Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

I'm sorry, but good cops don't just get assassinated for no reason. They were very likely involved in corrupt criminal activity and crossed the wrong people.

We're better off as a society with less crooked significantly increasing the crime rate.
Oh so sending a thug hit man to do the alledged corrupt cops in was the supported answer by you ????

He supports murder and lawlessness. This is who the left has become.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Thanks to the lies and hate from the Nazi media
Two of our finest are killed
Jeff Zuckers should be arrested and executed

Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect

Thug my ass! Those like you have excused police murders making black citizens live in fear of the police. Inevitably your continued support of this would create people who are going to kill police. What compassion has your white ass shown for unarmed citizens shot up by police? This is not a matter of me having no compassion you maggot. I feel sorry that it has come to this because of the attitudes of white toilet crust like you.

Oh my--someone doesn't understand the difference between a law abidding citizen and a violent criminals.

Criminals should expect to be shot when they attack cops or refuse to be arrested. To do any less invites their attacks and anarchy.

He also ignores the fact that police kill more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks. Oh, some may claim that the killing of unarmed blacks is disproportionately high based of population count, but they ignore these facts;
  • CRIME is disproportionately high in the black population
  • If an unarmed person is killed by police, that person is more likely to have been white
  • People who do not resist arrest are never intentionally killed by police
  • Far more blacks are murdered by other blacks in gangland shootings in Chicago
  • The Welfare Plantation maintained by the Democrats intentionally discourages father-son relationships in home life (i.e. enables wayward youth and gang membership, both of which generate criminals)

Blacks are the ones who decided to stand up to the violations of our civil rights. As I noted before, BLM was the first to come to protest what happened to Justine Damond also.

There should have been a massive protest over what happened to Daniel Shaver also.

Stand up in what way ?? The Martin Luther King way ??? No it's more like standing up hand in hand with terrorist in hopes to do things in a violent way. That won't work. Never did in the past for anyone who tried it, and it won't work now. If anything it shows the lack of character in those who are doing the things they are doing now...Do you think that you can gain respect by using these sorts of tactics ???
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

Poor Tennessee...I’m sure the bulk of that fine state really hates that your type exists there.

No wonder they call you BrokenLoser:smoke:
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Thanks to the lies and hate from the Nazi media
Two of our finest are killed
Jeff Zuckers should be arrested and executed

Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect

Thug my ass! Those like you have excused police murders making black citizens live in fear of the police. Inevitably your continued support of this would create people who are going to kill police. What compassion has your white ass shown for unarmed citizens shot up by police? This is not a matter of me having no compassion you maggot. I feel sorry that it has come to this because of the attitudes of white toilet crust like you.

Oh my--someone doesn't understand the difference between a law abidding citizen and a violent criminals.

Criminals should expect to be shot when they attack cops or refuse to be arrested. To do any less invites their attacks and anarchy.

He also ignores the fact that police kill more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks. Oh, some may claim that the killing of unarmed blacks is disproportionately high based of population count, but they ignore these facts;
  • CRIME is disproportionately high in the black population
  • If an unarmed person is killed by police, that person is more likely to have been white
  • People who do not resist arrest are never intentionally killed by police
  • Far more blacks are murdered by other blacks in gangland shootings in Chicago
  • The Welfare Plantation maintained by the Democrats intentionally discourages father-son relationships in home life (i.e. enables wayward youth and gang membership, both of which generate criminals)

Blacks are the ones who decided to stand up to the violations of our civil rights. As I noted before, BLM was the first to come to protest what happened to Justine Damond also.

There should have been a massive protest over what happened to Daniel Shaver also.

Stand up in what way ?? The Martin Luther King way ??? No it's more like standing up hand in hand with terrorist in hopes to do things in a violent way. That won't work. Never did in the past for anyone who tried it, and it won't work now. If anything it shows the lack of character in those who are doing the things they are doing now Do you think that you can gain respect by using these sorts of tactics ???

It is working. That's why so many are upset. There isn't a day that goes by now that we don't get a news story about a police officer losing his job over something that would have been ignored not long ago.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

Poor Tennessee...I’m sure the bulk of that fine state really hates that your type exists there.

No wonder they call you BrokenLoser:smoke:

I didn’t make that me when I tell you, the good people of TN want to flush your type to shitholes of Loon York or Mexifornia...TODAY!
Last edited:
If you were in LA right now would you be outside that hospital with your BLM friend shouting "Let Them Die!" or would you be AGAINST them?
I understand their anger.

Would you understand the anger if people started protesting in front of the Kenosha Hospital that Jake Blake is being treated in?

Like those who lost their homes or businesses because of the Blake riots? Or those opposed to sexual assault which Mr. Blake stands accused of
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Thanks to the lies and hate from the Nazi media
Two of our finest are killed
Jeff Zuckers should be arrested and executed

Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect

Thug my ass! Those like you have excused police murders making black citizens live in fear of the police. Inevitably your continued support of this would create people who are going to kill police. What compassion has your white ass shown for unarmed citizens shot up by police? This is not a matter of me having no compassion you maggot. I feel sorry that it has come to this because of the attitudes of white toilet crust like you.

Oh my--someone doesn't understand the difference between a law abidding citizen and a violent criminals.

Criminals should expect to be shot when they attack cops or refuse to be arrested. To do any less invites their attacks and anarchy.

He also ignores the fact that police kill more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks. Oh, some may claim that the killing of unarmed blacks is disproportionately high based of population count, but they ignore these facts;
  • CRIME is disproportionately high in the black population
  • If an unarmed person is killed by police, that person is more likely to have been white
  • People who do not resist arrest are never intentionally killed by police
  • Far more blacks are murdered by other blacks in gangland shootings in Chicago
  • The Welfare Plantation maintained by the Democrats intentionally discourages father-son relationships in home life (i.e. enables wayward youth and gang membership, both of which generate criminals)

BLM's manifesto is against the nuclear family. The savages in the blm push militant lesbianism, hate, death on up other races, murder. They are a vile scourge upon this earth.

The normal Blacks need to speak out more against the BLM feral Marxist thugs and also we do notice that increasingly the BLM crowd are containing more and more Self Hating Whites aka WHITE TRASH.

As The White Community YEARS AGO already STOPPED CONSIDERING the Self Hating Whites as even BEING on ANY LEVEL White ANYMORE then The Black Community needs to DISOWN the feral BLM zoo animals in the same way.
You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect
Isn't there a thing where what you wish on others comes back on you double fold?
If you were in LA right now would you be outside that hospital with your BLM friend shouting "Let Them Die!" or would you be AGAINST them?
I understand their anger.

Would you understand the anger if people started protesting in front of the Kenosha Hospital that Jake Blake is being treated in?

Like those who lost their homes or businesses because of the Blake riots? Or those opposed to sexual assault which Mr. Blake stands accused of

Many argued he deserved to get shot and die. To note........Trump is being accused of the same thing.
Damn. Compton is a famously safe place to live in too. :(
That's what I was thinking too. Never passed through there, but according to records (literally) property value ain't worth jack. This could be gang related or BLM, who knows?
We don't know, but we have an idea who is and the leftist media are not going to rush to give us the name either
Nous n’sommes pas vous Frenchie. Les médias Français de gauche couvrent cela?
Ou lisez-vous la propagande raciste américaine qui confirme votre Français le racisme.
So you feel good now after two policemen are injured ? is that the purpose of the BLM?
And to answer you because i do answer not like you .
In France it's the same crap as in the USA, leftist propaganda against the conservatives.

In the UK too. Although it’s morphed into Woke.
CNN this morning just had a some kind of report on England and about a new women's movement protesting against Boris Johnson.
Leftist CNN media for all countries around the world.

BBC. Great programmes, but biased news reporting. I turn it off.

Boris is doing his best, under unprecedented circumstances.
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to watch CNN to get news from around the world before I had Fox News but since Macaroni is in power Fox News was cut off.
Go to brietbart
im2 on iggy for being a *****^*
Would you understand the anger if people started protesting in front of the Kenosha Hospital that Jake Blake is being treated in?

Like those who lost their homes or businesses because of the Blake riots? Or those opposed to sexual assault which Mr. Blake stands accused of
Would you care to explain it?
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Thanks to the lies and hate from the Nazi media
Two of our finest are killed
Jeff Zuckers should be arrested and executed

Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect

Thug my ass! Those like you have excused police murders making black citizens live in fear of the police. Inevitably your continued support of this would create people who are going to kill police. What compassion has your white ass shown for unarmed citizens shot up by police? This is not a matter of me having no compassion you maggot. I feel sorry that it has come to this because of the attitudes of white toilet crust like you.

Oh my--someone doesn't understand the difference between a law abidding citizen and a violent criminals.

Criminals should expect to be shot when they attack cops or refuse to be arrested. To do any less invites their attacks and anarchy.

He also ignores the fact that police kill more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks. Oh, some may claim that the killing of unarmed blacks is disproportionately high based of population count, but they ignore these facts;
  • CRIME is disproportionately high in the black population
  • If an unarmed person is killed by police, that person is more likely to have been white
  • People who do not resist arrest are never intentionally killed by police
  • Far more blacks are murdered by other blacks in gangland shootings in Chicago
  • The Welfare Plantation maintained by the Democrats intentionally discourages father-son relationships in home life (i.e. enables wayward youth and gang membership, both of which generate criminals)

Blacks are the ones who decided to stand up to the violations of our civil rights. As I noted before, BLM was the first to come to protest what happened to Justine Damond also.

There should have been a massive protest over what happened to Daniel Shaver also.

Stand up in what way ?? The Martin Luther King way ??? No it's more like standing up hand in hand with terrorist in hopes to do things in a violent way. That won't work. Never did in the past for anyone who tried it, and it won't work now. If anything it shows the lack of character in those who are doing the things they are doing now Do you think that you can gain respect by using these sorts of tactics ???

It is working. That's why so many are upset. There isn't a day that goes by now that we don't get a news story about a police officer losing his job over something that would have been ignored not long ago.

Yeah, and alot of those cases are not fully investigated or anywhere close to being ended yet, but you ride that lightening for as long as you can if it helps you feel better about things. Again mob rule doesn't work, and if it keeps on a strong response will come. This ain't tribal warring Africa here, we are in America. Tribalism won't work as a ruling thing here, so best get that out of your mind if it's in there.
You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect
Isn't there a thing where what you wish on others comes back on you double fold?
It's called an eye for an eye.............

Your side threw gas on the fire.....and play stupid when a thug influenced by your BS murders police in their car as an assassination.

eventually that POS will not be a concern on this earth................Police don't like those who assassinate their brothers...........I don't either.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Thanks to the lies and hate from the Nazi media
Two of our finest are killed
Jeff Zuckers should be arrested and executed

Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

You’re and will never be anything more than a thug your entire life .
I hope death finds you . Without cops , the entire nation would crumble into anarchy and civil war .
You have zero compassion because you’re lower than an insect

Thug my ass! Those like you have excused police murders making black citizens live in fear of the police. Inevitably your continued support of this would create people who are going to kill police. What compassion has your white ass shown for unarmed citizens shot up by police? This is not a matter of me having no compassion you maggot. I feel sorry that it has come to this because of the attitudes of white toilet crust like you.

Oh my--someone doesn't understand the difference between a law abidding citizen and a violent criminals.

Criminals should expect to be shot when they attack cops or refuse to be arrested. To do any less invites their attacks and anarchy.

He also ignores the fact that police kill more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks. Oh, some may claim that the killing of unarmed blacks is disproportionately high based of population count, but they ignore these facts;
  • CRIME is disproportionately high in the black population
  • If an unarmed person is killed by police, that person is more likely to have been white
  • People who do not resist arrest are never intentionally killed by police
  • Far more blacks are murdered by other blacks in gangland shootings in Chicago
  • The Welfare Plantation maintained by the Democrats intentionally discourages father-son relationships in home life (i.e. enables wayward youth and gang membership, both of which generate criminals)

Blacks are the ones who decided to stand up to the violations of our civil rights. As I noted before, BLM was the first to come to protest what happened to Justine Damond also.

There should have been a massive protest over what happened to Daniel Shaver also.

Stand up in what way ?? The Martin Luther King way ??? No it's more like standing up hand in hand with terrorist in hopes to do things in a violent way. That won't work. Never did in the past for anyone who tried it, and it won't work now. If anything it shows the lack of character in those who are doing the things they are doing now Do you think that you can gain respect by using these sorts of tactics ???

It is working. That's why so many are upset. There isn't a day that goes by now that we don't get a news story about a police officer losing his job over something that would have been ignored not long ago.

Yeah, and alot of those cases are not fully investigated or anywhere close to being ended yet, but you ride that lightening for as long as you can if it helps you feel better about things. Again mob rule doesn't work, and if it keeps on a strong response will come. This ain't tribal warring Africa here, we are in America. Tribalism won't work as a ruling thing here, so best get that out of your mind if it's in there.

The only response coming is more reform.

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