Two Minneapolis Snipers Shoot Down 20-Year-Old Black Man

The white man was shooting, why didn't a sniper take him out? Hell he killed 3 and wounded 4 more.
Different circumstances. Different city, different people making different decisions.

If the cops killed the white gunman you wouldn't here any whites here crying over his death. Your behavior explains why black criminals thrive
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Two Minneapolis police snipers fatally shot 20-year-old Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg after an hours-long standoff, according to CBS News. What prompted the officers to shoot remains unclear but the officers involved were part of the SWAT raid that led to Amir Locke’s killing in February.

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According to CBS’ report, Tekle fired multiple shots inside a Seward neighborhood apartment building. Arabella Yarbrough, a neighbor, called the police saying a bullet went through her wall. She and her two young boys hid in the bedroom. Once police arrived, Yarbrough and her sons left the building and Tekle isolated himself inside his unit. The standoff with the police began at 9:30 p.m.

Officers say they spent hours trying to negotiate with him but according to a live taping of the incident, they didn’t successfully make contact with him, per Fox 9.

This guy was shot and killed by police snipers.

Contrast this to the situation in Kentucky where a white man in a similar stand off, killed 3 human officers, a K9 officer and wounded 4 others yet no sniper and he was detained alive.
I wonder what he was trying steal?
Different circumstances. Different city, different people making different decisions.
9 times out of 10 the outcomes are the same.
If the cops killed the white gunman you wouldn't here any whites here crying over his death. Your behavior explains why black criminals thrive.
If a black gunman had killed 3 cops and wounded 4 more you wouldn't hear any black folks crying over his death, but this young man didn't kill any damn body.
It looks like a hostage situation involving shots fired and little kids but the media structures the story to make it appear that the perp was murdered. No surprise.
You know that old line "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"

The media fools people time after time after freaking time, yet the same leftist fools keep falling for it.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they cannot see a pattern THIS obvious.
Hmmm, why is it that the black man always ends up dead because they couldn't talk him down, but the white man is arrested without incident because he listens. After he has killed 3 and wounded 4.
You answer a question with a question instead of an answer

Thats a sure sign that you’re an empty suit

But none of the other libs here even managed that much
If a black gunman had killed 3 cops and wounded 4 more you wouldn't hear any black folks crying over his death, but this young man didn't kill any damn body.

Only because the occupants were lucky. When you shoot rounds into apartment units or at any building occupied by people, it's just good luck on their side they didn't get hit.

The guy in Kentucky gave himself up after an hour of negotiation.
Hmmm, why is it that the black man always ends up dead because they couldn't talk him down, but the white man is arrested without incident because he listens. After he has killed 3 and wounded 4.
more whites people are killed by cops a year then black people

so you’re numbers are off
View attachment 673482

Two Minneapolis police snipers fatally shot 20-year-old Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg after an hours-long standoff, according to CBS News. What prompted the officers to shoot remains unclear but the officers involved were part of the SWAT raid that led to Amir Locke’s killing in February.

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According to CBS’ report, Tekle fired multiple shots inside a Seward neighborhood apartment building. Arabella Yarbrough, a neighbor, called the police saying a bullet went through her wall. She and her two young boys hid in the bedroom. Once police arrived, Yarbrough and her sons left the building and Tekle isolated himself inside his unit. The standoff with the police began at 9:30 p.m.

Officers say they spent hours trying to negotiate with him but according to a live taping of the incident, they didn’t successfully make contact with him, per Fox 9.

This guy was shot and killed by police snipers.

Contrast this to the situation in Kentucky where a white man in a similar stand off, killed 3 human officers, a K9 officer and wounded 4 others yet no sniper and he was detained alive

You only have a point if these 2 were together and they just shot one of them. You have 2 different situations being managed by 2 different entities with 2 different outcomes. Shocker. Do you want to bet I can find a white guy who had an altercation with the police where he got shot and a black guy who did and didnt?

These rare individual cases where an individual had some outcome you dont think was right with police officers doesnt prove anything. Mostly because they are an infinitesimal percentage of the cases where police interact with the public. 99.9999% of the time no one is shot. I would venture to guess that less than 1% of the time the police interact with a person who's killed someone or has a gun does the person end up dead.
View attachment 673482

Two Minneapolis police snipers fatally shot 20-year-old Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg after an hours-long standoff, according to CBS News. What prompted the officers to shoot remains unclear but the officers involved were part of the SWAT raid that led to Amir Locke’s killing in February.

View attachment 673483

According to CBS’ report, Tekle fired multiple shots inside a Seward neighborhood apartment building. Arabella Yarbrough, a neighbor, called the police saying a bullet went through her wall. She and her two young boys hid in the bedroom. Once police arrived, Yarbrough and her sons left the building and Tekle isolated himself inside his unit. The standoff with the police began at 9:30 p.m.

Officers say they spent hours trying to negotiate with him but according to a live taping of the incident, they didn’t successfully make contact with him, per Fox 9.

This guy was shot and killed by police snipers.

Contrast this to the situation in Kentucky where a white man in a similar stand off, killed 3 human officers, a K9 officer and wounded 4 others yet no sniper and he was detained alive.
Kentucky might have better law enforcement then Minn. Minn is a liberal run city ans was at the heart of the defund movement
Only because the occupants were lucky. When you shoot rounds into apartment units or at any building occupied by people, it's just good luck on their side they didn't get hit.

The guy in Kentucky gave himself up after an hour of negotiation.
After he had killed 3 cops and wounded 4, I guess you think that was a great day for police negotiations.

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