Two muslims killed in Queens today, one was an imam

Good to know your one of those A-holes who support Islamic terrorism.
Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

Your bigotry's showing...
But Islam has everything to do with terrorism....
Just because some Muslims commit acts of terrorism doesn't mean all people of Islamic faith are terrorists. It's a very small minority.

Yeah too bad the actual teachings of Islam are the problem.
Nope, newbie. You claimed Islam is not linked to terrorism.
What percent Muslims support terrorism?
Why are you terrified to tell us? :lmao:
I never said there isn't a link, there is even if it's tenuous. I was refuting your claim that "99.9" percent of terrorists are Muslim, a laughably untrue statistic. You're the one that demanded answers to impossible questions. Again, your bigotry is showing.
Just because some Nazis commit acts of genocide doesn't mean all people of the Nazi political view are evil. :eusa_whistle:

You Communists and your politicalcorrectness sure are smart...
Lol what? Nazism is basically by definition a white supremacist ideology. Islam is a wide encompassing religion that can be interpreted a multitude of ways.

Try harder.

This is no newbie, this is a retread.

He knows who I am, and is already hiding from me.
lol what?
Nope, newbie. You claimed Islam is not linked to terrorism.
What percent Muslims support terrorism?
Why are you terrified to tell us? :lmao:
I never said there isn't a link, there is even if it's tenuous. I was refuting your claim that "99.9" percent of terrorists are Muslim, a laughably untrue statistic. You're the one that demanded answers to impossible questions. Again, your bigotry is showing.
Just because some Nazis commit acts of genocide doesn't mean all people of the Nazi political view are evil. :eusa_whistle:

You Communists and your politicalcorrectness sure are smart...
Lol what? Nazism is basically by definition a white supremacist ideology. Islam is a wide encompassing religion that can be interpreted a multitude of ways.

Try harder.

This is no newbie, this is a retread.

He knows who I am, and is already hiding from me.
lol what?
You named two terrorists in the past 20 years that were not Muslim. One a Norwegian determined to be mentally ill and due to be released soon.

How many acts of terrorism in the world every week for the past 20 years? Do the math. 99.9%.
Lol what? Nazism is basically by definition a white supremacist ideology. Islam is a wide encompassing religion that can be interpreted a multitude of ways.

Try harder.


Actually, there was a "thing." We of the more erudite side of life called it "world war II." This dealt with the very real National Socialist Workers party in German. Despite that fact that less than 1% of them were involved in the genocide they eventually became known for, sentient beings grasp that the CORE is corrupt and that Nazism is evil, even if less than 1% actively participate in that evil.

The same holds true for Islam. Islam is evil at the core. That most Muslims don't actively engage in acts proscribed by the Koran and Hadiths is irrelevant.

Luckily the WWII generation was not as stupid as you fols on the left are, or we would all be speaking German.

lol what?

What name did you have here prior to your last ban?
Actually, there was a "thing." We of the more erudite side of life called it "world war II." This dealt with the very real National Socialist Workers party in German. Despite that fact that less than 1% of them were involved in the genocide they eventually became known for, sentient beings grasp that the CORE is corrupt and that Nazism is evil, even if less than 1% actively participate in that evil.

The same holds true for Islam. Islam is evil at the core. That most Muslims don't actively engage in acts proscribed by the Koran and Hadiths is irrelevant.

Luckily the WWII generation was not as stupid as you fols on the left are, or we would all be speaking German.
You're talking about Nazi Germany. 99% of Syrians having nothing to do with killing people, it's a miniscule fraction actually responsible for terrorism. The issue is radicalism in all its forms whether it's white or Islamic supremacy.
What name did you have here prior to your last ban?
Good to know your one of those A-holes who support Islamic terrorism.
Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

Your bigotry's showing...

"Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam."

Hillary agrees with you.

Muslims there are blaming trump. I first looked at the NY times, and they didn't provide a description of the suspect, only the clothes he wore, so that had me think likely not a trump supporter. Then I found the DM, and witnesses said the shooter is hispanic.

Wait, so trump hates hispanics, so a hispanic guy goes out and kills muslims because trump made him hate muslims? =How fucking stupid are liberals? I had a liberal friend email me this blaming either Trump or "zionists" for it. I of course provided him both stories and he STFU.

Witnesses said the shooter was tall and Hispanic.

Read more: Gunman executes Imam and assistant as they walk home from NYC mosque
The sketch I saw seemed to indicate a suspect with middle eastern features. If so, then maybe the imam was an informer who's cover was blown.

"The sketch I saw seemed to indicate a suspect with middle eastern features."

It's okay we already know he's mentally ill and possibly gay, you know just like the Orlando shooter :rolleyes-41:
New York Imam slaying: Suspect charged with murder after execution of cleric and assistant
POLICE have charged a man with the murder of a Muslim Imam and his assistant near a mosque in New York.
PUBLISHED: 04:45, Tue, Aug 16, 2016 | UPDATED: 05:16, Tue, Aug 16, 2016
...Oscar Morel was arrested following the slaying of Muslim cleric Maulama Akonjee, 55, and Thara Uddin, 64.

New York Police Department’s Chief of Detectives Robert Bryce said officers "strongly believe" the 35-year-old is the killer....Henry Sautner, deputy inspector of the New York Police department said: "There’s nothing in the preliminary investigation to indicate that they were targeted because of their faith."

Police are investigating whether the murder could have been gang related after clashes between Hispanic and Muslim gangs within the city.

Officers are looking into the theory the shooter was an experienced hitman, judging by the calmness at which he carried out the executions....

...However the local Muslim community has claimed the attack was a hate crime.

Crowds gathered at the scene of the shooting, chanting: “We want justice!"


The local community believe the attack was a hate crime...

New York Imam slaying: Suspect charged with murder after execution of cleric and assistant

Seeing that picture makes me want to vomit. Why oh why did this country let the third-world in?

"Why oh why did this country let the third-world in?"

Traitors allow these Third-World savages into our First World.
Good to know your one of those A-holes who support Islamic terrorism.
Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

Your bigotry's showing...
But Islam has everything to do with terrorism....
Just because some Muslims commit acts of terrorism doesn't mean all people of Islamic faith are terrorists. It's a very small minority.

Yeah too bad the actual teachings of Islam are the problem.

This is exactly the problem, the teachings of Islam, they've not been modernised or adapted, they're still as they were in the 7th Century.

Christianity and Judaism have modernised and adapted.

Islam isn't compatible with Western Civilisation.
Muslims there are blaming trump. I first looked at the NY times, and they didn't provide a description of the suspect, only the clothes he wore, so that had me think likely not a trump supporter. Then I found the DM, and witnesses said the shooter is hispanic.

Wait, so trump hates hispanics, so a hispanic guy goes out and kills muslims because trump made him hate muslims? =How fucking stupid are liberals? I had a liberal friend email me this blaming either Trump or "zionists" for it. I of course provided him both stories and he STFU.

Witnesses said the shooter was tall and Hispanic.

Read more: Gunman executes Imam and assistant as they walk home from NYC mosque
See people?
There are some decent Hispanics in the country.
of course the FBI will put his race down as white for the numbers
This may very well be a Muslim Muslim fight.

Far right socon crazies know better than to go kill Muslims in America.

If attacked, they will burn down a socon neighborhood in a heart beat.

Hmm, if Muslims start killing Muslims in this country, similar to the way blacks kill blacks, perhaps the next "organization" the left will get behind is Muslim Lives Matter. Or do the only Muslim lives that matter are the ones killed by cops, you know, just like the only black lives that seem to concern the BLM mobs are those killed by cops?
Good to know your one of those A-holes who support Islamic terrorism.
Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

Your bigotry's showing...
But Islam has everything to do with terrorism....
Just because some Muslims commit acts of terrorism doesn't mean all people of Islamic faith are terrorists. It's a very small minority.

Yeah too bad the actual teachings of Islam are the problem.

This is exactly the problem, the teachings of Islam, they've not been modernised or adapted, they're still as they were in the 7th Century.

Christianity and Judaism have modernised and adapted.

Islam isn't compatible with Western Civilisation.

Or maybe you are just a islamaphobic whore. Sometimes it's fun to be a silly leftist.
Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

Your bigotry's showing...
But Islam has everything to do with terrorism....
Just because some Muslims commit acts of terrorism doesn't mean all people of Islamic faith are terrorists. It's a very small minority.

Yeah too bad the actual teachings of Islam are the problem.

This is exactly the problem, the teachings of Islam, they've not been modernised or adapted, they're still as they were in the 7th Century.

Christianity and Judaism have modernised and adapted.

Islam isn't compatible with Western Civilisation.

Or maybe you are just a islamaphobic whore. Sometimes it's fun to be a silly leftist.

"Or maybe you are just a islamaphobic whore. Sometimes it's fun to be a silly leftist."


JakeStarkey are you reading this? I'm being called a Leftist :eek-52: :confused-84:

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