Two Of The Big Three Organizers Of Rightwing Protests In Ottawa Are Under Arrest

Two key organizers of the so-called Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, have been arrested in Ottawa, CBC News has learned.

Lich was arrested Thursday evening and Barber earlier in the day by Ottawa police. Both remain in police custody and are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.

The two have been described as key leaders of the protest in Ottawa, which has now hit the three-week mark.

Their arrests were among several made Thursday. Barber was seen a few blocks from Parliament Hill in handcuffs between two police officers.

Lich confirmed to The Canadian Press earlier Thursday that she was there when Barber, a trucker from Saskatchewan, was arrested and led away.

Lich said she was resigned to the fact that she was going to jail, adding her personal bank account had been frozen.

Maybe they can organize some truckers to block the entrance to the jail.
This is exactly like what the CCP is doing to democracy advocates in Hong Kong

do you agree Mac1958 ?
They cheered when black supremacists burned down the businesses of innocent people in order to intimidate the populace into allowing them unfettered criminality.

Now, they call for a totalitarian state to punish people who do not want to be forced to inject unproven substances into their body.

If folks did not have enough proof that there is absolutely NOTHING liberal about today's left, this should remove any doubt.
Wasn't it reported that this Trudeau " Pajama boy " actually took a knee with
BLM in solidarity not too long ago.I need to find out where.In what rotted
hell hole of an American city.
Wasn't it reported that this Trudeau " Pajama boy " actually took a knee with
BLM in solidarity not too long ago.I need to find out where.In what rotted
hell hole of an American city.
Sounds believable to me.

He is an open admirer of Fidel Castro, I do know that.
Wasn't it reported that this Trudeau " Pajama boy " actually took a knee with
BLM in solidarity not too long ago.I need to find out where.In what rotted
hell hole of an American city.
Yes he did

It would take an act more impactful than Mother Nature wisking her wand for a
nerve-shattering Hurricane to make it's authority known.
First off what these Truckers did was Civil Disobedience.Not one shot was fired or
one punch thrown.No thieving of property.Nothing whatever malicious.
Just honking of horns to let it be known they have a gripe with their Government.
A very plausible gripe.That their body's and health history is up to them.
Not some Big Brother state.They are being treated as if Lepers.
BY an asshole Tyrant who probably never worked a day in his life with his hands.
Probably because his hands don't get along with his stringy brain.
Now a far majority of Canadians join in that displacement.They can no longer
stomach this Pajama boy despot.
And yet the locals are cheering the clearances. They are sick of the effects these bums are having on their quality of life. In fact they are suing the organisers. This is just the result of nutty conspiracy culture being fed by neo nazi trash.
The citizens of Ottowa are the victims.
Sounds believable to me.

He is an open admirer of Fidel Castro, I do know that.
I just checked.It was reported with a photo by CNN and a Leah Asmelash
In June of 2020.Right around height of BLM Protests.
The Photo taken On Parliament Hill in Ottowa.
Trudea in white shirt { no tie } and " wearing a black cloth mask "
One speaker at the event stating " there is no middle ground on
racism." At another point ... Trudeau yelled " AMEN! " along with other
protestors after a speaker discussed promoting love and justice. "
Dennis Prager has come up with a good solution.He's really
upset over this.Prager has been quite outspoken over MAsk Mandates
and forcing a jab.He bellieved strongly in fighting Covid with
Therapeutics.Like Hydroxychloroquine which was basically banned in
his area { Los Angeles }. He managed to find a doctor and pharmacy
which sparred him.He then took Ivermectin.Both those drugs worked
greatly to spare the hazards of Covid.He believed that those who pushed
the banning of those and other life saving therapeutics should be
held criminally responsible for the number of deaths.Prager never took the jab.
And he stated he shook a lot of hands wherever he went.
Prager's solution.That the Truckers should just leave { Go Home }
but leave with a message.Good Luck Trudeau because now you can make
our delieveries for Canadians.Those delieveries are on your back.
And yet the locals are cheering the clearances. They are sick of the effects these bums are having on their quality of life. In fact they are suing the organisers. This is just the result of nutty conspiracy culture being fed by neo nazi trash.
The citizens of Ottowa are the victims.

What do you think of the president of El Salvadore?

Here's his thoughts on what Trudeau is doing.

“Are these the people who like to give lessons to other countries about democracy and freedom?” President Nayib Bukele wondered. “This is one of the top ranking countries in the ‘democracy index’? Your credibility on these topics is now worth 0.”
What do you think of the president of El Salvadore?

Here's his thoughts on what Trudeau is doing.

“Are these the people who like to give lessons to other countries about democracy and freedom?” President Nayib Bukele wondered. “This is one of the top ranking countries in the ‘democracy index’? Your credibility on these topics is now worth 0.”
He is right. They should have shipped these people out on day 1. Maybe given themc ac field out of ton here they cant disrupt normal life. Nazis should not be allowed to disturb normal folk. A few cracked heads would have done the trick.
He is right. They should have shipped these people out on day 1. Maybe given themc ac field out of ton here they cant disrupt normal life. Nazis should not be allowed to disturb normal folk. A few cracked heads would have done the trick.

can't say I much care for your concept of 'Democracy and Freedom'.
This situation raises a question what limits a peaceful protest should have. Should protesters be allowed to bloc the public roads or interrupt deliveries of goods etc.?

Some time ago, at the wake of mass protests and blocking the roads across the US, some local authorities made it possible for drivers to breach through these 'blockades' without punishment. And many people here supported this. Now, basically the same people are supporting blocking of the public roads. Go figure.
This situation raises a question what limits a peaceful protest should have. Should protesters be allowed to bloc the public roads or interrupt deliveries of goods etc.?

Some time ago, at the wake of mass protests and blocking the roads across the US, some local authorities made it possible for drivers to breach through these 'blockades' without punishment. And many people here supported this. Now, basically the same people are supporting blocking of the public roads. Go figure.
Yes, that’s where it comes to parking trucks in the driveway for 30 days and see how that might disrupt things on a less imposing level as you’ve indicated. The question remains when do the rights to protest peacefully impose on the rights of those living in the area. There were other bridges to use to cross from and into Canada, but those living in that immediate area, I had to wonder about their medical needs etc.
can't say I much care for your concept of 'Democracy and Freedom'.
Democracy is people having their votes discounted by a truck convoy ?
Freedom for those unable to go about their daily business ?
Gien that the majority of canadians are vaxxed and dont support the neo nazi truckers I am struggling with your concept of fairness.
It is just might is right.
Two key organizers of the so-called Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, have been arrested in Ottawa, CBC News has learned.

Lich was arrested Thursday evening and Barber earlier in the day by Ottawa police. Both remain in police custody and are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.

The two have been described as key leaders of the protest in Ottawa, which has now hit the three-week mark.

Their arrests were among several made Thursday. Barber was seen a few blocks from Parliament Hill in handcuffs between two police officers.

Lich confirmed to The Canadian Press earlier Thursday that she was there when Barber, a trucker from Saskatchewan, was arrested and led away.

Lich said she was resigned to the fact that she was going to jail, adding her personal bank account had been frozen.

Maybe they can organize some truckers to block the entrance to the jail.
It wasn't a "right wing" protest, you commie propagandist chunk of shit.
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Democracy is people having their votes discounted by a truck convoy ?
Freedom for those unable to go about their daily business ?
Gien that the majority of canadians are vaxxed and dont support the neo nazi truckers I am struggling with your concept of fairness.
It is just might is right.
That's a hoot, a fascist fuckchop like you invoking Nazis....Castreau was installed by a minority in the 30% range, just like another despotic dictator in the 1930s.

You couldn't give flying fuck #1 about "democracy".
This situation raises a question what limits a peaceful protest should have. Should protesters be allowed to bloc the public roads or interrupt deliveries of goods etc.?

Some time ago, at the wake of mass protests and blocking the roads across the US, some local authorities made it possible for drivers to breach through these 'blockades' without punishment. And many people here supported this. Now, basically the same people are supporting blocking of the public roads. Go figure.
I have organised several protests in the UK. You wan to cause a big noise but not upset the locals where possible. You are looking to build support and not piss people off.
You do a risk assessment and agree a route ith the police to ensur that emergency people can get through and ordinary folk have access to alternate routes. I cant see that they have done any of that and they have endangered the local residents..

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