Two muslims killed in Queens today, one was an imam

Ali Baldasaro calling for Hillary's execution is an easy sampler, MaryL.
What are you babbling about? Is this what liberals do, bait and switch?
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Ali Baldasaro calling for Hillary's execution is an easy sampler, MaryL.
What are you babbling about? Is this what liberals do, bait and switch?
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.
Ali Baldasaro calling for Hillary's execution is an easy sampler, MaryL.
What are you babbling about? Is this what liberals do, bait and switch?
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.

Really? leftist inspired riots in liberal run cities.... Tea partiers don't riot Fake :slap:
Ali Baldasaro calling for Hillary's execution is an easy sampler, MaryL.
What are you babbling about? Is this what liberals do, bait and switch?
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.

Fake is never right ...He's an antagonizer nothing more
What are you babbling about? Is this what liberals do, bait and switch?
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.
Fake is never right ...He's an antagonizer nothing more
I am right most of the time, certainly far more than you. Your problem is that you are a neo-con, and this is the kiss of death for America in the long run if your kind gets hold of the WH again. Not going to happen this election and probably never again.
Just because some Muslims commit acts of terrorism doesn't mean all people of Islamic faith are terrorists. It's a very small minority.

Yeah too bad the actual teachings of Islam are the problem.

This is exactly the problem, the teachings of Islam, they've not been modernised or adapted, they're still as they were in the 7th Century.

Christianity and Judaism have modernised and adapted.

Islam isn't compatible with Western Civilisation.

Or maybe you are just a islamaphobic whore. Sometimes it's fun to be a silly leftist.

"Or maybe you are just a islamaphobic whore. Sometimes it's fun to be a silly leftist."


JakeStarkey are you reading this? I'm being called a Leftist :eek-52: :confused-84:
Yeah, you dirty leftist, communist, socialist hag! :lol: TBM is crazy. I guess if you don't agree with him you are a lefty. Not too worry, Lucy, you are still my hard right wing fascist girl. TBM has nothing on you!

I guess sarcasm is lost on you.....
Ali Baldasaro calling for Hillary's execution is an easy sampler, MaryL.
What are you babbling about? Is this what liberals do, bait and switch?
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.

Really? leftist inspired riots in liberal run cities.... Tea partiers don't riot Fake :slap:

Fake doesn't agree but can prove my statement wrong ..Poor fake, not much there, there, with him
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.
Fake is never right ...He's an antagonizer nothing more
I am right most of the time, certainly far more than you. Your problem is that you are a neo-con, and this is the kiss of death for America in the long run if your kind gets hold of the WH again. Not going to happen this election and probably never again.

Hillary is a neo you fake she also deposes leaders and cost American lives

This may very well be a Muslim Muslim fight.

Far right socon crazies know better than to go kill Muslims in America.

If attacked, they will burn down a socon neighborhood in a heart beat.

Hmm, if Muslims start killing Muslims in this country, similar to the way blacks kill blacks, perhaps the next "organization" the left will get behind is Muslim Lives Matter. Or do the only Muslim lives that matter are the ones killed by cops, you know, just like the only black lives that seem to concern the BLM mobs are those killed by cops?
They already did. First question I had after Orlando was who's side would the left take. Sure enough within 24 hours they all got the memo to toss homosexuals under the Muslim bus.
You are smoking crack again.
Care to place a wager? I'll give you 50 posts from the left taking the defense of Islam, you give me 25 posts from the left condemning Islamic terror.

OK, I know that's not fair. Give me 10 posts from the left condemning Islamic terror.
The alleged shooter of the Imam was a hispanic man and had no ties to Trump or anti Muslim hate groups, and the media is sort of staying away from this story now. The liberal media WAS really trying to stir up more animosity towards conservatives, those sick bastards.
The media does no such thing. The cons are absolutely capable of stirring up their own nonsense all the time.
The media:
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.
Fake is never right ...He's an antagonizer nothing more
I am right most of the time, certainly far more than you. Your problem is that you are a neo-con, and this is the kiss of death for America in the long run if your kind gets hold of the WH again. Not going to happen this election and probably never again.

Jake- how confident are you that the bulldyke is the next POTUS?
It's not surprising to be honest. Christian's have been murdering innocent Muslims for centuries.
Room temperature IQ. This is the kind of moron that makes Waters World so entertaining.

Weatherman- I know it was unintentional, but please refrain from referring to idiots and imbeciles as morons. It is bad for my carefully crafted image.
This may help you with future classification of posters-

Retardation Levels -
  •  Morons - Those with IQs between 51 and 70 (adequate learning skills to complete menial tasks and to communicate)
    •  Imbeciles - Those with IQs between 26 and 50 (unable to progress past a mental age of approximately six)
      •  Idiots - those with IQs between 0 and 25 (poor motor skills, extremely limited communication, and little response to stimulus)
Ali Baldasaro calling for Hillary's execution is an easy sampler, MaryL.
What are you babbling about? Is this what liberals do, bait and switch?
We are talking about cons have no trouble stirring up crap.

Marly forget to add to point out she was trying to blame liberal media. Baldasaro acted the butt all by himself.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.

Hey MaryL, where on the news dial do you get just the facts, no spin?There is always spin. Reporters are human beings with feelings, ideas and beliefs. It is inevitable that their prejudices will influence their reporting.
I blame the liberal media of bias, that's all. You are confused.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.
Fake is never right ...He's an antagonizer nothing more
I am right most of the time, certainly far more than you. Your problem is that you are a neo-con, and this is the kiss of death for America in the long run if your kind gets hold of the WH again. Not going to happen this election and probably never again.
Jake- how confident are you that the bulldyke is the next POTUS?
I doubt she is a bull dyke. Her chance are about 4 out of 5 probably. I don't think she will run in 2020.
The muzz will have to learn that hispanics aren't Swedes or Germans. Hispanics bite back, hard.
You blame wrongly. Look at the far right con weirdos, who could not make up what they are doing because they are crazy. Amazing.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.
Fake is never right ...He's an antagonizer nothing more
I am right most of the time, certainly far more than you. Your problem is that you are a neo-con, and this is the kiss of death for America in the long run if your kind gets hold of the WH again. Not going to happen this election and probably never again.
Jake- how confident are you that the bulldyke is the next POTUS?
I doubt she is a bull dyke. Her chance are about 4 out of 5 probably. I don't think she will run in 2020.

Interesting....80% confidence, I see it at about 55% Her, 35% him, 10% other. 100% she is a bull dyke. So why no second term, her health is a real issue? She is about the same age of Reagan when he was elected and it was an issue for him.
Well, you got a point there. I just want facts from the media, and whether it's lib or con, I don't want spin. Especially when it provokes people doing harm. Especially THAT.
Fake is never right ...He's an antagonizer nothing more
I am right most of the time, certainly far more than you. Your problem is that you are a neo-con, and this is the kiss of death for America in the long run if your kind gets hold of the WH again. Not going to happen this election and probably never again.
Jake- how confident are you that the bulldyke is the next POTUS?
I doubt she is a bull dyke. Her chance are about 4 out of 5 probably. I don't think she will run in 2020.

Interesting....80% confidence, I see it at about 55% Her, 35% him, 10% other. 100% she is a bull dyke. So why no second term, her health is a real issue? She is about the same age of Reagan when he was elected and it was an issue for him.
Being bi-sexual is not being bull dyke. You can ask easyt or Correll or HenryBHough about the differences of homosexuality and bi-sexuality. I do think her health is not good, and I think Bill is dying. Tim Kaine impresses people when they watch him in action. He would be the hands on favorite for the candidacy for 2020, imo.

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