Two Minneapolis Snipers Shoot Down 20-Year-Old Black Man

After he had killed 3 cops and wounded 4, I guess you think that was a great day for police negotiations.

WTF do you think how many were killed matters? It has nothing to do with it. Police are not judge and jury, and they don't make judgements on shooting suspects based on that. If they can bring the suspect in peacefully, they do. If they can't, they have to resort to force. It doesn't matter if he killed 2 people or 20.

Look at that black guy who went to a white neighborhood to kill as many whites as he could in a parade. He injured over 50 white people and killed 6, including an 8 year old white boy. He's still alive. Police found him on a front porch and he surrendered. That's why he's alive today and this other guy isn't.
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Two Minneapolis police snipers fatally shot 20-year-old Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg after an hours-long standoff, according to CBS News. What prompted the officers to shoot remains unclear but the officers involved were part of the SWAT raid that led to Amir Locke’s killing in February.

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According to CBS’ report, Tekle fired multiple shots inside a Seward neighborhood apartment building. Arabella Yarbrough, a neighbor, called the police saying a bullet went through her wall. She and her two young boys hid in the bedroom. Once police arrived, Yarbrough and her sons left the building and Tekle isolated himself inside his unit. The standoff with the police began at 9:30 p.m.

Officers say they spent hours trying to negotiate with him but according to a live taping of the incident, they didn’t successfully make contact with him, per Fox 9.

This guy was shot and killed by police snipers.

Contrast this to the situation in Kentucky where a white man in a similar stand off, killed 3 human officers, a K9 officer and wounded 4 others yet no sniper and he was detained alive.
Isn’t that the thug who shot at a woman and her two kids?

IM2 sure knows how to pick’em.
WTF do you think how many were killed matters? It has nothing to do with it. Police are not judge and jury, and they don't make judgements on shooting suspects based on that. If they can bring the suspect in peacefully, they do. If they can't, they have to resort to force. It doesn't matter if he killed 2 people or 20.
That's bullshit, how many times have we seen the police play Judge, jury and Executioner.
Look at that black guy who went to a white neighborhood to kill as many whites as he could in a parade. He injured over 50 white people and killed 6, including an 8 year old white boy. He's still alive. Police found him on a front porch and he surrendered. That's why he's alive today and this other guy isn't.
Post that story.
Hmmm, why is it that the black man always ends up dead because they couldn't talk him down, but the white man is arrested without incident because he listens. After he has killed 3 and wounded 4.
why are most black people stupid, aggressive, irresponsible, drop out of school, have kids out of wedlock, go to jail, unemployed etc?
now i know why black kids never wear a belt... they took after their fathers who either never had one or never used one to beat their ass when they misbehaved.
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Two Minneapolis police snipers fatally shot 20-year-old Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg after an hours-long standoff, according to CBS News. What prompted the officers to shoot remains unclear but the officers involved were part of the SWAT raid that led to Amir Locke’s killing in February.

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According to CBS’ report, Tekle fired multiple shots inside a Seward neighborhood apartment building. Arabella Yarbrough, a neighbor, called the police saying a bullet went through her wall. She and her two young boys hid in the bedroom. Once police arrived, Yarbrough and her sons left the building and Tekle isolated himself inside his unit. The standoff with the police began at 9:30 p.m.

Officers say they spent hours trying to negotiate with him but according to a live taping of the incident, they didn’t successfully make contact with him, per Fox 9.

This guy was shot and killed by police snipers.

Contrast this to the situation in Kentucky where a white man in a similar stand off, killed 3 human officers, a K9 officer and wounded 4 others yet no sniper and he was detained alive.
Apparently.....He wasn't shit......

Nope. When I moved here it was predominately white. The blacks invaded our suburb and now it's gone to hell.
Why when the black moves in Jack moves out, come to stay Jack moves away. Which means all the businesses moved out as well and now there is little to no opportunity left in the neighborhood and when the businesses moved out the drug dealers, gangs, pimps, etc. moved in.
why are most black people stupid, aggressive, irresponsible, drop out of school, have kids out of wedlock, go to jail, unemployed etc?
Why are so many white males like you racist, arrogant, feel privileged, feel superior, egotistical, etc.?
Why when the black moves in Jack moves out, come to stay Jack moves away. Which means all the businesses moved out as well and now there is little to no opportunity left in the neighborhood and when the businesses moved out the drug dealers, gangs, pimps, etc. moved in.

It happens just about anyplace blacks move into. Crime increases, people with children need to protect their families and move out. They know from history they will lose thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in lost property value by staying.

Businesses move out because of the crime that comes with blacks. Unlike any other group of people, blacks don't assimilate, when they move to a nice area, they bring the ghetto with them.

Whites don't want to live that way. We like it clean, quiet, and virtually no violent crime. We don't want to live with such inconsiderate people. For instance another Section 8 couple moved in next door to me. They are older, but brought their grand kids with them. Like ghetto trash usually does, they are playing that damn jungle music I can't stand. They won't listen to it inside the house, they won't use headphones or blue tooth so as not to disturb anybody else, they're going to play that noise so everybody has to hear it. It was nice when nobody lived there. I could sit on my back porch steps in peace and quiet. Not anymore. The only way to have that again is to move out and try to find another nice white neighborhood and hope and pray it stays white.
It happens just about anyplace blacks move into. Crime increases, people with children need to protect their families and move out. They know from history they will lose thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in lost property value by staying.
Or is it because a majority of the tax base moves out and pretty much leaves the communities with nothing in a way of opportunities, because there are plenty of black communities in this country that are flourishing when there are job opportunities to maintain those communities there.
Businesses move out because of the crime that comes with blacks. Unlike any other group of people, blacks don't assimilate, when they move to a nice area, they bring the ghetto with them.
Give me something to back that assumption up.

Whites don't want to live that way. We like it clean, quiet, and virtually no violent crime. We don't want to live with such inconsiderate people. For instance another Section 8 couple moved in next door to me. They are older, but brought their grand kids with them. Like ghetto trash usually does, they are playing that damn jungle music I can't stand.
You do know there are whites on Section 8 and explain to me what Jungle Music is, since there aren't any Jungles in America.
They won't listen to it inside the house, they won't use headphones or blue tooth so as not to disturb anybody else, they're going to play that noise so everybody has to hear it. It was nice when nobody lived there. I could sit on my back porch steps in peace and quiet. Not anymore. The only way to have that again is to move out and try to find another nice white neighborhood and hope and pray it stays white.
If the conditions are so bad why are you living in a black neighborhood and you have been there for over 40yrs. There are plenty of black neighborhoods that none of that type of foolishness is happening in, why do you live in a neighborhood where you hate the folks so much. That doesn't make since Ray.

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