.

If you have a link to an official cause of death, please post it.

Apparently you do, since back at the start of this thread you CLAIMED to have "heard" the "media lied" and shoveled "propaganda", whereupon I asked you for a link to that as a fucking STARTING POINT, and all you've done since then is go "humma humma" and try to pawn off your hallucination on three other posters who aren't even here.

Wassamatta? Were you LYING? Are you a "Missourian" who can't "show me"?

We sit, and we wait.

You really get mad when the truth comes out.

The media reported that Officer Sicknick was killed as a direct result of the riots.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGO you just did it again. Same assertion, same lack of link.

SHOW ME where "the media" --- any media --- said that. Trot it out here and let us examine what it actually says.

And quit pussyfooting. Ain't got all night.

I should go into dentistry, having chalked up all this experience in pulling teeth.

Now that that's F I N A L L Y here does it not enter your synapses that YOUR OWN LINK right in its title uses the words "MAY HAVE"?

Is that what you "heard" that you referenced a hundred posts ago? A speculation about "may have"?

Are you telling us that you INFERRED something that was not there because reading comprehension?

And then with that level of illiteracy you want to call them "fake news" on your own failing? Is that where we are?

My work here is done. DIS missed.
You like this one better?

The title is "He dreamed of being a police officer...then was killed by a pro-Trump mob" from the Newspaper of Record... The New York Times...

^^ Takes a lickin', jest keeps on diggin'.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.

Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<

WHO THE FUCK is making as assertion there? Open book test.

Here's the same passage with the answer emphasized. See if you can find it.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.​
Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<​

Whereas YOUR original claim:

I heard that the media was [sic] lying and were reporting unsubstantiated propaganda about a fire extinguisher when he actually tragically died from an undiagnosed health condition.

Is your link "lying" here when it says "Law enforcement officials said..."? Did law enforcement officials NOT say....? And you have proof that they did not say that?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "investigators believe..."? Do investigators NOT believe....? And you have proof that they do not believe....?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "The Capitol Police said..."? Did the Capitol Police NOT say that? And you have proof that they did not say that?

SUBJECTS: Law enforcement officials/investigators/Capitol police

VERBS: said/believe/said

Your EVIDENCE that they did NOT say/did NOT believe/did NOT say .... is WHERE?

WHERE is the "lying" in there?

So to sum up:
You're alleging "fake news" entirely on the basis that YOU are unable to figure out what the subject of a sentence is. A sentence that is written that way consciously and intentionally so that it DOES NOT make an assertion itself but rather attributes that assertion to its sources. Which is basic, Day One Journalism 101.

And you can't figure that out, so you want to blame "them" for YOUR failure.

SMGDFH Reading comprehension is a lost art

It's a short sentence.

Sure is. They all are.

"Law enforcement said..."
"Investigators believe..."
"Capitol Police said..."

Can't be simpler.

STILL waiting for your evidence that law enforcement DID NOT say... , investigators DO NOT believe.... , and/or Capitol Police DID NOT say....


THIS IS YOUR OWN LINK DOODLES. You want to plead that your own link is "too long, didn't read"?
WTF are you even talking about.

Have you tdebatewourself in so many circles you've forgotten the point?

You are not arguing MY point.

That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

You get so wrapped up in trying to split a frog hair five ways that you ended up making my argument.

I appreciate it.

All that is left is for you to say the words...

"That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th."

Or you can dance some is enjoyable in a way watching the pretzels you twist to avoid speaking truth.

Not sure who "Manny circles" is but I'm sure he's a heckuva ballplayer.

Are you lost, Madman? YOU made a claim, going back to YESTERDAY, about "media lying". I then asked YOU for a link to this "media lying". After going Humma Humma Humma for hours you finally posted a link of gigantic photos that had nothing to do with the ass-ertion.

Then overnight you plopped another link, which I cut and pasted and SHOWED YOUR WANGLY ASS what the subjects and verbs are, and demanded that you show us how those subjects and verbs are, as you claim, "lying".

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

The media lied about it.

And there you go YET AGAIN.

The media lied about it.

--------------- WHERE?????

The democrats lied about it.

Do you mean "Democrats"?
Or do you mean as you typed, "democrats", those who believe in democracy?
Either way --- WHERE?

@Lesh lied about it.

@C_Clayton_Jones lied about it.

@AFrench2 lied about it.

And there you go again AGAIN --- desperately trying to foist your own fuckup on three people who aren't even here. Anything to run away from your original ass-ertion that "the media lied".

Wassamatta? Can't back up your shit?

You are a horrible liar and too cowardly to admit your lame attempt at bullcrap.
I never lie.

Just hate fake news.

If you have a link to an official cause of death, please post it.

Apparently you do, since back at the start of this thread you CLAIMED to have "heard" the "media lied" and shoveled "propaganda", whereupon I asked you for a link to that as a fucking STARTING POINT, and all you've done since then is go "humma humma" and try to pawn off your hallucination on three other posters who aren't even here.

Wassamatta? Were you LYING? Are you a "Missourian" who can't "show me"?

We sit, and we wait.

You really get mad when the truth comes out.

The media reported that Officer Sicknick was killed as a direct result of the riots.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGO you just did it again. Same assertion, same lack of link.

SHOW ME where "the media" --- any media --- said that. Trot it out here and let us examine what it actually says.

And quit pussyfooting. Ain't got all night.

I should go into dentistry, having chalked up all this experience in pulling teeth.

Now that that's F I N A L L Y here does it not enter your synapses that YOUR OWN LINK right in its title uses the words "MAY HAVE"?

Is that what you "heard" that you referenced a hundred posts ago? A speculation about "may have"?

Are you telling us that you INFERRED something that was not there because reading comprehension?

And then with that level of illiteracy you want to call them "fake news" on your own failing? Is that where we are?

My work here is done. DIS missed.
You like this one better?

The title is "He dreamed of being a police officer...then was killed by a pro-Trump mob" from the Newspaper of Record... The New York Times...

^^ Takes a lickin', jest keeps on diggin'.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.

Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<

WHO THE FUCK is making as assertion there? Open book test.

Here's the same passage with the answer emphasized. See if you can find it.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.​
Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<​

Whereas YOUR original claim:

I heard that the media was [sic] lying and were reporting unsubstantiated propaganda about a fire extinguisher when he actually tragically died from an undiagnosed health condition.

Is your link "lying" here when it says "Law enforcement officials said..."? Did law enforcement officials NOT say....? And you have proof that they did not say that?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "investigators believe..."? Do investigators NOT believe....? And you have proof that they do not believe....?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "The Capitol Police said..."? Did the Capitol Police NOT say that? And you have proof that they did not say that?

SUBJECTS: Law enforcement officials/investigators/Capitol police

VERBS: said/believe/said

Your EVIDENCE that they did NOT say/did NOT believe/did NOT say .... is WHERE?

WHERE is the "lying" in there?

So to sum up:
You're alleging "fake news" entirely on the basis that YOU are unable to figure out what the subject of a sentence is. A sentence that is written that way consciously and intentionally so that it DOES NOT make an assertion itself but rather attributes that assertion to its sources. Which is basic, Day One Journalism 101.

And you can't figure that out, so you want to blame "them" for YOUR failure.

SMGDFH Reading comprehension is a lost art

It's a short sentence.

Sure is. They all are.

"Law enforcement said..."
"Investigators believe..."
"Capitol Police said..."

Can't be simpler.

STILL waiting for your evidence that law enforcement DID NOT say... , investigators DO NOT believe.... , and/or Capitol Police DID NOT say....


THIS IS YOUR OWN LINK DOODLES. You want to plead that your own link is "too long, didn't read"?
WTF are you even talking about.

Have you tdebatewourself in so many circles you've forgotten the point?

You are not arguing MY point.

That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

You get so wrapped up in trying to split a frog hair five ways that you ended up making my argument.

I appreciate it.

All that is left is for you to say the words...

"That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th."

Or you can dance some is enjoyable in a way watching the pretzels you twist to avoid speaking truth.

Not sure who "Manny circles" is but I'm sure he's a heckuva ballplayer.

Are you lost, Madman? YOU made a claim, going back to YESTERDAY, about "media lying". I then asked YOU for a link to this "media lying". After going Humma Humma Humma for hours you finally posted a link of gigantic photos that had nothing to do with the ass-ertion.

Then overnight you plopped another link, which I cut and pasted and SHOWED YOUR WANGLY ASS what the subjects and verbs are, and demanded that you show us how those subjects and verbs are, as you claim, "lying".

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

The media lied about it.

And there you go YET AGAIN.

The media lied about it.

--------------- WHERE?????

The democrats lied about it.

Do you mean "Democrats"?
Or do you mean as you typed, "democrats", those who believe in democracy?
Either way --- WHERE?

@Lesh lied about it.

@C_Clayton_Jones lied about it.

@AFrench2 lied about it.

And there you go again AGAIN --- desperately trying to foist your own fuckup on three people who aren't even here. Anything to run away from your original ass-ertion that "the media lied".

Wassamatta? Can't back up your shit?

You are a horrible liar and too cowardly to admit your lame attempt at bullcrap.
I never lie.

Just hate fake news.

If you have a link to an official cause of death, please post it.

Apparently you do, since back at the start of this thread you CLAIMED to have "heard" the "media lied" and shoveled "propaganda", whereupon I asked you for a link to that as a fucking STARTING POINT, and all you've done since then is go "humma humma" and try to pawn off your hallucination on three other posters who aren't even here.

Wassamatta? Were you LYING? Are you a "Missourian" who can't "show me"?

We sit, and we wait.

You really get mad when the truth comes out.

The media reported that Officer Sicknick was killed as a direct result of the riots.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGO you just did it again. Same assertion, same lack of link.

SHOW ME where "the media" --- any media --- said that. Trot it out here and let us examine what it actually says.

And quit pussyfooting. Ain't got all night.

I should go into dentistry, having chalked up all this experience in pulling teeth.

Now that that's F I N A L L Y here does it not enter your synapses that YOUR OWN LINK right in its title uses the words "MAY HAVE"?

Is that what you "heard" that you referenced a hundred posts ago? A speculation about "may have"?

Are you telling us that you INFERRED something that was not there because reading comprehension?

And then with that level of illiteracy you want to call them "fake news" on your own failing? Is that where we are?

My work here is done. DIS missed.
You like this one better?

The title is "He dreamed of being a police officer...then was killed by a pro-Trump mob" from the Newspaper of Record... The New York Times...

^^ Takes a lickin', jest keeps on diggin'.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.

Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<

WHO THE FUCK is making as assertion there? Open book test.

Here's the same passage with the answer emphasized. See if you can find it.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.​
Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<​

Whereas YOUR original claim:

I heard that the media was [sic] lying and were reporting unsubstantiated propaganda about a fire extinguisher when he actually tragically died from an undiagnosed health condition.

Is your link "lying" here when it says "Law enforcement officials said..."? Did law enforcement officials NOT say....? And you have proof that they did not say that?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "investigators believe..."? Do investigators NOT believe....? And you have proof that they do not believe....?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "The Capitol Police said..."? Did the Capitol Police NOT say that? And you have proof that they did not say that?

SUBJECTS: Law enforcement officials/investigators/Capitol police

VERBS: said/believe/said

Your EVIDENCE that they did NOT say/did NOT believe/did NOT say .... is WHERE?

WHERE is the "lying" in there?

So to sum up:
You're alleging "fake news" entirely on the basis that YOU are unable to figure out what the subject of a sentence is. A sentence that is written that way consciously and intentionally so that it DOES NOT make an assertion itself but rather attributes that assertion to its sources. Which is basic, Day One Journalism 101.

And you can't figure that out, so you want to blame "them" for YOUR failure.

SMGDFH Reading comprehension is a lost art

It's a short sentence.

Sure is. They all are.

"Law enforcement said..."
"Investigators believe..."
"Capitol Police said..."

Can't be simpler.

STILL waiting for your evidence that law enforcement DID NOT say... , investigators DO NOT believe.... , and/or Capitol Police DID NOT say....


THIS IS YOUR OWN LINK DOODLES. You want to plead that your own link is "too long, didn't read"?
WTF are you even talking about.

Have you tdebatewourself in so many circles you've forgotten the point?

You are not arguing MY point.

That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

You get so wrapped up in trying to split a frog hair five ways that you ended up making my argument.

I appreciate it.

All that is left is for you to say the words...

"That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th."

Or you can dance some is enjoyable in a way watching the pretzels you twist to avoid speaking truth.

Not sure who "Manny circles" is but I'm sure he's a heckuva ballplayer.

Are you lost, Madman? YOU made a claim, going back to YESTERDAY, about "media lying". I then asked YOU for a link to this "media lying". After going Humma Humma Humma for hours you finally posted a link of gigantic photos that had nothing to do with the ass-ertion.

Then overnight you plopped another link, which I cut and pasted and SHOWED YOUR WANGLY ASS what the subjects and verbs are, and demanded that you show us how those subjects and verbs are, as you claim, "lying".

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

The media lied about it.

And there you go YET AGAIN.

The media lied about it.

--------------- WHERE?????

The democrats lied about it.

Do you mean "Democrats"?
Or do you mean as you typed, "democrats", those who believe in democracy?
Either way --- WHERE?

@Lesh lied about it.

@C_Clayton_Jones lied about it.

@AFrench2 lied about it.

And there you go again AGAIN --- desperately trying to foist your own fuckup on three people who aren't even here. Anything to run away from your original ass-ertion that "the media lied".

Wassamatta? Can't back up your shit?

He has plenty of time to waste trying to make an off-topic point no one is really disputing. Still, the fact remains, two Trump terrorists were arrested for assaulting Capitol Police officers, including one who died.
You are a horrible liar and too cowardly to admit your lame attempt at bullcrap.
I never lie.

Just hate fake news.

If you have a link to an official cause of death, please post it.

Apparently you do, since back at the start of this thread you CLAIMED to have "heard" the "media lied" and shoveled "propaganda", whereupon I asked you for a link to that as a fucking STARTING POINT, and all you've done since then is go "humma humma" and try to pawn off your hallucination on three other posters who aren't even here.

Wassamatta? Were you LYING? Are you a "Missourian" who can't "show me"?

We sit, and we wait.

You really get mad when the truth comes out.

The media reported that Officer Sicknick was killed as a direct result of the riots.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGO you just did it again. Same assertion, same lack of link.

SHOW ME where "the media" --- any media --- said that. Trot it out here and let us examine what it actually says.

And quit pussyfooting. Ain't got all night.

I should go into dentistry, having chalked up all this experience in pulling teeth.

Now that that's F I N A L L Y here does it not enter your synapses that YOUR OWN LINK right in its title uses the words "MAY HAVE"?

Is that what you "heard" that you referenced a hundred posts ago? A speculation about "may have"?

Are you telling us that you INFERRED something that was not there because reading comprehension?

And then with that level of illiteracy you want to call them "fake news" on your own failing? Is that where we are?

My work here is done. DIS missed.
You like this one better?

The title is "He dreamed of being a police officer...then was killed by a pro-Trump mob" from the Newspaper of Record... The New York Times...

^^ Takes a lickin', jest keeps on diggin'.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.

Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<

WHO THE FUCK is making as assertion there? Open book test.

Here's the same passage with the answer emphasized. See if you can find it.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.​
Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<​

Whereas YOUR original claim:

I heard that the media was [sic] lying and were reporting unsubstantiated propaganda about a fire extinguisher when he actually tragically died from an undiagnosed health condition.

Is your link "lying" here when it says "Law enforcement officials said..."? Did law enforcement officials NOT say....? And you have proof that they did not say that?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "investigators believe..."? Do investigators NOT believe....? And you have proof that they do not believe....?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "The Capitol Police said..."? Did the Capitol Police NOT say that? And you have proof that they did not say that?

SUBJECTS: Law enforcement officials/investigators/Capitol police

VERBS: said/believe/said

Your EVIDENCE that they did NOT say/did NOT believe/did NOT say .... is WHERE?

WHERE is the "lying" in there?

So to sum up:
You're alleging "fake news" entirely on the basis that YOU are unable to figure out what the subject of a sentence is. A sentence that is written that way consciously and intentionally so that it DOES NOT make an assertion itself but rather attributes that assertion to its sources. Which is basic, Day One Journalism 101.

And you can't figure that out, so you want to blame "them" for YOUR failure.

SMGDFH Reading comprehension is a lost art

It's a short sentence.

Sure is. They all are.

"Law enforcement said..."
"Investigators believe..."
"Capitol Police said..."

Can't be simpler.

STILL waiting for your evidence that law enforcement DID NOT say... , investigators DO NOT believe.... , and/or Capitol Police DID NOT say....


THIS IS YOUR OWN LINK DOODLES. You want to plead that your own link is "too long, didn't read"?
WTF are you even talking about.

Have you tdebatewourself in so many circles you've forgotten the point?

You are not arguing MY point.

That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

You get so wrapped up in trying to split a frog hair five ways that you ended up making my argument.

I appreciate it.

All that is left is for you to say the words...

"That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th."

Or you can dance some is enjoyable in a way watching the pretzels you twist to avoid speaking truth.

Not sure who "Manny circles" is but I'm sure he's a heckuva ballplayer.

Are you lost, Madman? YOU made a claim, going back to YESTERDAY, about "media lying". I then asked YOU for a link to this "media lying". After going Humma Humma Humma for hours you finally posted a link of gigantic photos that had nothing to do with the ass-ertion.

Then overnight you plopped another link, which I cut and pasted and SHOWED YOUR WANGLY ASS what the subjects and verbs are, and demanded that you show us how those subjects and verbs are, as you claim, "lying".

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

The media lied about it.

And there you go YET AGAIN.

The media lied about it.

--------------- WHERE?????

The democrats lied about it.

Do you mean "Democrats"?
Or do you mean as you typed, "democrats", those who believe in democracy?
Either way --- WHERE?

@Lesh lied about it.

@C_Clayton_Jones lied about it.

@AFrench2 lied about it.

And there you go again AGAIN --- desperately trying to foist your own fuckup on three people who aren't even here. Anything to run away from your original ass-ertion that "the media lied".

Wassamatta? Can't back up your shit?

I've "backed it up" many times...'re not getting me off topic.

You "point" doesn't matter.

It's just a sad attempt to deflect from the FACT...

You spend so much time trying to change the subject.

Either prove this statement wrong...or you can strawman yourself to death... because this is the point I've been making since my first post in this thread.

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

Still waiting 100 posts later for anyone... ANYONE ... to disprove that statement.

Now ... be honest...or dance more for our amusement.

Going to log off for the night.

But tomorrow I'll say the exact same thing.

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

Prove me wrong.
He has plenty of time to waste trying to make an off-topic point no one is really disputing. Still, the fact remains, two Trump terrorists were arrested for assaulting Capitol Police officers, including one who died.
This is open to you too.

Pogo will bluster on in a vain and useless attempt to camouflage the fact that he just refuses to be honest.

You can be honest for him.

There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

Prove me wrong.
When elephants dance, mice am reluctant to jump onto this dance floor.
But, I saw this:
There is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

Well, my avatar, for one......doesn't know of any evidence presented, so far.
"So far."
And therein lies the prize in this little finger-wrestle we've seen in the posts above.

Look, here is the gig: We are all, as far as I know, just mokes on an internet gossipboard.
Meaning, none of us seems to be a prosecutor nor a defense attorney. None of us seem to be hands-on with the investigation of the Sicknick investigation.

Which, no surprise, sorta kinda leads me to believe that nobody here has any level of an authoritative grasp on the details or the nuances of the case.

Is there evidence?......Could be. I dunno.
Is there absolutely zero evidence.....Could be. I dunno.

And I suggest both of those rhetorical questions can be applied to ALL of the posters above.

So, in short, let the cake bake.
We will see, as the investigation, and the reporting of it unfolds.....we will see the evidence, or lack thereof.

"So far."
And therein lies the prize in this little finger-wrestle we've seen in the posts above.
I agree...that is a salient point.

There could be in the future more evidence discovered or revealed that makes a case one way or the other.

Very fair to point out.

I honestly don't know one way or the other.

But anyone making a definitive statement is perpetuating fake news at this time.

I think honest brokers understand.

And less than honest brokers will tie themselves in knots to avoid speaking that little bit of truth.
You are a horrible liar and too cowardly to admit your lame attempt at bullcrap.
I never lie.

Just hate fake news.

If you have a link to an official cause of death, please post it.

Apparently you do, since back at the start of this thread you CLAIMED to have "heard" the "media lied" and shoveled "propaganda", whereupon I asked you for a link to that as a fucking STARTING POINT, and all you've done since then is go "humma humma" and try to pawn off your hallucination on three other posters who aren't even here.

Wassamatta? Were you LYING? Are you a "Missourian" who can't "show me"?

We sit, and we wait.

You really get mad when the truth comes out.

The media reported that Officer Sicknick was killed as a direct result of the riots.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGO you just did it again. Same assertion, same lack of link.

SHOW ME where "the media" --- any media --- said that. Trot it out here and let us examine what it actually says.

And quit pussyfooting. Ain't got all night.

I should go into dentistry, having chalked up all this experience in pulling teeth.

Now that that's F I N A L L Y here does it not enter your synapses that YOUR OWN LINK right in its title uses the words "MAY HAVE"?

Is that what you "heard" that you referenced a hundred posts ago? A speculation about "may have"?

Are you telling us that you INFERRED something that was not there because reading comprehension?

And then with that level of illiteracy you want to call them "fake news" on your own failing? Is that where we are?

My work here is done. DIS missed.
You like this one better?

The title is "He dreamed of being a police officer...then was killed by a pro-Trump mob" from the Newspaper of Record... The New York Times...

^^ Takes a lickin', jest keeps on diggin'.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.

Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<

WHO THE FUCK is making as assertion there? Open book test.

Here's the same passage with the answer emphasized. See if you can find it.

>> Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.​
Instead, investigators increasingly believe that a factor may have been an irritant such as mace or bear spray that was sprayed in the face of Mr. Sicknick, the law enforcement official said. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” <<​

Whereas YOUR original claim:

I heard that the media was [sic] lying and were reporting unsubstantiated propaganda about a fire extinguisher when he actually tragically died from an undiagnosed health condition.

Is your link "lying" here when it says "Law enforcement officials said..."? Did law enforcement officials NOT say....? And you have proof that they did not say that?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "investigators believe..."? Do investigators NOT believe....? And you have proof that they do not believe....?

Is your link "lying" here when it says "The Capitol Police said..."? Did the Capitol Police NOT say that? And you have proof that they did not say that?

SUBJECTS: Law enforcement officials/investigators/Capitol police

VERBS: said/believe/said

Your EVIDENCE that they did NOT say/did NOT believe/did NOT say .... is WHERE?

WHERE is the "lying" in there?

So to sum up:
You're alleging "fake news" entirely on the basis that YOU are unable to figure out what the subject of a sentence is. A sentence that is written that way consciously and intentionally so that it DOES NOT make an assertion itself but rather attributes that assertion to its sources. Which is basic, Day One Journalism 101.

And you can't figure that out, so you want to blame "them" for YOUR failure.

SMGDFH Reading comprehension is a lost art

It's a short sentence.

Sure is. They all are.

"Law enforcement said..."
"Investigators believe..."
"Capitol Police said..."

Can't be simpler.

STILL waiting for your evidence that law enforcement DID NOT say... , investigators DO NOT believe.... , and/or Capitol Police DID NOT say....


THIS IS YOUR OWN LINK DOODLES. You want to plead that your own link is "too long, didn't read"?
WTF are you even talking about.

Have you talked yourself in so many circles you've forgotten the point?

You are now arguing MY side of the debate.

That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th.

You get so wrapped up in trying to split a frog hair five ways that you ended up making my argument.

I appreciate it.

All that is left is for you to say the words...

"That there is NO evidence that Officer Sicknick death was the result of the events of January 6th."

Or you can dance some is enjoyable in a way watching the pretzels you twist to avoid speaking truth.
You probably also believe that there is no evidence Agent Orange had adverse affects on American GI's.
What our thread troll CAN'T argue is that these MAGAcreeps assaulted Sicknick and other cops with a chemical spray

And all he cares about is that they don't get blamed for killing him.
You probably also believe that there is no evidence Agent Orange had adverse affects on American GI's

Post your evidence...I'm very willing to say I'm wrong if there is evidence.

On January 6th this was reported by local media...

So, please post your evidence.
Were Trump terrorists charged with attempted murder or are you just making crap up as usual?

It wasn't "catch and release" like it is with the Brown Shirts of your Reich.

I support equal justice, I want to see these men prosecuted to the same extent those who firebombed police in Portland were..

You on the other hand, well you're a fucking Nazi.
You consider generic riots as equal to violently disrupting Congressional counting of Presidential Electoral Votes. Some of us disagree and considers insurrection far more serious.

Kinda funny how most of those arrested are charged with trespassing. Not insurrection.
Who told you that? Who has been charged with trespassing?

Look it up. I did. LOL
You are lying or have horrible reading comprehension. The terrorists were not charged with trespassing. Trespassing means you have ignored a sign and or refused to leave a property after being asked to do so. The terrorists are facing far more serious charges than trespassing.

Nope. There's a link on this thread somewhere. Look it up dumbass.

It's NEVER ---- NOT EVER --- somebody else's job to look up YOUR claim for you.

You wanna make a claim, *YOU* back it up, no one else. No backup? No claim. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

Oh blow it out your ass. If you're that interested look it up your self or not. I really don't give a shit what your stupid ass does.
I’ve actually lost interest in talking politics with republicans. You’ve all lost it
What our thread troll CAN'T argue is that these MAGAcreeps assaulted Sicknick and other cops with a chemical spray

And all he cares about is that they don't get blamed for killing him.
They caused five deaths that day.
What our thread troll CAN'T argue is that these MAGAcreeps assaulted Sicknick and other cops with a chemical spray

And all he cares about is that they don't get blamed for killing him.
I just want people to be honest.

I know...fucks everything up when you're forced to tell the truth.
Last I read they don't know what killed the man. He wasn't struck or shot. They simply have no idea why he died.
The police officer died of a heart attack later that night in the hospital after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher By a bunch of traitors.

He was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher?
He wasn’t?

New York Times quietly updates report on fire extinguisher striking Capitol Police officer (

"" In recent days, CNN reported that investigators have determined that initial reports about Sicknick being hit with a fire extinguisher are not true. One leading theory is that Sicknick was sprayed by an irritant such as bear spray and had a fatal reaction. ""

he way the report appeared as of Sunday evening said the fire extinguisher theory was in dispute: "Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official."

This was preceded by a separate New York Times report on Thursday, which added: "Investigators have found little evidence to back up the attack with the fire extinguisher as the cause of death, the official said. Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray, the law enforcement official said." That report also states this development "has complicated efforts to arrest suspects in Officer Sicknick’s death, as both the police and rioters used spray in the siege. It is difficult to prove who sprayed irritant on Officer Sicknick."

Mother Of Officer Sicknick Says The Media Got Her Son's Death Wrong

“He wasn’t hit on the head, no. We think he had a stroke, but we don’t know anything for sure,” Gladys Sicknick told the Daily Mail in an interview published Tuesday. “We’d love to know what happened.”

Both stroke and heart attack have been cited as cause of death.

No blunt force trauma of any kind was found on the victim, Officer Sicknick.

IF the use of pepper spray triggered the cardiac event that precipitated the officer's death, AND it can be proven that the two knuckleheads sprayed him with pepper spray, AND that the other officers did NOT spray him as they were dousing the protestors, then these two can be charged with manslaughter.

I have no desire to see these morons go free. I want equal justice. I want them to face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who have attacked police and turned America into a warzone have faced over the last year.

What I will NOT accept is a two tiered system of injustice where "crime" is defined not by law, but by the effect on the goals of the Reich.
I read somewhere that a couple of other officers accidentally doused him with pepper spray.

It just gets better and better up in here.

FingerFuck "read somewhere". Yuh huh, yeah I did too. It was right next to a "newly discovered photo" of rainy trolley tracks in Wisfuckingconsin.
You're a one-trick pony, NAZI.

Can't make this place up. FingerFuck here not only can't answer the question as to where he "heard" whatever, but then posts about a "one-trick pony, NAZI" followed immediately by an image of Hitler.
What is incredible about any of that? You are a one-trick pony, NAZI. The image of Hitler is appropriate for all posts addressed to NAZIs like you.
You guys are the ones who tried to pull off the beer hall putsch and in four years just like the Germans voted for hitler after he got out of jail for treason, you too will vote for criminal trump Again. Same nationalist rhetoric As hitler too.
What our thread troll CAN'T argue is that these MAGAcreeps assaulted Sicknick and other cops with a chemical spray

And all he cares about is that they don't get blamed for killing him.
I just want people to be honest.

I know...fucks everything up when you're forced to tell the truth.
Makes me so mad when republicans auto response to the insurrection is to bring up the riots that happened at blm protests. As if they can’t see the difference.
You probably also believe that there is no evidence Agent Orange had adverse affects on American GI's.
P.S. - from the Department of Veteran Affairs...

"When sound medical and scientific evidence shows that an illness is caused by Agent Orange exposure, we add it to our list of presumptive diseases. If you’ve been diagnosed with one of these illnesses, you don’t need to prove that it started during—or got worse because of—your military service."

You'll notice it doesn't say "because Candycorn says so" or "due to the fact everybody knows Agent Orange causes..."

Sound Evidence.


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