Two Of The Big Three Organizers Of Rightwing Protests In Ottawa Are Under Arrest

Just go back and read shat you typed. You are an idiot.
I am?

I know for a fact that the OP has called for the arrest and killing of the opposition and if you deny this then you are the true idiot of this board!

The fact is the OP has for decades written about how he or she or it want to control the content of what is seen, want one political party rule and support the genocide of the opposition, so are you in agreement with the OP and their opinion in other threads or will you claim you never seen them ever say a word like that?

My bet is you agree with the OP!

Also the OP made a claim so help your buddy out and show where 90% support the arrest and if not who is full of shit?
Two key organizers of the so-called Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, have been arrested in Ottawa, CBC News has learned.

Lich was arrested Thursday evening and Barber earlier in the day by Ottawa police. Both remain in police custody and are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.

The two have been described as key leaders of the protest in Ottawa, which has now hit the three-week mark.

Their arrests were among several made Thursday. Barber was seen a few blocks from Parliament Hill in handcuffs between two police officers.

Lich confirmLed to The Canadian Press earlier Thursday that she was there when Barber, a trucker from Saskatchewan, was arrested and led away.

Lich said she was resigned to the fact that she was going to jail, adding her personal bank account had been frozen.

Maybe they can organize some truckers to block the entrance to the jail.

Two key organizers of the so-called Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, have been arrested in Ottawa, CBC News has learned.

Lich was arrested Thursday evening and Barber earlier in the day by Ottawa police. Both remain in police custody and are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.

The two have been described as key leaders of the protest in Ottawa, which has now hit the three-week mark.

Their arrests were among several made Thursday. Barber was seen a few blocks from Parliament Hill in handcuffs between two police officers.

Lich confirmed to The Canadian Press earlier Thursday that she was there when Barber, a trucker from Saskatchewan, was arrested and led away.

Lich said she was resigned to the fact that she was going to jail, adding her personal bank account had been frozen.

Maybe they can organize some truckers to block the entrance to the jail.
The tinpot tyrant Trudeau created the crisis, just like American Liberals do these days. All he had to do was follow the science and drop the stupid vaccine and mask mandates.
Except nobody has been murdered by the state. Lech and his mates also had a legitimaate cause unlike these Nazis.

^^^Pay attention, people! This is the current state of the left. Freedom is no longer considered a legitimate cause to them. Remember this when we're forced to start killing these people.
What is lost in this conversation is the fact many love tyranny as long as it bring on what they want.

No one want a spirited debate on issues and learn to agree to disagree.

The OP applauds the arrest of leaders of the Convoy but had this been anyone from BLM or ANTIFA they would be screaming about the injustice and demand their release.

With any protest you must be ready for the sacrifice that will come with your protest and understand you will have those like the OP wanting the Government to silence any opposition which would also include killing and genocide and let be clear the OP has stated they are for that when it come to the opposition ( in other threads ).

So let be clear we are now on record that the OP and those like Tommy are fine with arresting protesters and leadership and when done to BLM and ANTIFA they will never once complain, but who am I kidding if that were to happen they would whine loud and declare all arrests illegal and done by Nazi’s!
They cheered when black supremacists burned down the businesses of innocent people in order to intimidate the populace into allowing them unfettered criminality.

Now, they call for a totalitarian state to punish people who do not want to be forced to inject unproven substances into their body.

If folks did not have enough proof that there is absolutely NOTHING liberal about today's left, this should remove any doubt.
Two key organizers of the so-called Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, have been arrested in Ottawa, CBC News has learned.

Lich was arrested Thursday evening and Barber earlier in the day by Ottawa police. Both remain in police custody and are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.

The two have been described as key leaders of the protest in Ottawa, which has now hit the three-week mark.

Their arrests were among several made Thursday. Barber was seen a few blocks from Parliament Hill in handcuffs between two police officers.

Lich confirmed to The Canadian Press earlier Thursday that she was there when Barber, a trucker from Saskatchewan, was arrested and led away.

Lich said she was resigned to the fact that she was going to jail, adding her personal bank account had been frozen.

Maybe they can organize some truckers to block the entrance to the jail.
It would take an act more impactful than Mother Nature wisking her wand for a
nerve-shattering Hurricane to make it's authority known.
First off what these Truckers did was Civil Disobedience.Not one shot was fired or
one punch thrown.No thieving of property.Nothing whatever malicious.
Just honking of horns to let it be known they have a gripe with their Government.
A very plausible gripe.That their body's and health history is up to them.
Not some Big Brother state.They are being treated as if Lepers.
BY an asshole Tyrant who probably never worked a day in his life with his hands.
Probably because his hands don't get along with his stringy brain.
Now a far majority of Canadians join in that displacement.They can no longer
stomach this Pajama boy despot.

Two Of The Big Three Organizers Of Rightwing Protests In Ottawa Are Under Arrest​

Interesting how it is always some jerkhole on the Left who actually CELEBRATES with glee when anyone fighting for human rights and liberty gets busted by fascist forces!

It is almost like they CELEBRATE COMMUNISM! Or maybe were working for the Red Chinese!

What about it-- -- Are you Red, Skews? Or just a prick.

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